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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:34 am

Hans Gluck Is The Rare Picture of A Politician in Full Fury

After Gluck’s mostly improvised three hour speech against the Communists, there is little doubt that Hans Gluck, NP Leader and Minister for Defence, has finally snapped with the DKP.

His attacks have continued in the Staatsrat debates, too, with him declaring Karlstein Metz and Pfeiffer to be “idiots”, saying Pfeiffer is “anti-democratic” and a “rampant psychopath”, telling him to “silence his ramblings” and generally insulting him totally.

Is this a show of strength, of fury and anger unleashed steadily in an attempt to ruin an opponent? Or is it a sign of weakness, of a man broken by his enemy’s arguments?

DE3 Nuclear Test Fails

The third unarmed nuclear launch exploded on launch due to a “small error”. DE4 will launch soon with the error fixed. Nobody was hurt.

Hans Gluck said, “This is a setback. A delay. It is not a failure. DE4 will launch within a month or two and I guarantee soar to success.”
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:18 pm

Lorenz Conspiracy Comes to a Stranger-Than-Fiction Conclusion

Andrew Wichterle, head of the Wichterle crime family operating across Dorvik, was found killed in prison today. Whether this is in connection to Drumpf, Lorenz or some other conflict, Wichterle was stabbed and killed by an unknown killer, with no evidence left over, while awaiting sentencing for conspiracy to kill Wolfhard Lorenz.

The hit was ordered, say police, by former State Chancellor, wealthy businessman and friends of the Wichterles, Adler Drumpf -- Lorenz's co-partner looking to cover up a number of dastardly revelations about his government. As police came to his home last night to arrest him, it was found that he had disappeared with his yacht, apparently fleeing to the seas.

This comes one day after the public inquiry concluded by saying Lorenz and Drumpf were responsible for major electoral fraud, blackmail, plans to destroy the CotS movement physically, to assassinate political opponents, and likely other illicit acts which have been lost to history.

This political scandal is one of the largest reaching in recent history, involving politicians of the highest caliber, skilled assassins, spies, deep conspiracies, mystery, murder and a large criminal family. It seems we may never know the full truth -- and perhaps the secret service knows more -- but it seems for now that the hunt for Drumpf is on.

DE4 Nuclear Test Launches: Capable of Reaching 9,700km

Reaching nearly 10,000 km in range, it seems the unarmed test section of the government's decades long nuclear program is beginning to reach its conclusion. Hans Gluck, Minister for Defence, celebrated tonight, announcing that the DX range will begin the armed test stage of the process later this year or early next year, using experimental warheads. If successful, a small nuclear arsenal is set to be developed for Dorvik.

Gluck: SDP Are Just Communists With a New Name

"They're essentially the same: Metzist cultists who hate Dorvik, who have recognised Pfeiffer's failings and want a new face for the new election," warned NP Leader Hans Gluck tonight. "They're just Communists in disguise. Don't fall for it."
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rafland » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:37 pm

NPD has been Registered as a Political Party!!

This time the first leader Rafael wins the leader election beating Gustav in the election.

”The NPD will destroy anybody in its way and won’t accept behaviour from the Corrupt Communists that seek to destroy Dorvik identity. Heil Fascism!”

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Fri Oct 27, 2017 7:08 pm

Cindy Kirchen Physically Bewildered By State Of Dorvish Politics

Above: Pragmatic representative attempts to understand state of Dorvik's politics.

The Pragmatists lie in perhaps the most difficult position of any political party in history. So extreme are their opponents that they should be riding on a centrist wave into majority territory, but they remain at a relatively middling standing in the polls. The Pragmatists have recently suffered from about 60 different things going against them, from all directions it does seem. Firstly, we have one coalition partner - the NP - supporting re-instating slavery. Then you have the AfD making odd and unneeded cuts to all sorts of ministries.

To go beyond that, very liberal terms for the 'achievements of the century' have been rejected. You now have the opposition attempting to usurp the government on the international stage, and a new openly fascist party that was able to physically bewilder Minister for Justice Cindy Kirchen. All as the President's own brother attempts to take over the government and force young girls into marriage. Then transgender-ism and homosexuality in the military are the new targets for their coalition partners. And a controversial company has a giant portfolio in Dorvik all of a sudden.

Then the government has to sue a state, while they develop nukes. The two sides of the political gap are either communist or fascist, it does seem - so surely the Pragmatists are crooning to a 300-seat-victory in 4295! Yet they aren't! All this has amazed Pragmatists who have seen the entire country seemingly descend into madness, with an unstable and disunited government and fascism eating Dorvik from the inside out and communism from the outside in. Pragmatists just don't know what to make of it all, it's like a sitcom.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:28 pm

December 4293

Communists accuse government of abetting Malgus Thaller escape


Communist Party General Secretary Friedrich Pfeiffer gave a television interview last night in which he controversially accused the Dorvish government of "deliberately allowing Malgus Thaller to escape from prison, because he was a brutal capitalist fascist dictator, just like they are, and people like this help their own kind".

