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ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:54 pm

The Daily Phoenix is a daily, independent newspaper in Degalogesa.
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ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby jamescfm » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:02 am

Outspoken Pannoowan Assumes Grand Council Chairmanship

25th August 4246

A respected but ambitious delegate from the Pannoowa nation has been chosen as the next Chairman of the Grand Council. Gawonii Sequoyah, who has been a member of the Grand Council for nearly a decade, previously spent a number of years as a surgeon. Within his nation, he is immensely popular for his passionate speeches and outspoken views on Degalogesee nationalism- an ideology which has seen increased support in recent times. In the past, any proposals to further integrate the eighteen Degalogesee nations and centralise power have been firmly resisted but Gawonii insists that he will push an agenda based on further unification when the next Grand Council session begins at the start of next month.

Opponents of centralisation argue that it would result in a far-away central government overruling the wishes of individual nations and in that sense, re-create the colonisation the Degalogesee were subjected to under Dranish rule. Wahchinksapa Macawi Otaktay of the Siowa nation, who was the previous Chairman, responded to Gawonii's announcement with caution and said "there are advantages to working together as members of one state but we are separate nations; any attempts to increase the power of central government must respect and honour that fact".

Outgoing Chairman of the Grand Council Wahchinksapa has been a voice against integration in the past

In spite of the opposition, nationalist and unity-based ideologies have seen a surge in support within the last several decades. Analysts aren't agreed upon the cause of this shift in public opinion but many highlight the government's response to the Terran financial crisis as a turning point. When unemployment soared in wake of a global banking meltdown, individual nations were left powerless to combat the problem meaningfully. In stark contrast, the Grand Council was able to act swiftly and decisively in instituting a number of reforms which helped alleviate the suffering, for example the introduction of a universal monthly payment to families with children.

Since his confirmation Gawonii has embarked on a 'tour' of nations to meet prominent individuals in the local governments and rally support for his cause. Harnessing his spell-binding speaking ability, he outlined the priorities for his tenure: strengthening the federal government by creating a single currency and a uniform structure for the armed forces. Recent developments across the border in both Utari Mosir and Ostland, where militaristic rhetoric has seen an increase are often cited as reasons for the necessity of the latter.
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Re:ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:15 am

Legislation to Strengthen Central Government Approved

14th October 4246

Tensions ran high across Degalogesa as the Grand Council passed a series of laws to centralise economic decision-making within the eighteen nations. Collectively known as the 'Gawonii Economic Reforms' after the Chairman who has pushed them, the legislation includes the creation of a single Degalogesee currency (the Wampum) and a central bank as well as an increase in the tax-raising power of the Grand Council. Several representatives stormed out of the session when the results of voting were revealed, decrying them as a power grab by the federal government. Gawonii Sequoyah himself was bullish in the aftermath, stating that "these are the first of many important reforms to create a stronger and safer nation for all of us".

Although many delegates were opposed to their passage, the reforms are extremely popular with the public. In some nations, this has prompted fierce criticisms of representatives who opposed them despite their constituent's support. In particular, the Siowa and Namaba, two of the few remaining nations where delegates are chosen using a hereditary system, have been placed under severe pressure to democratise their process with protests outside government buildings. As the Grand Council session continues and they are presented with more reforms to vote on, some delegates may consider their opposition more carefully.

Even though there are still ten months left of this session, rumours of who will succeed Gawonii abound. Furthermore, sources close to the charismatic leader suggest he may be willing to tinker with tradition and create a new, directly elected office to lead the nation. While he certainly has a popular mandate to do so, it would be an unprecedented and controversial decision with the potential to polarise Degalogesee society. At this point, the Chairman's focus is on the 'Gawonii Security Reforms' which would introduce conscription for young men and weaken the militias operated by individual nations.
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Re: ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby stuntmonkey » Tue Jan 16, 2018 3:30 pm

Ambitious Transcontinental Railway Plans Open Up International Investment Opportunities
23 April 4334

One tracked mind... Chairman Wohali is determined to forge ahead with his rail project.

Chairman of the Grand Council Wohali Tuckahose is seeking foreign investment to help pay for a trans-Degalogesee railway to better link the expansive confederacy of nations to the rest of Dovani.

