The Hulstro-Kazulian War

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The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby Maxington » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:36 pm

We'll try with one thread at first. Please post all relevant RP here and feel free to post it elsewhere, as well. Basically, if it has to do with the conflict, post here. If you want to post in A Battle Unseen or your national papers as well, feel free, but we should try to centralise our RP.

NOTE: Players who wish to have some doing with the conflict should contact Maxington before hand. By just jumping into the RP without consent is sickening and is disrespectful. It shows you have no respect for the time taken to form the RP event, and as the asymmetrical response, those partaking should have no respect for you and shall not consider unauthorised posts in the thread as a rational thought.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby stuntmonkey » Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:14 pm


Special Report by Hulstrian Chronicle Defence Correspondent Elgar Wittins
(Subject to Reporting Restrictions Imposed by Imperial Government due to State of Emergency).

Units of the 5th Armoured Brigade carry out weapons systems checks after arriving near the Kazulian border.

War, it would seem, is inevitable. Despite the Imperial Government's attempts to conclude a deal with neighbouring Kazulia over closer political unity with Hulstrian ethnics living there, diplomacy has failed.

A stony silence now exists between Karlstadt and Skalm and the only talking is being done through vast troop numbers.

It is understood that more that than 200,000 Imperial troops are already deployed in the northern reaches of the states of Budenlar and Hulstria, backed by tanks, combat aircraft, artillery and assault vehicles. Across the border in the southern Kazulian Fylke of Hent and Kelvon, it is assumed similar numbers are concentrating for the face off.

But where will the first strike land - and who will make it?

Further south in the capital, Reichskanzler Heinrich Otto-Mann has described the creation of a Greater Hulstria as "inevitable" and he has told the people of the nation that the plan has "the blessing of the millions of Dundorfian-speaking Hulstrians living in southern Kazulia as well as the international community".

But the World Congress, and in particular the Security Council, remains tight-lipped. Some in the country say the organisation is toothless and does not have the power to act. Others say that matters on Dovani are too far removed from the everyday focus of the organisation - the turbulent continent of Majatra.

Questions have been asked over the quality of Imperial forces. Despite a central corps of well-trained and mobile troops other units are newly formed, conscripted straight from leaving school and potentially under-equipped.

The problems with the navy are also well reported. Despite pumping billions into the project, the Kaiser-class aircraft carrier scheme seems to be going nowhere fast, leaving the fleet reliant on dated frigates, cruisers and destroyers for its primary firepower.

However, regardless of troops, equipment and technology it is set to be a bloody fight.

Defence Minister Urusura Kurutsu told me: "This conflict is about passion and ensuring our people in Kazulia are free of the subjugation and oppression they find inflicted on them. Therefore we have the upper hand in terms of motivation , in terms of justice and morale. We know we are doing the right thing - we see ourselves as liberators."

What is not clear is whether others around the world will hail Hulstria as a liberating force, or rather, label the country as the instigator of a pointless and bloody conflict.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:14 am

Hulstria's Ambassador to the World Congress addresses the General Assembly and Security Council in regards to the imminent conflict.

He asks for direct condemnation of Kazulia's government and says where diplomacy fails conflict is inevitable:

“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:47 pm

Invasion of Kazulia!

- Hulstrian Army Supported By The Imperial Navy Targets Western Hent
- Imperial Airforce Launches Simultaneous Attack
- Security Council Response Gave Us No Other Options, says Reichskanzler

Mechanised infantry units of the 23rd Light Armoured Brigade were among the first over the border.

Tens of thousands of Hulstrian soldiers have crossed the border into Kazulia to coincide with a simultaneous attack by the Imperial airforce.

Following a series of feints and probes along the entire frontier, the main assault was launched into western Hent at dawn on the 24th April 4262. The 23rd Light Armoured Brigade spearheaded the invasion followed by other units of the 2nd Armoured Division.

Only light resistance was reported as the fast-moving troops made their way several miles into enemy territory, although this is not expected to continue as the they move closer towards early objective cities of Lamond and Gna.

