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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:36 pm

Istalian Edition
Conferenza di Lamond: "la vera fiera dell'ipocrisia"
Maggi: "Conferenza a senso unico, piena di nazioni dichiaratamente anti-comuniste che non riconoscono il Governo di Badara e terminata con Beiteynu che PRETENDE una base in Badara e la totale limitazione della sovranità badariana!"

ROMULA - Sembra già vicina alla conclusione la conferenza di pace organizzata da Kazulia per risolvere la crisi badarana. Un tentativo anche più breve di quello istaliano e che, a giudizio del Capo del Governo, si è rivelata una vera fiera dell'Ipocrisia.
Queste le sue parole:

Ci sono molte domande che ormai vengono sollevate su questa conferenza! Perché, prima di tutto, Kazulia ha invitato nazioni dichiaratamente anti comuniste a partecipare? A quale titolo? Rildanor e Dorvik, anche se membri del CS, da tempo avevano espresso le loro posizioni apertamente ostili al Governo Comunista. Con quale logica invitarli?
E Dorvik ha ben chiarito fin da subito i suoi "propositi di pace": nessun riconoscimento per il Govenro di Badara, che ricordo ha vinto regolarmente due elezioni consecutive con ampissimo vantaggio, e come unica soluzione proposta: eradicazione del comunismo e, di logica, dell'attuale Governo.
Infine, ciliegina sulla torta, i "propositi di pace" di Beiteynu: divieto per Badara di esprimere indipendentemente la propria politica estera con il divieto di ratificare alcuni tipi di trattati e di unirsi ad alcuni tipi di organizzazioni internazionali, alcuna conseguenza per i terroristi che si sono rivoltati contro un governo legittimo ed hqnno fatto strage di vite in patria ed all'estero e, dulcis in fundo, l'obbligo di far installare a Beiteynu una base militare in Badara.

La conferenza era estremamente di parte ed ha deliberatamente ignorato diversi fattori: come il Governo Badarano è salito al Governo? Quali diritti politici, civili ed umani ha violato il Governo di Badara legiferando fino ad oggi? E soprattutto, insorgere in armi contro un governo legittimamente eletto, è un legittimo strumento in Democrazia? Finanziare dei terroristi per distruggere un governo straniero legittimamente eletto, non dovrebbe essere qualcosa di totalmente condannato e bandito? Qualcosa di lampante e che sta venendo da troppo tempo ignorato da troppe nazioni e, cosa più grave, dallo stesso Consiglio di Sicurezza.

Inoltre lasciatemi dire questo, proprio parlando del Congresso Mondiale, Dorvik sta minacciando di ricorrere al Consiglio di Sicurezza per risolvere la questione. E come? Il Congresso Mondiale dovrebbe prendere una posizione anti comunista e schierarsi dalla parte di conclamati terroristi?
Era l'Istalia la nazione imperialista... che ipocrisia...
Ma era solo questione di tempo prima che questo castello di carte costruito con plateali bugie finisse per crollare!

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Luthorian Edition
Lamond Conference: "the true fair of hypocrisy"
Maggi: "One-way conference, full of clearly anti-communist nations that do not recognize the Government of Badara and in the ending Beiteynu which DEMANDS a base in Badara and the total limitation of the Badarian sovereignty!"

ROMULA - It seemed close to the conclusion the peace conference organized by Kazulia to resolve the Badaran crisis. Even a shorter attempt than the Istalian one, which, in the opinion of the Head of Government, turned out to be a true fair of the Hypocrisy.
These are her words:

There are many questions that are now being raised at this conference! Why, first and foremost, did Kazulia call for anti-communist nations to participate? In quality of...? Rildanor and Dorvik, even though members of CS, had long since expressed their positions openly hostile to the Communist government. With what logic to invite them?
And Dorvik has clearly clarified his "purpose of peace" right now: no recognition for the Government of Badara, which I remember you, regularly won two consecutive elections with great advantage, and as only proposed solution: the eradication of communism and, logically, of the current government.
Lastly, Beiteynu's "purpose of peace" was the dessert: forbidding Badara to independently express its foreign policy with the ban on ratifying some types of treaties and joining certain types of international organizations, no consequence for terrorists who turned against a legitimate government and massacred lives at home and abroad and, in the end, dulcis in fundo, the obligation to install a Beiteynu military base in Badara!

The Conference is clearly biased and is ignoring the most important factors: how did the Badaran government rise to the government? What political, civil, and human rights has Badara's government violated by now? And above all, getting into arms against a legitimately elected government should be considered as a legitimate measure in Democracy? Financing terrorists to destroy a legally elected foreign government should not be something totally condemned and banished? Something flashy and that was too long ignored by too many nations and, more seriously, by the same Security Council.

