
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Halion Post

Postby Elf » Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:38 am

by Erik Rangersen

Luna Dawn - who styles herself as "Queen of Gaming"

METAPONTUM - In an interview with Halion Post, Liberty Dawn leader Luna Dawn, 24, chose to share her thoughts with our audience:

ER: Miss Dawn, welcome to Halion Post TV!

LD: Thanks man!

ER: Let's get started. So.. you're a student of anthropology who started a new party with friends you found on some online game - is that correct?

LD: Yeh. We were a bunch of folks playing War of Worldcraft who've been whining about the state of affairs. So I thought like: "come on guys and gals - let's start a party of our own." And getting followers wasn't hard. You know what young men are like when they think of a pair of melons being on the other side. *giggles*

ER: What kind of political issues attracts people to your party?

LD: Well the worst thing is that they wouldn't let our private servers be. Damn fascist-communist intellectual property laws. Hinders competition on a free market. If I take a concept you invented and make it better why shouldn't I be allowed to do that? And why shouldn't I be allowed to copy stuff I legally bought and share it with friends. It's global corporate fascism at its worst. So we thought about starting up a pirate party but there were a couple of other things as well. Like cute animals. I mean - who doesn't love cute kittens on the internetz? Unfortunately in our country big business tortures cute animals for the sake of greed and profit. Such is the nature of globalist crony capitalism. It's vile. Luckily it seems we're about to pass legislation prohibiting all that now. Praise Bastet lol.

ER: Your party shares your initials. Is that just a coincidence?

LD: Of course it isn't! Lol... they all love me you know. If I'm unsuccessful in politics then at least I could start up a harem for myself you know, lol.

ER: Some describe your party as 'libertarian' or 'green libertarian'. Yet you yourself have stated that you're '100% pro-life except when it comes to the death penalty where I'm 100% pro-death'. Why would you want to reinstate the death penalty in Solentia?

LD: You bet I do! I want people like murderers, paedophiles, gang rapists and animal abusers hanging from the nearest tree. It's not safe to go out nowaydays... just look at how many teens are staying home in front of their computer all the day long. But the death thing is more complicated than people wanna make it. Most of us could probably murder someone under the right circumstances - like meeting the guy who has raped your friend in a dark alley holding a shovel or something. But the sickos who torture living beings and disjoint their body pieces? Hell no! The death penalty isn't really about revenge for murder or whatever, it's about putting sickos to death. Animal abusers, pedophiles and whatnot - these are the same group of folks who could come and kill you tomorrow. According to ancient Gerajan scriptures these folks are processed by evil spirits and modern science agrees with this. They chose to act upon their evil urges. We should kill em all and throw a big party afterwards.

ER: In about the same time we've had another non-socialist party entering the political scene - the Solentian Nationalist People's Party (SNPP). You've suggested that you could work together on issues like immigration.

LD: Yeh, you know - we border Kalopia and Kafuria and both of these countries are basically shit holes filled with goat-f***ing primitives so we're gonna need to protect our borders quite badly. Possibly with a Great Wall of Solentia or something, I don''t know. So in that regard I'm probably in close to complete agreement with the SNPP. But in other ways, they're just sooo authoritarian and it's not even funny. To the extent could call myself a nationalist its because I trust our Solentian people more than Post-Metzist politicans and the government. People wanna be free. Some of the SNPP's policies reminds me of those virgins, those nerds we've all meant who touch you on your shoulder out of insecurity.. well that's kinda cute actually lol. Anyway.. those fellows.. want to force their nerd way of life upon everyone else as a revenge for not getting invited into parties or not getting any chicks. It's just so annoying. Extreme authoritarianism is for virgins who are uncertain of their own inner strength. Learn to live and let live for f***s sake.

ER: I see. And what are you thoughts on the other non-socialist party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Solentia?

LD: Well at least the LDPS aren't completely insane. I hope that we, they and the SNPP will cooperate in one way or another after the next election. Our country is losing badly in every way possible. I wanna make it win again - and I'm good at winning. I've won three War of Worldcraft tournaments in a row. The people need me as their leader. We're gonna restore traditional Solentian symbols and values. However - I can't really agree with breaking with Istalia. They may be leftie but at least they're civilized people. We should co-operate against the barbs on this continent, but do so on our own terms of course - they're not gonna order us enough or something. We're not in some S&M-relationship with Istalia for the Godess' sake lol.