In addition, a significant naval task force, under the direct command of Admiral Volkar von Vettel, set sail from their primary base at Furaida with the aim of providing shore bombardment support for the advancing land force and to dominate the waters of the central and northern Kankawaran Bay.

Secondary land assaults were launched two hours later in central and eastern Kelvon with elements of the 8th Armoured Brigade and the 38th Mechanised Infantry Brigade leading the advances and making steady progress despite encountering rugged territory.

It is now clear that considerably more than 200,000 troops with over 600 tanks and assault vehicles are involved in the invasion force with a large reserve also being mobilised throughout the country.

Success was more limited in the sky. Around 400 combat aircraft, deployed in four air wings, left bases in Hulstria to begin the attack on enemy forces, towns and cities.

Kazulian Surface to Air Missile defence systems installed along the border in the aftermath of the War for the Emperor's Protection, struck home with precision. Early intelligence suggests that around 12 per cent of the Imperial fighters, bombers and escorts did not make it into enemy airspace and were knocked out of the sky while still flying over Hulstria.

With numbers depleted the air wing fighters have now reportedly made contact with the enemy, who scrambled in response to the aerial invasion. The battle for air superiority is now underway.

Back in the capital - Karlstadt, Reichskanzler Heinrich Otto-Mann said that Hulstrian troops had been greeted like liberators as they passed through the Kazulian border communities. He said: "God and the moral backing of the world is with us.... victory will be secured within the month."

He added: "We had no choice but to take the war to Kazulia. We know they were getting ready to strike as early as May - without any diplomatic intervention from the World Congress we had to take the initiative now to ensure the survival of our people."
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby Maxington » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:54 pm

Reprinted from
Kazulias Nyheter: Dispatches from the Front.
Invasion of Kazulmark underway; nation caught off-guard.
Invasion of Kazulmark begins as Imperialist forces spotted on steps to Lamond and Gna.
A map of the current military situation by the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation.
24th April, 4262.

During the early hours of this morning, Hulstrian representatives within the World Congress issued their final statement prior to the opening of the conflict. The statement outlined that the World Congress had failed in its mission to derail the tensions and institute peace, citing that the World Congress gave the Hulstrian government no choice but to invade. Government forces positioned on the border regions were reported to be retreating after reports from the intelligence branches of the Kongeforsvar highlighted the presence of a major force entering the nation's airspace. According to eye witness reports, the invaders have established a foothold in the southern regions and are currently on the doorsteps to both Lamond and Gna.

Ahead of conflict, the Statsminister ordered the evacuation of civilians living on the border regions, sending most of them to the northern region of Agatha, however this failed as the invasion force had already become engaged with surface-to-air missile sites installed prior to the conflict. According to an official from the Office of the Statsminister, Kazulian citizens living extremely close to the border regions have found themselves behind enemy lines with no route of escape. Other reports state that in the southern suburban outskirts of Gna, the Hulstrian invaders were met with cheers, however this is an expected factor as that region had been known for its strong pro-Hulstrian views.

Not much word has come out from the Office of the Statsminister nor from the Defence Ministry with respect to the asymmetrical response by the government and the Kongeforsvar to the invasion force. Many have speculated that with the invasion the government was caught off guard and thus the invasion has thrown them off track. According to statement from Defence Command, the entirety of the air-force had been mobilised and were currently engaged in a battle for air superiority over Kazulian and Hulstrian air-space. Other reports from fisher men reported the presence of a naval flotilla near Hent, citing instances of the vessels engaging them, with others stating that the vessels are supporting the ground invasion in Hent.

