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Postby zakmac12 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:31 pm

This will be the official newspaper for the Second Union of Vanuku.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:58 pm

New Capitalist Party Forms, Makes Platform Clear

Party Chairman Willem De Vries Declares Party's Statement

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- Today in Fort Bartlet, a large crowd gathered near a long abandoned office building to hear a speech by a man who many had only known as their doctor, Dr. Willem De Vries. Dr. De Vries was there to tell of a grand new party which he said, "Would spur competition and development in Vanuku." Dr. De Vries is the leader of the New Capitalist Party, a staunchly small government, capitalist oriented party that focuses on civil rights and the international development of freedom, even if by military means.

De Vries stated, "Today is a grand day! Today! We attempt to bring the first viable party of change to Vanuku in decades! We bring to you not complete change, no, but still, the making of a grand nation, better! Our friends in New Democracy have brought this nation far, but we wish to bring it farther! Was it not only years ago that this nation was taken over by radical homosexuals? Yes it was, and we wish to prevent any radicals, homosexual, straight, black, white, from taking power ever again, we wish to bring a stable republic to Vanuku! Terra shall see Vanuku! They shall see Vanuku as a symbol of freedom and democracy! A symbol of perfect harmony between a head of state, and his people! Vanuku and her people are ready for stability, ready for an age where one party can't come in and turn the whole nation on her head."

When asked about his party's platform, De Vries elaborated, "We've already proposed legislation to halve the terms currently in place, allowing for real change when needed, we've also proposed legislation promoting civil rights, economic rights, a private defense industry, and allowing homosexuals back in the military. Yes, we were controlled by radicals before, but why should we have prejudice against all people of that type? Our party promotes freedom for ALL people, regardless of pre-existing conditions."

De Vries went onto dispute international fears that the NCP was looking to return the Homosexual state, "As I have said before, we want freedoms for ALL people, we will discriminate against nobody. Malice towards none, and charity towards all."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:22 pm

Schlaback Calls For Cultural Relighting

NCP Vice-Chairman, Dr. Karl Schlaback Gives Speech

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- Today at the bi-annual NCP Convention in Fort Bartlet, Vice-Chairman Schlaback called for a "cultural relighting" in Vanuku. Dr. Schlaback said that the lack of historical culture was "disappointing."

"Vanuku has a rich past, a rich history, with a plethora of events and cultural figures, but, yet, I see none in any daily life in Vanuku. I say we need a cultural relighting! A cultural revolution! Look to the Eternal Lord, look to the past, see our rich past and bring it back! No, I'm not calling for a return to the Homosexual dictatorship of years gone by, but I am calling for a return to the cultural periods that Vanuku had experienced before it. I don't know if it's just the fact that New Democracy does little to nothing in our government besides shoot down bills that would bring more freedom to our people, or the fact that some are afraid that culture will bring a return the the rainbow state, I don't know. What I do know is that we are in dire need for new culture in Vanuku. The NCP will help promote that culture. New anthem, new flag for starters. We will see a bright future ahead of us! A bright future of cultural revolutions!"

Dr. Karl Schlaback is 61 years old, a practicing Internist in Fort Bartlet, and a native of Greater Hulstria, brother of the former, Governor-General of Hulstria, Dr. Klaus Schlaback. Schlaback has a wife and 3 children, 24, 35 and 30.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:49 pm

NCP Leadership Foresees Collapse of New Democracy

"New Democracy's Collapse is on the Horison" says Dr. Baernisch

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- With the 2 year anniversary of the formation of the New Capitalist Party approaching, NCP leadership came out today declaring that, "The fall of New Democracy is within sight". Party leadership prepared a large rally for the 2 year anniversary in Fort Bartlet this month.

Party board member Jimwald Baernisch, Ph.D. (International Law) opened the party press conference today saying, "New Democracy. Hardly democratic. New Democracy has ruled Vanuku for over 40 years, we expect to see that end in the next few years. Under their regime, New Democracy has placed a fascistic anthem in place, an egotistical megalomaniac in power as Eternal Lord, and has expanded their terms to 72 months, frequently calling for Early Elections in order to crush any possible opposition. The New Capitalist Party is here to crush New Democracy's rule. We wish to bring Vanuku to the international stage, to open treaties, trade, discussions with our neighbors, to frequent other nations, to welcome foreigners with open arms, and to promote freedom, liberty, and equality towards all people. We have begun this process by devolving our government and establishing a federalist policy, along with laissez-faire democracy for Vanukese corporations."