ER: Miss Dawn, thank you for your time!

LD: Thank you. And tell your audience too hook me up on War of Worldcraft. My guild, the <Cute Kittens> are recruiting again. We got cookies. ;)
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:02 pm


President of Kalopi-Siphina Laughs at Solentian Extremist Luna Dawn's "sh*t hole" Comment
"Sometimes the people you think you hate actually turn out to be alright."
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Re: Halion Post

Postby intelligentai » Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:22 am

Exclusive Interview with President Kristoffer Enok

METRAPONUM, NORD -- This morning, President Kristoffer Enok (LDPS) sat down with us in our studio to discuss his party's plans for the future, as well as Liberty Dawn leader Luna Dawn's recent comments.

ER: President Enok, thank you for sitting down with us today.

KE: Thank you for having me.

ER: Let's get started, shall we? Your party has talked a lot about restoring the Solentian private sector. Do you have a concrete plan of action for that?

KE: Well, I'm glad you asked. We absolutely do. As I'm sure you're aware, under Socialist rule most industries were nationalized. It's our goal to undo much of that nationalization, or at the very For example, our current energy industry completely shuts out private suppliers, which is ridiculous when you consider how much money private energy suppliers could save the consumer, as well as how much these energy suppliers will contribute to our economy. What we'd propose for the energy sector is the coexistence of private and public utilities, with regulation on private utilities to prevent price gouging. That way, you maintain some of the income from nationalized energy production, while also building the economy with private sector energy production.

ER: As I'm sure you're aware, many new conservative parties are entering the Senate, and are projected to win many seats next election cycle. What would you say to these parties?

KE: Want to form a coalition? In all seriousness, however, we may share differences in views, but I respect that your party is giving people a choice, and I'm sure we can find some shared ground in a governing coalition.

ER: What kind of shared ground would that be?

KE: Well, restoration of the private sector, for starters. I'm sure we can all agree that we need to bring industries into the private sector, even if we disagree on the specifics of doing it.

ER: You've stated in the past that you're a, "complete internationalist." Do you think that will cause problems in a potential governing coalition?

KE: Yes, and that's an issue that we're still trying to figure out at party headquarters. It'll be hard for us to work with parties like Liberty Dawn that are more insular.

ER: You brought up Liberty Dawn. What are your thoughts on their party leader's recent interview with us?

KE: I'll keep it short and sweet since I see the station manager giving me the 2 minute signal. The comments that Ms. Dawn made in that interview were dangerous, immature, and racist. I'd like to offer my sincere apologies to the Presidents of Kafuristan and Kalopi-Siphina for her comments. I know that I said I'd be interested in forming a governing coalition with the conservative parties in the Senate, but I warn Liberty Dawn that until they recant their statement and offer a complete apology we will not place them in a position of power.

ER: Mr. President, thank you for your time.

KE: Thank you.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Elf » Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:06 am

the 1337 folks
News from Liberty Dawn

Late Chat With Luna
Transcript from yesterday's War of Worldcraft chat


SILVERSUN CITY, WAR OF WORLDCRAFT - In the middle of radiant elven Silversun city, three elves are standing together, waiting for the rest of the party board to come so they can finally challenge the newly released raid boss, Dragon King Umar. Of course, as you all know, the three are our party bigwigs: the brave hunter <Paladinsaregay> is none other than Archibald Ironfist, our Defence spokesperson. The enchanting witch <Omgleetmage> is our Foreign affairs spokesperson, Yezebela Emberlight, and the valiant knightess <ValkyrieWoman> is - as I'm sure you know - our beloved champion Luna Dawn.

ValkyrieWoman: Lmao have you read the news?

Omgleetmage: no lolwut?

Paladinsaregay: u mean the thing about the barb president?

