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Re: Kalopikós Erythrós Astéras (Kalopian Red Star)

Postby Reddy » Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:07 am

August 4270

The two Kalopias, Kalopia and Kalopia-Wantuni have been reunified ending nearly seven decades of a split which was formalised in 4219. Delegates from the two countries approved of a constitution which will set up a loose confederation between the two states. The Central Majatran Confederatin will be governed by a 13 member Presidential Council along with a bicameral legislature and Superior Court. Three men have been credited with driving the whole process, they are Razamid laureates Ret. Lt.Col Wolfgang von Redditz (Kalopian Foreign Minister from 4258-4270) and Tayyib Qadatah (First Minister of Kalopia-Wantuni from 4266-4270) and oil tycoon and Razamid Peace Prize founder, Prince Baibars al-Razama. All three are set to be elected to choice spots on the inaugural Presidential Council.

The new nation however faces a number of significant issues. The violence in al-Najd has dramatically gone down in intensity but a few rogue terror groups remain active in the southern parts of the province. The western half of the Confederation remains under the autocratic leadership of Archon Edi Bej Fisnik with some provinces chafing under his rule and desirous of autonomy while the eastern half is worried about becoming subject to the Embargo imposed on the western half, a question which legal experts are divided on. Another serious issue is the difficulty of conducting a foreign policy satisfactory to the interests of the two Kalopia; eastern Kalopia remains under considerable Istalian influence while the western half is allied to Beiteynu and the rest of the anti-globalists. Under the new Constitution, the direction of foreign policy will be determined by the Presidential Council while the member states will be able to still retain a bit of autonomy.
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Re: Kalopikós Erythrós Astéras (Kalopian Red Star)

Postby Reddy » Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:28 am

National Assembly Declares Neutrality
January 4271

After months of rising tension and divisions over the new country's foreign policy, the National Assembly has taken the initiative and declared the Confederation to be a permanently neutral state. Divisions had appeared in the Presidential Council with westerners supporting the continuation of an alliance with Beiteynu while easterners favoured building on their alliance with Istalia. It was Trade Councillor Prince Baibars al-Razama who proposed taking the issue to the National Assembly. There he advocated neutrality and argued that such a stance would keep the Confederation out of the perennial Majatran conflicts and also benefit the nation's enterprises competitively.

The Confederal National Asssembly

As a consequence of the neutrality declaration, all foreign bases, most notably the Beiteynuese and Istalian bases will be closed down by January 31, 4276 ditto any alliance with foreign powers, with due compensation paid out to the former allies. The Declaration also places strict limits on the executive's ability to deploy troops abroad. This can now be done under three conditions - first, a Security Council resolution, then, a vote by the Presidential Council itself and finally the approval of the National Assembly itself.
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Re: Kalopikós Erythrós Astéras (Kalopian Red Star)

Postby Reddy » Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:49 am

Referendum On Statehood For Various Nationalities
February 4272

The Confederation is set to having a set of referendums in the two member states later this year. The move comes after the Confederal Superior Court's decision in Sessoldian Patriots and al-Najd Statehood Alliance v Kalopia and Kalopia Wantuni. The court ruled that all ''visible" ethnic groups with "easily determinable territories" were able to form states of their own. As such it ordered that referendums be held all over the country on the issue. It is expected that the southern province of Wantuni will vote for separate statehood while the central province of Sessold is also thought to be in favour of secession from the Siphinian dominated western Kalopia. The two northern Kalopian majority provinces of Mossavi and Minosasa on the other hand are thought to be considering enosis (union) and forming a Kalopian majority state within the Confederation. The confederal government cautiously welcomed the decision and while the member states are opposed, the movement towards secession of various nationalities is hardly a surprise and was expected by many at some point. Thus beyond some muttering about "extreme judicial activism", the member states have not expressed any intention to oppose the predicted secessions post-referendum.
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Re: Kalopikós Erythrós Astéras (Kalopian Red Star)

Postby Reddy » Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:19 am

Reorganisation As Nationalities Vote For Own States
February 4273

The Confederation is to undergo a major re-organisation process following the peaceful January 14 referendum which saw ethnic Kalopians vote to create a unified northern federal Kalopian republic while Sessoldians vote for the creation of a "Mountainous Republic of Seshold", Majatrans chose to create a Emirate of al-Najd under the rule of the Razamid dynasty and the Siphinans found themselves reduced to just Shifine with Archon Edi Bej Fisnik declaring himself Prince of Shifine. Thus the Confederation now has four member states instead of two and analysts believe that this development will strengthen it rather than weaken it. According to Dr. Genzi Papademos from the Central Majatran Policy Institute, the Confederal government will find it easier to dominate the four smaller and weaker member states than it ever could do the two large Kalopias.

