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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 9:59 pm

Nowogard, May 4311

Valruzian authorities and political leaders unite over the yesterday's attack in Dorvik's capital of Haldor. One of Haldor's metro subway cars had driven into an explosive device, resulting in a disastrous derailing of the whole train which killed 35 civilians, including 5 Valruzian citizens and a raid on the Central Station by masked attackers and killing another more than 60 civilians and wounding hundreds more.

President of the Republic Urszula Liecheńska in a statement given shortly after the attacks said that she was "sickened by the senseless loss of life in Haldor" following the deadly attack, and that she "deplores the loss of fellow Valruzian citizens", "express my sincere condolences to the families on the death of their relatives" and that they "can count on the authorities support in the harsh times of sorrow". The President said that the attack must be investigated thoroughly and that she will consult the Minister of Justice on the possible delegation of Valruzian investigators to Dorvik to monitor the process of the investigation and to help the Dorvish authorities. President Licheńska said that "we must assume that was a blatant act of terrorism, and all preparators must be dealt with".

The Council of Ministers during a press conference, held by the Prime Minister Robert Tomczyk, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Justice, passed its sincere condolences onto the hands of the victims' families and that a special compensation of 1.5 million pesos will be given to the families of victims. Ministry for Foreign Affairs announced that its Dorvish counterparts confirmed the death of five Valruzian citizens, all from the Brzansk metropolitan area.

Prime Minister said that the attack was terryfing and that it was very hard to imagine that a human being would be able to act in this manner and kill so many innocent people with cold-blood. Robert Tomczyk said that the Hosian Preservation Front has been declared a terrorist organization by the Government of Valruzia.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:28 pm

Valruzian Version:
The Valruzian Economist dla Walruzyjskiej Agencji Prasowej
Wrzesień, 4311.


Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej poinformowało, iż po konsultacji z Prezesem Rady Ministrów Robertem Tomczykiem i Prezydent Licheńską wypracowano porozumienie na mocy, którego walruzyjscy żołnierze stacjonujący w Hulstrii i Ostlandzie w ramach Walruzyjskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego stanowiącego część międzynarodowej koalicji wycelowanej przeciwko autortarnym rządom kanclerza Nimitza. Według resortu obrony obecność walruzyjskiego kontyngentu nie jest w dalszym ciągu wymagana, a operacje ‘peace-building’ i ‘peace-keeping’ zapoczątkowane przez WKT zotaną przekazane pod dowództwo kontyngentu Republiki Istalii. The Valruzian Economist przypomina, że że WKT od 18 miesięcy stacjonuje na pograniczu Hulstrii i Ostlandu gdzie razem z siłami koalicji aktywnie wspiera marginalizaowaną od lat opozycję i chroni ludnośc cywilną przed niehumanitarną polityką kanclerza Leopolda Nimitza. Resort obrony zapowiedział, że jest możliwość powrotu wojsk Walruzji do Hulstrii i Ostlandu, jednak jedynie w ramach wsparcia technicznego.

Wyjście WKT z Hulstrii nie oznacza całkowitego wyjścia żołnierzy z międzynarodowej koalicji. Resort Spraw Zagranicznych zapewnia, że Walruzja nadal aktywnie wspiera i będzie wspierać wysiłki społeczności międzynarodowej w celu przywrócenia rządów prawa i demokracji nw terenach objęrych konfliktem pomimo braku militarnej obecności. Dział ekonomiczny The Valruzian Economist wylicza, że dotychczasowa operacja kosztowała budżet oraz podatników 2.3 milirada peso. Do tej sumy należy także doliczyć sumę 342 milionów peso. Tyle mianowicie kosztowało ustanowienie i wyposażenie stref bezpieczeńśtwa, będących częścią zadań walruzyjskiego kontyngentu. W sumie w tamach WKT w Hulstrii i Ostlandzie stacjonowało jednocześnie 10 tysięcy żołnierzy w ramach 4 miesięcznych zmian.
Kancelaria Prezydenta Republiki poinformowała o aprobacie Prezydent Licheńskiej wyrażonej w stosunku do wycofania walruzyjskich żołnierzy spowrotem do kraju. Prezydent wyraziła zadowolenie z dokonań WKT oraz wysiłku włożonego w pomoc lokalnej ludności w ramach stref bezpieczeństwa. Prezydent zapewniła, że po ustaleniach z ministrem obrony, infrstrucktura WKT, z wyjątkiem sprzętu militarnego, zostanie pozostawiona do użytku sił koalicyjnych i tamtejszej ludności. Co najmniej trzy szpitale (w tym jeden polowy), 3 szkoły, oraz modularne budynki mieszkalne, mogące zapewnić schornienie dla 300 tysięcy osób – to wszystko oraz wiele innych zostanie na obszarze konfliktu i zostanie przekazane do użytku przez miejscową ludnośc cywilną.