Paladinsaregay: he wants to ¤%&! you so badly

Paladinsaregay: love always starts with fight lol

Omgleetmage: lol @Paladinsaregay ofc he does, their own women look like walking tents rofl

ValkyrieWoman: not only that

ValkyrieWoman: our own pres is acting like a complete sissy

ValkyrieWoman: says he wont give us any position of power unless I "recant my statement"

ValkyrieWoman: that's his reaction to a foreign power threatening us with military strikes if we vote the "wrong" way

Paladinsaregay: !"#¤%&% camel-riding ahmadis their religion is incompatible with democracy

Paladinsaregay: tehy have no respect for free speech

ValkyrieWoman: nope

ValkyrieWoman: but if this is how a future 'conservative' government is gonna act when threatened by our barb neighbours, the future looks bleak

ValkyrieWoman: others will look at him and see "oh those solentians are a bunch of sissies who covers like cowards as soon as you say something that's not nice lol"

Paladinsaregay: he has no balls

ValkyrieWoman: lol

Omgleetmage: show us you dick, mr. president!

Omgleetmage: bet he has a severe case of micropenis that he needs to compensate for

Omgleetmage: by being a d"#¤ to everyone else lol.

Paladinsaregay: rofl

*a fourth elf shows up. It's the sneaky thief, <Ownallcucks>, our Finance spokesperson Tristan Roc*

Ownallcucks: hey guys I'm here now!

Ownallcucks: so wassup? thrilled for the new boss

Paladinsaregay: !&#" you

Omgleetmage: yeah %#!# you!!!!

Omgleetmage: youre always late. I should beat you with a stick lol

ValkyrieWoman: hi Tris! we're talking about the barb president and our own pres' reaction to it

Ownallcucks: haha omg lol

Ownallcucks: the barb president is a Siphinan. I know a great joke about Siphinans.Wanna hear?

Omgleetmage: lol sure

Ownallcucks: so. a Solentian woman who is on vacation in Kalopia for w.e. reason - maybe she's checking out the latest fashion for women who look like ghosts for Halloween or whatever. Idk.

Ownallcucks: Anyway: in the evening, she goes to a bar. A Siphinan guy with a walks up to her and offers her a drink. They talk for a while, and he offers her another one.

Ownallcucks: Finally they start making out. She invites him to her hotel room for some more fun. When they arrive, she takes of all of her clothes and lies down in her bed and says: "do what you do the best". Then....

Omgleetmage: ...they have camel balls for dinner?

Paladinsaregay: ...he rapes her because every1 knows siphinans are rapists?

ValkyrieWoman: ... he invites all of his cousins?

Ownallcucks: Then... he grabs her TV and runs away. :mrgreen:

Omgleetmage: LOL OMG

Paladinsaregay: hahahahaha rofl!

ValkyrieWoman: lmao

Paladinsaregay: gay gay gay

Ownallcucks: wtf is gay with that?

Paladinsaregay: Idk I just like to use that word randomly lol

ValkyrieWoman: haha

ValkyrieWoman: this is just the kind of mentality we need in the government

ValkyrieWoman: hey, looks like the rest of the team is finally on their way, let's go kick some dragon ass shall we?

Ownallcucks: yes we shall

ValkyrieWoman: have a feeling this is gonna be an epic evening lol
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Re: Halion Post

Postby intelligentai » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:01 am

Defiant Towards Critics, President Enok Continues to Wage a War of Words with Luna Dawn

METRAPONUM, NORD -- This morning, President Kristoffer Enok upped the ante in his war of words with Liberty Dawn leader Luna Dawn, issuing a global press release on behalf of his government. Enok continued his trend of scathing rhetorical assaults on Dawn, saying,

I'm apologizing on [Luna Dawn's] behalf, and I beg that you forgive her. She's simply a child that fritters away her time making offensive comments in a worthless online game. Such a shut-in could never understand your people, mainly because a racist who doesn't leave their bedroom has neither the time nor the will to go out and absorb the rich Kalopian and Kafurian cultures.

However, despite this hard line, many in his party are having doubts about continuing these attacks. In the words of one Liberal Democratic Senator, who declined to be named for fear of retribution, Enok should, "Stop focusing on this petty feud and get back to the hard business of governing." Another begged Enok to, "Stop attacking our potential coalition partners." Nevertheless, neither side has shown any signs of fatigue or willingness to back down. Whatever happens, it seems that we're in for an interesting couple weeks.
Alexander Morris contributed to this report.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby TPPDJT » Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:48 am

National Action
Interview with Solentian Nationalist People's Party President Edward Long

Painting of Edward Long, SNPP President

METRAPONUM, NORD Early in the afternoon, National Action (SNPP media outlet) reporter Thomas Anderson sat down with SNPP president Edward Long for a wide ranging interview discussing a number of topics.