New Democracy has been the ruling party in Vanuku for years, but hasn't proposed a bill in several years, this has led to outrage by some citizens and low voter turnout at the polls. The NCP will be up for election in 2796.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:10 am

NKP Succeeds with Massive Victory in Elections
Pushes for Reform
NOTE: This article is dated to December, 2796

Chairman De Vries Speaks to Supporters at Victory Press Conference

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- After struggling to stay afloat and in the public eye for 7 years, the New Capitalist Party (Nieuwe Kapitalistische Partij/NKP), has received a massive victory in the People's Assembly. The NKP received 68% of the votes, with 51 seats, and New Democracy, the long standing majority party, received the remaining 32%, with 24 seats. The NKP's victory is accredited to it's Capitalist ideology, with freedom and federalism at the front of it's agenda. The NKP had long spoken on cultural relighting in Vanuku.

NKP Chairman, Willem De Vries had this to say on the victory, "This is truly a great day for Vanuku! The Vanukese people have long been ruled by the one-party dictatorship by New Democracy. We have come to relieve that dictatorship, and reform Vanuku. We have long been ignored culturally and diplomatically, being compared to having as much culture as "Fermented alligator piss". Now is the time for that to change! With having over 2/3rds of the majority now, we can push through cultural reforms even in New Democracy disagrees or fails to have it's representatives vote on the agenda! Today is a grand day for Vanuku!"

Vanukese Reform On The Table

Fort Bartlet, the People's Assembly, Vahama- After gaining it's needed 51 seats, the NKP quickly moved to propose new reforms, including, but not limited to:
A New flag
New Term Lengths
A Presidential System
New cultural names for government bodies
A new national anthem
The abolishment of the Monarchy

NKP board chair, Dr. Karl Schlaback commented on the proposed constitutional reforms, "We really see these as necessary, our flag is an international joke, our anthem is borderline plagerised, our culture is non-existent, and the Eternal Lord falls short of being a petty puppet dictator for New Democracy." Wehen asked about his comments on Eternal Lord Charles III, Dr. Schlaback went onto say, "Our current constitution sets the head of state, the Eternal Lord of Vanuku as being symbolic and heriditary, which is sort of a waste in the NKP's eyes, BUT it goes onto say that ONLY the head of state can propose a cabinet, so that eternally puts New Democracy, who somehow controls the cabinet, in control of the cabinet, simply furthering their stranglehold over the nation. We want to see that whole system gone, replaced by a presidential system, where we have the First Chancellor of the Republic in place as Head of State AND head of government, a rare move on Terra."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:18 pm

New Elections Complete Political Revolution
Schlaback Elected First Chancellor

First Chancellor Schlaback Greets Reporters

Fort Bartlet- The 2799 elections have shown a great victory for the NKP. The elections, held in August, put 200 seats up for grabs, a new provision from the First Republic's new constitution, recently passed by the NKP. The NKP won 199 of the 200 seats, New Democracy won 1 seat, from the Staat of Vahama. For the first time in about a century, the Head of State was up for vote, with Dr. Karl Schlaback running for the NKP and Sir Charles III, the long standing monarch of the New Democracy party being forced to run. Schlaback won a massive 99.38% of the vote with his Republican-Libertarian views.

Schlaback had this to say: "After years of struggling, the work that the NKP has been working towards is finally complete. The old king is gone, and no king is here to replace him. This will go down in history as a revolution of sorts, but this revolution was not fought with guns and bullets, but this revolution was fought in the halls of the Assembly of the Republic, in the streets during the elections, and in the minds of the voters. This truly was, a peaceful revolution."

Schlaback went onto address foreign affairs, "I truly hope to open up trade and treaties with our neighbors, Minister Liekombie is a very qualified man, and I hope he will bring us forward in our hopes for the global stage."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:57 am

H+ Corporation Starts HQ In Vanuku

H+ Corporation

Manawar, Sovesta, Vanuku- The first major capitalistic venture in over a decade, the establishment of the H+ corporation last month has exploded into controversy and a huge growth in H+ profit. The H+ Corporation is a conglomerate of media, medical, and scientific research, H+ works towards the development of mankind towards "trans+humanist" beliefs.

