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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:57 pm



Passaretti will be the first female leader of the party

The new National congress was elected in the beggining of this September.
The new arithmetic looks like this:
Libertarians (32)
Greens (30)
Solidaritarians (21)
Liberals (18)

The Greens and Solidaritarians formed a coalition.
On top of that, a new Chairperson was elected, Anastasia Passaretti. She will be the first female chairperson in the parties 25 year long history, and the fifth chairperson. The leader of the Greens will also be the second Chairperson from that faction, which makes it the only faction with more than one leader (Conti was a Syndicalist, Vega was a Solidaritarian, Campini, although originated from the Solidaritarians, formed the Green Faction, so he counts as a Green, and Fogghi was a Libertarian). She will officially take over the parties leadership in October. She already stated that Victor Tiamante, the Solidaritarian leader, will take the position of the first Vice-Chairperson.
The results are as followed:
Anastasia Passaretti (Greens):
2,206,739 (52,6%)
Xavier Moddo (Libertarians):
1,988,495 (47,4%)

Passaretti gave a brief speech on the congress, in which she said that cooperation with the other factions will be a key for success of the party in the next election, expected to be held in 4253.

That made many believe that Moddo will retain his position of the Party's Whip, on which he commented:

I do not know what Ms Passaretti wishes to do, but I am in her full disposition. Our Faction is willing to cooperate with anyone that wishes to improve the results of our Party.

Moddo's victory in the contest for the Libertarian leadership is attributed to Munni's lack of experience and her rivals more radical and aggressive nature

Other than that, the nine other, minor candidates endorsed one of the two main players in the second round, which is expected to start their potential career in greater politics.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:44 pm

Gianluigi Rosso, AI President, takes his job very seriously


After recent tensions, and still without a competent cabinet, it seems that Istalian politics has come to a standstill, but thanks to the AI's astounding result, where they have become third largest power AND won the presidency, which has proven Rosso's Libertarian course right, Istalian politics keeps moving, coalitions keep on building and the Istalian presidency, with Gianluigi Rosso, is as strong as ever!

Regarding escalations with Beiteynu, the President has issued a personal statement:

Official statement by the president of the Istalian Republic, Gianluigi Rosso

"Any beiteynese attack against any Istalian staff in Badara, that is the remaining military staff protecting the refugee camps, which are located there with the consent of the "official" Badara Government, or any attack against Istalian citizens at home and abroad for that matter, will be interpreted as a declaration of war of against Istalia.

We are not to played around with!"

This aggressive response was met with cheers and claps in front of the Romulan parliament.

Yet it should also be taken with a grain of salt as it is now common knowledge that the AI absolutely despises the socialist government in Badara, and there are even leaks that there was contact with the conservative terrorists which are opposing the official govt. In the civil war.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:57 am



BUNOGNA- The FR held a national congress in Bunogna, discussing the program for the next parliamentary term and electing a new leadership.
The Chairperson, Anastasia Passaretti, was able to efficiently support most her candidates.

First Vice-Chairpersperson: Victor Tiamante
Party Whip: Tecla Belle
Deputy Leader: Julia Sagane
Secondary Vice-Chairpeople: Xavier Moddo, Julia Sagane
Regional Coordinators: Carmelo Reo (Mezzodiurno),
Lena Niccoli (Trivendito), Franca Rosini (Padagna),
Cremenzio Di Perna (Silicia), Astrid Simone (Sarregna).

Other than that, the Deputy Leader will now have a voice outside of the party, too. That is to give the position more power, so the position will be the de facto second strongest in the party, and not the Party Whip.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ice tea » Wed Aug 02, 2017 1:43 pm

Prime Minister el-Nouri: ''No greater honour'' than serving as Prime Minister
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri gives goodbye adress to the troops as her cabinet comes to an end

ROMULA - After inspecting the Honour Guard for the very last time, Prime Minister Fatima el-Nouri gave her goodbye adress to the troops. There will be a Head of Government since the AI, LP and V! formed a new cabinet, rewarding the LP with the HoG position. A couple of tears were shed in an emotional and loaded speech, closing the books after a historical and tough 3-year term.