Against a background of the nation systematically losing territory to the ill-trained and ill-prepared invasion force through its human wave strategy, the Home Guard as of now has decided to meet the invasion force in Gna and Lamond on their own accord. Whilst overlooking the massing positions of the invasion forces outside of Gna, Major-General Halvard Gjertsen, Inspector-General of the Home Guard issued a quick statement on the situation. "Defence Command is currently mounting the response to the invasion. The Home Guard has been tasked with meeting the invasion force in Lamond and Gna and intends on pushing them back to their original borders. The success of this is purely based on the battles over us being waged by our air-force and the Hulstian air-force."

Whether Defence Command is mounting the asymmetrical response or whether the Home Guard is meant to meet the invasion force, what is important now is that the response that is currently being mounted will deliver the decisive blow to the invasion.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby Maxington » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:33 pm

Reprinted from
Kazulias Nyheter: Dispatches from the Front.
Turning the Tide
Kongefrosvar launches Operation Delayed Response.
Servicemen of the 2nd Home Guard Infantry Brigade during their initial deployment to Lamond.
11th May, 4262.

In a circumstance not anticipated by the Hulstrian, the Tide has Turned. During the late hours of yesterday afternoon, Defence Command issued a series of commands and orders to the various branches of the Kongeforsvar including the Home Guard, the Air-Force, the Land Forces, the Navy and the Cyber Defence Force which has been coined the asymmetrical response the nation has been waiting for.

Much of the Hulstrian Air-Force now low on fuel was grounded, thus creating the impetus for the commencement of the air-forces' operations in the conflict under the banner of Operation Dunk Hunter. According to military officials around two hundred (200) combat aircraft launched a massive attack against Hulstrian the grounded Hulstrian Air-Force. The Hulstrian infrastructure was well protected as the government had invested much into civil defence infrastructure. Nevertheless, the Kongelig Luftvåpen did not launch the preemptive strike blindly. Aware of this factor, much of the involved multi-role fighters were equipped both bunker busting bombs and anti-runway busting bombs. The route of approach of the various squadrons of the Kongelig Luftvåpen were both over the Anantonese Sea and over the Sea of Carina. Many flew low as to avoid radar detection from Hulstrian radar posts on the Barrier Range.

It could be said that the Hulstrians hindered their own defences. As apart of the government's guise to show that it is a "civilised" society, several Hulstrian missile defence systems were re-positioned, thus allowing for Kazulian intelligence to accentuate the points throughout Hulstria in which radar detection and SAM strength was weak. Signals Intelligence reports stated that Hulstrian radar stations intercepted some fighters but were unable to send a warning to the other branches as the Kazulian Navy Electronic Warfare Vessel, KNOS-Jan Opsal and a series of electronic warfare planes buzzing above Hulstria's airspace jammed radio frequencies for the period in which Operation Duck Hunter was being executed.

As to the Kongeforsvar had drilled several times in the past, the Kongelig Luftvåpen employed a mixed-approach strategy of bombing and strafing runs against planes parked on the ground, and bombing to disable runways with special tarmac-shredding penetration bombs. To Kazulian Defence Command, the Operation was successful. Nevertheless, the Kongelig Luftvåpen was not short of its loses. Although the Mikuni-Hulstrian lost around 320 aircraft, some fighters of the Kongelig Luftvåpen were shot down either due to being hit by surface to air missiles or losing in dog battles. It is estimated that around one hundred and twenty (120) of the initial three hundred (300) fighters were shot down.

Upon hearing news of the success of the operation, Chief of Defence Staff General Reidar Valebrokk ordered the Home Guard - who had been fighting with the ground invasion in Lamond and Gna - to move forward and request reinforcements from the reserves of the Home Guard. The success of Operation Duck Hunter was a testimony of the consistent training/drilling of the Kongeforsvar, the effectiveness of the Kongeforsvar and impact of technology superiority and support. Now with the air, the Kazulia rules with almost complete air superiority.

