
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Sun May 28, 2017 9:44 am

Last Report of the Provisional Government

Today the last report of the liberal part of the provisional government went public on the webpage of the Ministries previously held by the liberale Volksbund.

Paul Neumann states that they built a base for great military developments for the country, they could not find military allies since they had to rebuild the national army first.
New talents from the officers academy and doctrine research helped the Staatsheer very much. In the future he hopes the government will increase the funding for the military.
Large portions of the old equipment has recently been replaced and all in all the balance in the end lets us look into a bright future for the dundorfian military.

Foreign Affairs:
The report says that they distanced themselves internationally from the Socialist terror regime previously reigning in dundorf. Other than that, the foreign ministry kept quiet.
Mr. Reich publicly answered questions and one of his answers was: "I did not achieve anything I had hoped for. I will retire from the political landscape for now."

Trade and Industry:
First Gender-fluid Minister Stephan Schimanowa stated that the government made steps in the right direction but we will have to reform more in the future and far more work has to be done. "I will look forward to work in the ministry in case that Jens IV will win the election."
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby Mbites » Sun May 28, 2017 7:52 pm

Jens appointed as Minister for Justice after loss

The former liberal candidate Jens IV von Thaller was appointed to the office of Minister of Justice by his cousin Marlon IV which won the election.
He seemed rather content with the decision and has confidence in the new cabinet. "I am convinced that my friends, my family and our new formed government will lead the dundorfian state into a bright future."
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby cm9777 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:06 pm

Dundorfian Nationalist Alliance Forms, Declares intentions

A new party has formed in the DDR. It is a Right Wing Nationalist and Populist Party. The party was recently founded in September of 4245 and aims to get into parliament in the next election. Two members of the Donnerwolf Family, Niclas and Maximillian are the leaders of the party.

Our goal is to dismantle the socialist tyranny that falls on our great nation and restore its patriotism and pride. We will do this by any means!
Niclas Donnerwolf

Above: Niclas Donnerwolf, Leader of DNA


Above: Maximilian Donnerwolf, DNA Deputy
Last edited by cm9777 on Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby cm9777 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:11 am

DNA Endorses KP Candidate Carolin Lorig for Volkspräsident

DNA Leader Niclas Donnerwolf has announced this morning that the DNA will endorse the KP in the presidential election.

Our joint conservative and patriotic values make this endorsement absolutely necessary. We are not yet an established party and need to find common ground with other parties. With some luck Carolin Lorig will be our next Volkspräsident Down with Socialism! Freedom for Dundorf!
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby cm9777 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:28 am

DNA gains 116 seats in election

DNA Leader Niclas Donnerwolf declared it a great result and said the following.

This is a great result. We've become a force to be reckoned with. This gives us hope that freedom will be restored and the Socialist Tyranny will come to an end.
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Re: Die Dunburg Welt Herold

Postby TheSocialist » Sun Jul 30, 2017 8:30 am

Sozialistische Freiheitspartei founded in DDR
Their views on our society

Joël Trudeau - Partyleader SFP
images.jpg (6.88 KiB) Viewed 1737 times

Hello Joël, thanks for accepting this interview.

Joël Trudeau:With pleasure. This interview is the perfect opportunity for us to show or views on this society.

Okay, then we should get started. As your party is a socialist party. What's the difference between SFP and SED

Joël Trudeau: Well first of all we see SED as a potential partner let us be clear about that. We have a lot in common. Though I think we are less restrictive then SED. They want to nationalize all area's. While we think private corporations are okay as long as they are regulated.

What is SFP's stance on nationalized corporations

Joël Trudeau: We think that some sectors should not be in private hands. We're talking about healthcare, education, energy etc. Those sectors are too important to be given away. The government should provide people from free healthcare, free education. We are open to talk about regulated energy companies.

We know their are divided opinions in socialist krings about gay marriage and abortion what are your stances about those subjects

Joël Trudeau: I can say that we are pro-choice and if people love each other it doesn't matter if those two people have the same gender. We think the government shouldn't interfere in people's freedom. They should make their own choices. The government has to offer good services to everyone as they pay taxes. That's the only thing the government should be worrying about.