Let me also say that, just speaking of the World Congress, Dorvik is threatening to resort to the Security Council to resolve the issue. And how? Should the World Congress take an anti-Communist position and stand on the side of a bounch of terrorists?
And they were the first to accusing Istalia to be the imperialist nation and to want impose its own poltical opinions and goals through the Organization... what hypocrisy...
But it was only a matter of time before this card castle built with shameless lies ended to collapse!
Last edited by Axxell on Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:37 am

Istalian Edition
Libertà e Progresso crolla: Lavinia Maggi si dimette dalla Segreteria
Una delle più dolorose debacle elettorali della storia del partito che si ritrova in subbuglio, con le due ali principali, i social-liberali ed i libertariani che si scambiano accuse a vicenda

ROMULA - A Viale delle Vittorie all'indomani delle elezioni l'aria è pesante e piena di tensione, la delusione palpabile come anche gli sguardi di rimprovero che si scambiano i membri del partito, principalmente tra l'area libertariana e quella social-liberale.
Alla luce del crollo elettorale, la Segretaria Nazionale Lavinia Maggi ha già presentato le sue dimissioni al Direttorio Nazionale invocando un nuovo Congresso per eleggere il suo successore.
Non sarà un compito facile però per il partito, ancor più spaccato rispetto al Congresso che aveva eletto Davide Tajani: le due principali correnti del partito infatti sembrano essere perfettamente in parità e con due visioni piuttosto differenti sulla futura strada che dovrà prendere il partito.
I libertariani criticano i social-liberali e la Maggi di aver lasciato troppo spazio ad altri partiti, di aver lavorato poco in parlamento e soprattutto di essersi ritirati su posizioni eccessivamente moderate e centriste che hanno deluso l'elettorato che vedeva in LP un campione della libera impresa e dei diritti civili e politici.
Dall'altra parte, i social-democratici guardano alla recente sconfitta elettorale come alla sconfitta delle politiche eccessivamente liberali in campo economico e la sconfitta dei libertariani che sono accusati di non aver più contatti con l'elettorato istaliano e di non essersi accorti come le politiche eccessivamente liberali, nonostante la costante crescita economica post-grande crisi economica globale, abbiano generato comunque disuguaglianze sociali ed economiche che stanno spingendo gli elettori verso i partiti di sinistra, che non vedono più LP come una garanzia di eguaglianza e giustizia sociale.
Il Congresso si aprirà a Novembre, comunque per il momento sono poche i papabili noti al grande pubblico, l'unico forse è Silvano Rogi, capogruppo alla Camera, vicino alle posizioni più moderate della Maggi e che potrebbe guadagnare il supporto dei Social-Liberali. Ma in questo caso, quale sarà la futura linea politica del partito? Resterà sulle attuali posizioni liberali e comincerà un ritorno verso posizione meno di destra e più attente alle questioni sociali?

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Luthorian Edition
Freedom and Progress collapses: Lavinia Maggi resigns from the Secretariat
One of the most painful electoral debacles in party history which finds itself in disarray, with two main wings, the social liberals and the libertarians exchanging accusations each other

ROMULA - At Viale delle Vittorie, after the elections, the air is heavy and full of tension, palpable disappointment as well as the looks of reproach exchanged by party members, mainly between the Libertarian and the Social Liberal area.
In light of the election collapse, National Secretary Lavinia Maggi has already submitted his resignation to the National Directory invoking a new Congress to elect her successor.
It will not be an easy task for the party, even more fragmented than during the Congress which elected Davide Tajani. The two main wings in the party seem to be perfectly equal and with two visions rather different on the future road to take the party.
Libertarians criticize the Social Liberals and Maggi that they have left too much space to other parties, having worked little in parliament and above all having approach an excessively moderate and centrist positions which have disappointed the electorate who saw in LP a champion of the free market and civil and political rights.
On the other hand, social democrats look at the recent electoral defeat as the defeat of excessively liberal economic policies and the defeat of libertarians who are accused of having no contact with the Istalian electorate and not to have noticed how politics excessively liberal, despite the steady economic growth of the post-global economic crisis, have generated social and economic inequalities that are pushing voters to left parties, who no longer see LP as a guarantee of equality and social justice.
The Congress will open in November, but for the moment there are only a few candidate known to the large public, the only one perhaps is Silvano Rogi, the Whip into the Chamber, near Maggi's most moderate positions and who could gain the support of the Social Liberals. But in this case, what will be the party's future political line? Will it remain on the current liberal positions or it will start a return to a less-right and more social-friendly position?
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:51 am

AI gains but loses presidency
Massa retires, new leader to be elected

After the recent elections, which saw a massive reshuffle of the Istalian power structure, the AI managed to gain some seats and maintain its position as the third strongest power, now with over 100 seats and with a landslide victory once again in Padagna, with over 40% of the vote in the right leaning region. Calls for independence are growing strong again, but it has to wait until a coalition is formed, which is expected to exclude the AI, being the only clearly right wing party in the top 3. Furthermore, there was lots of praise towards Beniamino Massa, who launched a successful campaign of economic liberalisation right in front of the election, managed to pass some of it and is credited for providing the edge in the election. In the meantime the only AI president to have served the full term, Rosso, and who seemingly did a good job, was voted out. Yet his political career is not over yet, as Beniamino Massa resigned, he is expected to run for leadership.

As mentioned, Massa resigned with the words in front of a crowd of supporters in Palermo HQ of the AI:
I am not getting any younger, I am 73 years old, a little bit out of touch with the young generation and not enough of a dictator to aspire to die in office. I thank all of you, who made the AI possible and my leadership tolerable! Hence I pass over the staff of leadership to the next "Il Duce", which, according to my wish, will be elected by every member of the AI, across the whole country. Not just the Congress or the leading members of this great party. I hope you will vote with your mind for a worthy candidate. Lastly I want to thank Rosso, for being a great partner, despite our ideological differences, I congratulate him with a successful presidency, which is sadly over now, but at least you can spend some time with your family and you are still young, you have a whole carer ahead of you!

