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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby PepeTheFrog » Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:15 pm

Military Drones Destroys Multiples Militia Camps
This week, the Ministry of Defense authorized the use of drones to destroy terrorist militia camps.
"This is one of the most effective ways to destroy terrorist camps!" said Kezmai Ornklarz, one of the drone's operator, "The goal is mainly to destroy enemy warehouses, vehicles, barracks, and other strategic things."
Shlajmai Vrnkrt, the Minister of Defense, also stated that they try to kill the very least civilians possible, except for enemies.
"Our goal is not to kill Jelbania's citizens, our goal is to destroy strategic points and kill armed rebels, if we have the time to".
The Ministry of Defense is also preparing troops to attack and take control of the camps, but more is yet to come in the future.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:19 am

OOc: Such tactics will be quite useless against a Horde and in the future please inform me before attacking what you imagine to be my forces. The Blue Horde is not a classical horde but still it retains many of the key features most notably the attachment of civilians - infact it would be impossible to attack militants without hurting a lot of civilians and their personal property.

I will refer you once again to the Game Rules aka the Particracy Bible where you can read about the rules governing roleplay especially the bits concerning consent prior to roleplay.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Corvo Attano » Wed Sep 27, 2017 7:50 am

OOC I would think the first question that you should ask is where the heck did Jelbenia acquire UCAV strike drones.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:21 am

Jeztris Seize Capital
November 4285

The Jeztri royal forces have seized Baofluz ending a nine year insurgency against the communist government. Led by the 17 year old throne claimant "Grzkai XVI" himself, the forces which had taken much of the south of the country successfully attacked the capital. The Metzist government Ministers and many other high officials had already fled the country and are believed to be in Kalistan by now. Hundreds of remaining communist officials were summarily executed and thousands more have been arrested. Tens of thousands of Baofluzans fled the city at the approach of the Jeztri forces who are historically brutal and unforgiving. This time even their harshest critics gave them for "gentleness" as they tried very hard to avoid unnecessary casualties and violence was directed mostly to the high party officials of the Metzist establishment.


The young claimant H'an has sent forces north to secure the rest of the country and perhaps more importantly, a small force to secure the area around the river Drtéréksrne. The right bank of the river is the traditional coronation place for Jelbek H'ans. Once the north is secured, the H'an has proclaimed his intention to govern for himself like an autocrat of old. The hastily summoned Kurultai has already begun processing several laws to destroy the communist legacy and begin the transition to a traditional Khanate.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:05 pm

Monarchy Restored
July 4286

The Jeztri royal clan has been restored to the throne ending 77 years of communist role. Grzkai XVI the great nephew of the last H'an Shlajkai V, was crowned H'an of the Jelbeks at the right bank of the river Drtéréksrne having declined the offer of the crown three times as is traditional. The 18 year old H'an has already gained considerable experience governing the country since his conquest of Baofluz and the remainder of the country last year. Much of the past year was spent suppressing communism and tens of thousands of supporters of the communist regime have been arrested.

Grzkai XVI in his coronation robes

Shortly after his coronation, Grzkai XVI appointed a Council of Mnistrs to be headed by himself. Key figures include his mother Beiji Jlemai and Grand Shaman Jebr Jebrsrmko Jeztri. Many of the Mnistrs are self-made men from the serf class, with only a handful of nobles - something which is believed to be calculated at keeping the royal power independent from clan politics. The H'an's decision not to take lesser wives from the clans as is customary indicates that some sort of anti-clan attitude might indeed be in place.

