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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Imperialistic » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:24 pm


(Deltarian vessel in Kafuri waters.)

In a matter of forty-eight hours, via executive order, the Deltarian Navy adjusted the maritime patrols in the areas of the Ushalande Bay and the Sea of Majatran. At first the intent was to stay in international waters and protect all civilian vessels. Later that evening Supreme-Commander, Aleksandr Prvovenčani contacted the PPKD and requested that the Deltarian vessels be stationed inside of Kafuri waters. His request was granted. The intent is still to protect all civilian and military vessels alike in the areas of the Sea of Majatran and Kafuri waters.

--Steven Klein, Deltarian News Network.
-- "Popular culture tells you that schools and parents don't know what's going on, the police are dogs, politicians are all liars and scum, and any crime that's not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA."
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby pope paul 6th » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:23 pm

Democritus, PPKD, "Shoot to Kill Order."

Just a few hours ago, Anacletus Democritus approved of Deltarian Vessels patrolling Kafuri waters. Now, with the CPK invading Eastern Pabeus, the PPKD will have to focus on them, and in doing so, will be relying on these Deltarian Ships to destroy any bit of Liberal Communism they see in Tordary and Hiamou, where many Kalopians live. The PPKD does not believe the last statement about the CPK refusing a Kalopian Genocide, and therefore, wishes the Nation of Deltaria to do what they must, to kill any Communists. They still wish the vessels to protect Kafuri Citizens, and more importantly, Kalopians living in Kafuristan.

-Stephanos Tycho, PPKD Secretary on Defense
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Imperialistic » Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:19 am


(Ariel view of Fort Nova.)

Earlier this evening Supreme-Commander Aleksandr Prvovenčani was struck with illness. The Supreme-Commander complained of chest pains in the afternoon. Medical staff in the Prvovenčani Royal Palace kept close watch on him. At approximately 9:30pm he fell down. It was confirmed that Prvovenčani had suffered from heart trauma. Whether it was a heart attack or other causes was unknown at the time. Within ten minutes he was rushed via helicopter to Fort Nova in Dissuwa. As of now Prvovenčani is in stable condition in a coma. He is under medical surveillance and is projected to recover fully. Andrej Prvovenčani, current head of government, will have all the abilities of Supreme-Commander until Aleksandr Prvovenčani has recovered fully.

--Steven Klein, Deltarian News Network.
-- "Popular culture tells you that schools and parents don't know what's going on, the police are dogs, politicians are all liars and scum, and any crime that's not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA."
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Imperialistic » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:38 am


(Members of the 3rd Infantry Battalion saluting Aleksandr Prvovenčani.)

It is a day of morning and sorrow all across Deltaria. One of the most beloved leaders in Deltarian history perished this evening. It is said that though Prvovenčani had not gone through any international crisis that he is not a true hero. It is said that because Prvovenčani didn't pillage rape foreign settlements he is not a true hero. It is said that because he did not wage war aimlessly he is not a true hero. It is also said that because Prvovenčani kept Deltaria out of war and crisis he made it a better place for all people. It has been announced that Nicholas II is to take the title of Supreme-Commander.
-- "Popular culture tells you that schools and parents don't know what's going on, the police are dogs, politicians are all liars and scum, and any crime that's not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA."
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Imperialistic » Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:13 am


(Nicholas Prvovenčani II.)

At a recent press conference, in the Prvovenčani Royal Palace, Nicholas II refuted the claims of being a Dictator. His anger was sparked after hearing Terran Public Radio, Tim Runson, host confirmed the claim of the International Monarchist League. Had it not bothered the citizens of Deltaria it wouldn't have bothered Nicholas II. He and his brother were sure that within a matter of months the whole incident would 'blow over.' Thought it had been proven otherwise. His official statement was given this evening as well, "...It doesn't bother me that disputants exist in Terra, what irks me the most is that people have the audacity to consider Deltaria a dictatorship. Sure, I can semi-justify their claim. Because there is technically a monarch in Deltaria there and supposedly the rule of one man. Which is completely untrue. We have a legislative branch, they make laws just as much as the Supreme-Commander does. However the Supreme-Commander has the right to create executive orders with out over-rule. Though this standing, nor my brother, god bless his soul, or I have executed a single order from our desk. The people voted for the Prvovenčani family to govern Deltaria. Not the alleged royal family..." Deltaria has come a long way since the Empire and is nothing like it was before. Nicholas II has can't stress enough that Deltaria is a republic. Not an empire.
-- "Popular culture tells you that schools and parents don't know what's going on, the police are dogs, politicians are all liars and scum, and any crime that's not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA."
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Prvovenčani Dynasty Violently Crushed

Postby imperialdem09 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:31 am

Summer of 2810

The Prvovenčani Dynasty Party of Deltaria was violently crushed by the Imperial Democratic Party's para-military forces in July of 2810. It is suspected that the Imperial Democrats were supported militarily and financially by outsiders, possibly Jelbania. Prvovenčani Dynasty Legislators were surprised to find themselves led away and shot by para-military forces as Imperial Democratic politicians looked on. Deltarian Dictator Nicholas II was put under house of arrest as were members of his Cabinet.