Even though the weather was a little wet, the sphere was not down at all. Before the inspectation, the Prime Minister was welcomed with much applause from the Istalian soldiers, as well as a standing ovation when she walked up to the lectern. The inspection went rather fast, with not much diversion from the other inspections mss. el-Nouri has done in her term as Prime Minister. During her term, she helped creating the Humanitarian Aid Mission to Badara, as well as being shot during peace talks which followed to Istalian involvement in the Badaran civil war. She also activly fought for animal rights, and passed a law that forbade private ownership of endangered animals.

With pleasure I can say that there has been no greater honour than serving as your Prime Minister, and representing our wonderful nation as well as defending it. Together with my cabinet, we have achieved great things, but also had to go trough a tough time. I know some people might disagree with me, but I can tell you I have done everything in my power to protect Istalians during my term as Prime Minister, and if it were possible I would definately do it again! (...) I wish my successor the best of luck in holding the Prime Ministership. I hope the next cabinet will persist the current grow of the economy and fight just as fierce on the international stage as this cabinet's representatives have done. I cannot express how proud I am of all the people of my team, my chief of staff, my other cabinet ministers, the LP, the NS, the security agencies, our diplomats, the Istalian army, the Istalian people, everyone under my command during my Prime Ministership and of course my successor and former President Lavinia Maggi. Her strong but integer leadership lead the cabinet through this tough time and gave strength to the people of Istalia. I again want to say that there has been no greater honour than serving as your Prime Minister, and fighting for the people of Istalia. I have seen what the people of Istalia are capable of when they unite and I hope the spririt of unity will keep the Istalian people together for many years to come. God bless the Repubblica Istaliana!

El-Nouri was appointed Prime Minister after a time of political turmoil, when a cabinet made of 5 parties was created to end the political chaos. After that, she outlived that cabinet to become Prime Minister of a LP-NS-V! combination, which has come to an end after the elections of June 4249. Her average approval rate was 69%, explainable due to her close relationship with the people and her progressive and loyal followers. However, opinions about her acting as Prime Minister differ. Some people state that her leadership in the Badaran civil war was the reason Istalia came into conflict with other WC nations. Despite the allegations, el-Nouri became a popular figure in Istalian politics, which made her decision to leave national politics being recieved with double feelings.

Even though being Prime Minister was one of the best experiences of my life, i need to think of my children, who have been put on the second place during my term. I want to spend more time with them and be the mother they deserve. That is why I have decided to retire early from national politics. However, I will continue to work with the Istalian government when I will represent Istalia at the General Assembly as of 4251.

Mss. el-Nouri will officially close the cabinet on the 7th of November 4250, when the new cabinet will be installed. She will continue to live in Romula to become the official representative for Istalia at the General Assembly. The new cabinet will begin on 8th November 4250 and shall be headed by Prime Minister Lavinia Maggi.
Ice tea
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:56 am

Istalian Edition
Presidente Rosso appoggia la proposta del Capo del Governo: "Le nostre truppe partiranno e voteremo in favore della Risoluzione 29"
Il Presidente del Consiglio spera che la partenza del personale istaliano possa evitare l'arrivo di ulteriori aiuti da Beiteynu per i terroristi e le forze ribelli di Badara e chiede al World Congress di organizzare una missione internazione per continuare a difendere i campi profughi

ROMULA - Dopo lunghe consultazioni nel Consiglio Supremo di Sicurezza della Repubblica infine il Presidente Rosso ha annunciato la sua decisione di supportare la proposta avanzata dal Presidente del Consiglio ed ex Presidente della Repubblica Lavinia Maggi che già prima del supporto da parte della Presidenza aveva richiesto alla rappresentanza istaliana nel Consiglio di Sicurezza di annunciare come il Capo del Governo Istaliano fosse pronto a proporre in Istalia quello che il Presidente della Repubblica, citando direttamente la Maggi, ha definito un compromesso necessario per il bene della popolazione di Badara.
Il Ministero degli Esteri fa sapere che la proposta del Presidente del Consiglio ha ricevuto anche il parere positivo da parte del Governo di Badara il quale ha comunque richiesto all'Istalia di supportare al Consiglio di Sicurezza la creazione di una missione umanitaria per continuare a difendere i campi profughi e portare aiuto ed assistenza ai rifugiati del conflitto, compito fin ora svolto dalle forze e dal personale istaliano in Badara.

