Chancellor wants to see more children choose the construction and engineering sectors when they enter post-secondary
Chancellor Xuan fits a helmet to a child
May 14, 4281
[HANZHOU, SHU]: Xuan Shuren made a campaign stop in his party’s homeland of Shu province to promote his platform and show off his party’s learn to work program – an educational program that has entered primary schools across the country with the intention of exposing children to technical and manual labour so they gain an appreciation for much needed jobs in a country with a skilled labour shortage for important infrastructure projects – specifically the modernization of ports and harbours across the country that the Republicans initiated early in their mandate.
Chancellor Xuan Shuren had this to say:
Our children are the future of this country. Let us teach them the hard-earned lessons of manual labour. Our party was born from a collection of hard working farmers and tradesmen. We must continue the hard-working tradition of Indrala’s mothers and fathers.
He went on to say…
Children, the youth, the bright eyed- they are like sponges. We teach and they soak it up. Never, since the day my children were born, have I stared so intensely into the eyes of children as I did today. They want to build this country when they are older. They want to be as smart as can be. That’s what separates our country from the rest – we have intelligent and dignified labourers. Most of our tradesmen and women could compete for CEO jobs in other countries! Want to know why? Look beneath your feet. Look at the children.
The children were quiet and somewhat excited, however we interviewed tiny Ming Zi and he had some choice words about the way his helmet was fitting…
It’s stuck! I always here my sister screaming this at home… I wish the chancellor would find me a new helmet.
We asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up:
Maybe a dragon, or an acrobat. Not sure. I love it all.
More to come…