He also expressed his view that instability would now largely disappear given the sharp economic recovery since the lifting of the Embargo by the Security Council, the adoption of neutrality and radical economic liberalisation were all conducive to economic growth. Already tourists are flocking back to Kalopia's ancient sites while al-Najd prepares to re-enter the oil market, Shifine and Seshold 's famously fertile soils get readied to produce more sweet wines, fruits and cereals for export. He also theorised that the member states of the Confederation will act in a pacific manner out of concern for keeping the vigorous inter-state trade going.

Prince Baibars Elected Emir of al-Najd

Trade Councillor Prince Baibars al-Razama has been elected as the first Emir of al-Najd by the new Emirate's Shura. The Prince, well renowned for his wealth, philanthropy and liberalism is the founder of the Razamid Peace Prize and one of the most powerful Councillors in the Presidential Council. Prince Baibars has accepted the offer to rule the oil rich but war damaged Emirate, insisting that a liberal Constitution be adopted with restrictions on the Emir's authority.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:35 pm

New Party Forms: Promises Prosperity for Kalopia

Kalopia has a new golden age ahead of it. That is the message that the new Centrist Libertarian Party wishes to convey, not just the voters of Kalopia, but also to the wider world. The country, that has been savaged by socialist rule for most of its recent history, and has fallen into economic and social ruin. The nation still hasn't recovered from the Socialist vanguard, and a series of short lived governments has been the norm since the reunification.

But the CLP look to change that. Blaming Majatran, influence for Kalopian shortcomings, they are garnering support from the people they describe as the "true" people of Majatra: Kalopi, Siphina, and Istochniak. Whilst no discriminative views have yet been put on the table by the new party, it is clear they do not look upon the country's minority with favour, and critics already warn of repeats of Hulstria and the suppression of the Gao-Showan people.

On the economic side of the coin, the CLP support a rigorous privatisation, with subsidisation for those - of the right ethnicity - who cannot afford it. Already they have proposed the privatisation of the education system, airports, and train stations, and it appears that they are set to continue their mad rush to deregulate and reduce government intervention. This will be looked upon favourably by the people of Kalopia, who still remember the days of socialism, and will be pleased that there is a free market alternative to the Democratic Party who wish to continue socialism.

The party's leader and founder, is Siphinan economist, Pëllumbardh Qosja, who is well known within the country for writing the book: "Fitoni së pari," or "Profit First," which caused a great stir when released, due to its radical corporatism and capitalistic approach.

Friends! Kalopians! The Majatrans have failed us. They have seen us suffer under socialism and dictatorship, and have done us no good. Well, I tell you, that it is time that we do our own good. Kalopia is a great nation; Kalopia is a proud nation. And I will not see us curtailed by imperialistic tyrants who wish nothing more than to encroach upon our national sovereignty, and rule over us. We must fight back. Together we must now go to meet our destiny as a global leader on the world stage.

As the new party begins its journey, and takes up Kalopia's baton, there will be mixed feelings about this new, daring approach. Will it be every bit as radical as its founder, or will it fixate on power and drift to the middle of the political spectrum, like so many others before have done? We will have to wait and see.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:23 am


Following their unopposed electoral victory, the PLQ have begun removing Majatran influence from the nation. The massive overhaul to the constitution, which also sees Kalopia exit from the Augustan Empire, removes Majatran from all important titles and anthems, as well as removing it as a national language. Further to this, they have brought forward legislation altering the name of the country to become the Republic of Kalopi-Siphina, in a move towards the Siphinan and Istochniak minorities, and a rejection of the large Majatran ethnic group which resides in the country.

This has not been taken well by many people in the region of Wantuni who have began to riot in the streets against the government's reforms calling them racist. The region, which is predominantly Majatran, has seen tensions escalate between the government and the region, although the new PLQ Governor of the region, Jasmina Jasarevic claimed that it was only "a small bunch of Majatran extremists who wish to squander the growth of Kalopi-Siphina." Speaking to the press, Jasarevic argued that the vast majority of the region had full confidence in the government, and that Majatrans still retained equal rights to Kalopi-Siphinan people, despite some journalists claiming to the contrary.

