Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Auditorii » Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:31 am

Wolfsheim Peace Conference
Wolfsheim, Ostland

The Grand Duke of Ostland Ludwig I, at the behest of the Dorvish Foreign Minister Wilhelm Maria von Bahr will lead a peace conference calling for the end of the Hulstro-Kazulia War. The treaty is being carried out in Wolfsheim, the Grand Duchy of Ostland. Wolfsheim will serve as neutral ground with the Grand Duke of Ostland serving as a neutral party alongside the Dorvish Foreign Minister Wilhelm Maria von Bahr who will be leading the negotiations.

The negotiations are being held in the Palace of the Grand Duke located in Wolfsheim.

"Welcome representatives from the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria. We are eager to get this conference underway, we firmly believe that peace is a token to international order and stability. Please, we ask that both representatives remain respectful and peaceful, while countries might be at war or conflict, we can show decorum and respect that is tantamount to international diplomats."

Wilhelm Maria von Bahr,
Foreign Minister of the Dorvish Republic
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:01 pm

Reinhard Gladbacher, Herzog of Hilgar and Her Imperial Majesty's newly appointed Foreign Affairs Minister:

On behalf of the Militärrat (Military Council) that now governs the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria and the Heerführer, General Manfried von Lapsburg, I will be heading up our diplomatic team here at the peace conference. I would like to start by thanking the Dorvish government for its hospitality and for its active role in trying to broker a peace deal and bring an end to this conflict.

I will start by outlining our current political position. The former regime headed by Reichskanzler Heinrich Otto-Mann is no more. It has been replaced by a Military Council led by the Heerführer, General von Lapsburg. We felt that further conflict was pointless and we were keen to agree to the ceasefire proposed by Kazulia; Herr Otto-Mann was not. We took action to save the lives of tens of thousands of troops on both sides. So, as you see we are very much for peace.

Now to the current situation. We estimate that around 400,000 troops (both Hulstrian and Kazulian) face off in southern Budenlar and along the northern border of Mitrania. For easy reference this is a defensive line on a west to east axis that has come to be known as the Heinrich Line. We cannot move forward without terrible losses and we evaluate that the Kazulian force would find it similarly difficult to remove our dug in troops from the Heinrich Line.

Given that neither army wishes to remain manning such a defensive line for a prolonged period, we propose the following:

- Both sides sign a truce lasting for a period of no less than five years.

- After which, both armies stand down and occupying forces return to their own sovereign territory.

- The Kazulian government withdraws support for the rebel group Liberation and Vengeance, currently operating from a base in eastern Mitrania.

- The Imperial Crownlands drops its claim to territory in the states of Hent and Kelvon (southern Kazulia) which is home to more than three million Dundorfian-speaking people of Hulstrian ethnicity.

- Through this conference we also explore the option of temporary de-militarised zones either side of the Hulstro-Kazulian border to help reinforce a lasting peace.

- Observational forces from Dorvik/The World Congress are sent to both countries to ensure peace is maintained.

We hope that this is a satisfactory resolution and will reinforce out paramount intention that no further blood is spilt.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Maxington » Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:04 pm

Ronald Christoffersen, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Kazulia in Ostland.

The Government of the Kingdom of Kazulia in collaboration with Defence Command convened recently to form our demands for the peace process. The following are demands which the government does not intend on backing down from:-

1. Both sides (Hulstria and Kazulia) shall release all prisoners of war and make provisions for their return to their respective home nations.

2. The Hulstrian Government shall immediately reprimand anti-Kazulian sentiments in their respective nation.

3. The Kingdom of Kazulia shall establish a civil administration in the occupied territories of Hulstria and Northern Budenlar, which the Hulstrian Government shall recognise as Kazulian sovereign territory for a period no more than fifty (50) years.

4. The Hulstrian Government shall recognise the Kingdom of Kazulia, and its subordinate provinces as territory of the Kingdom of Kazulia.

5. The Hulstrian Government shall de-militarise the "Heinrich Line", thus allowing for a World Congress cited Peacekeeping mission to be established.

The Government of the Kingdom of Kazulia does not intend on dropping these claims as we believe that it is within our right.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby stuntmonkey » Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:38 pm

Foreign Minister Reinhard Gladbacher:

This is not a peace deal - this is a precursor to another war. To place millions of Hulstrian citizens under the Kazulian yoke for such a period will create resentment that will be impossible to quell. It will bankrupt our country as major industries and other economic apparatus present in the states of Budenlar and Hulstria will be lost to us. Simply put it will be the end of our nation if we let it happen. So the only other option would be to fight for our survival.