Questo il discorso davanti alla stampa del Presidente della Repubblica:

Dopo lunghe riflessioni e dibattiti ai vertici del Governo, come Capo dello Stato e Comandante Supremo delle Forze Armate Istaliane, ho disposto il rientro in Istalia dei 500 soldati istaliani e del personale medico e d'assistenza ancora presenti in Badara. Inoltre, sempre accogliendo la proposta del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, dichiaro ufficialmente che l'Istalia è pronta a votare per la Risoluzione 29 presentata dal Governo di Rildanor al Consiglio di Sicurezza.
Abbiamo già notificato la nostra decisione al legittimo Governo di Badara il quale ha accolto la nostra proposta, anch'esso, come l'Istalia, fiduciosa del fatto che la Risoluzione 29 possa bloccare i piani del Governo Beiteynese di inviare un contingente militare di oltre 50 mila uomini, un'azione che il Governo di Badara ha già annunciato che verrà considerata come un'invasione e quindi un atto di guerra, e quindi fermare le sue illegali operazioni per supportare finanziariamente e logisticamente i terroristi che stanno minando la stabilità del Governo di Badara e che l'Istalia già da tempo ha condannato come unici responsabili per la Guerra Civile in corso nel Paese, ribellatisi dopo una regolare elezioni che ha visto, in un quadro di rispetto dei principi democratici, l'attuale Governo guadagnarsi legalmente il diritto di governare Badara.
Sarà inoltre premura del Governo Istaliano sostenere al Consiglio di Sicurezza del Congresso Mondiale la creazione di una missione umanitaria posta sotto la guida del Segretario Generale e dunque del Congresso Mondiale stesso, per continuare a proteggere ed apportare aiuti, cure ed assistenza ai migliaia di civili di Badara, ridotti a rifugiati e costretti a fuggire delle loro case e dalle loro terre a causa del conflitto.
Questo gesto, che alla luce delle recenti tensioni a livello internazionale ed al Governo Mondiale ed usando le parole del Presidente del Consiglio dobbiamo definire come un compromesso necessario per il popolo di Badara, ci auguriamo possa rappresentare un ulteriore passo avanti verso la risoluzione del Conflitto.
Nonostante le plateali falsità e le maliziose dichiarazioni espresse internazionalmente ed al Congresso Mondiale sulle reali motivazioni che hanno mosso l'Istalia nel portare aiuti al popolo badarano, poiché esclusivamente di aiuti umanitaria si è trattato e sempre e comunque nel rispetto della legge internazionale avendo ricevuto non solo il via libera del legittimo Governo Badarano ma anche della Coalizione, allora apparentemente disponibile al dialogo, questa mia decisione si inserisce all'interno del contesto delle uniche reali intenzioni del Paese relativamente alla Guerra Civile: la protezione delle vittime di questo conflitto, ovvero le migliaia di uomini, donne, bambini, anziani, feriti e malati che dopo aver perduto casa, lavoro, attività ed affetti rischiano ancora e costantemente le loro stesse vite.


Il Presidente Rosso è stato apprezzato da tutta la compagine della maggioranza parlamentare per aver supportato la posizione del Presidente del Consiglio, che ha espresso in questo modo nell'emiciclo della Camera i suoi ringraziamenti e l'apprezzamento per il gesto del Presidente:

voglio personalmente lodare il Presidente Rosso per il suo modo di ricoprire la più alta carica dello Stato e per la sua determinazione a mettere le convinzioni ideologiche personalistiche dietro l'interesse nazionale e al servizio della Democrazia.