Look. Right now, all that has changed is a few names. In truth no Majatran rights shall be taken away from them, and they shall remain full and equal citizens of Kalopi-Siphina. The only people who are making a fuss are a small bunch of Majatran extremists who wish to squander the growth of Kalopi-Siphina. Our party will see growth in all regions in this great nation and restore us a global superpower. I assure you that pretty much all of Wantuni residents have full confidence in their PLQ government.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:03 pm

Influential Politician, Enver Kuqo, Announces Support for Hyperion Corporation, as FM backs Company in World Assembly

The Reform Party of Kalopi-Siphina has stuck their flag to the mast by coming out and declaring their support for the Hyperion Corporation, and its actions in Dalibor. The Kalopian Foreign Minister gave a statement to the World Assembly declaring the nation's support for the company, just hours after the party's Chief Whip, and main policy maker, Enver Kuqo gave his support to the company in a public address.

Following toing and froing from the representatives from Malivia and Hutori regarding action to regulate the corporation, Foreign Minister Enver Halilovic denounced the Hutori position, and backed Malivia's position of allowing the Hyperion Corporation to function as normal. He argued that Hutori had a "disregard for freedom" because of their "disregard of the free market," and that the Hyperion Corporation were not the culprits for the current crisis in Dalibor. He pointed to Mr Scott's condemnation of the Daliborian Prime Minister, Jung Li-Chi, for placing mines in international waters as ample evidence that the corporation was not at fault.

This almost echoed Kuqo's address outside the Convocation earlier, as he said Hutori were "authoritative and regulative to the extent that a thallerist would be proud." In a strongly worded speech he said that the Malivian delegate's statement that Hutori was "double faced" couldn't be closer to the truth, and that Kalopi-Siphina should be "backing up a company that has helped create jobs, kickstart a dying economy, and gave the people of Dalibor a genuine hope for the future." Although this is a controversial opinion internationally, the Chief Whip was applauded by the crowds, and even by some journalists, who watched on, though opposition to the government claim that these people may have been placed by the Reform Party.

Currently, the government has not lived up to its ambition to grow Kalopia into a more prominent voice on the world table. Whilst it is still early days, reports from sources within the Reform Party said that many were getting impatient at the distinct lack of progress Halilovic was making, and this could undoubtedly be a move from Kuqo to try and shove Kalopi-Siphina into the spotlight. Since the Reform Party gained power, Kuqo has been critical of ministers who have not, in his words, "lived up to the standards set by the President and the Chief Minister," and it is thought that his relationship with the Chief Minister Persephone Valla could soon see a major cabinet reshuffle more to his tastes.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:22 pm

President Shot by Majatran Terrorist, Wantuni Republican League Declare War on Kalopi-Siphina

The President has been shot and killed by Majatran Terrorist, Waleed al-Harroun, from the Province of Al-Najd, as the President visited the region that has seen violent riots ever since the Constitution Bill passed in August 4292. The attack, which also claimed the lives of two bodyguards, and seriously injured the Region's Governor, Reform Party Politician, Jasmina Jasarevic, has been claimed by a newly formed terrorist organisation known as the Wantuni Republican League, who have also take the opportunity to declare war on the Government for restricting the rights of the Wantuni - the "true" people of Kalopia.

The attacker, al-Harroun was shot but not killed, and is now in hospital recovering from his wounds before it is expected for him to move to prison. It is almost guaranteed that he shall receive the death penalty, which is still legal in Kalopia, despite many Reform Party Members of the Convocation (MC) being sympathetic to the idea of outlawing capital punishment entirely. However, this is set to anger Wantuni independence protesters even more who have already started the campaign #freeWaleed on social media.

The Chief Minister spoke in front of the Press about the incident

The Chief Minister held a one minute's silence for the President before she spoke in front of the press declaring that troops would be mobilised to destroy the so-called Wantuni Republican League. After reflecting on the achievements of Pëllumbardh Qosja, she said that action needed to be taken to prevent anything like this happening again:

It is quite clear that the Wantuni people hate our culture and our way of life. They are the ones that have initiated violence, however I vow to protect all citizens of Kalopi-Siphina with whatever it takes. Therefore, I am announcing that from henceforth, any citizen of Majatran heritage who breaks the law shall have their citizenship invalidated and will be expelled from the nation. This applies for all crimes. As for the Wantuni Republican League, I will be looking into deploying the military to quash their feeble terrorism. We shall have no sympathy for these people who have killed our great leader.

