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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Pragma » Thu Nov 09, 2017 10:16 pm

Elections Produce Good First Result For PRH

Above: Party Leader Anne-Sophie Édouard

Running on a decidedly religious and conservative platform, indeed being the further to the right of any Aldurian party, the PRH won 68 seats in all in its first elections. While not a massive amount, it's a reasonable base that gives the party a serious amount of power. Party Leader Anne-Sophie Édouard won nearly 9% of the vote in the Presidential election, and came fourth overall. The party also got nearly 6 million total votes nationally, coming fourth in terms of votes and seats. The party even came third in the state of Mondalat.

The party, due to funding issues, could not run seriously in Novelle Orange or Harkonie, and got very few votes in both states - from write-ins. In the states that the party did run formally in, it got 13 seats in Zanyal Valley and 1.1 million votes, 33 seats in Modalat and 2.7 million votes and 22 seats in Bendiri with 1.9 million votes. The party did slightly better than fellow newcomer, the Reformist Party, but failed to reach the heights of the major established parties. Overall, party officials said it was 'a decent night, a good night'.

The PRH was influential, however, in putting the Nationalist Party candidate Henri Sébastien over the edge in the race to become Head of State, putting their 9% onto the PN's 1st round total, giving them a narrow victory overall in the race. This is particularly important as it puts the PRH on track to ally with the PN when the two are able to mathematically form a government. While the PRH is a long way off of government, they have a reasonable base to build on in future. The main target for the PRH now is to publicise their economic agenda.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Sobk » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:40 am

While seeking the creation of a cabinet, Maréchal Henri Sébastien was blocked by the legislature despite a majority voting in favor. This did not come as a surprise as the LOP has shown no fear towards implementing its own communistic and dictatorial policies. They have repeatedly shown they have no incentive to cooperate with the democratically elected leader of the nation or with the second largest party. The citizens of Aldurie have grown weary of the hard-left and blatantly anti-Aldurian leadership of the LOP and some polls are showing the Parti Nationaliste ahead in the next election. Whether that at is the case or not, the LOP's self-made image as a savior has been unravelled by their own authoritarian and downright intrusive policies and will surely give them trouble at the next election.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Huxo » Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:10 pm

Aldurian Actualités || Aldurian News Times

Violent Protests in Semailles Results in Four Deaths

Alduria's capital continues to reel from a protest turned violent yesterday. A civil gathering protesting the continued inclusion of the self-titled Pirate Party faced a heavy-handed police response which witnesses say stoked violent retaliations by the protest's 1000 plus attendees. On the streets of Semailles, hooded hooligans continued the streak of violence as they targeted retail outlets and overturned abandoned police vehicles. Crackdowns by riot police, including some bused into Semailles from neighbouring Treziers and other Mondalat communities, escalated into four deaths and five critically wounded protesters. One police officer was reported as severely wounded.

The clash marks a new heated divide between the Pirates and downtrodden economic classes who have suffered a loss of political connection to former populist party. Whereas previous sentiments used to push the lower classes and lower middle class to support the Pirates, their continued normalization into the political culture of the Chambre des Représentants has caused a backlash as economic conditions continue to sour nationally across Alduria.

"This used to be a place of hope for things to come," one protester commented before the riots commenced, "now they (the Pirates) are no different and don't think of us anymore. Hope is gone. Anger is what we feel now."

According to police sources, investigators are looking for an "organized group" responsible for the escalation to violence of the protests. Police officials claim that they did not engage first with the peaceful protests, despite claims made by several witnesses on popular social media sites. According to the authorities, the group behind the conflict manipulated the public and purposefully escalated the situation to increase publicity.

Protesters who were contacted for this story are quick to call out the police for their passing the blame. "Four people are dead at the hands of the police. There are pictures. There are videos. Blaming a fake group is disgusting. Take responsibility."
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Huxo » Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:48 pm

Aldurian Actualités || Aldurian News Times

Police Raid in Bellevue-sur-Mer Find Alleged Conspirators Dead

A police raid in idealic Bellevue-sur-Mer uncovered the deaths of the alleged conspirators behind the violent riots last week in Semailles. According to insider sources, police raided a seaview property under the ownership of Jean Lepetite who was the alleged mastermind behind the violent escalation of anti-Pirate protests in the capital. Lepetite was formerly known as Suhail al-Karam, an illegal alien who arrived in Alduria from al-Mamlakah al-Qalbiyah al-Majaliyah, the Majalite Kingdom of Kafuristan. According to reports, al-Karam changed his name to Lepetite after successfully graduating from the Fleurville Centre d'Intégration Nationale. Two other arrests from the violent raids were illegal aliens from Majatra, from Taghék Ajozuo Jelbék and al-Jumhuriat al-Shaebiatu al-Badara. Twelve other arrests were of Aldurian nationality.

The implication of illegal aliens orchestrating the unrest in Semailles has raised the shackles of nationalist citizens, including at another peaceful vigil turned protest in Semailles yesterday. Chants of "mon pays, sors" ("my country, get out") echoed eerily in the near-empty streets only a block away from the candlelight vigil for the now six deaths, including one police officer, from the violence last Sunday. According to Jean Legace, the organizer of the mini-protest calling for the expulsion of illegal aliens, it is "utterly unforgivable that the government allowed al-Karam to be found as an illegal alien, supposedly integrated, and then released to wreck havac. Blood is on their hands."
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Papa_Meme » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:27 pm

BREAKING NEWS : FLA leader Alexandre Joubert resigns following election loss

In a brief statement to the press today, former president and current FLA leader, Alexandre Joubert resigned following his failure to even enter the second round of the 4328 presidential elections:
Friends and Comrades, it has been my immense honour to serve as this party's leader for 28 years, we have come so far in those years, I have gone from being a resistance leader to the fascist state to being president of this nation and I cannot express my extreme gratitude towards all the members of my party, my country and the socialist movement in both Aldurie and the world. Comrades, always remember no matter how clouded the future may look, the victory of the common worker is inevitable and justice is inevitable. Thank you all!