Joël, we would like to thank you for having this conversation with us.

Joël Trudeau: It was my greatest pleasure.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby cm9777 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:48 am

Donnerwolf: SFP Just an SED clone until they prove otherwise.

Trudeau's party is just another example of what the voters don't want. That being said, we'd be happy to work with them in restoring a proper republic in this nation should they have the same goal. Apart from that, I see little common ground. I sincerely hope this new party does not support the status quo. We will give them a chance to prove themselves. Lets see what happens.
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Re: Die Dunburg Welt Herold

Postby TheSocialist » Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:43 pm

Sozialistische Freiheitspartei renamed to Progressiv Liberale Partei
Joël Trudeau just announced both party name and party view is going to change

Joël Trudeau
After last elections we had a private party conferentie.
All our party members got the chance to choose between our socialist view or going on a more progressive (left) liberal tour. With great success (73% against 27%) our members chose the progressive tour.

Joël also marked that we need to evolve to a more equal society. Socialism wants more power to the government and leads to corruption. That's why the government only needs to add "social corrections" to a more free market. This way between liberalism and socialism is the way we will follow from now on.

A new manifesto will be made and will be released publicly soon.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby derpy » Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:01 pm

The Heavy Duty Response to Liberalism and Atheism in the Republic
Dundorfer Tageszeitung
Opinion piece by David J. Alexis

What is the third position, national syndicalism? And what does the recent rise of the National Syndicalist League in the Volkskammer and in political life mean and why has it taken place? All of these questions are sensible questions, and they need a suitable answer without any lenses of the right or left. The National Syndicalists aren't just ignorant, random racists and extremist Hosians, there is a deeper reason why they have come here and why they are now on the rise in the hearts of the youth of Dundorf. The only real way to understand the entire issue is to take it one step at a time and observe it without emotion.

Firstly, what is National Syndicalism?
Nationalism and Syndicalism are topics generally mis-understood in modern politics, no matter where you go. You find many people conflating them with things like fascism and communism. While they may be related to fascism and communism; they are not inherently so.

Starting with nationalism, specifically the form practiced by the National Syndicalist League, is a belief in birth right and spiritual connection to your ancestors and the land which they lived upon. As the saying goes, "for whose dear sake they have sweat and bled". They inherently see value in race and fatherland. There is no separating National Syndicalism from this point onward from racialism and ethnic nationalism, as they are almost as religious about their race and nation as they are about the Hosian texts. While I do not wish to jump to alarmism, but it important to know that they are the "evil racists" that the Socialists warned you about.

Going onto syndicalism, describing it as some third position groups have, it is the middle between capitalism and communism. It exists in this weird middle ground where it has rarely been tried yet seems very plausible. In short, it is a market which is filled with worker-owned private enterprises. Meeting the need for a market to calculate demand, as well as they say, eliminating most of the worst effects caused by free market and restrained capitalism. Such as stress due to horrible managers, encouraging psychopathy to climb the later of social and economic power.

Why is National Syndicalism on the rise?
National Syndicalism is a response to the constant bickering back and forces of the progressive, socialist left and the conservative, capitalist right. There is a reason why there is such focus on that it is a real in between while not scarifying their deepest values. Such as faith and equality among members of the race. As such, working with either side of the isle is possible. Because their economic policy would attract the Socialist Unity Party while their social policy would attract the right.

In short; National Syndicalism is a beast created by the modern political climate. This movement is simply not going to go away because they're called bigoted racists or delusional communists. They are out to strike against the powers that be, if they truly even do this is another question; but it is coming.
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Re: Dundorfer Tageszeitung

Postby derpy » Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:27 am

OOC: From this point on, when things concern my party specifically from a tone of my party. I shall be using the news paper Dritte Position.

It will be a political-centred third position news paper, focused around the National Syndicalist League if specific
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