On the oceanic side, Admiral Isak Vangen, Inspector-General of the Navy, has taken command of the KNOS-Queen Ingrid AAS/Carrier. Officials from Defence Command state that under orders from General Valebrokk, Vangen and the entirety of the International Response, Regional Response and Support Task Forces, were to hard charge the Hulstrian naval contingent and ensure their swift and speedy destruction. The Ingrid and Arvid's air capabilities mainly consists on Zardic built Z-35 fighter aircraft. The problem with this comes in the form of the armament of the aircraft. The Z-35KZ, are mainly armed with ground strike missiles and air-to-air missiles as they were intended to attack ground targets and defend the airspace of the task forces. Although Brigadier David Brenden, commander of the Joint Naval Air Wing (a combination of the air wings of the KNOS-Queen Ingrid and the KNOS-King Arvid), has stated that he believes that the aircraft can do with what they can, officials from Defence Command stated that the Air-Force will be assisting them in the form of supplying naval strike missiles and naval CAS.

This can only be described as the early turning point of the conflict.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby stuntmonkey » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:58 am


- Kazulian counterstrikes limit Imperial Airforce and Naval Capability
- Army still short of its initial targets in Hent

Hulstrian troops begin to dig in after their initial fast-paced advance was halted.

The Hulstrian ground assault has stalled still several miles short of its early campaign objectives in southern Kazulia.

After launching an initially successful mass invasion of their northern neighbour, the advance has slowed to a halt just out of range of the Hentish cities of Lamond and Gna. With air superiority now wiped out, and the Kazulian Home Guard beginning their own offensive, the Hulstrian troops seem to have lost their early impetus.

The Imperial Navy is also reported to be tactically withdrawing towards its base in Furaida after heavy fighting with the enemy.

Reichskanzler and Supreme Army Commander Heinrich Otto-Mann has reacted to the news by calling it a "minor blip in the campaign" but he has ordered the advance of 200,000 reserves who have been concentrating around major cities, such as the capital Karlstadt.

Controversially, he has also ordered Class C citizens to be moved to strategic locations around the country in what is being called Operation Human Shield. The news was greeted with consternation in the World Congress with the Italian Ambassador labelling it an act of terrorism.

But Hulstrian's own representative to the organisaton, Anton Clausewitz, has explained that the Class C citizens are being formed up into defensve units to protect - or shield - key locations. It is not clear what the definitive situation is as the Ministry of Defence has refused to comment.

The Reichskanzler also told the Reichstag that Hulstria had received several offers of support from aroud the world and he was evaluating how the assistance could be best utilised. He also said he would continue to negotiate with the "more rational" Security Council ambassadors from Dorvik and Trigunia.

It is not clear what the Hulstrian Reichswehr's next move will be. With the navy and airforce hobbled and the army grinding to a halt, it is assumed that defensive protocols will have to be adopted. But owing to the Reichskanzler's determined vision of a Greater Hulstria, will that be allowed to happen?
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:40 am

Reprinted from
Kazulias Nyheter: Dispatches from the Front.
Navy successful in operations against Hulstrian Navy; Home Guard drives invasion force to border
Kongefrosvar launches Operation Hammarskjöld Phase 2 and 3: Operation Ocean Sword & Operation Downfall.
Elements of the 1st Home Guard Mechanised Brigade
18th February, 4263

Through decisive strategy and pre-orchestrated tactics, it was confirmed by the Ministry of Defence that the naval engagement between the Royal Kazulian Navy and the Imperial Hulstrian Navy, had been won through the combined forces of the Kazulian International Response, Regional Response and Support Task Forces. The combined fleet, on orders from Admiral Isak Vangen were tasked with an umbrella-primary objective: Sink the entirety of the Hulstrian navy. The engagement coined the Battle for Furaida, saw around sixty eight (68) vessels of the Royal Kazulian Navy corner twenty-five (25) vessels of the Imperial Hulstrian Navy in their naval station in Furaida.