Jednym z głownych powodów wycofania walruzyjskich sił, obok braku potrzeby stacjonowania WKT, niezaprzeczalnie jest ostatni atak na żołnierzy WKT około 100 kilometrów na południe od Wolfsheim, w którym zabity został 34-letni członek walruzyjskiego kontyngentu. Premier Tomczyk po ataku powiedział, że atak był wynikiem braku porozumienia pomiędzy członkami WKT a miejscowa ludnością, która przez lata była obiektem represji ze strony Hulstrii. W połączeniu z brakiem zaufania do sił międzynarodowych, brak porozumiena przerodził się w rękoczyny, w wyniku których jeden z mieszkańców wsi wbił nóż w szyję walruzyjskiego żołnierza w wyniku którego doszło do szybkiego wykrwawienia.


Pomimo planów co do wycofania WKT spowrotem do kraju, firmy takie jak WKN Volantis, Valruzian Petroleum, Valacom czy Szwarzentel Investments ogłosiły, że nadal będą obecne na terenach wyzwolonych przez siły koalicji oraz pomagać cywilon w powrocie do normalnego życia.


Luthorian Version:
The Valruzian Economist for the Valruzian Press Agency
September 4311.


Ministry of National Defense informed that, after consultation with the Prime Minister Robert Tomczyk, and President Licheńska, an agreement has been worked out, by virtue of which, Valruzian soldiers stationed in Hulstria and Ostland as part of the Valruzian Military Contingent (WMC) and the international coalition against authoritarian regime of the Hulstrian Chancellor Nimitz. According to the defense department, the presence of theValruzian contingent is no longer needed and necessary, and the 'peace-keeping' and 'peace-building' initiatives started by the WMC will be passed onto the hands of the Istalian contingent. The Valruzian Economist reminds that the WMC for 18 months is stationed on the borderland of Hulstia and Ostland where together with the international coalition supports the long-suppressed opposition and defends the local civilians from the inhuman policies of Chancellor Nimitz. Defense Department announced that the comeback of Valruzian forces to the coalition is possible but only as a technical support.

Withdrawal of the WMC from Hulstria does not mean the total withdrawal of Valruzian soldiers from the international coalition. Ministry for Foreign Affairs reassures that Valruzia continues to support and will support in the future the efforts of the international community to bring back the rule of law and democracy on the territories torn with conflict, despite the absence of the Valruzian forces. Economic division of the Valruzian Economist points out that the participation of Valruzia in the operations in Hulstria cost the budget and taxpayers 2.3 billion pesos. To this amount, we have to add 343 million pesos. That was the price of the establishment of the safety zones, which are part of the task of the Valruzian contingent. In total in Hulstria and Ostland, 10.000 Valuzian soldiers were stationed in 4-months shifts.

Chancellery of the President of the Republic informed about the President Licheńska's approval of the idea of the withdrawal of the soldiers back to the country. The President declared her satisfaction of the WMC achievements and efforts put in helping the local civilians in the safety zones. President assured that after the consultation with the defense ministry, all infrastructure of the WMC, with exception put on the military equipment, will remain in the region to be used by coalition forces and the local civilians. At least three hospitals (one field hospital), three schools and modular residential buildings capable of accommodating 300 thousand people - that and a lot more will remain in the region and help the people during and after the conflict.