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Luthorian Edition
President Rosso supports the proposal of the Head of Government: "Our troops will leave and we will vote in favor of Resolution 29"
The President of the Council hopes that the departure of Istalian personnel will prevent the arrival of further aid from Beiteynu for Badara's terrorists and rebels and asks the World Congress to organize an international mission to continue to defend refugee camps

ROMULA - After lengthy consultations into the Supreme Security Council of the Republic finally President Rosso announced his decision to support the proposal put forward by the President of the Council and former President of the Republic Lavinia Maggi who before the Presidency's support had demanded the Istalian representation in Security Council to announce that the Head of the Istalian Government was ready to propose in Istalia what the President of the Republic, citing Maggi directly, defined a compromise necessary for the good of the population of Badara.
The Foreign Ministry says that the Prime Minister's proposal has also received a positive opinion from the Government of Badara, who has asked Istalia to support into the Security Council the creation of a humanitarian mission to continue defending the refugee camps and bring relief and help to the victimes of the conflict, a task now carried out by the Istalian forces and personnel in Badara.

This is the speech to the press of the President of the Republic:

After long reflections and debates at the top of the government, as Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Istalian Armed Forces, I ordered the return to Istalia of the 500 Istalian soldiers and the medical and assistance staff still present in Badara. Also, always accepting the proposal of the President of the Council of Ministers, I officially declare that Istalia is ready to vote for Resolution 29 submitted by the Rildanor Government to the Security Council.
We have already notified our decision to the legitimate Government of Badara who has also accepted our proposal confident , like Istalia, that Resolution 29 could block the plans of the Beiteynese Government to send a military contingent of more than 50 thousands of men, an action that the Government of Badara has announced will be considered as an invasion and therefore an act of war, and therefore stop its illegal operations to financially and logistically support terrorists who are undermining the stability of the Government of Badara and that Istalia has long been condemned as the sole responsible for the ongoing civil war in the country, rebelled after a regular election that saw, in a framework of respect for democratic principles, the current government legally gaining the right to To govern Badara.
It will also be urged by the Istalian Government to push into the World Congress' Security Council for the establishment of a humanitarian mission under the leadership of the Secretary General and therefore of the World Congress itself, to continue to protect and provide aid, care and assistance to the thousands of civilians Badara, reduced to refugees and forced to flee their homes and their lands because of the conflict.
This gesture, which in the light of the recent tensions at the international level and into the World Government, and using the words of the President of the Council, we must define as a compromise necessary for the people of Badara, we hope will represent a further step towards to solve the conflict.
Despite the falsehood and misleading statements expressed internationally and into the World Congress against Istalia on the real motivations that moved our Nation to bring aid to the people of Badara, since was exclusively humanitarian aid and always respecting international law having received not only the green light of the legitimate Badaran Government, but also of the Coalition, at the time apparently available to dialogue, my decision is part of the context of the country's only real intentions about the Civil War: protecting the victims of this conflict, namely the thousands of men, women, children, the elderly, wounded and sick who, after losing their home, work, activities and afflictions, are still and constantly struggling with their own lives.
Thank you

President Rosso was appreciated by the entire parliamentary majority for supporting the position of the President of the Council, who expressed in this way into the Chamber her thanks and appreciation for the President's gesture:

I personally want to praise President Rosso for his way of cover the role of highest state office and for his determination to put personalistic ideological beliefs behind the national interest and the service of Democracy.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:09 pm

Istalian Edition
Nuovi ordini per la cantieristica Istaliana: New Endralon / Kizenia ordina 13 vascelli per la sua flotta
Il Governo New Endraloniano ha puntato sulla Leonardi per modernizzare le forze di difesa delle proprie acque territoriali