Thaller recently escaped from a Dorvish prison after nearly three decades of confinement, following his capture by Dorvish forces in 4264.

The interviewer pressed Pfeiffer to produce more specific evidence for his claim, and Pfeiffer responded to this by claiming "the government is trying to take away all our rights", pointing specifically to a government bill to give police unrestricted powers to perform property searches, and arguing this meant "the Dorvish government let Malgus Thaller escape in return for him giving them tips on how to set up a police state, like he had in Kalopia - how to do all of the torture techniques, interrogations, mind control drugs and all the rest of it". He even suggested Thaller was "giving the government his contacts in the international criminal underworld, the people who can give them what they need to develop the terrible nuclear, chemical and biological weapons they are trying to build".

The interviewer asked Pfeiffer again for evidence, and Pfeiffer responded with more of the same. This cycle repeated six times, and then Pfeiffer lost his patience, accused the interviewer of being "a bourgeois toadie for a stupid capitalist corporation" and stormed out.

"Gang of 14" defect from Communists to Social Democratic Union; Communists lose majority on Kordusian Provincial Assembly

Following Paulus Weingartner's move from the Dorvish Communist Party to the Social Democratic Union (SDU), a further 13 Communist members of the Staatsrat have followed suit, giving the SDU a small parliamentary party of 14 members. Across the country, a number of provincial and local council representatives have also defected. Most significant, this includes the Kordusian Provincial Authority, where the defection of 13 councillors has narrowly deprived the Communists of their overall majority.

Synergie sacks striking workers


Synergie has controversially sacked 323 workers at its car production plant in Lissenfeld, after they went on strike in protest against not being awarded a 10% pay rise, a better pensions deal and certain guarantees on safety provisions at work. Many of the jobs have been given instead to lower-paid immigrant workers from neighbouring Kirlawa.

Striking workers lost all of their protections against being sacked under the government's Economic Freedom Bill, which was passed last year.

Synergie's Chief Executive, Andre Gramlich, said he was "greatly saddened" by the sackings, but insisted the decision had been made "as an absolute last resort, because we are operating in an extremely tight and competitive market, and what the union were demanding would have forced us out of business". He blamed the union for "being completely unwilling to see reality and negotiate reasonably".

Marwin Weschler, General Secretary of the Car Production Worker's Union, denounced Synergie's actions as "utterly unacceptable" and called on "workers in Dorvik and elsewhere to boycott all of Synergie's products in protest at this". He was supported in his position by Friedrich Pfeiffer of the Communist Party, who branded Gramlich a "criminal who decimates lives, communities and industries, all in the cause of private profit". Pfeiffer also launched a fierce attack on the government, saying "the politicians of the governing parties are personally responsible for this tragedy, because of the anti-union laws they introduced".

Communists propose "Elimination of the Bourgeoisie Act"

Friedrich Pfeiffer has tabled a radical piece of legislation called the Elimination of the Bourgeoise Act, which would allow the government to inherit all of the wealth belonging to citizens when they die, and impose a 99% income tax on all annual incomes over 20,000 DDO. "The bourgeoisie ruling class of the capitalist system is the fundamental cause of all our problems, economic, social, psychological, philosophical, cultural, military and environmental", he said, adding that "Eliminating the bourgeoisie will be a great step forward, and will pave the way towards a true worker's society".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:25 am

Pragmatists Kick AfD From Coalition


Dorvik has descended into a frantic search for a new government after the AfD called for an early election out of the blue. Pragmatists, worried that this would allow for a communist-socialist coalition, immediately acted to kick the AfD from the coalition. Sally Gretchen told the State Council that the AfD is 'not committed to the fight against communism, so we must now replace them with parties who are'. While splits had been clear between the two parties, the call for early elections was a total surprise to the government.

Pragmatists have told DNS that they were not warned of the impending call for early elections, while agreeing that they would never ally with the AfD ever again. The AfD has said that it has proposed the early elections to get a 'strengthened mandate' from the public while the communists have suffered recent setbacks. The Pragmatists are unconvinced, however, and worry that the risk is too great - regardless of possible reward. This is clearly a gap in mindset which will be difficult to ever bridge.

Sally Gretchen will run again for President, likely without the support of the AfD but maybe with the support of the NP. Whatever coalition may take form after, it will probably not be the same as the last. Possible coalitions include: a communist-socialist deal, perhaps including backing from the DRF (the velvet coalition); a Pragmatic-NP-VBR coalition (the sea coalition); a Pragmatic-Socialist coalition with VBR support (the split-ray coalition). Other coalitions are possible, depending on how well each party fares.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:07 pm

SDU willing To work with Pragmatismus?