Your Highness Grand Duke Ludwig, we ask you to also spell out the international implications of this move to the Kazulian ambassador. This will be seen as nothing more than annexation without any kind of justificaton; this is what we dreaded when we said it was invade or be invaded. This land grab has long been planned for by our northern neighbour, we suspect, and we have not come to this conference to sign our own death warrant and see their machinations bear fruit.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:51 pm

OOC: I will post tonight.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:17 pm

"It seems we're at an impasse here. We have to understand peace is in all of our best interests. For that I offer my compromise:

1) Both sides shall release prisoners of war and make provisions for their return to their respective nations;

2) The term of the ceasefire shall last fifty (50) years;

3) All Hulstrian troops are to withdraw from the territories of Hulstria and Northern Budenlar, the Kingdom of Kazulia will establish a civilian-led administration for the duration of the ceasefire;

4) Hulstrian claims to Kazulian territory are rescinded;

5) Kazulian support for Liberation and Vengeance ends;

6) The World Congress Peacekeeping Office sends a peacekeeping mission to the civilian administration areas of Hulstria and Northern Bundelar

Wilhelm Maria von Bahr
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Maxington » Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:47 pm

Ronald Christoffersen, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Kazulia in Ostland.

Herr Wilhelm Maria von Bahr, We can accept these terms.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby stuntmonkey » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:49 am

Hulstrian Foreign Minister Reinhard Gladbacher:

In the name of peace we would agree to the proposal put forward by the Dorvish Foreign Minister, as long as the following conditions are also incorporated:

1) In terms of article 2, the 50 year cease fire period, and thus the duration of the civil administration, is back-dated to the commencement of the actual cease fire - April 4265.

2) In terms of Article 3, all class A and B citizens living in the territories administered by Kazulia (i.e the state of Hulstria and the northern half of Budenlar) are allowed to migrate south to Hulstrian territory if it is their wish, with no attempt by the Kazulian authorities to prevent this.

3) Similarly, all Dundorfian-speaking people of Hulstrian ethnicity living in Kazulia (approximately three million) are also allowed to apply for Hulstrian citizenship and will be freely welcomed to migrate to our country, with no attempt by the Kazulian authorities to prevent this.

4) Finally, as stated previously, industrial output of occupied northern Hulstria is significant, as is the state-run power generating infrastructure located there. GDP in Hulstria State alone is estimated at 540 billion Crowns per annum. We therefore request that Kazulia sets a significant stabilisation figure to pay to Hulstria each year to offset this potentially devastating loss to our economy.

We believe that without these clauses the resentment and heightening of tensions we spoke about, as well as the economic collapse of our country, would become a reality, leading to a major destabilisation of our country and thus the entire region.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby Maxington » Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:41 pm

Ronald Christoffersen, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Kazulia in Ostland

I believe that the ratification of the principles as established by Herr Wilhelm Maria von Bahr, would be a more realistic approach to bringing about an official ceasefire. The previous demands by the Hulstrian Government are beyond ridiculous and we do not intend on abiding by demands which would virtually make our nation rebuild the same nation that initially set out to seek our destruction. On a separate note, the recent moves by the Hulstrian Government are extremely provocative and if not stopped will be met with an asymmetrical response from the Kazulian Government.
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Re: Wolfsheim Peace Conference

Postby stuntmonkey » Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:07 am

Hulstrian Foreign Minister Reinhard Gladbacher:

Well, I have conveyed the words of the Kazulian Consul to the Militärrat in Karlstadt and General Manfried von Lapsburg has sent back the following response, which I will now read out in full:

"Your Imperial Highness Grand Duke Ludwig, Foreign Minister von Bahr, esteemed delegates,

Let me start by saying we were wounded by the enemy but they did not follow up their victory. They gave us the chance to regroup and now there is plenty of fight in us if it is required. However, we meet their latest words with yet another proposal but in the resolute knowledge that we are more than capable of prosecuting further military action, if required.

Currently the Kazulians hold a substantial swathe of our northern territory, which we are now prepared for them to occupy legally under observation from the international community. However, there must be some trade off and that involves the social policies we have outlined.

"We will, as a token of our continued willingness for peace, drop the economic clause - clause 4, which would have seen the Kazulian government pay compensation to offset their occupation of Northern Budenlar and Hulstria. Once again, we make concessions - the Kazulians have not given an inch. However, this is our final proposal and we will not take any further punitive measures on the nose.

"So, as far as we see it, the Kazulians have three choices:

1) Meet us midway: agree to our social policy amendments to the Dorvish Foreign Minister's proposal; troops on both sides stand down, prisoners are exchanged and the occupied territories are administered peacefully for half a century.

2) Maintain the status quo, whereby Kazulia continues to occupy the northern territories without a binding treaty or international co-operation, whilst tens of thousands of our troops face off across the Heinrich Line indefinitely.

3) Kazulia breaks the ceasefire and goes on the offensive to gain further leverage at future peace talks or to try to bring about a regime change. In which case they will come up against the well-defended and reinforced positions on the Heinrich Line. So, even if successful, they will sustain heavy casualties in the assault and subsequent advance, which will not go down well back at home with an election coming up. Furthermore, Operation Human Shield is still very much in place to deter tactical and strategic bombing.

So, whilst we do not want choices two or three to come to pass, we are prepared to go down those routes, if necessary, to preserve what we have. All we ask is the Kazulian government shows willing... for the sake of both of our nations."

General von Lapsburg
Heerführer of Hulstria"

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