Reine Bourbeau

Deputy Leader, Reine Bourbeau, announced in a statement shortly after Joubert’s that she will be serving as interim leader, before a new leader is decided in the first FLA party congress in 4329.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:48 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia


Hel, February 4360

Logo of the Bonning's newest subsidiary Avignon.

HEL - Bonning Car Factory, the premium car maker of Valruzia, has announced it will invest 4,3 billion Valruzian pesos in Alduria in order to establish a new standalone car brand Avignon. This initial investment will support the initial phase of the Avignon's product, brand and industrial development to become a fully consolidated Bonning Group subsidiary. Three first production models were announced in Brzansk as Bonning confirmed plans for its first three models, a new purpose-built production facility in Alduria and a customer-focused route to market that will set a new industry benchmark for medium-class vehicles. The investment will be used, among other things, to establish a state-of-the-art Avignon manufacturing facility in La Rocher in the State of Novelle Orange, marking a new chapter in the development of Bonning's production capacity and transforming it into a truly global enterprise.

Avignon's first three car models: Crossventuro, Larochelle, Avantegeux

New brand's first three vehicles were presented during a special showroom held in Brzansk at Bonning's headquarters. Cars are set to roll off the production line in mid 4363. All three cars will use components used in Bonning's cars and most importantly Bonning's engines. This decision was dictated by Bonning's will to limit the initial costs of the process. President Ferenc announced that in the future more funds will be pumped into Avignon to develop their own engines. Another important news is the fact that one of two Chief Designers of Bonning will from now on work on Avignon cars. This decision will surely accelerate design, development and production processes at fraction of the time it takes other new entrants. This set-up will radically shorten the time Avignon needs to commercially launch its cars, giving it a strategic advantage compared to competitors. Bonning announced that first set of cars will be simultaneously manufactured at companies in Brzansk and La Rocher to ensure the factory in the latter has the time needed for reaching the full manufacturing capability.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:59 pm

Nowogard, September 4364


Gloria Iustitia's new headquarters (building in the center) in Nowogard, Valruzia.

NOWOGARD - In what seems to be the first official document issued jointly by human rights and democracy organization Gloria Iustitia, and the Council of Seleya which is aimed at preservation of multicultural characteristics of the Seleyan continent and at the same time monitor the state of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, diplomats from the Council of Seleya and lawyers from Gloria Iustitia say that Seleyan Union should work out the future shape of the Seleyan Union. Gloria Iustitia praised the legacy of the Seleyan Union which in the last couple decades became one of the top three areas on Terra where democracy is respected and citizens of Seleyan Union can enjoy peaceful life outside of any life-endangering conflict. In the document called "Seleya: Agenda for future and peace 4400" Gloria Iusitia and Council of Seleya point out that in recent decades the Seleyan Union which represents saw an unprecedented economic growth and according to the authors of the document, that is the result of closer economic cooperation on the continent and taking down economic barriers between member states. Council of Seleya highlights the importance of the Aloboro Agreement which, despite Valruzia and Alduria are the only participants, significantly affected the economic cooperation between the two countries, especially in the automotive. CoS underlines the fact that the Agreement contributes to growth in all sectors of the economy and especially in services, as with no border controls people are most likely to travel throughout Seleya. According to the document, Valruzian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that average annual number of Aldurian tourists visiting Valruzia is 230 thousand, while the National Office for Statistical Research about 310 thousand of Valruzians visit Alduria every year. When compared with numbers before the Agreement came into force, we can see that they are roughly twice as high without the border patrols. Both Valruzian and Aldurian tourist industry benefits greatly every year thanks to the Alboro Agreement, in both countries the recent decades of saw increase in the total number of hotels and resorts and both quantitative and qualitative growth of the tourist and leisure infrastructure. In Valruzia tourist and leisure services make up a total of 8.9% of the total GDP which is relatively high result in north Seleya.

CoS and GI point out that extreme, nationalist political parties tend to undermine or distort the achievements of the Seleyan Union and tend to overuse the claim that it limits the sovereignty of the Member States. Gloria Iustitia points out that no article in the Treaty on the Seleyan Union limits the political might of any Member State and that all 12 Member States can enjoy the same rights within the community and are free to leave the organization. Economists from Gloria Iustitia highlight that in order to sustain the economic growth of the whole region, Member States will have to sit down together and work out additional protocols or declaration which will reform the current union. One of the proposed solutions is an increased level of economic freedom by establishing a pan-seleyan corporate status for companies that are able and are willing to operate on the territory of Seleyan Union and that their services and operations will have transborder character. Gloria Iustitia point out that the Valruzian government have tried to establish such solution back in 4327 with the Seleyan Petroleum Company - the planned company was supposed to have a unique corporate identity and could be the first ever Societas Seleyanea - allowing it to operate on the territory of the whole Seleyan Union and to be the subject to a special procedures in countries it operates. I could be said that currently, companies like Bonning and Reglair are the closest to what the Valruzian Government wanted to implement more than 30 years ago despite they operate as Valruzian corporate entities, and are subject to Valruzian internal taxation. Creation of such ventures could allow for the creation of the Union's budget which could be used for structural programmes for underdeveloped regions in the Seleyan Union and as subsidies for development programmes of the Member States' governments.
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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:39 pm

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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:17 pm

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Re: Aldurian News Times

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:33 pm

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