Massa will officially retire on his 74th birthday on the 01/01/4254.

Now to the fun part: who will replace Massa after the elections for AI Leadership, "Il Duce" on the 02/01/4254? That is a good question but several candidates have crystallised, with obviously Gianluigi Rosso, the vice leader, being the clear favourite, he also already managed to claim the support of the first Quanzari member of the leadership, the FA speaker, MP Aaida el-Wali. He represents a continuation of the current capitalist course. Who else?

Not official yet, but we assume that Franco Ricollo, the "student" of Beniamino Massa, and the Minister of Internal Affairs will be a candidate. He apparently has the support of the youth wing, being it's former leader, and has the open support of his friend, MP Dino Ferrari, the Speaker for Justice. He was a great fan of "Capitalismo Etico", a more conservative approach, and will essentially return AI to its foundations, following Massa's teachings.

Another candidate, very controversial and highly unlikely due to the extreme nationalist and zealous stance is Beniamino Massa's son, the minister of Agriculture, Arno Massa. He is seen as a pure nationalist candidate and this gives him some chances amongst some of AI'S electorate and the unofficial support of the Alt-Right. If he promises Padagnan referendum, then Padagna can be definitely counted to his electorate as they love Beniamino Massa, the father, and have always been the most right region in Istalia.

The last candidate, and only official candidate giving himself a head start, Is the absolute underdog and only non-pure Istalian candidate, is the half-Zardic speaker for Trade and Industry of the AI, MP Alexandro Ido. Bookmakers give him close to 0 chances due to his family name. Yet, we shouldn't count him out, as firstly, he is officially the only candidate running, he might gain the support of Istalians with migration history, Ie. Not pure born like half-Zard Alexandro Ido himself, and most importantly the ideological platform that he is running on differs greatly from mainstream AI ideas, maybe providing him with the edge to stand out in front of other candidates. Some call him an Anarcho-Capitalist. His fanatical free market platform is completely different to everyone, AI is a laissez faire party, but no one dared to go to such extremes. Ido does dare and want deregulation In every industry, deregulation in trade and lowering of spending and taxation. To quote Alexandro :
Taxation is theft

The results of this intriguing internal elections will be found out in January of next year and will definitely affect the AI and consequently Istalians for the upcoming years.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:17 pm



After the election held this June, one thing can be said; Anastasia Passaretti is an effective leader. Under her leadership, the party won over 100 seats in the parliament and became the second power, one seat ahead of AI and won the presidential race; Julia Sagane, the now ex-deputy leader and vice-chairperson the race. In a close battle between her and the AI candidate, Gianluigi Rosso, who was additionally supported by the Centre-rights and LP, she won in the second round with a bit over 50% of the vote. Now the question is; how will the party leadership change? Now the Greens have a majority in the National Congress, and Julia Sagane is gone. This puts the the position of Istalia's current second biggest political power into contest; who will win? There are two official candidates; The Current Whip of the party, Tecla Belle, and the underdog, freshman and ex-youth wing leader, Aristotele Di Vito. Another possible contestant is the spokesperson, Hugo Allati, who denies any ambitions regarding the position. The election is expected to be held on the next national congress. We must remember that the Deputy Leader is the de jure leader of the party in the parliament and the second most important member after the Chairperson.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:42 am

AI will maintain conservative course
Franco Ricollo becomes new AI Leader

After the AI congress in January, where everyone expected the vice Leader Rosso to take over from the retired Massa as 'Il Duce', and maintain the current course of action, which can be deemed as relatively successful, the new leader has become the conservative minister of internal affairs, former youth leader and "student" of Massa, Franco Ricollo. Rosso will stay the deputy leader. The "old school" voters have given him the edge.

In his election speech he thanked everyone and made show of how the AI allows it's youth to make all the steps in the career ladder with enough dedication and hard work.
I want to thank everyone who has been there for me, and made me leader of the greatest party with so much potential which I will try to evoke! I thank obviously Mr. Massa, who built this from nothing, who believed in me and in our hearts, he will always be the charismatic Prime Minister he was at the beginning of his political career. A real leader. I want to thank Rosso who took so much weight of responsibility onto his own shoulders, being the deputy, and I hope he will do the same for me, even though he should have been standing here instead of me. No one deserves it more. I will do my best and show that hard work and dedication, which brought me up through the AI ranks until the top, will also keep me here at the top, and ensure a successful future! Thank you. We are right!

A couple of notices about "Il Duce" Franco Ricollo: Conservative, Born 10/05/4220, Middle Class Palerno Family. Studied in Romula at the faculty of Political Science. Noticed how he was politically disagreeing with everyone, with their liberal views and hence could relate to the AI, which would disagree with everyone similarly. So he found a branch of the youth organisation on campus, was scolded for it by peers and professors but it rapidly grew in size, and soon he was nation wide youth leader. His first idol was Rosso, who seemed young and active, but it was Massa who ultimately became a paternal figure and forged the conservative views of Ricollo. Later he grew in the AI Ranks rapidly, from Trade and Industry, to IA and lastly after his mentor, Massa, retired, he took the wheel.

In other news: Alexandro Ido became the new Speaker for Internal Affairs, Ludovica Azuri, the business woman who worked at the Istalian stock exchanges became the new Speaker for Trade and Industry and Gianluigi Rosso stayed as deputy leader.