One of the main reasons for withdrawal, next to the lack of necessity of the presence of the WMC, undoubtedly is the recent attack on soldiers of the WMC about 100 kilometers from Wolfsheim. A soldier, aged 34, member of the WMC has been killed. Prime Minister Tomczyk, after the attack, said that it was the result of terrible misunderstanding between members of the WMC and the lcoal civilians who for years have been the subject of inhumane policies of the hulstrian goverment. Combined with the lack of trust toward the international force, lack of understanding turn into fisticuffs, resulting in one local civilian stabbing the neck of the Valruzian soldier with a knife. Despite the immediate help given to the soldier, he died of rapid blood loss.


Despite the plans to withdraw the WMC back to the country, giants like WKN Volantis, Valruzian Petroleum, Valcom or Szwarzentel Investments announced, that they will continue helping the affected areas and civilians living on them in coming back to normal life outside of the conflict.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:33 pm

Nowogard, October 4312

Stewardesses of LOT in Nowogard Ignanski Airport in Valruzia.

All stewardesses on LOT Group's planes on routes between Dorvik and Valruzia will from now on wearing hijabs. This is the response from the flag-carrier of Valruzia to the recent vote in the Dorvish State Council which was aimesd at strictly limiting the religious rights in one of Valruzia's closest allies. The move is seen as a hars nose flick from the LOT Group. The initiative which originated within the stewardesses council gained support of the management of the Szwarzentel Investments, the owner of LOT, and that's how it all began. Szwarzentel Investment orderes new uniforms for all stweradesses and announced that the Dorvish Airways' flights between Dorvik and Valruzia serviced by Valruzian crew will also be included in the protest action, as the Szwarzentel Investments is the owner of 15% of the Dorvish flag carrier.

As for now, nor the Prime Minsiter or any other representative of the Government commented on the matter. But is is said that the action can count on the government's quiet support. The only response of the President was the short entry on her official account on one of the most popular social network in which she wrote "Bravo LOT! #freereligion".

LOT has 26 daily flights destined to Dorvik. The protest action is said to last 3 months, but the representatvie of LOT's stewardesses, Alina Maciborek, said that the council is considering prolongation for another 4 months.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:57 pm

Nowogard, March 4315

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Valruzia informed that the governmnt is no longer interested in the purchase of the Dorvish nuclear warheads and renounces the deal with the government of Dorvik. The Ministry of Defense has alreade filed for withdrawal from the deal which has been passed by the Sejm earlier year. Robert Tomczyk declared that the government will secure additional funds for the Valruzian Nuclear Programme responsible for the development and production of the nuclear arms for the National Forces of Defense of the Republic. Tomczyk justified the sudden renounciation of the deal with the indecisiveness of the Dorvish government and that the Dorvish government lost credibility as a economic partner for the Republic of Valruzia. We remind that in recent months Dorvish lawmakers decided to scrap all nuclear weapons. Nuclear Disaramament Act passed in the Dorvish State Council created an unprecedented occasion for the Valruzian authorities to boost their domestic nuclear programme by aquiring the former nuclear arsenal of Dovrik. But the deal was interrupted by the legislative and presidential elections in Dorvik in which the pacifist parties which supported the disarmament lost the majority and as retaliation, right-wing parties re-introduced the usage of the nuclear arms by the Dorvish military. This move caused the Valruzian government to formally renounce the deal and proceed with the preparations to increase military spendings for the Valruzian Military Spendings. Prime Minister said that in the following months additional 10 billion pesos will be directed to the defense budget. The Ministry of National Defense is plannig to open two new research sites and cooperate with the Valruzian nuclear giant VALATOM which announced readiness to transform one of its nuclear power plants in a research facility.

Prime Minister Tomczyk announced that the Republic of Valruzia will seek international support on the continent. Tomczyk said that the government is thinking about a close cooperation with Baltusia and Likatonia on the research of the nuclear arms which will better secure the continent from outside threats and most importantly increase the political capital of the continent.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:36 am

Nowogard, September 4316

During the first session of the newly elected parliament in which Party of National Coalition managed to keep the absolute majority of 298 seats, the new cabinet of Jakub Polaniecki, who replaced Robert Tomczyk as the Prime Minister, has been sworn in. Earlier this day, the President nominated Polaniecki for the position of the President of the Council of Ministers and asked him to form a new government. At noon today, the Sejm of the Republic with votes of the PKN with the Valruzian Party of Working People and National Unity abstaining appointed Polaniecki as the Prime Minister and the new cabinet.