With the Prvovenčani Dynasty chased out of the country, the Imperial Democrats have now a super majority at 74%. Despite calls by some Deltarians to call early elections, the Imperial Democrats have refused to do so out of political expediency. The New Social Party, a third party, in Deltaria has called upon the Imperial Democrats to call for early elections. As of this report, only 43 seats out of 200 are filled. International observers have condemned the undemocratic spirit of the Imperial Democrats.

Summer of 2811

The legislative branch, now renamed to the Imperial Consortium has officially dethroned Nicholas II. The Monarch was allowed to flee the country and was treated humanly according to Imperial Democratic sources. Upon the sacking of the Deltarian government, the Imperial Democrats have passed sweeping reforms on how the government will present itself to its people and the outside world. In the reforms, the Head of State will be an elected position instead of hereditary, all political appointments will be non-political in nature, the amount of proposals a party can write was halved to 10, the Head of Government was renamed to Imperial Minister, the age at which one can vote was moved up to 18, citizens are now allowed to elect their own mayors, immigrants are now able to become citizens upon passing a test, and districts were renamed to Provinces. The reforms were passed unanimously among the 43 legislators.

As promised we have greatly expanded the freedom of the Deltarian people and made our bureaucracies a politically free environment. I believe the long suffering Deltarian people will be very pleased with what we have accomplished for them and we eagerly await elections six years from now.
Imperial Minister Justin Moore
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Deltaria Leaves Axis Alliance

Postby imperialdem09 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:42 am

Summer of 2811

The Deltarian Legislature unanimously agreed to leave the Axis Alliance by withdrawing from two treaties. The bill was passed in an effort to give Deltaria greater control of its military and overall independence. The Imperial Democrats proposed the withdraw and received the backing of the New Society Party. The Axis has not responded to Deltarian Foreign Affairs concerning this matter.

Our goal was to give Deltaria greater independence and to withdraw from foreign entanglements that may hinder our ability to keep the peace. We have had enough of war, it is time for peace in this land and I believe that the Deltarian people will respect us for our decision. We have the highest respect for the officials and nations that run the Axis, and we will continue to engage in talks with each member of the Axis Alliance individually.
Imperial Minister Justin Moore.

Imperial Democrats Pass Flat Tax

The Imperial Democrats passed a flat tax on all income makers of 10%. The new income tax proposal will give immediate tax relief to Deltarians long oppressed by high taxation and low government spending. The Imperial Democrats have assured the voters that they will work on a responsible spending plan that will increase Deltaria's Defense and Scientific capabilities.

Imperial Commonwealth of Deltaria

The Republic of Deltaria has been renamed to the Imperial Commonwealth of Deltaria. The Imperial Democrats have yet to justify themselves as to why the name change considering all the democrats reforms they have passed in recent months. The New Society Party opposed the name change but were outvoted.
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Duke Matthus » Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:34 pm

The Holy Luthori Empire moves in to aid Delteria

Imperial Troops march through the lands devastated by Kennedy military forces as they tried to keep Delterian rebels from rising up.

The Holy Imperial Military today, moved into the newly liberated Delteria after the Imperial Diet had ordered them to begin moving into the area to help the newly freed Delterians reestablish their state and run out any of the Kennedy Forces that resist. While not a declaration of War the Battle Group Delteria, consisting of Legions XV-XX, have been deployed and the Battle Fleet Czar, consisting Carrier Groups VI-IX, have been deployed and are not occupying the main military and government establishments while the new Delterian Government regroups and organizes.

Imperial Tanks moving into the Kennedy Capital of Delteria, Imparatul Stefan.

Planes letting supplies off.

Also, Imperial Troops are unloading supplies and weapons to help the Delterians rebuild their military and help their own people. The High General of the operation, the brother of the current Imperial Seal-Bearer and Duke of Tinako William Noventa, High Gen. Andrew Noventa, was quoted saying the following as he entered the Delterian Government Chambers, "We are here to help Delteria in anyway possible. We are not here to say long, and in six months we hope to be packing up and pulling back out of the nation with the only thing being left is the small Military port, in order to make sure that no Kennedy ever dares to try and take Delteria on for it would mean Declaring War on Luthori."

High General Andrew Noventa, Entering the Delterian Government Chambers, with Luthori troops guarding outside.
Long Live the Empire!!!!
And while we are at it, "Hail the Holy Britannian Empire!!!!!"
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Duke Matthus » Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:05 pm

Luthori pulls out after transition to newly formed Delterian Government and its Military

Imperial Troops marching out of the new capital of Čachtice in Delteria to their planes and ships to go back home.

Holy Imperial Troops pulled out today from Delteria, after eight months of guarding Delteria from the remains of the Kennedy Dictatorship in Jeblania and helping to rebuild Delteria by supplying money, resources and anything else they requested in order to help them recover faster. Now that it has been eight months, of what some Delterians have seen as an invasion and an occupation, the Holy Luthori Holy Imperial Military is completely withdrawing and returning back to their normal bases.