There are rumors that Ms. Azuri and Mr. Ricollo have known each other for a very long time and have a good bond outside if work, but that is a job for gossip newspapers.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:29 pm

Istalian Edition
L'Istalia coaugula il malcontento internazionale
Risoluzione contro il supporto esterno del conflitto Badarano,
Stato probatorio per Beiteynu che l'Istalia vuole condannare per la pratica della schiavutù come punizione: Rildanor vota in favore delle prime due proposte

ROMULA - Infine la reazione internazionale è giunta ed anche massicciamente, con un largo sostegno nell'Assemblea Generale per le ultime proposte Istaliane.
Presentata la Risoluzione 32 che vuole mettere fine all'arrivo di denaro, armi ed equipaggiamento in Badara da parte di nazioni estere, una Risoluzione da tempo proposta in Istalia per completare la Risoluzione 29, che se ha fermato l'intervento diretto di altre nazioni, non ha invece messo un freno al supporto indiretto, per la diplomazia istaliana una lacuna deliberatamente prevista.
L'Istalia inoltre ha proposto di porre sotto Stato Probatorio Beiteynu per la presenza di "consiglieri militari" accanto alle forze della Coalizione, con i servizi segreti che sostengono il sospetto che molti foreign fighters siano in reala truppe Beiteynesi sotto copertura.
Rildanor inaspettatamente si èdetta pronta a sostenere entrambe le proposte. Voci non ufficiali sostengono che di fronte al largo sostegno nell'AG per le proposte istaliane Rildanor abbia deciso di dare il proprio assenso per non perdere la faccia.
Ma l'Istalia è andata oltre, proponendo anche una Risoluzione per condannare Beiteynu per la pratica della schiavitù come forma di punizione in rispetto della Risoluzione 3 approvata durante la prima sessione del Consiglio di Sicurezza, un organo che negli ultimi anni, accusa l'Istalia insieme ad altre nazioni, è stato piegato alle agende politiche di alcuni dei membri attuali, Rildanor e Dorvik, che secondi voci non confermate avrebbero preso in considerazione anche una missione di "pace" sotto l'egida del Congresso mondiale e guidata da Dorvik, Rildanor e Kazulia che avrebbe invece agito contro il governo legittimo, fortunatamente alcuna proposta in questo senso ha raggiunto il dibattito.
L'Istalia si dice pronta a sostenere anche una Risoluzione in favore del legittimo governo di Badara, date le richieste in questo senso di diverse nazioni, anche se teme che l'attuale CS non accetterà mai una simile Risoluzione.
Ma il Governo si augura che la più neutrale Risoluzione 32 possa tagliare il sostegno alla Coalizione che secondo gli analisti della Difesa non potrebbe sopravvivere da sola.

Istalia pronta ad aderire al patto di non aggressione di Zardugal rivolto alla FSRM
L'Istalia ha dichiarato di essere estremamente soddisfatta del Trattato proposto da Zardugal, trattato atteso e già proposto nel corso dei recenti dialoghi all'interno dell'Alleanza di Majatran e che, a fronte del rischio di un massiccio intervento militare in Badara da parte di nazioni non majatrane, è arrivato finalmente alla fase di ratifica.
Lavinia Maggi, Presidente del Consiglio uscente, ha dichiarato che questo trattato non sarà solo un passo fondamentale per assicurare la pace, la stabilità e la prosperità di Majatra, e non sarà solo un ulteriore passo verso la normalizzazione delle relazioni tra l'Alleanza e la FSRM ma è anche l'espressione del malcontento sempre più emergente in Majatra e ben riassunta dalle parole del capo del governo: "Majatra per i Majatrani", linea politica che deve essere sempre più sostenuta dall'Istalia e che promuove l'indipendenza di tutto il continente dall'interferenza dei Paesi extra-majatrani, ma non solo: infatti, la Maggi vuole sottolineare che le sue parole sono indirizzate a TUTTI i Majatrani. Non è "Majatra per l'Alleanza Majatrana", "Majatra per la FSRM" o "Majatra per Beiteynu", e non è certamente "Majatra per Vanuku", sottolineando che nessuna nazione Majatrana può agire e rilasciare affermazioni vergognose come ha fatto anni fa Vanuku, parlando di Majatra come un "Continente Vanukueano", ma tutti i popoli di Majatra devono collaborare per decidere il destino del loro continente.
Il presidente appena eletto della Repubblica, Julia Sagane, ha già espresso il proprio sostegno al trattato di non aggressione e che, non appena il nuovo governo sarà installato, la ratifica del trattato sarà all'ordine del giorno della prima riunione, pronta ad essere Presentata al Parlamento.