ROMULA - Un altro successo per la Leonardi Industrial Group, che riceve una nuova maxi commessa, stavolta dalla Marina Militare della Confederazione di New Endralon e Kizenia.
Lo stato Makoniano infatti, trovandosi nella necessità impellente di modernizzare la propria flotta, ha avviato diversi programmi di costruzione ma si è anche rivolta all'estero, analizzando attentamente le necessità della difesa ed ovviamente le capacità di spesa nazionali.
La Confederazione, in cerca di unità adatte per il controllo e la difesa delle acque territoriali e regionali intorno a New Endralon, ha valutato i prodotti della Leonardi come corrispondenti alle specifiche richieste.
Saranno costruiti 3 Pattugliatori Polivalenti d'Altura classe Istalia, una versione più orientata alla difesa rispetto alla versione base, la Classe Squalo, nato sempre come pattugliatore in grado di coprire perfettamente anche ruoli da fregata ma che invece è stata pensata per svolgere missioni di pace in caso di emergenze umanitarie e catastrofi naturali, e quindi 10 pattugliatori classe Quanzar, rapidi vascelli con alte capacità stealth e con un alto grado di flessibilità operativa che permette loro di svolgere diversi ruoli quali il pattugliamento di altura, l'attività anti-inquinamento, l'assistenza ad altre navi in difficoltà, operazioni di ricerca e soccorso.
I vascelli saranno consegnati nell'arco dei prossimi 6/7 anni e per la Leonardi questo contratto rappresenterà più di 3 miliardi di entrate.

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Luthorian Edition
New orders for Istalian shipbuilding: New Endralon/Kizenia orders 13 vessels for its fleet
The New Endralonian Government has aimed at Leonardi to modernize the defense forces of its territorial waters

ROMULA - Another success for Leonardi Industrial Group, which receives a new maxi commission, this time from the Navy of the Confederation of New Endralon and Kizenia.
In fact, the Makonian state, in the urgent need to modernize its fleet, has launched several construction programs but has also turned abroad, carefully analyzing defense needs and of course national spending capability.
The Confederation, looking for units suitable for the control and defense of territorial and regional waters around New Endralon, evaluated Leonardi's products as corresponding to their specifications.
There will be 3 Multirole Offshore Patrol Vessel (MOPV) Istalia Class, a more defense-oriented version than the base version, the Squalo Class, always born as a MOPV capable of perfectly covering frigate roles but which was designed to perfectly carry out peace missions in case of humanitarian emergencies and natural catastrophes, and then 10 Quanzar class patrols, fast stealth vessels with high stealth capabilities and a high degree of operational flexibility allowing them to perform different roles such as high-speed patrols, anti-pollution activities, assistance to other ships in difficulty, search and rescue operations.
The vessels will be delivered over the next 6/7 years and for Leonardi this contract will represent more than 3 billion in revenue.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:55 pm

Massa's Grand Finale
AI Launches Reform after reform


In the seeming quiet of recent parliament days, a storm started to rage, namel the leader and Whip of the AI, Beniamino Massa. He has launched reform after reform before the election in one year.

Critics claim it is in order to make himself relevant again, be the talking point of the left and create a legacy. He is not getting older and should the AI not ensure spectacular results, he should retire. Furthermore, it clearly shows how far to the center the AI has moved in recent years, which has brought fruits like the presidency, and a coalition. Yet which has also cause losses like the lack of a landslide victory in Padagna and irrelevance for old school members like Massa.

Massa wants the party back to its nationalist roots, before it is too late. Yet some do not understand why, as Rosso, the most likely successor (he is the president after all), will simply reverse the changes

Yet 'Il Duce' wants his legacy. One last time.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:29 am

Istalian Edition
MARINE responsabili dell'attemtato contro il Segretario Generale
Presidente Maggi: "La comunità internazionale deve agire per fermare il terrorismo e chi lo finanzia, Beiteynu sarà ritenuto responsabile di questo ignobile atto"

ROMULA - Un altro attentato a Romula, stavolta contro il Segretario Generale del Congresso Mondiale Luděk Mareš, vittima dell'esplosione della sua auto, esplosa davanti al suo Hotel.
Nonostante le insistenze del Governo Istaliano, il Segretario Mareš aveva ritenuto non necessario il dispiegamento di un apparato di sicurezza eccessivi, giudicando la sua personale scorta come adeguata.
Il Presidente della Repubblica Rosso ha annunciato la sua intenzione di richiedere al Parlamento l'approvazione dello Stato di Emergenza per poter ripulire definitivamente la Nazione dalla minaccia terroristica.
Ma arriva oggi anche una dichiarazione del Presidente del Consiglio Lavinia Maggi che se si è detta favorevole allo Stato di Emergenza per organizzare una vasta operazione in tutto il territorio nazionale per sgominare ogni possibile attività e presenza terroristica, ha condannato a livello internazionale il terrorismo di "matrice beiteynese".
La maggi infatti ha presentato i risultati delle prime analisi condotte sui resti del veicolo del Segretario Mareš: l'esplosivo utilizzato era C-4, la cui provenienza per il momento non è stata ancora confermata, mentre i resti del dispositivo di innesco sembrano ricondurre a tecnologia utilizzata anche in Badara in vari attentati, compreso quello contro l'Ambasciata Istaliana: i servizi informativi istaliani puntano il dito contro Beiteynu.
La Maggi dunque ha rilasciato questa dichiarazione:

La risoluzione 29 ha evitato il coinvolgimento diretto di altre nazioni nel conflitto in Badara ma di certo non ha fermato il principale finanziatore e supporter dei gruppi terroristi uniti nella Coalizione ed in generale non ferma né sanziona alcuna altra nazione che stia o sia intenzionata a supportare il terrirismo internazionale.
La nostra Risoluzione contro il terrorismo è stata semplicemente accantonata perché giudicata troppo vaga. Eravamo più che disposti di accettare suggerimenti e proposte dagli altri membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza ma per il momento sembra che il terrorismo ed i suoi finanziatori stiano venendo semplicemente ignorati.
Riproporreno la Risoluzione e chiederemo di lavorare con gli altri membri del Consiglio per giungere ad un testo definitivo che possa porre fine a questa vergogna!

Un giornalista poco prima della fine della conferenza stampa ha chiesto alla Maggi di esprimersi su Kazulia la quale lo ha fatto con un certo divertimento:

Kazulia è totalmente libera di scegliere con chi avere rapporti e relazioni, ma siamo sorpresi di vederli diffondere una realtà dei fatti distorta se non falsa. Kazulia indica l'Istalia alla stregua di Beiteynu o Kafuristan quando invece l'Istalia non ha mai dichiarato il suo supporto per l'una o l'altra fazione, quando alcun soldato istaliano ha preso parte al conflitto in operazioni contro l'una o l'altra parte, quando l'Istalia non ha mai supoortato con finanziamenti od equipaggiamento né l'una né l'altra parte. Da dove arrivano dunque similli "elevate" analisi strategiche?
ride la maggi insieme a buona parte dei giornalisti.
Abbiamo concordato con le parti un primo cessate il fuoco, abbiamo organizzato una conferenza di pace a Romula, abbiamo portato soccorso ai rifugiati: 3/4 delle tende nei campi profughi hanno la bandiera Istaliana, l'ospedale che era posto sotto sicurezza dalle nostre forze è pieno di medicine e medicamenti di origine istaliana, i magazzini presso i campi profughi utilizzati dalla logistica dei campi sono pieni di derrate istaliane.
Mi vengono seri dubbi sulla capacità dello Stato Maggiore Kazuliano se non sanno distinguere dei soldati da dei medici o se non riescono a vedere la differenza tra una siringa e qualche bendatura da un mitraiatore o da una granata!
altre risate per la stanza.
la realtà dei fatti è dalla nostra parte e ritengo che ormai in Istalia ci sia poco da dire su una nazione che riccorre alle falsità per farsi grande dimostrando invece di essere non migliore di un avvoltoio o di uno sciacallo.

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Luthorian Edition
MARINE responsible for the attack against the Secretary General
President Maggi: "The international community must act to stop terrorism and the ones who finances it, Beiteynu will be held responsible for this ignoble act"

ROMULA - Another attack in Romula, this time against the Secretary General of the World Congress Luděk Mareš, victim of the explosion of his car in front of his Hotel.
In spite of the insistence of the Istalian government, Secretary Mareš felt it was unnecessary to deploy an excessive security apparatus, judging his personal security staff as adequate.
The President of the Republic Rosso has announced his intention to request Parliament to approve the State of Emergency in order to definitively clear the nation out of the terrorist threat.
But today arrived also a statement by the President of the Council, Lavinia Maggi who if she said to support the State of Emergency to organize a large-scale operation throughout the country to overthrow every possible terrorist activity and presence, she condemned internationally the terrorism of "Beiteynese matrix".
In fact, Mrs Maggi presented the results of the first analyzes carried out on the remains of Mr Mareš's vehicle: the explosive used was C-4, the source of which was not yet confirmed, while the remnants of the trigger appeared to be technology also used in Badara in various attacks, including the one against the Istalian Embassy: istalian information services point to Beiteynu.
Maggi therefore released this statement:

Resolution 29 has avoided the direct involvement of other nations in the conflict in Badara but has certainly not stopped the main lender and supporter of terrorist groups united in the Coalition and in general does not stop or sanction any other nation that is or is willing to support the International terrorism.
Our Resolution against Terrorism was simply set aside because it was judged too vague. We were more than willing to accept suggestions and aid from other members of the Security Council but for the moment it seems that terrorism and its financiers are just being ignored.
We will present again the Resolution against the Terrorism and we will ask to work with the other members of the Council to reach a definitive text that can put an end to this shame!

A journalist just before the end of the press conference asked Maggi to comment on Kazulia who did it with some fun:

Kazulia is totally free to choose with who to have relationships, but we are surprised to see them spread a reality of distorted facts if not false. Kazulia points out Istalia like Beiteynu or Kafuristan when, on the other hand, Istalia has never declared its support for either faction, when any Istalian soldier took part in the conflict in operations against one party or the other, when Istalia never rained with funding or equipment neither of them. Where do these "high" strategic analyzes come in?
laugh Maggi together with the journalists.
We agreed with the parties for the first ceasefire, we organized a peace conference in Romula, we brought relief to the refugees: 3/4 of the tents in refugee camps have the Istalian flag, the hospital that was placed under security from our forces is full of medicines and medical equipement of Istalian origin, the warehouses in the refugee camps used by the camps' logistic are full of Istalian goods.
I'm seriously concerned about the capacity of the Kazulian Defense Staff if they do not know how to distinguish soldiers from doctors or if they can not see the difference between a syringe and some bendage by a machingun or a grenade!
other laughter for the room.
The reality of the facts is on our side and I feel that by now in Istalia there is little to say about a nation that make use of falsehoods to show itself "great" by showing rather than not being better than a vulture or a jackal.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ice tea » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:54 am


ROMULA - The seven members of the Quri-Saban terrorist cell, allies with the Coaltion, have finally been put to trial after being arrested last June. The men are charged with terrorism, treason, murder and disrupting public order. The Quri-Saban terrorists are mostly known for their terror attack at the WC building in Romula, killing several diplomats as well as wounding the President and the Prime Minister.

After a long manhunt and investigation, the terrorist cell was finally terminated with the arrest of all seven members. The cell had been integrating for more than twelve years in Istalian society before their terror attack. Prosecution demands a lifelong prison sentence for all seven members, a punishment that is expected to be imposed. Survivor of the attack and commander of the task force charged wit arresting the suspects Cassandra Lavite speaks as witness:

The inhumanity these men have shown, and the fear they try to impose on other people is disgusting. They are filthy thieves and should not be given freedom!

The trials will take 2 months, with the final judgement presented on the 24th of October. Untill then, the suspects will be detained in a secret high-security prison somewhere in Romula. Trial livestreams can be followed on Channel Five and Istalia Central Network.
Alleanza Verde Progressista - U.P.A. (Istalia) - Inactive
Ice tea
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:23 am

Istalian Edition
Iniziati i lavori e la NP Fortezza ormai sta prendendo forma nei cantieri di Triesta
Tre anni di lavoro e quindi altri 18 mesi di prove in mare ed infine il primo vascello della nuova generazione di portaerei entrerà in servizio andando a sostituire l'Enrico Bergson

