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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:21 pm

November 4315

Herzfeld changes mind on Artanian Union, offers to serve as Director-General

Communist Politburo Member Heiko Herzfeld has told journalists he has changed his mind about the Artanian Union (AU), and is now in favour of Dorvik rejoining the organisation. "What clinched it for me is the way the so-called Holy Luthori Empire is trying to take over the AU," he said. He continued:

Dorvik should not sit on the sidelines and let Luthori make all of the running. The AU is a Dorvish creation, and we've got to make sure Dorvik's voice is heard in it. Luthori is prone to sinister imperialist ideologies, and we have got to take a stand against that infecting the whole continent. In the long-term, I am confident the AU will move in a more leftwards direction, firstly towards socialism, and eventually towards full communism

Herzfeld added that he would personally be willing to assist the AU by serving as their Director-General, or failing that, as a Commissioner or other high-ranking official:

I have long experience of Dorvish politics, and have great managerial experience as well, having run the province of Kordusia for several years. I know how to get things done, believe I have a lot to offer the AU, and am willing put my services at their disposal. Having changed my mind and convinced myself of the case for the AU, I also believe I am very well placed to present the case for the AU to others, especially but only only towards those on the political left.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:57 pm

November 4315

Communists offer to support "cross-party coalition" for Dietrich Presidency

The Politburo of the Communist Party has voted by 6 to 3 to offer to join a cross-party coalition supporting Estelle Dietrich to be the next President of Dorvik. Erica Peters, speaking on behalf of the Politburo, praised Dietrich as "an amazing, wonderful woman who has achieved great things in her life, and changed a lot of lives for the better", adding that she "would make a first-rate Head of State for our country".

Communist leader Anton Weinreich later commented:

With the recent introduction of a ceremonial, non-executive Presidency, I think we need to get past the old idea that the President should always be someone political. Under the new system, what we need in a President is somebody who is respected by all sides, and who can command the respect, loyalty and affection of the Dorvish people as a whole. Estelle Dietrich is the perfect person to fulfil that role, because she comes from an ordinary background and knows how the real world works. She's not a professional politician, but at the same time, she's a real person and she knows her stuff, and she's got a good brain and a good heart. What I would like to see now is for a cross-party coalition of parties to ask Estelle to run and throw their support behind her.

Former leader Friedrich Pfeiffer was one of the Politburo Members who voted against offering Estelle Dietrich the Communist nomination, calling her "a bourgeois do-gooder who is fundamentally inseparable from the capitalist system" and accusing her of "making a fortune out of children with disabilities and learning difficulties" - a reference to her work as an inventor in that field - and claiming she "radiates smug bourgeois values".

Despite offering Dietrich support in any run for the Presidency, the Politburo came down firmly against any idea of reintroducing a monarchy to Dorvik, voting unanimously to declare that "the Communist Party will never support the introduction of a monarchy in this country". Weinreich added "I know there have been some calls for Estelle to be a monarch, but that's not at all the kind of thing we could support, and I should add that so far as I know, Estelle herself has never given encouragement to the campaign to make her a royal - and I am quite certain it would be entirely uncharacteristic for her to do anything of that kind".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:18 pm

With the introduction of the state chancellor many wonder who our new leader is

After the passing of a bill making the president a ceremonial figure with only limited power many wonder who will be the new State Chancellor.
With the position being reborn a man has been designated by the TGP to lead the nation as State Chancellor. Adolf Greinwald a middle aged politician who was designated as shadow State Chancellor during both the Treitschke and Aswalt presidency's.
He has witnessed all the controversy and the hardships of leading the nation from a close point of view and has been a advisor of Aswalt and new president Unegraum for some time.

Greinwald like Unegraum has supported a monarchy for quite some time. He is a conservative with great experience in diplomacy and leadership since he was a leading member of the Teran organization of foreign affairs (TOFA) which maintained relations with most teran nations during times of war and crisis to ensure communications were upheld between conflicted party's. He was also a prominent member of the Economic planning Bureau (EPB) the organ tasked with measuring the financial impacts of government policy, he resigned from both posts after being appointed the new State Chancellor.

New State Chancellor Adolf Greinwald

With a monarchist government at the helm many expect a contitutional monarchy to be proposed soon. This would be a turning point in Dorvish history. There are 2 prominent opponents that are fighting for the throne. But while many are focussed on those 2 candidates some voices within government circles express the possibility of another candidate which is favoured by the government. While we do not know who this may be people speculate wildly.

"Maybe the president (Unegraum) wants to become king himself!" One citizen said on social media. "Maybe they want JÄGER on the throne? Maybe he will come out of his HPF bunker when he sees the opportunity to become king!" The other said.

