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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby thewake » Wed Sep 13, 2017 2:58 am

21 July 4271

Recent days have seen the formation of the Evangelical Brethren Conference, Aloria, in Porthladd Loer, Cymertraeth. The first Evangelical Brethren meetings were founded 17 years ago in Cymertraeth by the followers of Wieland Gregor Riese. While the Brethrenist movement in Aloria has been nonexistent for centuries, Riese has been the spearhead of a somewhat successful revival of Brethrenism in Aloria through evangelism and adherence to the Hosian scripture.

The Brethren are most noted for their nonviolence, and the Evangelical Brethren are strong proponents of this belief. The new Evangelical Brethrenism is in no way affiliated with the Brethrenism of Kalistan, and the Evangelical Brethren do not adopt the testimony of "Sustainability" that many New Branch Brethren do. However, the most important difference with mainstream New Branch Brethren is the profession of explicitly Hosian beliefs, as opposed to the "ecumenical and universalist" stance of the New Branch Brethren, thus putting Evangelical Brethren squarely within the Hosian religion.

Wiese himself, born in Gavonshire in Aloria, was raised in the Alorian Hosian Church, and most of his family still continues in the Alorian Hosian tradition. However, he was converted to Brethrenism while studying at university and visited Kalistan to learn about the religion. Wiese came back to Aloria and assisted in founding the Porthladd Loer Weekly Meeting, now the largest congregation of Brethren in Aloria. The Alorian Brethren distanced themselves from the Kalistani brand with a more explicitly Hosian, conservative, and evangelical approach.

The founding of Evangelical Brethren Conference, Aloria, also heralds the creation of the Missions Board, which is tasked with directing missions in Aloria and around the globe.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby IntruderEmerald » Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:34 pm



Last week the ALP announced a range of new policy proposals, including a minimum wage and privatising the education system. Today, they released more details about their plan. The document is called "Fighting for a Freer Country" and it is proving to be controversial. Gerald Wehnert says the document shows the ALP is only party with a well thought out plan for the future of Aloria. The document includes plans to make the national curriculum non-binding and advisory-only. Wehnert said schools know how to teach students best and the current rigid curriculum is not fit for purpose. Many schools have expressed support for this proposal, however other education proposals in the document have left schools worried about the future should the ALP win the next election. The ALP is promising to privatise the education system, which a lot of schools have expressed concern about. One school principal has said 'it will not improve the education for students. If anything, education levels will fall'.

As expected, the ALP is proposing an exit from the Artanian Union. The staunchly anti-AU party is proposing to leave and then negotiate a free trade agreement with the AU. However, it is hard to imagine Aloria leaving the AU in the near future as the pro-AU parties currently hold a majority in the Senate. Recently, the ALP caused controversy by declaring support for the Sovereignty Diplomacy Act of 4271, which was proposed by the Plaid Tirgwyryfaidd Brodorol. The bill will ban all future immigration. In the Senate, Wehnert made it clear he didn't support the policy but said it was better than the current uncontrolled immigration Aloria is experiencing, and if it passes Wehnert said the ALP will propose an amendment to allow immigration with strict controls. Some ALP officials have said they don't support Wehnert's decision to support the bill. The ALP defence spokesperson, Eleri Llywelyn, has said she doesn't want the ALP to be associated with the far-right in any way.

Speaking at an ALP rally in Llyn, Cymertraeth, Wehnert said the ALP will be the party that believes in small government.

It is great to see our movement is growing in size everyday. When I became leader in 4268, the party was in a state of disarray. Now, we have 50 seats in the Senate and we are now in a position to seriously contend for the presidency in the next election. Of course, we are still the underdogs. We are not part of the establishment. The Labor Party has ruined this, once great, country over a number of years. They are the establishment. My message to the Alorian electorate is don't be afraid of change. Change can be a great thing, as has been proved by our party in the past. We have led Aloria out of the AU on three occassions, and each time it has made Aloria a better and more prosperous nation.

The document released today shows we are determined to make Aloria a better place to live for everyone. Whether you are rich, poor, old, young, Aloria or foreign, there is a place for you to prosper in our vision for Aloria. We are determined to reducing net immigration, we are determined to getting us out of the Artanian Union, we are determined to introducing a minimum wage, and we are committed to our aim of reducing the size of government. We want to give citizens more freedom and more civil liberties. It is vital people make there on way in this world. We hope, by working with parties such as the CDR/LDA, we can create a truly free country.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:26 pm

Ddarganfyddiad Concordia
"Who's the Fascist?"