According to reports made from Naval High Command, through assistance from the Air-force, the KNOS-Queen Ingrid and the KNOS-King Arvid were able to conduct wartime carrier operations, aiming their actions against the vessels of the Hulstrian Navy. The well-trained and equipped Kazulia Navy did not spare the ill-trained, ill-equipped Hulstrian Navy. Whereas the Kazulians have fully integrated advanced weapons systems into their naval capabilities such as the Fürstenscheid-class submarine and the Torgersen-class frigate, the Hulstrian navy mainly consists of naval vessels dating back to the times of the War for the Emperor's Protection. The vessels are mainly those which were not bombed by the Kazulian Air Force during the conflict due to the fact that they had been sent to Kalistan for "modernisation".

Defence Command has confirmed that they now have complete control of Kankawaran Bay and and the waters north and west of it and had also confirmed that the Air-Force had located and destroyed the Beatrice aircraft carrier whilst it was still under-construction in the naval yard in Furaida. On the side of the ground invasion, through Operation Hammarskjöld Phase 1: Operation Delayed Response, the Home Guard has been making positive gains towards driving the ground invasion force back to its original borders. Earlier this morning, Defence Command announced the commencement of Operation Downfall, the major offensive aimed at delivering the decisive blow to the invasion force in order to push it back to its original borders.

According to Chief of Defence Staff Reidar Valebrokk announced that the 300,000 reserves of the Home Guard had been called-up for the operation and that he had committed aerial forces to assist in a combined arms tactic. Officials from the Institute for Defence Information have recently stated that they have complied a report on the current casualties reported by the Kongeforsvar. According to the report, around 800 Kazulian servicemen had been killed and another 2,000 wounded. On the Hulstrian side, some 2,000 were killed and 3,000 had been wounded. According to statics issued by the institute around 30,000 prisoners of war have been captured by the Home Guard and are currently being sent to prisoner of war camps run by the Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs.

In accordance with international laws and local laws, the prisoners are being treated similar to Kazulian prisoners. During the War for the Emperor's Protection, the government erected several major prison complexes throughout the nation, mainly in the eastern regions with the aims of ensuring that internationally established conditions for POWs were kept at their highest and most prominent. Similar to the Kazulian prison system which centres around rehabilitation, the POW camps have been structured in a similar manner. The Defence Minister stated that they will be released once the conflict has come to a hopeful end, however, until then they shall remain in the prisons, which the more resistant prisoners being placed under constant watch. According to the Ministry of Home and Kingdom Affairs, in order to provide constant security for the prisons, the Prisons and Prohibition Service will be assisted by the National Police Service and members of the Royal Army Military Police.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:08 pm

Reprinted from
Kazulias Nyheter.
Tensions and Defections: Government in Hulstrian battles for Internal Control.
Amid intensifying conflict with Kingdom of Kazulia, Hulstrian government struggles to maintain internal control of ethnic groups rebel.
Armoured Vehicles of the Imperial Hulstrian Reserves in Karlstadt amid the Government's internal crackdown.
11th March, 4263

Demonstrations in the Hulstrian capital, Karlstadt, and other cities throughout the nation were met with forces as security forces struggle to maintain order and control amid the on-going conflict. Thousands took to the streets in the cities of Rasā, Miyako, Fuxonikkusu and in towns surrounding Karlstadt. According to locals, protests in Karlstadt are rare and are in fact forbidden. The protests mainly consists of persons of Gao-Showan decent against the government's use of the Gao-Showan majority of cannon fodder in the conflict being waged with Kazulia. A witness told the Nyheter that efforts at protests in Karlstadt were broken up by plain-clothed agents using batons.

By nightfall, a counter-demonstration had been orchestrated near the historic statue of Emperor in the heart of the capital. Clashes were reported between the Gao-Showan demonstrators and pro-government demonstrators. A large rally then began in support of Chancellor Heinrich Otto-Mann. Hundreds drove around beeping horns and waving flags, whilst posters of the chancellor were put up in the city. The violence in the city stems from the government's recent decision to introduce a series of reforms to their current war plans. The government intends on expanding their Human Shield strategy, moving prisoners of war, Gao-Showan citizens and foreign nationals to strategic locations across the nation to intensify their cannon fodder activities.