The planned scheme would see high speed track laid from the western border of Herrall nation, adjacent to Kazulia, all the way to Enkoodabaoo nation in the east, on the border with New Englia. A proposed second phase would see a north-south stretch of rail being built linking Sinte Nama in the south with Pannoowa on the arctic coast. It would connect major towns and cities across the confederation and provide a passenger and freight link directly to the Verranderlijke Ocean.

However, the cost of the ambitious scheme is expected to run into at least hundreds of millions of Wampum meaning either extensive borrowing or investment from the international community would be needed. On its behalf, Degalogesa is expected to plough in profits from its controversial Northern Sea Whaling concerns, which centres on ambergris extraction for perfume manufacturers around the globe.

Chairman Wohali, the 33rd Grand Council Leader since independence, said: "We are a collection of 18 nations with a huge expanse of territory and wealth of natural resources. Our potential is great but our transport infrastructure is lacking and we need this vital upgrade before we can hope to grow our economy.

"That is why we are seeking international investment - either in this new rail and infrastructure project or in the passenger and freight rolling stock which will run on the new network.

"The opportunities we will be opening up are enormous and by linking this new project to the existing network in nations such as Kazulia we would be effectively creating a transcontinental railway."
Last edited by stuntmonkey on Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby stuntmonkey » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:40 pm

Global Investment Company Set to Invest in Transcontinental Rail Project
5 October 4334

A computer-generated image of the proposed high-speed east-west line which would run through the centre of Degalogesa.

An Istalian mega-corporation has expressed interest in becoming a major investor in the trans-Degalogesa railway project, which would provide a high speed passenger and freight transport link across northern Dovani.

Hasan-Mariani Holding & Investment Group is believed to be in talks with the confederation's Grand Council about bankrolling the ambitious scheme - which would put them in prime position to capitalise on future developments set to grow up along the line as well as more direct access to untapped natural resources in the vast territory.

It is not known what concessions or level of shareholding the Istalian company would expect in the rail project in exchange for what is likely to be a very substantial investment.

Gola Ahnikawi, Trade and Industry Spokesperson for the 18 countries of the confederation represented by the Grand Council, hinted that a deal with a major corporation was in the offing but would not confirm names.

He added that feasibility studies had been carried out along the expected route of the line and that specific costs and a work schedule were being drawn up for prospective investors.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:06 pm

Official Ceremony Marks Start of Work on Railway Project to Modernise Degalogesa
10 March 4339

A map of Degalogesa showing the 18 nations that make up the confederation. The grey dotted line indicates the route of the new railway line.

The first sections of track have been laid as work on the ambitious trans-Degalogesee railway project got underway.

The high speed, 3,000 mile line will effectively create a trans-continental railway linking Kazulia in the far west of Dovani with New Englia in the far east.

The scheme, which is expected to cost 6 billion Wampum, is being significantly funded by a consortium of international companies and investors who see the east-west link as vital to opening up the economies of lesser developed countries on the massive continent. It will also make the vast Degalogesa interior, which is suspected to be resource rich, more accessible.

Chairman of the Grand Council Wohali Tuckahose cut the first sod to mark the start of work in Canijat Town in the western Herrall Nation, near to the border with Kazulia.

He said: "The soil of our land will now bear fruit that will benefit us all. May the forefathers of the 18 great nations of Degalogesa smile favourably on this moment."

The rail line, which will carry both passengers and freight, is set to take around 20 years to complete if all goes to schedule. There has been some controversy where the confederation council has bought up swathes of land throughout parts of the 18 countries to pave the way for the line. Critics have said they have ridden roughshod over ancestral territory that has symbolic or even ceremonial attachment to it.

Nevertheless, Chairman Tuckahose and his Council have pledged to push ahead with what he calls "much-needed progressive and modernising reforms".