Many say that this will be the cabinet of continuity as Polaniecki numerous times expressed his pro-seleyan attitude and praised Tomczyk for his commitment to the pan-seleyan cooperation. Immediately after appointment, the new government asked the Sejm to Ratify the Alboro Agreement on the reduction of border checks on the internal borders of the Seleyan Union and North Seleyan Economic Community. Many wonder what the new government will do about taxes, as the PKN in its campaign announced the further reduction of taxes but at the same time promised investments in crucial sectors of the economy. Currently, the national budget is noting 13 billion of surplus which can be easily spent on both promises but in the long term, the government will have to seek financial security elsewhere.

Apart from the Office of Prime Minister, all ministries were reshuffled. Jacek Bodnarski from now on will run the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Bodnarski is well known as a qualified politician and for his pro-Seleyan views. He was one of the authors of the Alboro Agreement. Urszula vod Ostdreieck will run the Ministry of National Defense and it is predicted that the new minister will seek greater funding for the defense sector as she is a great supporter of Valruzian Nuclear Programme but expressed her hopes of international cooperation with Baltusia and Tukrali in the sphere of nuclear weapons which will help to secure the whole Seleya.

Certainly, the most colorful person in the new cabinet is the new Minister of Trade and Industry Rafał Joński. Ex-comedian and well-known entrepreneur announced that his ministry will lean on the recently started programme Start-Up Valruzia. Joński said that Valruzia needs open borders in Seleya as much as other countries need those border to be open for their economies and their citizens. Joński said that he will advocate for customs union to be established in the SU and NSEC.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 9:10 pm

Nowogard, April 4317

Forty-eight hours of celebrations are taking place in both Kalistan and Valruzia to mark the establishment of the first in the history of the continent union which allows for passport-free travel in Seleya.

The Alboro Agreement, which allows for passport-free travel across the area of Seleyan Union and North Seleyan Economic Community was created in Baltusian city of Alboro near the border with Valruzia.

From April 4317 citizens of Valruzia and Kalistan will not require passports to cross their borders. Even tough Valruzia and Kalistan do not have a mutual border it still will shorten the time of crossing the border as cars with special plates indicating that the State which the car is coming from is a signatory of the Alboro Agreement will be passed through the border without the need of stopping at the border.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Dec 16, 2017 10:31 pm

Nowogard, November 4318

The Government of Valruzia in the World Congress' General Assembly condemned the recent acts of Rildanor's ruling regime and extrajudicial killing of more than 100 thousand followers of communist ideologies. Prime Minister Polaniecki called for a reaction from the international scene. The Valruzian President Marek Astor signed an executive order revoking all relations with the State of Rildanor, freezing all assets and actives of Rildanor's private and public economic entities and called of ambassador and consuls from Rildanor followed by the closure of all diplomatic missions in Rildanor. Minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed that every Valruzian willing to exit Rildanor will be able to do so after contacting the Ministry.

Prime Minister Polaniecki called for suspension of Rildanor as Member of the Seleyan Union, Council of Seleya and North Seleyan Economic Commuunity. Alduria and Indrala were the first country to support the efforts of Valruzia and voted for the suspension.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:22 am

Nowogard, May 4318

Valruzian Council of Ministers is currently conducting research and gathers support for Rildanor's suspension of Rildanor as the Member States of the Seleyan Union, North Seleyan Economic Community and the Council of Seleya. Jakub Polaniecki said that to this point out of Seleyan Union's Members Alduria, Baltusia, Likatonia, and Valruzia support the suspension. If the majority of Member State supports the motion of Valruzia, State of Rildanor will be suspended as Member of the SU. It means that it will temporarily lose its voting right in the Union Assembly and all it will be excluded from the budgetary procedure, losing all financial funds from the SU.

Valruzian Prime Minister said that the actions of Rildanor's government deserve no mercy and shall be met with harsh and decided response from the international community. Valruzia in fact, was the first country to publically condemn Rildanor with the resolution of a joint session of Sejm and Senate on Condemnation of Crimes Against Humanity in the State of Rildanor and the President signed an executive order on revocation of all relations with Rildanor.