Thomas Anderson: Thank you for coming today.

Edward Long: Of course, my pleasure.

TA: Recently a word of words has broken out between incumbent president Kristoffer Enok and Liberty Dawn leader Luna Dawn. What are your thoughts on the matter?

EL: I'll start by stating bluntly what President Enok truly is. President Enok is a puppet of Istalian globalists who are hell bent on destroying the whole concept of national sovereignty. President Enok is a feckless weakling who possesses a poor command of statesman craft and international diplomacy. On the other hand, I think that Luna Dawn is an eccentric individual who is motivated by a lust for popularity and attention. Overall, this senseless debacle has wasted valuable time that could be spent making Solentia great again. I will say this though; I would rather see Luna Dawn attain the presidency than Kristoffer Enok.

TA: Let's assume you aren't elected president. Which parties or party would you be open to forming a coalition with?

EL: The question is moot, because I will be elected president become January. So instead I will answer which parties I would form a coalition with when elected president. In all honesty, I see only one party that would make a satisfactory coalition parter, the LD. Liberty Dawn seems to share some ideas held by me, but I would like to see them shift towards a more authoritarian direction. The remaining parties are all mere puppets of Istalia and not worthy of my attention.

TA: Are you aware that LD leader Luna Dawn told the SNPP to "learn to live and let live for f***s sake"?

EL: Yes, and should such mental incompetence continue I shall be forced to reevaluate my opinion of these interesting characters.

TA: Last question. What do you think of the recent controversy involving Kalopia?

EL: This is yet another attack on the people of Solentia that has been ignored by the government. Our president is too weak to stand up to the Kalopians and thus does not deserve any sort of respect. Kalopian and Kafurian culture is rather pathetic and is barbaric in comparison to Solentian culture. Any attempts to deny this are simply inane.

TA: Thank you for your time today Mr. Long.

EL: Of course. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Elf » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:14 am

the 1337 folks
News from Liberty Dawn

Discard Q&A Stream with LD Leaders
Liberty Dawn looks forward to privatise education and welfare services, loving cute animals...


TEH INTERNETZ – At the height of the election campaign, Liberty Dawn's party board held a Q&A on the social media site Discard, answering some questions form the public. Here's an excerpt:

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): So... how's everyone?

Rocco Moody (Health and Social Services): Great! Good friends and good beer – what's not to like?

Electa Anderson (Education and Culture): Amazing! We're really gonna do this! To hell with socialism! Victory for the Solentian people and their privatised education!

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Ehhh.. I'm good, thank you. Have a feeling we're gonna win big. Voters are like moose in the forest.... when a skilled hunter comes, they'll never know what hit them...

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Eh.. not sure if that's a good comparison to make.. lol. So.. let's get started, shall we? ...Ramona my gal?

Ramona Ferrara (Moderator): Caller number one!

Bill Hilly: Hi! Name's Bill Hilly! Gotcha a question for General Ironfist. I read the news about Ironfist waning to legalise incest because sodomy is legal. So I wanted to ask this: are you serious man?

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Evening, good man! Well, my point is this: the liberals are arguing that incest is 'a disgusting, immoral act'. Some folks think that homosexual intercourse is 'a disgusting, immoral act' as well. Yet the same folks celebrating that as a human right. Now I don't actually have a sister but if I had one and fell in love with her - whose these libtards to tell us as adult people that we can't have some fun.. you know? Capishe?

Bill Hilly: Eh. All right. But serious: can't you argue that sodomy should actually be illegal instead of wanting to legalise sister-banging? I mean it spreads diseases for obvious reasons and we're a nation founded on Hosian values - but even so folks can understand that it's not something normal people do.

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): It's a tough question because there's a lot of strange stuff going on in people's bedrooms. I'm 50 years old you know and like the majority of women I've conquered through the ages - and there's been many of course - that's part of why I understand the art of conquest so well - have had something kinky going on. You know what I mean. So if you're gonna start banning 'unnatural' stuff in bed you might find yourself opening an entirely new can of worms which could hurt people who are not fags as well. I once dated this chick with piercings everywhere who always wanted to...