Asked about whether she would run to be the next President of Kalopi-Siphina, Valla said that she wasn't interested in the role, but hoped to remain Chief Minister.

I am not interested about becoming President. I feel that the best way I can serve my country is through being the Chief Minister. I can tell you that the process of finding the next leader shall be conducted by the 420 MCs in a secret ballot to be taken in the next few days. I am

One politician who has announced she is running is Jasmina Jasarevic, through a statement released from hospital. She is to be up against Finance Minister Dranush Haxhi, who is believed to have the support of Persephone Valla and who is running with Enver Kuqo as his choice for Chief of Staff. It is not clear yet whether that will see Kuqo resign his position in the Convocation, though Kalopian political analysts believe that this will not be the case, as Kuqo continues to become more and more influential within the party. A third, more left-field candidate is Nemo Boulos who supports the existence of a nationalised education and healthcare system, alongside a private system.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:58 pm

President Haxhi Laughs at Solentian Extremist Luna Dawn's "sh*t holes" Comment
- Says that she doesn't represent the "respectable" Solentian majority
- Warns that any wall built between their nations shall be torn down by Kalopi-Siphina's Military

The President laughed when asked by Solentian press about the comments made by Liberty Dawn leader, Luna Dawn. He said said that whilst he believed Solentians were "respectable folk," people such as her ruined their appearance to the wider world. Whilst, for the most part, Haxhi remained light-hearted on the matter, he did give a serious, and strong warning to Solentia, that were they ever to build a wall, it would be "torn down" by the Kalopi-Siphina military.

President Dranush Haxhi pointed to multiple examples where he argued Kalopi-Siphina was by far more civilised that the Ms Dawn said. He also used the opportunity to take a pot at Ms Dawn, drawing her comment on goats right back at her.

"Luna Dawn says we are primitive. That is why, after all, the Reform Party have committed to abolishing the death penalty, and pledged to ratify the "Treaty of Objectives of the Next Century - becoming only the third nation to do so." Meanwhile, little miss Dawn is 100% pro-death, and so narcissistic, that she gave her own party the same initials as herself. If we are talking about who is, and who isn't primitive, I think the inward-looking, and sadistic Ms Dawn is the one still living in the stone age. As for f***king goats, I don't care what she does in her spare time, but I would think that that is rather cruel to the goat - especially since she describes herself as a green-conservative.

However, at the end of his statement, the President suddenly changed his mood and gave a strong warning to Solentia:

I trust that the Solentians won't be so dumb-witted to elect an idiot like Ms Dawn - she doesn't after all represent the respectable majority. But were they to do so, and were they to try and build this wall that Liberty Dawn want, I promise you that it will be torn down, and relations between our nations will crumble. We would take any attempt to build a wall on the Kalopia-Solentian border as an act of war, and would respond accordingly.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 11:27 pm

President Haxhi Thanks Solentian Counterpart; Gives the "Radicals" a lesson in Solentian Genealogy

President Haxhi thanked his Solentian counterpart, President Kristoffer Enok for his "strong, and resolute" words against the extremist Luna Dawn who has attracted much attention in recent days. Following a backlash from the Kalopi-Siphinan President, Liberty Dawn have been flung into the spotlight with their beliefs that Kalopians and Kafuristanians are "barbarians" and uncivilised. Haxhi said that in a time of nationalism, and isolationism, it was "pleasant" to see another nation open to maintaining strong international relations with its neighbours.

The Kalopi-Siphina President, who raised a few eyebrows with the severity of his last discussion on the matter, also talked genetics, reminding everyone that Solentians and Kalopians evolved from the same South Majatran culture - and are in essence two of the closest races on Terra.

"It is funny, that just a short time ago, both Ms Dawn and myself shared a common ancestor. I don't mean hundreds of thousands years ago, back before homo sapiens were, well homo sapiens, but rather within the last 5000 years, when civilisation was properly kicked off, right here in South Majatra - in the city states of nowadays Kalopi-Siphina and Solentia. I think her ignorance over her own heritage, combined with the fact that she is effectively calling herself a barbarian makes this matter actually rather funny, and shows that radicals such as her do not really have a clue what they are talking about.
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