"We work towards the eradication of disease, unhappiness and other things we affiliate with the plight of humanity." H+ CEO Michael Windsorin noted during an interview. "Our HQ will be the largest building in Vanuku, and the development of it will employ over 6,000 people from 4 different countries."

H+ has drawn criticism from more conservative groups in Vanuku. First Chancellor Schlaback said that, "It's not the job of our government to stave economic development, leave H+ alone."

The H+ building is 4,593 ft tall and costs over 7 Billion VAN.

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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:48 pm

Vanuku Declares Global Neutrality
Drafts "Vanuku Neutrality Accords"

Minister of Stately Affairs Liekombie Signs the Final Draft of the VNA

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- In the first major foreign action since his appointment, Minister of Stately Affairs Branneon Liekombie drafted and signed the Vanuku Neutrality Accords today in Fort Bartlet infront of the Assembly of the Republic and First Chancellor Schlaback. The accords declare that Vanuku will stay neutral in all foreign military affairs and will not ever attack another nation, unless attacked first.

Minister Liekombie said, "The colors, oh the colors of war, they may be beautiful, but they are horrible. It would be one of the greatest shames Terra has ever seen to see a nation with such opportunity get wasted in a war. The accords do not mean that we will stay out of economic treaties or take a non-internationalist stance, they simply mean that we will not attack another power unless attacked first. The military of Vanuku is strong and prepared for an attack, we simply would like to avoid that if at all possible, I think that's a reasonable wish."

First Chancellor Schlaback went onto say, "I urge the powers of the world to sign the Accords, I mean, they have nothing to lose, do they? These accords will help bring prosperity and protect the posterity of the signatories."

The Vanukese Neutrality Accords are currently up for ratification on an international level.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:14 pm

NKP Sets Slayback as Eerste Kansiler Candidate

Dr. Zachariah Slayback, Minister of Health and CEO of SlayCorp Technology Systems

Fort Bartlet- In anticipation of the 2808 elections, the NKP leadership declared today that Dr. Zachariah Slayback, current Minister of Health and the CEO and Founder of SlayCorp Technology Systems would replace Karl Schlaback for the position for First Chancellor. Schlaback was quoted saying, "The last thing I want to do is establish a precident where First Chancellors are to serve until they die, in my 4 years so far, we've done so much with Vanuku. I hope Dr. Slayback can do more."

Slayback is a Neurologist from Vahama and founder of SlayCorp Technology Systems, a company devoted to technological development and the furthering of robotic technologies in everyday Vanukese life. SCTS is a major opponent of H+ Corporation due to SCTS's belief that human flaws can be achieved through the use of robotic technologies, while H+ believes in curing those flaws genetically and scientifically.

Slayback was quoted saying, "It's an honor that my party has chosen me to run for First Chancellor in 2808, I hope to bring Vanuku further into the 29th century and beyond."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:28 am

SlayCorp Opens 1st Fully Robotic Hospital

The Atlas Hospital complex in Fort Bartlet

Fort Bartlet, Vahama After years of development and testing, SlayCorp Technological Systems has finally opened their long spoken of Fully Automated and Robotic Health Center in Fort Bartlet. The hospital, under the name as The Atlas Hospital, opened this past week in Ft. Bartlet with a massive ceremony run by SlayCorp Technological Systems and partners, such as H+ Corporation and smaller, more specific companies. The ceremony included the Presidents of each corporation working on the project, and SlayCorp CEO and President Zachariah Slayback, a full symphony orchestra, and the first 150 patients to be admitted to the hospital.

The hospital is fully run off artificial intelligence and formerly programmed machines working in unison off a SlayTech AutoMain 7.9 Supercomputer located deep within the core of the building. The machines in the building range from auto-programmed "nursing" machines that patrol rooms and the halls caring for patients, to the fully automated pharmacy, to the most advanced machines working in the medium sized Emergency Room. The hospital technologies were long tested in clinical trials in private hospitals throughout Vanuku until they were decided to be safe and efficient enough to be utilized in a fully robotic hospital, many of the studies found that the machines could work more efficiently than their human counterparts, even in some Operating and Emergency Rooms.

SlayCorp is already preparing to market the technology on the international level and has stated that they are willing to sell to all nations in hopes to improve the quality of healthcare throughout Terra.
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