Kordusian SDU Leader Mrs.Selina Schmidt Speaking to the DNS:-


In what seems to be the first Statement from any SDU Leader Regarding Coalition Preferences,Provincial Assembly Member from Wasse Am Kas and Kordusian SDU Leader Selina Schmidt has hinted that the Party will be more willing to work with the Pragmatic Party than the Communists,It is worth noting that Ms.Schmidt is from the Social Liberal right wing of the SDU unlike National SDU Leader Mr.Weingartner,Who sits on the Democratic Socialist Left wing of the SDU.

People like me actually joined the Communist Party only due to the fact that it was the only party on the Left,But many members,including me soon felt disenfranchised with the Authoritarian and Radical Policies Proposed by Mr.Pfeiffer and his Circle,We were also prevented from even stating the fact that the Policies of The Party will not materialise at all.Therefore there is no scope for us to work with the Communist Party when it remains this far to the left.And we have Policy Disagreements with The Pragmatismus when it comes to Both Social(Particularly Abortion) and Economic Issues,But atleast they are willing to work with us,Therefore we believe that there is room for Co-Operation between the SDU and The Pragmatic Party

She also Stated that She will soon table a Motion of Non Confidence against the Provincial Communist Government

This Government doesn't deserve to stay on any longer,Kordusia has turned from the most Preferred Destination for Foreign Investors to the least preferred,Considering that the Government had already lost its majority,We will be calling for Dissolution of the State Assembly and For Early Elections
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Konrad Mauer to run for the presidency

Postby menkiller755 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:45 pm

Mauer(On the left) being hailed by party chairman Dreinhald(On the right) after his announcement

Konrad Mauer leader of the DRF will run for the presidency in the upcoming elections of next year. Campaigning has already started on the side of Mauer and several DRF party leaders have already pledged their support for the popular party leader.

We are standing at a crossroad of dorvish politics. Extreme ideology's are being repulsed with the extreme ideas of the other side on the political spectrum. There is no middle ground. We have people that are fed up with the so called "priviliged" party's and i am going to end it! Let me be clear. In Dorvish democracy there is no place for privilige. In dorvish democracy there is no place for selfish politicians. In Dorvish democracy there is only place for leaders! Reformers! people that want to change our country for the better regardless of them becoming better from it! If you the people put your trust in me to lead you to your bright future's and to make sure this nation stays the beacon of hope,freedom and democracy that it has always been, i will make sure that that is exactly what is going to happen!

Some think the announcement comes late but party members are enthusiastic.
This man gives you so much hope! So much to fight for! I am confident the people will see his ambitions for this nation and his desire to help everyone regardless of social class!

Said a bystander from the crowd gathered at the location of the announcement.

The campaign of Mauer starts in Westmark and will tour the country over the course of 10 months
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:10 pm

Hans Gluck Speaks Out Again Against Pfeiffer Letter To World Congress

The move comes after a mostly improvised three-hour speech against the Communists.

OOC: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7498&start=70#p123339
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:23 pm

Gretchen: Communism or Pragmatism. There is no alternative.


Sally Gretchen has blasted the DRF and AfD for 'siding with communism' after both risking a communist victory in the election. Gretchen adamantly declared that Dorvik has two choices: Pragmatism and Communism. 'There is no alternative' according to her. In a somewhat striking tone for a woman often considered the most timid in Dorvish politics, she hoped that 'while the AfD has had problems with maths, they should understand there is no government without one of us'. Elections may damage the Pragmatists, and prove Gretchen wrong.

Pragmatismus clearly has the support of the SDU and NP, with the VBR willing to coalition with them also. The DRF and AfD's plans to enter government seem vague, dogmatic and far-fetched. The DRF wont do a coalition with the Pragmatists or Communists, and by association every party bar the Afd, narrowing their path to government totally. The AfD have unprovokedly angered both their coalition allies but won't ally with the communists. They seem to be counting on each other to get into government, but if we're honest that's impractical.

It does appear the Pragmatists have, for now, a monopoly on the Dorvish political scene. The communists are toxic, and they have three possible allies. The 'bruise coalition' seems to be the current coalition of choice for the Pragmatists, so called for the party colors of Pragmatismus, the SDU, the VBR and the NP. This may be a Frankenstein of a coalition, but don't doubt Sally Gretchen. Now armed with the red scare, this is the woman who got the NP to stand CotS, sued a state of her own country and pushed aside her own party leaders.

Written by Ada Klaus
Co-Editor at DNS
Last edited by Pragma on Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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