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Luthorian Edition
Istalia unites the international discontent
Resolution against the external support for the Badaran conflict, Probatory Status for Beiteynu which Istalia wants also condemn for the practice of slavery as punishment: Rildanor votes in favor for the first two proposals

ROMULA - Finally, the international reaction has come and also massively, with broad support into the General Assembly for the latest Istalian proposals.
Presented Resolution 32 which seeks to put an end to the arrival of money, weapons and equipments in Badara by foreign nations, a resolution for long time proposed by Istalia to complete Resolution 29, that if it stopped the direct intervention of other nations, has not, however, put a brake on indirect support, for Istalian diplomacy a deliberately planned gap.
Istalia also proposed to put Beiteynu under Probatory Status for the presence of "military advisers" alongside the Coalition forces, with intelligence agencies suspecting that many foreign fighters are in real Beiteynes undercover troops, an infringment of the Resolution 29.
Rildanor unexpectedly already expressed its support for both the proposals. Unofficial rumors say that in the face of broad support in the GA for the Istalian proposals, Rildanor has decided to give its assent to not lose face.
But Istalia went further, also proposing a Resolution to condemn Beiteynu for the practice of slavery as a form of punishment in accordance with Resolution 3 approved during the first session of the Security Council, a body that in recent years was accused by Istalia along with other nations, to be bent over the political agendas of some of the current members, namely Rildanor and Dorvik, which according to unanswered voices would also consider a "peace" mission under the auspices of the World Congress and led by Dorvik, Rildanor and Kazulia which would have clearly acted against the legitimate government due to the biased position of two SC members; fortunately no proposal in this regard reached the debate and no official or unofficial statements in this sense were released by the three nations.
Istalia is also said to be ready to support a resolution in favor of the legitimate government of Badara, given the requests in this regard from different nations, even though he fears that the current CS will never accept such a Resolution.
But the government hopes that the most neutral Resolution 32 could cut support for the Coalition that according to defense analysts could not survive alone.

Istalia ready to adhere to the Zardic non-aggression pact addressed to the MRSF
Istalia said it was extremely pleased by the Treaty proposed by Zardugal, a treaty expected and already proposed during the recent dialogues within the Majatran Alliance and that, in the face of the risk of massive military intervention in Badara by not-majatran nations, has finally arrived at the ratification stage.
Lavinia Maggi, outgoing President of the Council, said that this treaty will not only be a key step in securing peace, stability and prosperity in Majatra, and will not only be a further step toward normalizing relations between Alliance and MRSF, but it is also an expression of the discontent that is increasingly emerging in Majatra and well summed up by the words of the Chief of Government: "Majatra for the Majatrans", a political line that must be increasingly supported by Istalia and which promotes the independence of the entire continent from the interference by extra-majatran countries, but not only: in fact, Maggi wants emphasize that her words are addressed to ALL the Majatrans. It is not "Majatra for the Majatran Alliance", "Majatra for the MRSF" or "Majatra for Beiteynu", and it is certainly not "Majatra for Vanuku", pointing out that no Majatran nation can and shall act and release shameful statements as it did years ago Vanuku, speaking about Majatra as a "Vanukuean Continent", but all Majatran peoples have to cooperate in deciding the destiny of their own continent.
The newly-elected President of the Republic, Julia Sagane, has already expressed support for the Non-aggression Treaty and that as soon as the new government is installed, ratification of the treaty will be on the agenda of the first meeting, ready to be submitted to Parliament.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:17 pm



BUNOGNA- The results of the election of the deputy leader are in: there were three contestants; the spokesperson, Hugo Alatte, the ex-youth wing leader, Aristotele di Vito and Lea di Chiaro. All three candidates were Greens, as that faction currently has the majority. Unlike the Chairperson, the Deputy Leader was elected by FR MPs. Of the 115, most (73) voted for Di Vito, making him the new DL. Although an underdog, he easily won after the other two dismissed their campaigns and were called "unready".
He gave us a brief comment regarding the future current of the party:


Well, I am happy that the MPs believed me and supported my candidacy. I want to be the best possible Deputy Leader that I can be, and I'll try to do everything to help the party get even better results in future elections. There are certain steps that we must take, and I'll gladly help in that. I.e; bulding sturctures in Silicia and Sarregna. We must also try to pass neccessary changes, such as reducing the number of MPs. There is much to do and even more to plan, but, as I said, I'll gladly attend to my new tasks and I hope that I'll be able to use my talents in the best way possible!

Di Vito will replace the interrim DL, Zeno Orio in the beggining of May.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:32 pm

Franco Ricollo: "We have SURRENDERED to the MRSF"
Freshly baked AI Leader projects himself on to the international stage

Franco Ricollo a dressing the AI youth

At the AI youth congress, for the first time Franco Ricollo attended it as the party leader. Immediately he jumped to action and made headlines by bashing the other parties in Istalian parliament and Zardugal:
The treaty of cooperation with MRSF is an open surrender to the commies. What cooperation can be even thought of with an organisation, based on violent revolution and mass nationalization? It is disgusting that Zardugal a formerly very laissez-faire capitalist nation, and our great Istalian nation even thinks about cooperating with the natural enemy, the MRSF. It us who have the military and economic competence to make them bend to our will, and surrender to the Alliance, not us surrendering to them. We are right and we will not accept this defeat!