Ramona Ferrara (Moderator): *interrupting* Okay okay okay, please let's not elaborate on that - this is supposed to be a children friendly thing. Well, kinda. They're probably asleep at the moment. Hopefully. Whatever. Caller number two!

Elysa Fisherman: Hi! My name is Elysa Fisherman and I'm a single mother with three children, thanks to their daddy being a !"##¤ /%#¤#. My youngest son currently has tonsillitis and otitis at the same time. But the hospital queues are way to long. Have to sit half a day with him to wait for an usual examination. I want better health care services! What are you going to do about that?

Rocco Moody (Health and Social Services): Good question! The simple answer is this: if you could transfer the money we currently spend on health services for your kiddo to a private clinic instead - with no extra cost for you - you bet there be no day long queues, because a hospital being that bad would go out of business pretty soon! But the big problem with the Liberal Democrats is that, despite the name, they think like socialists! Adding the opportunity to do private healthcare, pensions, schools or whatever as an alternative to public ones is obviously an improvement, but it's really not a good way of doing welfare in general - referring those who can't pay to substandard public establishments. What I would like to see is a welfare state were services are delivered by competing private corporations and where those who use public services are treated like customers - so that even the poorest kid can have a private education, even the working-class pensioner can live on a private retirement home and have quality private pensions. We call this the client choice model™ and it's the only way of ensuring cost-effectiveness and freedom of choice for everybody, which is not at all an idea sold to us by neoliberal Istalian think tanks as some conspiracy theorists claim on the internet. The left hates freedom of choice for working-class people because they want to have them in public institutions were they can indoctrinate them!

Electa Anderson (Education and Culture): Can I add something about education? I've worked as a substitute teacher. Imagine if you're a working-class conservative and you aren't in a position were you can home school your kids. You have no option but sending them to public schools full of left-wing tie-dye witches where there is no customer perspective at all and they are likely to have a bad time in general. Now imagine if the money that's spent on public schools on your kids could be transferred to a private school of your choice instead. Wouldn't that be terrific? Once a proper universal voucher system is in place you bet tie-dye witches in public institutions are gonna have a hard time competing with folks who deliver better services. This model can be applied to any public service, but it's especially vital for education, were the left seems to hate the idea of the poor getting the same chances as the rich.

Rocco Moody (Health and Social Services): Completely agree. The client choice model™ is the only way to empower those who aren't born with a golden spoon in their mouth. Praise the client choice model™!

Elysa Fisherman: Okay. But even with free market competition there's still gonna be the same amount of resources, aren't there?

Rocco Moody (Health and Social Services): Well we had a discussion about this issue on our party board, and we all agreed... well, almost all of us anyway.. *smiles at Electa Anderson who is having a facial expression of a person who has just been eating a lemon* cut Education and Culture bare before I risk the health of my people. But all of the public sector is having gigantic problems with waste. Employees playing computer games instead of taking care of customers... ehh patients. With competition they'll finally have to work for their playtime or they'll go out of business.

Elysa Fisherman: Haha, that sure serves 'em right! Thanks for your time!

Rocco Moody (Health and Social Services): Cheerio!

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): You know, I actually advocated another position than my party board there. Education as we know it is a relic from the stone age. Kids learn more by just surfing the internetz - and the stuff they aren't interested in like maths, they'll never gonna be good at in any case. The education system as we know it goes against the laws of nature.

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Too many are simply too narrow-minded and can't think outside the box. Like "what no schools *SYNTAX ERROR*". Heck - I'd be happy if they gasped our ideas about outsourcing public services. We'll just have to work with what we have.

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Meh. Not everyone is that autistic as you are with your Thomas Hawke missiles and whatever. Most normal people don't even gasp what a SYNTAX ERROR is, lol!

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Speaking of special people.. don't know if you remember since you were completely wasted of course. but last time we had a meeting with the party board and accidentally ended up in that strip club, you told me you've been diagnosed with ADHD... Have to ask if youre you really in a position to make autism jokes?

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Shhh... don't f"#¤ing ruin my opportunity to make fun of people with disabilities. Btw.. lol - did that first caller call you *General Ironfist*? Archie?

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): *busy popping another can of beer* What?