Valruzia did not exclude further sanctions against Rildanor if the government in Labonne continues with its oppressive policies. Polaniecki said that sanctions against Rildanor may include detaining of Rildanor's maritime vessels and their strict control. Prime Minister admits that Nowogard's intention is to make the Labonne regime's life as hard as possible, and calls for the similar actions from other states.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:29 pm


Victoria/Nowogard, November 4319


The Government of the Republic of Valruzia informs that in the result of voting of Seleyan Union Member States on the suspension of the State of Rildanor as a Member State of the Seleyan Union, the majority of 6 votes out of 11 voted for the suspension of Rildanor.

From now on the State of Rildanor is suspended as a Member of the Seleyan Union. State of Rildanor's representation to the Union Assembly in Victoria looses its voting rights, but may still participate in the Union Assembly sessions but without the right to participate in debates.
The justification for the decision for the suspension is the actions of the Government of the Satate of Rildanor contrary to the commonly respected standards and rules of a democratic State govern by law. The Government of the State of Rildanor allowed itself to commit internationally condemned crimes and offenses against the human rights and rules of democracy. It openly manifests its oppression against followers of a specified ideology and uses prerogatives of the Government to suppress and eliminate opposition which is yet another example of actions contradictory to the standards of democracy where the opposition is a natural element of political and social life.

The State of Rildanor has the right to appeal against the decision of the Union Assembly to the Union Assembly within the 6 months of the proclamation of the decision.

The Union Assembly shall be the body of the Seleyan Union responsible for the possible annulation of the decision and regaining by the State of Rildanor the status of a full member of the Seleyan Union.

Results of the Voting on the Suspension of the State of Rildanor as a Member State of the Seleyan Union:

(The governments of the Member States were presented with the reasons for the suspension and asked the question whether they were for or against suspension of the State of Rildanor)

YES - Votes for suspension of the State of Rildanor:

- Baltusia
- Alduria
- Kalistan
- Likatonia
- Valruzia
- Gaduridos

NO - Votes against the suspension of the State of Rildanor:

- Aldegar


- Kanjor
- Lodamun
- Tukarali
- Rildanor
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:47 pm

Nowogard, May 4230


Valruzian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through the Office of Foreign Affairs, issued warnings for civilians willing to travel to the Republic of Dorvik in spite of the recently enacted Religious Dorvik Bill in the Dorvish State Council. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs placed Dorvik in the category 'travel with increased caution', clearly indicating that it discourages travels to Dorvik.


Official Warning from the page of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs:
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, informs that all citizens of the Republic of Valruzia should travel to the Republic of Dorvik with increased caution and weigh the risks of and consider postponing planned travel to Dorvik. Valruzian citizens residing in Dorvik should closely follow media reports, monitor local conditions, and evaluate the risks of remaining in the Republic of Dorvik.

Dorvish authorities, by virtue of recently enacted Religious Dorvik Bill, gained the ability to persecute and prosecute civilians who publicly criticize Hosianism as a religion or publically express their alignment with another religion than Hosianism. In addition to that Dorvish border, an office can refuse the right of entry to the country for citizens who publically express alignment with religion other than Hosianism. This may lead to difficulties and increased costs of the travel connected with the necessity of purchasing a return ticket to the Republic of Valruzia.

Citizens of the Republic of Valruzia can be required, during their visit to the Republic of Dorvik to wear clothes in compliance with the religious codes and commons. We recommend all citizens of the Republic of Valruzia to be advised and refrain from wearing clothing which may unnecessarily bring attention and offend the local community, for example, clothing revealing cleavage, short dresses, and clothing revealing tattoos which may be deemed as offensive for the Hosian religion.

Citizens of the Republic of Valruzia, during their visit to the Republic of Dorvik, use the service of the consular offices located in Haldor, Fairfax, Oststad, Zitadelle, Weinsedorf, and Oppenbruck. Citizens who fall into conflict with the authorities of Dorvik will be given legal aid from the Government of the Republic of Valruzia and the Government of Valruzia will commit itself to a peaceful solution of the conflict and transportation of Valruzian Citizens to the Republic of Valruzia.
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