The youth congress has met Franco with cheers and chants, however such aggressive stance seemingly isolates the AI on the national stage.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:41 pm

Istalian Edition
Maggi: "I 58 Governi di Terra hanno già il potere di eleggere il Consiglio di Sicurezza"
Il Presidente del Consiglio risponde ad alcune recenti proposte per una riforma del Congresso Mondiale

ROMULA - Lavinia Maggi infine si espone sul dibattito internazionale intorno ad una riforma del Congresso Mondiale, che verte sui membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza e sul modo in cui vengono scelti.
Anche se il Presidente del consiglio ne ha anche approfittato per difendere l'operato istaliano.
Queste le sue parole:

Ho letto di proposte che puntano ad incrementare il potere dell'Assemblea Generale e porre il Consiglio di Sicurezza nello stato di doverle richiedere un voto di fiducia o qualcosa del genere.
Ma analiziamo bene cosa è l'Assemblea Generale! L'AG non è un organo che riunisce i Governi delle nazioni di Terra, o meglio, non solo: l'Assemblea Generale, come abbiamo imparato in tutto questo tempo, è un forum virtualmente aperto a chiunque! Governi, partiti di opposizione, movimenti politici senza rappresentanza, rappresentative di particolari gruppi di intereste, di organizzazioni di ogni tipo nazionali ed internazionali.
Cosa vuol dire "i 2/3 dell'Assemblea Generale"? Quali 2/3 se nemmeno il numero dei partecipanti è fisso e noto, quando non esiste proprio un numero stabilito di rappresentati.
Dunque mi direte, riconosciamo solo i rappresentati ufficiali dei Governi di Terra come autorizzati a votare.
Va bene, ma allora, ditemi, oggi chi elegge i membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza?
Non sono forse i Governi di Terra e le rispettive maggioranze parlamentari che tramite un voto scelgono le loro preferenze per il Consiglio di Sicurezza?
Cosa cambierebbe se il voto venisse espresso nell'Assemblea? Ogni Governo dovrebbe comunque esprimere le proprie 5 preferenze ed ovviamente dovranno avere il supporto della maggioranza parlamentare che li sostiene, come già fanno dalla fondazione del Congresso Mondiale.
Potremmo invece essere più disponibili affinché i membri del Consiglio di Sicurezza consultino i Governi delle nazioni che li hanno sostenuti sulle linee d'azione da intraprendere, anche se dobbiamo tenere conto che queste cinque nazioni si sono comunque presentate e sono state elette avendo offerto e garantito determinate linee d'azione che hanno soddisfatto i Governi che le hanno sostenute.
E per parlare invece delle forti critiche rivolte contro il Paese, io stessa anni fa, da Presidente della Repubblica, ho espresso il mio personale disappunto per come il mio predecessore, Tajani, avesse malamente gestito la crisi con Vorona.
Ma se i mezzi furono giudicati impropri allora, i fini non si discostano da ciò che ha sempre attirato il sostegno di tante nazioni per l'Istalia, il suo impegno nel difendere dei principi che non possono essere considerati "di parte" né tantomeno interessi particolari di questa o quest'altra nazione. Democrazia e Rispetto dei diritti Umani, Risoluzione dopo Risoluzione il Congresso Mondiale ha riaffermato e confermato come il rispetto di questi ideali siano alla base di Pace e Prosperità per i popoli. Ideali che sono rigettati giusto da movimenti ideologici estremisti che nulla hanno a che vedere con la Pace o la Prosperità e tanto meno con la Democrazia!
Siamo convinti che il Congresso Mondiale abbia fallito in Badara nel non riconoscere i diritti di un Governo legittimamente al potere e scelto dal popolo, combattuto ed ora caduto sotto i colpi di una minoranza che scontenta del risultato di una elezione ha deciso di insorgere in armi, questo a causa di una irrazionale "paranoia rossa" che non trovava riscontri sulla situazione politica in Badara, dove nessuno è mai riuscito a dimostrare limitazioni di diritti politici e civili tali da dichiarare anti-democratico ed illiberale quel Governo.
Quindi io mi chiedo: insorgere in armi per un'elezione perduta è un modo legittimo e democratico per raggiungere il potere?
Parlano dell'Istalia come sostenitrice di una qualche strana e radicale ideologia quando invece proprio l'ideologia personale di questo o quel Governo e le alleanza con questa o quella nazione ha permesso la paralisi e l'inazione.
E di certo non si può dire che l'Istalia stava difendendo un alleato, non può di certo chi tanto si è speso nel propagandare il pericolo rosso!
In Istalia la fede ed il rispetto per i principi democratici non sono parte dell'ideologia di questo o di quel partito, ma sono qualcosa che si richiede a prescindere.
È stata legittimata una condotta e degli "strumenti politici" semplicemente illegali e che in futuro porteranno altri a sentirsi protetti ed in diritto di usare le armi e seminare morte e distruzione per imporre le proprie visioni politiche.
L'Istalia non ha fatto che tenere fede alle stesse Risoluzioni che il Congresso Mondiale ha adottato fino ad oggi, nelle quali è sempre stato riconosciuto il valore dei principi democratici ed il dovere di rispettare i diritti umani.