- CDR/LDA Spokesperson comments on RSF's Schwartz's Attack on the Brethrenists
- Says Schwartz should read more about Bretherenism
- Calls for more religious freedom in Aloria

Eleonore Luxenberg was critical of RSF Party Leader, Eduard Schwartz, as well as the Labor Party

The CDR/LDA's Spokesperson for Education and Culture, Eleonore Luxenberg, has commented upon the statement from RSF's leader Eduard Schwartz. After Schwarz claimed the newly founded party to be "fascist", Luxenberg, who is considered to be quite the protege within her party, responded by lecturing him on both Hosianism and Brethrenism.

She also took the opportunity to attack the Labor Party for aggressive and restrictive views. She is no doubt talking about their tight views that have been very aggressively attacked by the CDR/LDA. It was apparent however that she refrained from mentioning the Crossdressing and Gender Reassignment Bills that have caused a stir in the Senate recently.

It is quite clear that yet again a left wing party has jumped to prejudices about religion. Brethrenism in true form is a religion that has matched Mr Schwartz's philosophy really rather well. Take a look at the Lourenne Brethrenist Party from the 42nd Century. They had very large successes with their socialist policies blended with their religious perspectives. Yes these Brethrenists have claimed to have shifted to the right, but let us remember that Brethrenism is explicitly not Hosianism because it rejects their strong emphasis on morality and structure.

I feel it really is a question of who's the fascist? Maybe the Society of Brethren disagrees with things you believe, but to shut them up by labelling them unnecessarily as sexists and homophobes is quite ridiculous, and dare I say it, fascist. What we need to be focusing on is the fact that the Labor Party has repeatedly brought in controlling, and unnecessarily harsh restrictions. Their authoritarian stance - which was attacked by the RSF - also goes against both the teachings of Brethrenism and the largest religious group in this country, Alorian Hosianism - a religion founded upon the idea of a smaller hierarchy within the Church.

Luxenberg, who studied theology at University, and identifies as an Alorian Hosian, went on to talk about possible increases in religious freedom under a CDR/LDA administration.

Yes, there is already much freedom for the Church, but this freedom can be taken further. There are two crucial bits of legislation we want to see changed. Teacher-led prayers being legalised in religious schools, and the removing of the State from regulation over Religious Ministers' salaries and pensions.
Whilst I am proud of the right to religion that we have in our country I find it paramount to pass these two crucial bits of legislation in order to give true freedom.
Last edited by Arapaima13 on Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby thewake » Thu Sep 14, 2017 12:47 am


Members of the Porthladd Loer Weekly Meeting participating in a Sunday service

The Evangelical Brethren although gaining steam in certain parts of the nation, have come under attack in recent days by Eduardo Schwartz, the leader of the Revolutionary Students' Front. The Evangelical Brethren are a new religious group creating a decidedly Hosian brand of Brethrenism. Schwartz labelled the Evangelical Brethren as "a sexist and homophobic religious fundamentalist organization" and ambiguously called for the Brethren "to be smashed." No official response has been issued on the highly public comments by Schwartz, but that has not stopped some in government from calling him out.

"This is an absolutely dangerous thing to say publicly," said Foreign Minister Seth John of the AFP in a radio interview. "This communist fool Schwartz has no place calling for violence from his position as the leader of a party with seats in the legislature. If anyone needed any more reasons to not vote for the Front, here's another to add to the long list."

The words of John, as well as the more moderated comments of Spokesperson Eleonore Luxenberg if the CDR/LDA, have only been chief among the critics loudly condemning Schwartz and his party for vocally attacking a religious group which had never attacked them. But the Evangelical Brethren have responded with a different approach, calling for harmony and reconciliation.

"We of the Evangelical Brethren Conference are unapologetic in our scriptural stance in favor of traditional marriage," said Gweneth Cornelia, Secretary of the Porthladd Loer Weekly Meeting. "But that does not mean we cannot live in harmony among people of all kinds. We always affirm peace as a core testimony of our faith."

Many Evangelical Brethrenist meetings have publicly affirmed their commitment to peace, traditional marriage, and the equality of men and women, a core tenet of their doctrine, in the wake of the inflammatory comments by Schwartz. However, the most surprising response to his comments have been the outpouring of Evangelical Brethren meetings inviting Schwartz, and members of the Revolutionary Students' Front, to come to their meetings.

"We welcome Mr. Schwartz to come to the Porthladd Loer Weekly Meeting," said Wieland Gregor Riese, a key figure in the Evangelical Brethren movement in Aloria. "While we may have our disagreements, I think he would be surprised at how egalitarian and friendly we are. We hold him in the light of Eliyahu and wish him well."

