Tian'an News NetworkHeadlines of the DayHere's what's making news in IndralaTian'an, Han - 13 July 4280Huang Zitao, Leader of the Opposition Responds to Chen Ruogang VerdictChen Ruogang, convicted of slaying Republican Party Leader Song Yi and Police Officer Liu ChongIn a press release this morning, Lotus Party Leader Huang Zitao conveyed his feelings regarding the trial of Chen Ruogang, who has received two consecutive life sentences after masterminding the assassination of his political rival, Republican Party Leader Song Yi, and murdering police officer Liu Chong while attempting to resist arrest five years ago. The press release can be read below:
The Lotus Party and I welcome the verdict reached by The Honourable Justice Feng Jianhong in the trial of Chen Ruogang. Today we can be all find peace in the closure that yesterday's verdict has delivered for the nation, and for Song Yi. Song Yi's death reminds all of us that our democracy is precious but fragile. We must never forget to cherish it,
and we must all stand to defend it.
Campaign Finance Act Expected To Pass in National ConferenceTwo largest parties vote in favour of the legislation after approximately two decades of debate on the issueThe government looks poised to pass its
Campaign Finance Act with bipartisan support, which will change the way that political parties are funded in Indrala. In March of next year, political parties will be able to receive donations from individuals, limited to $500 INS per month. The move seems to be directed in cutting government subsidies to political parties, which is currently the only way which parties can receive funding. Song Tian, Lotus Party Shadow Minister of Internal Affairs was asked by reporters about the Lotus Party's support for the legislation:
We believe that by allowing individuals to donate to the party they support, Indralans' will feel that they are able to directly participate in their democratic system. Our party has long advocated for allowing individual donations while maintaining a system of public funding.
The only expected opposition is to come from the Nationalist Party, which has traditionally voted to maintain a strictly public political funding regime.
Xiandai Stocks Stabilize As Interest Grows in the X400 JetXiandai Jet Subdivision Looks to Expand into Foreign MarketsThis morning, Xiandai stocks opened at $2,128 INS per share, their highest since the crash last winter. This has largely been attributed to the resuscitation of the X400 jet, which has received around 60 orders since May 4279 (an estimated profit of $3.6 billion INS), the largest block of which have been ordered by Indralair (29 X400s). Newfound demand for the X400 has inspired confidence for the company's shareholders and board of directors; CEO Wang Yueting announced today that Xiandai would be looking to sell the X400 and X200 jets to foreign airlines as soon as possible, becoming the only Indralan-based airplane manufacturer selling product on the international market. Economists in Tian'an have become optimistic that the Xiandai jetliner will become a success, and should be profitable by 4285. It is rumoured that the Xiandai Group is pitching their jets to the foreign state-owned
LOT Valruzian Airlines, though this has not been confirmed by representatives from either company.
Top: promotional photograph of the new X400 jet, the first jet to be fully designed and manufactured independently of foreign firms in Indrala; Bottom: promotional photograph of the X200 jet, first assembled in 4276. The jet gained praise from the industry due to its better-than-expected fuel economy and comfort.State-owned WBC in Controversy After Casting Lotus Party Leader's Son in DramaThe Wenhua Broadcasting Company has received criticism from conservative groups after announcing a new drama starring Huang YaoYesterday, the Wenhua Broadcasting Company announced its fall production schedule for television programming, including one drama which has received attention from conservatives across the country. "The Great Lieutenant" is a fictitious story based on the life of Zhaozi, author of
The Craft of Conflict and founder of the Sun Clan, who served as Lieutenant to Shuro Dureas. Shuro Dureas united most of the island of Indrala under his rule around the year 1450. Zhaozi is to be played by the pop-singer Huang Yao, son of Huang Zitao, in his first acting role. Huang Zitao, the Leader of the Lotus Party, was Finance Minister when the Lotus Party government of Wu Hán founded the Wenhua Broadcasting Corporation in 4265. As such, the Organization for Free Speech has criticized the casting decision by WBC, releasing a statement endorsed by the Jiaozhi Coalition of Conservative Parents and the Association for Conservative Thought:
WBC should not be used by the Lotus Party, or any political entity, to advance the interests of its supporters and associates. The decision to cast Yao as Shi Huan in this upcoming drama is a clear reflection of WBC's intention to "pay back" the Lotus Party, so to speak. Yao has never acted before in his career, and there are many experienced actors who could be cast instead. Further, Yao has made his political nature clear to the public when he hosted a fundraising concert for his father's leadership bid in 4270. We call on WBC to cancel Yao's contract, and hire a non-partisan actor to fill the role.
Yang Wuhan, editor for Indrala Entertainment magazine had a different view:
Yao is one of the hottest stars in Indrala right now; it's only natural that he would soon move to acting... Most idols do it nowadays! Should Yao's career really be held back just because his father is a politician? How is that fair? These groups need to get with the times. Plus, Yao is doing the nation a service, when you think about it. His legions of young fans will be tuning in to watch a historical-based television show every week! How often are our kids seriously engaged in Indralan history? Honestly? I am looking forward to watching the show.
A still from the trailer for "The Great Lieutenant" (Courtesy: WBC)