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Luthorian Edition
Maggi: "The 58 Terra's Governments already have the power to elect the Security Council"
The President of the Council responds to some recent proposals for a reform of the World Congress

ROMULA - Lavinia Maggi finally express about the international debate around a World Congress reform that focuses on the members of the Security Council and the way they are elected.
Although the President of the Council has also taken advantage of it to defend the Istalian work.
These are his words:

I have read proposals aimed at increasing the power of the General Assembly and putting the Security Council in the position of having to demand a vote of confidence or something like that.
But let's analyze what the General Assembly is! The GA is not a body that brings together the governments of Terra's nations, or rather, not only: the General Assembly, as we have learned throughout all this time, is a forum virtually open to anyone! Governments, opposition parties, political movements without representation, representatives of particular interest groups, national and international organizations of all types.
What does "the 2/3 of the General Assembly" mean? 2/3 of which if not even the number of participants is fixed and known, when there is no established number of members and it is not definite even the status of members of the General Assembly?
So you will tell me, we can recognize only the official representatives of the Terra's Government as authorized to vote.
All right, but then, tell me, who elects today the members of the Security Council?
Are not the governments of Terra and their respective parliamentary majority which, through a vote, choose their preferences for the Security Council?
What would it change if the vote was expressed in the Assembly? Each government have still to express its 5 preferences and obviously shall have the support of the parliamentary majority that supports them, as they did since the foundation of the World Congress.
We may, however, be more open to consider the members of the Security Council to consult the governments of the nations that have supported them on the lines of action to be taken, although we must take into account that these five nations have still presented themseld and have been elected by offering and guaranteeing certain lines of action that have met the preferences of the governments which have supported them.
And to speak instead of the strong criticisms against the Country, myself years ago, as President of the Republic, I expressed my personal disappointment about how my predecessor, Tajani, had mismanaged the crisis with Vorona.
But if the means were judged improper, the ends did not deviate from what has always attracted the support of so many nations for Istalia, its commitment to defending principles that can not be considered as "biased" or as special interests of this or that other nation. Democracy and Respect for Human Rights, Resolution after Resolution the World Congress reaffirmed and confirmed that respect for these ideals is the basis of Peace and Prosperity for the peoples. Ideals that are rejected just by extremist ideological movements that have nothing to do with Peace or Prosperity, and much less with Democracy.
We are convinced that the World Congress has failed in Badara in not recognizing the rights of a government legitimately in power and chosen by the people, fought and now fallen under the shots of a minority which, dissatisfied by the outcome of an election, has decided to rose up in arms, this is because the emergence of an irrational "red paranoia" who did not find any evidence of the political situation in Badara, where no one has ever been able to demonstrate political and civil rights restrictions such as to declare that government as not legitimate or illiberal.
So I wonder: getting into arms for a lost election is a legitimate and democratic way to reach power?
They speak of Istalia as a supporter of some strange and radical ideology when instead was the personal ideology of this or that government and the alliance with this or that nation which allowed paralysis and ination.
And of course noone can say that Istalia was defending an ally, it certainly can not be anyone who has spent so much in propagating the red danger, which times ago was crushing freedoms and democracy in central Majatra, a situation which today we cannot recognize anymore.
In Istalia, faith and respect for democratic principles are not part of the ideology of this or that party, but are something that is required regardless.
It has been legitimate an illegal conduct and illegasl "political instruments" and this will push in the future others to feel themseld protected and legitimate to use the arms and sow death and destruction to impose their political views.
Istalia did nothing to keep faith in the same resolutions that the World Congress has adopted so far, in which it has always been recognized the value of democratic principles and the duty to respect human rights.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:50 pm

Istalian Edition
Accordo Difensivo Istalo-Maliviano: ufficialmente fondata la Basa Aeronavale Ammiraglio Mateo Madei in Malivia
Malivia di contro pronta a sfruttare l'Isola di Montelia per l'addestramento delle proprie truppe, previste esercitazioni artiche al seguito dell'esercito Istaliano

Dopo pochi mesi dalla ratifica dell'Accordo Difensivo tra Istalia e Malivia, entrambe le nazioni hanno iniziato a sfruttare i termini del trattato.
Come da accordi il Governo Istaliano ha concesso al Governo Maliviano lo status di territorio sovrano maliviano per l'Isola di Montelia (42 km²), la più meridionale isola Istaliana, presso le latitudini antartiche, per 50 anni. Malivia ha intenzione di sfruttare l'Isola per condurre esercitazioni in ambianti decisamente diversi rispetto ai climi tropicali di Malivia e per installare un centro di comunicazione distaccato. Le truppe Maliviani gioveranno anche dell'esperienza della Forze Istaliane accanto alle quali condurranno frequenti esercitazioni collettive e dalle quali veranno formate.
Di contro, Malivia ha concesso all'Istalia lo stesso status ad un area di circa 29 km² lungo le coste meridionali Malivianie, poco ad est del punto più meridionale del Continente Artaniano dove è iniziata la costruzione della Base Aero Navale "Ammiraglio Matteo Madei" dove fra circa quattro anni verranno dislocate circa 2500 membri delle Forze Armate. Non si è fatto accenno alla possibilità di installare un gruppo navale nella base, sicuramente saranno presenti diverse squadriglie dell'Aeronautica e verrà installato un centro di Ricerca e Sviluppo congiunto per la Difesa Istaliana e Maliviana.
La base non è troppo distante da un'area dove la società Istaliana Umana Servizi è intenzionata ad installare un centro di ricerca farmaceutico che si dedicherà a studiare le proprietà della rigogliosa natura tropicale di Malivia mentre la Leonardi sarebbe interessata a comprare una società Maliviana dedicata alla demolizione di navi, ricapitalizzare ed quindi incrementare le dimensioni dei bacini di demolizione, un operazione che potrebbe garantire fine a 10 mila posti di lavoro in Malivia. Per il momento le società stanno trattando con Il Governo Maliviano sfruttando il secondo trattato stabilito con Malivia, un trattato economico e commerciale.