ROMULA - Da qualche mese ai Cantieri Istaliani Integrati di Triesta sono iniziati i lavori di costruzione della prima unità della nuova classe di superportaerei, progetto fin'ora conosciuto come PA02-SPN-X4000, che andranno a sostituire le portaerei classe Enrico Bergson nei prossimi decenni.
La portaerei sarà lunga oltre 330 metri, avrà un peso di poco superiore le 100 mila tonnellate ed ovviamente sarà equipaggiata con le migliori tecnologie belliche disponibili. Ma sarà la sua capacità di imbarco e la gestione del ponte di volo che rappresenterà un ulteriore perfezionamento delle capacità della nostra Marina Militare: la PA02 potrà infatti imbarcare fino ad oltre 75 aerei, alcune stime indicano anche 90 aerei in caso di necessità, aerei che grazie ad un avanzato punto di rifornimento e riarmamento potranno ridecollare molto più velocemente. Tra gli aerei imbarcati, ovviamente, vi sarà la versione navale del nuovissimo F-43 Falco ed anche una versione navale e dedicata alla guerra elettronica che sta sviluppando Ajace Aeronautics per la Marina.
La nuova portaerei, come buona parte dei prodotti della Leonardi, che oltre a costruire il vascello ha contribuito con la sua esperienza al progetto ed al processo di sviluppo, è stata progettata tenendo conto di future esigenze di ammodernamento, prevedendo spazi ridondanti e soluzioni costruttive che renderanno estremamente più economici e veloci possibili futuri lavori di upgrade sui vascelli.
Come già annunciato precedentemente, il Ministero della Difesa ha confermato che per il momento sono stati ordinate 3 unità mentre altre 3 sono per il momento solo opzionali. Il Ministero ha inoltre confermato che il nome della nuova unità sarà Fortezza e che anche le altre due in programma sono state egualmente dedicate ad altre due virtù cardinali (Temperanza e Giustizia).
Se i tempi di costruzione verranno rispettati, la Fortezza entrerà in servizio contemporaneamente con il ritiro della prima unità della precedente classe di superportaerei, la Enrico Bergson, primo vascello di questo tipo costruito dall'Istalia che andrà in pensione dopo una lunga ed onorata carriera ma che non potrà aspettare possibili ritardi: la Enrico Bergson, seppur ancora vascello della Flotta Istaliana, verrà posto in Ridotta Tabella di Disponibilità in attesa del disarmo e la demolizione.

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Luthorian Edition
Works started and the hull of the NP Fortress is now taking shape in Triesta's yards
Three years of work and then another 18 months of testing at sea and finally the first vessel of the new generation of aircraft carriers will come into service and will replace the Enrico Bergson

ROMULA - For a few months, the construction of the first unit of the new class of super-carriers, the project known as the PA02-SPN-X4000, has begun to replace the Enrico Bergson class aircraft carriers in the coming decades.
The aircraft carrier will be over 330 meters long, it will have a weight of just over 100,000 tonnes and will of course be equipped with the best available warfare technology. But it will be its boarding ability and flight deck management which will further enhance the capabilities of our Navy: the PA02 will can board up to 75 aircraft, some estimates also indicate 90 aircraft if needed, aircraft which thanks to an advanced refilling and refueling point, will can return flight much faster. Among the planes embarked, of course, there will be the naval version of the new F-43 Falco and also a naval version dedicated to the electronic warfare which Ajace Aeronautics is developing by for the Navy.
The new aircraft carrier, like most of Leonardi's products, which besides constructing the vessel contributed with its project design experience and development process, has been designed taking into account future needs for modernization, providing redundant spaces and constructive solutions which will make it extremely cheap and fastest all possible future upgrade works on the vessels.
As previously announced, the Ministry of Defense has confirmed that 3 units have been ordered for the moment and 3 are currently only optional. The Ministry also confirmed that the name of the new unit will be Fortezza (Fortitude) and that the other two will be also devoted to two other cardinal virtues (Temperanza and Giustizia, in luthorian Temperance and Justice).
If the construction times will be respected, the Fortezza will enter into service simultaneously with the decommissioning of the first unit of the previous class of super-carriers, the NP Enrico Bergson, the first such vessel built in Istalia by Istalia, retiring after a long and honored career but which will not be able to wait for possible delays: the Enrico Bergson, albeit still a vessel of the Istalian Fleet, will be placed in the Reduced Availability Register awaiting for disarmament and demolition.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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