In Fuxonikkusu, violence has peaked to a dangerous level with experts stating that further escalation could possible lead to armed resistance. One person was killed and more than 100 wounded when pro-government loyalists attacked a pro-Gao-Showan vigil in the heart of the city. According to witnesses, the clashes were broken up by members of the Imperial Reserves who had been dispatched to assist security forces with managing the dissidence. The violence was the first of its kind in the "modern Hulstria". Liberation and Vengeance Leader Horusuto Ainshutain, whose movement fuels the pro-Gao-Showan tendencies throughout the nation was killed after it was reported that men in plain clothes had entered his home and killed him with his wife and children. Locals have stated that said plain clothed individuals could be operatives ofthe Reich Security Bureau, the current regime's secret police.

Interim Leader of the movement, Burun Gyuntā blamed the government for the clashes "What happened today is definitely the start of chaos and it is unacceptable and I warn of the consequences." he said to the Nyheter. Director of the General Directorate for Security, Merete Brandvold told the media that the agency was currently in the process of vetting defectors from Hulstria. According to the Director, several Hulstrian conscripts had defected from the Hulstrian Military to either Kazulia or the Gao-Showan resistance. The Director stated that her agency along with the Central Committee for Intelligence and Special Operations were conducting interrogations of the defectors, attempting to obtain valuable intelligence.

With the conflict set the intensify, it is expected the protests may soon turn into armed riots and the defections will increase.
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Re: The Hulstro-Kazulian War

Postby stuntmonkey » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:00 pm


- Reichskanzler Otto-Mann orders foreign nationals as well as Class C citizens be moved to strategic locations.
- Defensive works built across the Crownlands as Imperial troops continue to withdraw from Kazulia.
- Protests Grow in Intensity Across the Nation

Imperial troops fight with protestors - just one of many such flashpoints across the nation.

The Imperial Government has launched Operation Stormwarden in an attempt to combat the expected offensive into Hulstria by Kazulian troops.

With the Imperial Navy in bad shape and the Imperial Airforce grounded following major clashes with the enemy, the army is beating a steady retreat from Kazulian soil into northern Hulstria - pursued by the Kazulian Home Guard. It has brought to an end Operation Vanguard, the codename given to the surprise offensive Hulstria launched to seize territory in Kazulia where predominantly Dundorfian-speaking Hulstrian ethnics live.

In a major move towards the defensive, Reichskanzler Heinrich Otto-Mann issued a proclamation to launch Operation Stormwarden which triggered the full mobilisation of 200,000 reserves. Many will oversee the hasty construction of defensive works - some as crude as trenches - to be built across the country by Class C citizens.

In another move, which will send shockwaves around the international community, foreign nationals who did not leave Hulstria before war broke out will be moved to strategic locations and other places of importance, as part of Operation Human Shield, a move which is expected to deter Kazulian bombing of these sites.

The Reichskanzler has also ordered thousands more Class C citizens to be moved to the sites along with supporters of Oppostion parties who are suspected to be behind a spate of bloody riots that have errupted in the country.

Otto-Mann also announced that any citizen who were caught rioting during the war would be shot for sedition and insurrection - and their families put in containment camps.

Almost inevitably, the proclamation was met with anger and fury in some communities and within hours many people were igonring the threat and taking to the streets to protest. In a particularly bloody encounter in western Kuratha, 200 people - mainly of Gao-Showa ethnicity - were mown down with bullets, when a newly-forrmed reserve army unit opened fire as the protestors moved through the streets.

The protests can only serve to hamper the withdrawal of the Reichswehr forces, which are split into two Army Groups, as they retreat into Budenlar and Hulstria.

General Gerard Loswittel, commander of the land forces in Army Group A, is reported to have sent a strong worded message to the Reichskanzer stating that the protest must be quelled or it would make a withdrawal in good order impossible. According to a source who saw the message, General Loswittel said that his army was stuck between a rock and a hardplace and in danger of being annihilated.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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