H'an To Wed Brmek Princess

The H'an's mother Beiji Jlemai has successfully concluded her mission to the Twin Sultanates of Barmenia where she sought a bride for her son the H'an. The H'an had asked his mother to select a bride for him from the Brmek Court where he lived most of his young life, something which she agreed with. The twin Sultans offered the hand of their sister Shba Irtsmai, 18 which the H'an Mother accepted on behalf of her son. She, her son and several courtiers lived in Barmenia for several years before restoration in Jelbania and thus know the young Princess and her family very well. A wedding is to take place later next year in Sekhmet when the H'an takes a tour of the Jelbic nations in celebration of the country's planned accession into the Union of the Jelbic Peoples.
Last edited by Reddy on Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:55 pm

Scandal As H'an Jilts Brmek Princess, Weds Dztek Refugee Instead
March 4187

Jelbania has been thrown into political uncertainty following the H'an's decision to wed Ldmle Krildrsme Kshtri the beautiful daughter of an exiled Dztek chieftain at his court. The young H'an wed Ldmle while his mother was still finalising negotiations for his marriage to the Brmek Princess Shba Irtsmai. The disappointed H'an Mother tried to persuade her son to grant his new wife the status of a Hrye (lesser wife/concubine) which the young H'an refused to do and instead recalled his mother home, ending her mission to Barmenia. Ldmle was enthroned as Hatun at the Shrine of the First Hatun on the left bank of the river Drtéréksrne.

The H'an and his new bride Ldmle

Hatun Ldmle's father Kril Krilsrmko Kshtri, a prominent Dztek Beije, is the leader of the Dzteks who were driven to exile by the Thallerist government of Deltaria in an ethnic cleansing operation carried out in 4276. Many fled to Jelbania where they continue to nurse a healthy grudge against the Deltarian government. The Dzteks have formed a powerful anti-Deltarian lobby, hoping to turn the Jeztri government against its traditional ally Deltaria and with the Beije soon to join his son-in-law's Council of Mnistrs, many Dzteks feel that they will soon enjoy great influence in the Khanate. Pan Jelbicists have become worried by this, the H'an's repeated delays in accession to the Jelbic Union and criticism of the terms of the accession treaty. Recently the Justice Mnistr announced that the Khanate would investigate the possibility of attaching reservations to several articles in the Treaty.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:16 am

Jelbania Joins The Jelbic Union
January 4288

Jelbek Foreign Minister Taj Jlemai Klunehnd (left) signing the Treaty of Accession
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Wed Oct 18, 2017 2:01 pm

"War Party" Takes Over
April 4289

The H'an has appointed his father-in-law Beije Kril Krilsrmko Kshtri as Wrntusrljikai (head government) This ends the H'an's three year long personal rule and bring forth the Dztek leader to the highest political power in the state. The Beije was also promoted to the rank of Generalissmo, a rank not held by anyone since the last Jelbic-Zardic war in the early 39th century when Beki Mandkh Vrn held this extraordinary rank. As a Jelbek commentator said, "not since the reign of Genzi I (3608-3622) have we seen such a pestilent royal favourite" The Beije and his family have profited handsomely from the H'an's favour and now control much of the Royal Court's finances through their five Mnistries. The Dztek party is also often called the "war party" for its passionate insistence on avenging the humiliating exile of the Dzteks from Deltaria. An opposite court party, the so-called "Jelbic Party" is led by the H'an Mother Beiji Jlemai and a number of senior Horde officers who are concerned about the so-called Deltarian adventure. Several senior Horde officers support the war party, ever happy to get an opportunity to fight their ancient enemies.

Beije Kshkrt

As his first act, the Beije created a "Royal Claims Commission" to investigate the H'an's claim to the throne of Deltaria. The H'an as a descendant of the Volkov Czars of the 41st century is one of the leading heirs to the Czardom, a claim that is probably contested by his Brmek cousins the former reigning Nasirs. Such doesn't matter though - the H'an is by geography and resource-wise, the best placed claimant to reclaim Deltaria. Reports that the Deltarian branch of House Thaller is set to make its own bid to reclaim their throne only further complicate the issue.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby Reddy » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:09 pm

Jelbania Deploys Troops At Southern Border. Invasion "Imminent"As H'an Lays Claim to Deltaria
March 4290

Blue Horde troops departing from Jeztridomura
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