While the comments by Schwartz of recent days have raised tensions, it seems the Brethren themselves may have been able to ease them. However, with no apology issued by Eduardo Schwartz, only time will tell how this impacts the Revolutionary Students' Front in the upcoming election.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby thewake » Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:41 pm


The Alorian Republican Army mobilizes to areas of Antifasctist Action activity

Defense Minister Angela Howells has readied the Alorian Republican Army in response to the formation of "Antifascist Action", a paramilitary wing of the Revolutionary Students' Front. Paramilitary groups are illegal under Alorian law, and Defence Minister Howells has responded to the group's formation and threats against the AFP.

"We demand Antifascist Action stand down and dissolve their group," said the Defence Minister. "The law is clear, and the Alorian government is empowered to respond freely to the threat of paramilitary groups within our borders. Thinly veiled threats against the AFP, in conjunction with the formation of an organized paramilitary, mean we must take this threat to the stability of Aloria and the safety of all Alorian citizens and residents seriously. I repeat, stand down and dissolve your organization or we will be forced to take action."

Army bases nearby to known centers of Antifascist Action activity have been put on high alert. Transport, equipment, and troops have been readied for immediate deployment to any portion of the country. But for most Alorians, life goes on as usual.

But some civilians have seen a marked change in their life, as the military has provided increased security to all members of the cabinet. Foreign Minister Seth John, AFP leader, has cancelled public appearances for the next week. Many other AFP Senators have cancelled public appearances, but some stand defiant against RSF threats.

"I refuse to be silenced," said Senator George Llewellyn to reporters. "I am not afraid to speak loudly against violent, socialist thugs. They threaten me? I say come and get me."
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby thewake » Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:16 pm


The coveted Razamid Peace Prize, handed out to people and groups from around Terra for advancing the cause of peace, is one of the most iconic awards in human history. The small Evangelical Brethren Conference, Aloria, has been nominated for the prize, although the Brethren remain humble in their response.

"I am not anyone, or anything, special," said Wieland Gregor Riese, key figure in the formation of the Evangelical Brethren Conference. "I am just a humble follower of Eliyahu. We Brethren are small and inconsequential to the Almighty, and only responded to the crisis in a way that Eliyahu would have done. We brokered no cease fire, nor have we brought nations toward greater peace. We wish and work for all these things, but we are just a small group of peaceful Brethren."

The Brethren have also proclaimed happiness at the bloodless dissolution of the Antifascist Action paramilitary group, although wishing a showing of force by the Alorian military had not been necessary to do accomplish such measures.

"We are sincerely happy that the RSF have now taken a peaceful approach to political action in Aloria, and we wish the love of Eliyahu upon them," said Albrecht Wernher, one of the small number of permanent staff for the EBCA. "There is still an open invitation to the RSF membership, and everyone, to come to Brethren meetings across Aloria."

As the elections and tumult of recent days come to an end, it is perhaps heartening that a small group of Brethren have made such an impression on the world community by their simple actions.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby IntruderEmerald » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:23 pm



Tonight, there are mass protests outside of the Senate over President Wehnert's cabinet proposal. Earlier, the president gave a speech in the Senate, which focused on addressing the issue of the Labor Party's inclusion in the cabinet proposal. Previously, Wehnert had criticised the AFP for entering into a coalition with the Labor Party, yet now Wehnert is having to do the same thing. Many have called his decision to include the Labor Party hypocritical, but Wehnert insists he had no choice. He told senators that the election result was not what he wanted, and it is his 'duty to propose a cabinet that will pass'. It is true that he could not pass a cabinet proposal that included just the ALP, AFP, CDR and the Equality and Freedom Party. Some are saying he should have included the RSF instead of the Labor Party, but considering recent developments concerning the 'Anti-Fascist' militia, it is unlikely the RSF would want to be included in a government with the AFP. Furthermore, if Wehnert had included the RSF in the cabinet proposal, it could have proved to be even more controversial and damaging than including the Labor Party. President Wehnert found himself in a difficult position. Nonetheless, it seems the new president has failed to deal with his first dilemma in a competent manner.

President Wehnert being escorted out of the Senate as protesters gathered outside

The cabinet proposal has now went to a vote, and it is expected to pass. Crowds of angry protesters have gathered near the Senate, where there have already been a number of arrests. A large proportion of the protesters voted for Wehnert in the presidential election, believing he would never include the Labor Party in his cabinet proposal. Wehnert and the ALP talked a lot about the dangers of the Labor Party in the election campaign, but never promised to exclude them from any cabinet proposal. A number of pro-AU groups are also in the protest, who are worried the new government will call a referendum on Aloria's membership of the Artanian Union in the very near future. For President Gerald Wehnert, it is now a case of damage limitation.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby thewake » Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:36 am


Foreign Minister John in a television interview

In an interview today, AFP Leader and Foreign Minister Seth John defended President Gerald Wehnert against criticism and lambasted protestors who are opposing the new cabinet. John, who will retain his position as Foreign Minister in the new "Rainbow Coalition," orchestrated his party's support of Wehnert in the presidential campaign.