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): The first caller. That dumb peasant or whatever he was, ranting about 'sodomites'. He called you "General Ironfist". Like lol what the f£¤#? What kind of 'general' are you supposed to be, for real? General of the mighty Horde? Have you finally dinged level 100 in Worldcraft or what?

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Nah... you know, I don't 'technically' have any military background, but that doesn't really matter because with all the military books and magazines I've read I should legitimately be a General or even Field marshal! You know.. no one in the entire country can discern the difference between an ordinary nuclear bomb and an ICBM like I can. I applied again and again but the army wouldn't have me. They labelled me as a MOP (Military Over-interested Person) and only offered me non-combatant service, like transport and stuff. Idiots! I'm the only person in this country who know exactly what to do when the Kalopians come. We're gonna buy cruise missiles from Hutori - BGM-109 Tomahawk, the best in the world, in titanium steel! And when the savage barbs come to our country – we fire them at their houses back home – gotta take out their families, that's our first priority. It's logical, because then they won't have anything to fight for any longer so they go home.

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Sounds like a crime against homanity to me. And you bet the barbs be angry if you kill their family. By the way – what's that beer you're drinking? It smells like poop.

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Hey you shut it woman! It's the finest Storapromen from Valruzia. And nope – that's simply collateral damage. Happens in every war. You shot a missile somewhere and folks die, *bam*. That's life. Your own beer smells like a damp rag, by the way...

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Killing civilians on purpose is a crime against homanity. But so is bad beer *hic*. And this is the best Genniuss, made by Draddwyr druids according to ancient recipes in far-away Dranland. At least it says so on the bottle. So it's clearly perfect for anyone who has an interest in the occult.

Ramona Ferrara (Moderator): Caller number three!

Mike Tyson: Hey can someone explain that campaign song you've been playing on your rallies? I can't understand half of it – it's in some foreign language – isn't it?

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Ohh! It was me, me, me – I chose it!! I'm a Felinist by the way.. in case you've wondered why I use the term 'homan' instead of 'human'. And you know what – I don't understand the lyrics fully either! It's from a Telamonian kids TV show called Doktor Kosmos and is about a veterinarian who helps different cute animals! Oh... aren't they cute!?... Ramona, can't you show that clip?

Ramona Ferrara: Right....

Mike Tyson: Hmmm... interesting. But how could the voters know about that?

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): They don't need to. They just need to listen and feel happy. Love and cuteness has no language.

Archibald Ironfist (Defence): Like executions.

Luna Dawn (Da big boss): Shut up you gramp! Now.. can we have some nice chempagna from Lourenne please? Ramona? Have a feeling this is gonna be a long night....
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:25 am

"Sometimes the people you think you hate actually turn out to be alright."
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Elf » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:00 pm

the 1337 folks
News from Liberty Dawn


Liberty Dawn gains simple majority in the Senate - by one Senator

Our new President

METAPONTUM - With 376 of the seats in the Senate - just one Senator enough to gain a simple majority of their own - and 58.16% of the votes for Luna Dawn as president, the Liberty Dawn firmly established their dominance over Solentian politics for the next four years. The new President held a short victory speech at the end of the election night:

We won! Like totally - we won! The people voted for a change, and a change they shall get. Solentia is going to be much freer, much stronger, much safer, much nicer in general. At the moment, I'm preparing the Liberty Dawn board - you did watch our Q&A on Discard didn't ya? - to take over as the next government of of the Solentian Social Republic!

The reactions from the barbs are what we could expect - but take no notice of that. We are members of the MACEA so if they ever do something to us, Istalia will come and bomb the s@£t out of them. Isn't that terrific? However - the hostility and blatant disregard for our national sovereignty will make us even more eager to secure our borders through a proper border wall. The leaders the barbs elect for themselves shows how incompetent they are at the international stage.

Now now now, let's not give the barb problem too much attention. The Liberty Dawn may have the opportunity to lead this country by themselves. We are looking to implement proper Constitutional reform and the return of our traditional provincial names. We invite everybody - the SNPP in particular - to discuss this with us. We're also looking forward to implement proper freedom of choice™-reforms in the public sector so that everyone can have a private education, like we promised you. We're gonna leave some freedom-hating fascist treaties and we're gonna protect all the cute animals.

That's all I have to say for now. Good nite everybody - and may the deity of your choice™ bless Solentia!
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