Malik Astori nuovo Segretario di Libertà e Progresso
ROMULA - Il Congresso di LP ha eletto Malik Astori come nuovo leader del partito. Astori siede nel Direttorio Nazionale dai tempi di Nicola Gasbarro, il quale lo prese sotto la sua ala protettiva facendone uno dei più stretti ma anche discreti collaboratori. Molti lo avevano chiamato "l'ombra" indicandolo come gli occhi e le orecchie di Gasbarro all'interno del Partito.
Dopo giorni di scontri tra Harun Al-Sahel, esponente libertariano, e Silvano Rogi, candidato dell'area social liberale, infine Astori, a seguito di una serie di accordi ed all'intervento del Direttorio stesso, che ha "consigliato" a Sahel di farsi da parte e sostenere il candidato moderato, è riuscito a coagulare una discreta maggioranza del 56%.
Grandi critiche dall'area Radicale, la più estrema, che durante il discorso di chiusura del Congresso ha esposto striscioni di protesta ed invocato l'introduzione di primarie, criticando la "burocrazia elitaria che ha sempre guidato il partito".
In generale si è trattato di un compromesso che ha scontentato tutti e che vede l'approccio internazionale di stampo Maggiano unirsi alle politiche socioeconomiche Marrane.
Forti critiche da tutti i partiti di destra per la via della moderazione presa da LP, ben riassunta dalle parole di Astori:

Offrire la massima offerta di scelte al cittadino! Publico e privato possono coesistere, in concorrenza, sempre che il primo operi in senso economico e non si pieghi agli interessi politici. Ma anche i più ampi diritti per i lavoratori, così che possano trattare con i datori di lavoro con più forza e sicurezza ed affinché possano godere di una vita dignitosa e piena.
Una necessità oggi è spingere per frenare il crescente divario economico nella società Istaliana.
Non mi esporrò sulla politica estera, ora come ora LP non ha inumeri per influenzare le politiche del Governo ma LP continuerà a supportare la distensione generale in Majatra e spingeremo perché vengano stabilite relazioni e trattati con più nazioni possibile in Majstra.

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Luthorian Edition
Istalo-Malivian Defensive Agreement: officially founded the Naval-Air Base Admiral Mateo Madei in Malivia
Malivia, on the other hand, ready to exploit Montelia Island for the training of its troops, provided Arctic exercises following the Istalian army

Shortly after the ratification of the Defensive Agreement between Istalia and Malivia, both nations have begun to exploit the terms of the treaty.
As agreed by the government, Istalia granted to the Malivian Government the status of Malivian sovereign territory for the island of Montelia (42 km²), the southernmost Istalian island, close to the Antarctic latitudes, for 50 years. Malivia intends to exploit the Island to conduct training excerses in very different environments compared to the Malivia's tropical climates and to install a detached communication center. Malivian troops will also benefit from the experience of the Istalian Forces next to which they will conduct frequent collective exercises and by which they will be formed.
In exchange, Malivia has granted to Istalia the same status to an area of ​​about 29 km² along the southern coasts of Maliviania, just to the east of the southernmost point of the Artanian Continent where the Naval-Air Base Base "Admiral Matteo Madei" where in approximately 4 years 2500 members of the Armed Forces will be deplaced. There was no mention of the possibility of installing a naval group in the base, surely there will be several Air Force squadrons and a joint Research and Development center for Istalian and Malivian Defenses will be installed.
The base is not too far from an area where Istalian company Umana Servizi intends to install a pharmaceutical research center which will focus on studying the properties of the lush tropical nature of Malivia while Leonardi would be interested in buying a Malivian company devoted to the demolition of ships, recapitalize it and thus increase the size of demolition basins, an operation which could secure 10,000 jobs at Malivia and one of the major demolition yards of Terra. For the time being, it is clear that the companies are dealing with Malivian Government by exploiting the second treaty established with Malivia, an economic and commercial treaty.

Malik Astori new Secretary of Freedom and Progress
ROMULA - LP Congress has elected Malik Astori as the new party's leader. Astori sits in the National Directory from the days of Nicola Gasbarro, who took it under his protective harm making him one of the narrowest but also discreet collaborators. Many had called him "the shadow," pointing to him as Gasbarro's eyes and ears inside the party.
After days of clashes between Harun Al-Sahel, Libertarian exponent, and Silvano Rogi, candidate of the social liberal area, finally Astori, following a series of agreements and the intervention by the Directory itself, who "suggested" to Sahel to stand aside and support the moderate candidate, has managed to coagulate a fair majority of 56%.
Great criticism from the Radical area, the most extreme of the social liberal wing, which during the Congressional closing speech exposed banner of protest and called for the introduction of primaries, criticizing the "elite bureaucracy that has always led the party."
In general, it was a compromise that dissatisfied everyone and sees the international approach of Mggi experience joining Marra's socio-economic policies.
Strong criticism from all right parties on the way of moderation taken by LP, well summed up by Astori's words:

Offering the largest offer of choice to the citizen! Public and private can coexist, in competition, but only if the former operates economically and is not bend to political interests. But also the broader rights for workers so that they can deal with employers with more strength and security and that they can enjoy a dignified and full life.
A need today is to push to curb the growing economic gap in Istalian society.
I will not expose myself to foreign policy, now as LP now has no impact on influencing government policies but LP will continue to support the general relaxation in Majatra and move on to establish relationships and treat with as many nations as possible in Majstra.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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