A second north-south railway line linking Sinte Nama in the south with Pannoowa on the arctic coast has been put on ice while new international funding is sought.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 10, 2018 11:28 pm

Wednesday 4th April 4498; 18:30

Chavatanga Kwunua:
Good evening! The time is half past six and this the daily bulletin from TNPNC Radio 6. Our top story is the visit of the Cifutingani Chancellor Eilash Wesmer, which concluded this evening. Chairman Wanahton No described the visit as a "extremely productive" but warned that both nations were still under constant threat due to the genocidal regime in neighbouring Utari Mosir. Both nations committed to continue to accept as many asylum seekers as possible and are believed to be interested in the revitalisation of Dovani's neglected regional institutions as a method for improving communication between democratic Dovanian nations.

The Trasnational Public News Corporation is a publicly-funded multimedia news company which operates across all nations in Degalogesa as well as in selected other countries.
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Re: ᏧᎩᏨᏅᏓ ᏧᎴᎯᏌᏅᎯ (Degalogesa)

Postby Nasania » Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:03 am

Nations debate future of Degalogesa
February 15, 4519 Naatʼáanii Bikin/Anawabee/
Ditlohisdiyi Gaduhvi/Achimulsehokink, Degalogesa

Members of the Grand Council Press conference

After many years of inactivity within the central government of the country, a new structure is being debated regarding the future of the country. Many Degalogesan nations, due to differing cultures and desires have been debating the structure of the government for decades. While the government has been pursuing efforts to link the country up with railways, and such has brought some elements of increased development, some tribes are suspicious of these efforts and feel the structure is an effort by the Chapawee(Alternatively Wichota in their own language which means the People) to dominate the country. Biggest critics being the Awenik and Meshcara(Aniyunwiya: Great People), who have had a loose association with the central government. In response to these criticisms Hanska Takoda(Tall Friend of Many), Spokesman for the Chapawee, has stated the following:

In the past, our nation has been a victim of foreign exploitation and many foreign powers have taken advantage of us as the divided nations. These other nations need to realize that they need to give some independence in order to maintain it for their children. It's either lose a little or they will lose it all. There is no other way forward. Centralization is the path of progress for the people.

However, Xinkwiteme(Big Wolf) of the Awenik, has responded stating:

How exactly is surrendering our independence to the central government any different from what we had to deal with from the Dranish Imperialists? It's as if they took the wrong lessons from them. They too branded their imperialism as "progress". These progressive 'nationalists' need to remember that we will fiercely defend our Independence in order to maintain our freedom. We will happily support a more cooperative relationship that maintains our Independence, but this Chapawee scheme leaves our people rather uneasy.

The Mashacara largely seconded the opinion of the Awenik.

We must agree with the Awenik. While we don't always agree with them, we are more concerned regarding the Chapawee ambitions. We are more comfortable with confederacy than federalism."-Chief Inola Black Fox

The Siowa(Dinae in their own language) left no comment on these affairs.

Awenik Nation elects new Sakim
March 3, 4519 Kuweakunk, Awenikhokink region of Degalogesa

Ahinumaxkw joins the Sakimawakan/government

After several years of service to his community, Ahinumaxkw(Great Bear Man), has been selected by the clan mothers to be the new Sakim of the Awenik. He comes from the Bear clan and is considered a person of authority and commands respect among many. Upon his selection, he has stated he will fulfill his duty to the people to lead by example.

Ahinumaxkw is a firm advocate of National sovereignty, and believes the more devolution in a government the better. For him, the government's sole duty is to serve an example to the people in how to live and meddling in the affairs of others is not the way.

Among some of his hobbies include fishing, reading sociological books, and research into history of Awenikhoking.

Siowa emphasize keeping traditions.
April 7, 4519 Dinae Keyah, Degalogesa

Mr. Sani points to his ancestors

Siowa elders are petitioning the Dinae Government to promote cultural research and revitalization, emphasizing the need to keep traditional ways as the youth seem more interested in being "modern". Mr. Sani, a respected person in his community said:
They don't realize the importance of traditions, and don't believe the old stories. They have become enamoured of the Western ways, and think that is the way. The traditions are important as they keep one spiritually whole and keep away evil. It is because we didn't treat our traditions with proper respect that the foreigners were allowed to take over. Life is a constant state of prayer, and with a revival of our traditions the foreigners will never be able to take over again.
Among some of the actions in the proposal are increased funding into Cultural programs, publishing of books in the Dinae Language, and emphasis on Dinae friendly history.
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