High General Andrew Noventa, with the Pope about to give their celebration speeches.

Earlier today, the High General, Andrew Noventa, of the Luthori forces stationed in Delteria, had a ceremony at which the Pope of the Terran Catholic Church and the new Najvyššia Vedúci Roman Boleslav, atteneded to officially take control Military wise of the nation and symbolize the rebirth of Delteria, free of Kennedy rule. In his speech, High General Andrew Noventa said this, "Today is a new day for Delteria, a nation that while under the Kennedy Dictatorship for only a little while, suffered greatly, but was able to recover with lightening speed. Now, there have been many who have asked why we came, and even more that have felt as if we were just another Kennedy coming here to rule over you, however, this day proves that we had no such intentions, and just wanted to make sure that those poor souls in Jeblania, who are still under the Kennedys, would not dare try and invade your nation while you rebuilt it and reorganized. That has been accomplished and as promise we are not leaving. I hope that you continue to prosper and grow, and someday maybe even be the Delteria of the past. May god be with you Delteria and your people."

Military parade of the newly rebuilt Delterian Military

Luthori takes items from the old Kennedy palace in their capital.
With the fall of the Kennedys, it has seemed odd, that the Luthori forces raided the old palace of the Kennedys in Delteria. While they have not released what they had taken from the palace, they did say that it will help them in their efforts to clean up the mess that Luthori seems to feel responsible for, since it is Luthori that the Kennedys started from. While they have taken it, they promised that any of it that Delteria wanted back, they would send in 2 weeks when they had finished doing whatever they are going to do with it.
Old Imperial Palace of the Kennedys in Imparatul Stefan after being raided
Long Live the Empire!!!!
And while we are at it, "Hail the Holy Britannian Empire!!!!!"
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Re: Deltarian News Network

Postby Dynastia » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:50 pm

Glorious Deltarian Nation Make Bayonet to the Kenedy Overlordship
Editor-in-Chief, Vladko Ghurabusky

Hello foreign heathen

Glorious Deltarian Nation are already rejecting Kenedy overlordship over glorious Deltarian Nation. Old policy party NEW SOCIAL PARTY rejecting Kenedy overlordship, and new representation of Noble Deltarian Party and Peasant Deltarian Party are also rejecting Kenedy overlordship. In battle over nation many battallion of heroic and brave soldier of Kontra are already making kaput bad leadership. Kaput are policemen and taxman of Kenedy, Kaput is Deltarian Army who oppress and destroy good workingman. Kaput is so-named Emperor Kenedy and when he is found has been sentence to suffer a killing by whipping and a second killing by burial face-down. All Kenedy and dogs of Kenedy are sentenced a killing. Many more policeman and soldiers and public paperwriter are sentence to slaves or whipping.


Kenedy now gone many week and are many new job for surviving Deltarian. Newspaper house empty, Police houses empty, army houses empty. Plenty building fallen down and need fixing. Plenty body on street need taken away. Job are everywhere. Wikipedia say lots of job available is sign of good economy. Good economy is because Kenedy is gone. I am for instance being promoted to newspaper man immediately from fighting with Kontra in 14th Cossack Uhlann because I am first man they find who read and write expertly in ugly heathen tongue. I sit at desk and write letters that everybody is reading. I am wishing to write of Kontra and what good man they are.

Economy are skyrocket, just look at all this things need doing!

Glorious hero soldiers of Kontra has fighting like gentleman and scholar. Any lies telled by Deltarian traitors and Luthori soldiers should not be printed in any newspapers and such persons should be sentenced many whips. Kontra is good and loved by people. Kontra is not making fire on villages or selling dried peasant ear for trophies. Kontra is not using chemical weapon but in most regretful incident there was leak of delousing medicine over several village, was not Kontra fault or war-crime. Kontra is not hiring illegal mercenaries but has already hired schoolteacher for teaching of hungry orphans and such men have right to carry a rifle and sometimes are fighting back when under attack from war-criming Kenedy. Kontra is not wearing sign of Red Cross but instead are wearing traditional Deltarian plus sign which stand for "PLUS GOOD THINGS FOR NATION". Red Cross is copying our sign, so it is not possible we are war-criming. Kontra is not building a trebuchet and flinging cholera donkeys into reservoir of besiege city of Imparatul Stefan. This are outrageous lie. Kontra also take no part in looting of heritage sites. Such events are acts of Kenedy lapdogs and is much sadness our brave Luthori allies have seen such events and make misunderstanding that perhaps Kontra is committed them. Also, complaint about Kontra forcing slave to work heroin factories are misfounded, our workers are happy and paid good and field of poppy flower is only for harvest seeds to make poppy seed pie and Jew bagel. Kontra is good people.

Have clearly died of natural causes and landed like that randomly so is not a warcrime

I am now not knowing what else to be writing. COSSACK MAN HAVE BIGGEST DICK!!!!! Thanking you.
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