"Wehnert is a great guy. He agrees with us on key issues like immigration and the Artanian Union. There's no better man for the job of president right now than Gerald Wehnert," said John in an interview. "We have a very divided Senate at the moment, and Wehnert is the only guy that's been willing to step up and make a deal. Deals, I've learned the hard way, are very important being in government for so long. We supported the ALP in the presidential race precisely because of this. We needed a president who cares about Alorians first."

When asked about his continued plans as Foreign Minister, John had this to say: "We are looking at treaties that need to be renegotiated or thrown out. Other countries are killing us on trade, you know, really hurting us. We did great work ratifying the diplomatic treaty from Selucia, but we need to shift gears. Trade is a big deal. Alorians make stuff, and we need to understand that before we go negotiating more lopsided trade deals with the rest of Terra. It's a big scary world out there, look at the continued occupation of Hulstria. Don't underestimate these people, they're vicious. We also need to take a good hard look at the AU, and we've been saying that for years."

The interview shifted gears, with John being asked about the Defense Ministry responding to the formation of the Antifascist Action militia.

"You know, I have no idea why the RSF leadership hasn't been arrested. But I'm not in charge of the Justice Ministry," replied John. "These socialists have no respect for the rule of law. When Angela [Minister of Defence Angela Howells] told me her plans, I was on board. I'm not Defence Minister and I don't ultimately make that call, but I thought it was a very good one. The RSF backed down and dissolved their paramilitary. These thugs were--no, are--dangerous, and I don't think many Alorians understand just how close we were to fighting breaking out. Some people may criticize us for being hot-headed, but you know it's the RSF who are hot heads. And now you know these protests were sparked by RSF action too, protesting the formation of a legitimate government. Do they want disorder in this country?"

Foreign Minister John also stated his admiration for the Evangelical Brethren, who have been nominated for a Razamid Peace Prize. He declined to comment extensively on the Labor Party saying, with a smile, "I think you can see all you need to know about Labor by looking at their declining vote share."
Last edited by thewake on Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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BUCK DIES (Aloria)

Postby Karen John2 » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:27 am

In a shocking turn of advents buck Anderson is found dead in his condo from a bullent shot police say they on the investigation and will find his killer meanwhile Sabrina Scott and peter dix fight for power of the party
(Sabrina Scot debating)
Sabrina and peter are the two most influential people in the party so it so only right that one of them gets the seat of power they claim most people are supporting Sabrina due to peters corruption she is suspected to win and hopefully she will

Update; WOO Sabrina scot won against peter and she came out with a statement saying "my election will become the greatest moment in this party's history" as Sabrina takes power many can only dream what she will do for the party
Karen John2
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby IntruderEmerald » Sat Sep 16, 2017 12:31 pm


The approval ratings of President Wehnert are at a record-low when compared to former presidents. Wehnert had a tough start to his presidency, as he was called a hypocrite for including the Labor Party in his cabinet. Unfortunately, for the president, this has become a major issue for voters, especially those who voted for him last year. Normally, low approval ratings won't concern a president too much if they can keep their core voter base happy, but Wehnert is seeing his core vote slip away. Even some in his own party believe it will take a miracle for him to win the election again in 4278. ALP Senator Siani Sayer says she is 'extremely concerned' about the way the electorate is reacting to the president's decisions. She said the president is clearly struggling to get things done. She cited the delay in taking the AU Referendum Bill to a vote and the president's refusal to answer a question earlier this week about when a budget proposal will be brought to the Senate. She also described the Illegal Aliens Bill, which is expected to fail, as a 'piece of rushed, badly thought out legislation destined for failure'. While she supports the bill, she said the president should realise that it is extremely unlikely to pass.

Earlier this week, Wehnert was asked a question in an interview about a potential budget. Wehnert refused to answer when a budget will be proposed, and declined to give specific details on the expected cuts he wants to make. During the election campaign, the ALP promised to reduce sales tax on luxury goods, and they said they would fund this by making budget cuts to departments that are over-funded. In his speech after becoming president, Gerald Wehnert talked about sensible cuts that need to be made, however he has refused to give any more details since then.

In other news this week, the ALP proposed an education bill. The bill will privatise the education system, introduce loans for students wanting to go to higher education, allow local governments to develop and fund higher education institutions, and make the national curriculum non-advisory. Education Minister Dorothea Fischer described the bill as a 'landmark' for Alorian education.
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