We can only speculate further until the government reveals detailed plans. Meanwhile the new State Chancellor has immediately announced plans for a new budget to be proposed by the government very soon, we will keep you up to date on that plan.

President Unegraum reacts to the fact that he has now become a symbol with limited power

President Unegraum has become a ceremonial figure thanks to the Reform of the Presidency Act.
With Unegraum wielding much less power then before we asked the question. Are you dissapointed or not?

I am far from dissapointed. I am extremely happy for Dorvik. While my party traditionally supported a strong president we came to realise that things had to change in our nation. The passed system of 2 officials leading this great nation is excellent for the times we are in now and the hard times to come. I will do my utmost best to fullfill my job as the symbol of Dorvish freedom and democracy and i will listen to all sides regardless of social class or religious preference. Because my job is more then representing the nation in front of the international community. My job is to help the people in their everyday struggles. To stand for the people when they are threatened by a domestic or outside threat. To make sure this nation gets respresented in a way of respect and tolerance. That is the ultimate goal of my position now. To be a symbol of hope. A symbol of tolerance. A symbol of respect. I will do my duty. I will represent our people in the way that is required of me by law and conscience. So to answer your question once again: No i am not dissapointed. I am proud

President Unegraum giving his response to the question asked by DNS during the press conference regarding the transition of power

We polled the reactions of people regarding the presidents response. Many told DNS that they thought the presidents address was full of "dignity and respect" and some even told DNS "I did not expect the president to be so respectfull to the transition of a lot of power to a small amount of it. I expected him to be furious!"

This response of the president flares up the rumours of him being the 3rd choice monarch of the government. While it is still to be speculated who this 3rd candidate for the monarchy could be it is certainly a trending topic on most Social sites.

The military has fully withdrawn from the south leaving a disoriented HPF behind

The military has fully withdrawn from the south and has officialy ended Operation Justice according to the military council leading the operation.
The military council which led the operation from the start will dissolve itself within the next 2 days.
The south rejoices at the news of the full withdrawal of federal troops. Many applaud the new president in his first and only executive decision (until the transition of power) to terminate operation Justice.

This leaves a fragmented HPF behind. DMIO reports suggest that the HPF is fragmented in lots of smaller groups. This caused them to fight between each other over power of the main HPF force called the "Hosian Angels" consisting of and estimated 250 fighters. For now the founder of the HPF JÄGER is still in control of the Hosian Angels within the HPF but according to analysts working for the DMIO the other fragmented parts of the organization are planning on uniting against their former leader.

The government has also removed the curfew from the southern states. They do keep the threat level on the highest possible and advice people to stay vigilant on any strange behaviour of individuals.

Young southeners celebrating the end of the curfew and military operation
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:22 pm

Breaking News: Frank-Sigmar Landsberg resigns as KRA leader
Conservative & Reformist leader resigns amid internal party row


Foreign Secretary, Frank-Sigmar Landsberg has resigned as leader of the Conservative and Reformists amid claims of negligence. Landsberg has been leader of the KRA since it was founded in 4305 and has served as Foreign Secretary since April 4314, in recent weeks he has been accused by senior party figures of neglecting his role since becoming Foreign Secretary; many calling for him to step aside and let a "focused" leader to take his place.

Likely contenders are to include the Chairman of the party, Horst Aitken and many predict George Rohrmann, the party's deputy leader and former health secretary, will put his name forward.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Maxington » Mon Dec 11, 2017 7:39 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Edward123456 » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:48 pm



Dorvik has voted 53 to 47 against joining the AU. The majority of no votes came from the TGP and SUF, which meant Largonia, Miktar and Dorvan voted against, whilst the more progressive Kordusia and Westmark voted yes. Leader of the DSU's Yes campaign said this of the result:

Of course we are disappointed at the result. We hoped for a strong yes vote, but it simply didn't happen. We will still make our case for AU membership in the years to come.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:47 am

December 4316

Communist MP on trial for defying abortion ban

Yvonne Schlosser, Communist MP and veteran abortion rights campaigner

Yvonne Schlosser is a veteran Communist MP from Miktar, and an ardent advocate of women's rights, particularly regarding their access to abortion. The last time abortion was banned in Dorvik, she risked arrest by illegally supplying women with the abortion pill. Back then, she was never prosecuted, and she fairly quickly succeeded in her campaign to reform the law. Since then, though, she has been a focus for anti-abortion campaigners, and at times has come under sustained harassment campaigns, including an incident 6 years ago when she was punched and kicked after being spotted coming out of a restaurant in Kriesefels.

Now, the pendulum has swung again, with the Staatsrat passing a law that would ban abortion in all circumstances except medical emergencies. Schlosser responded in exactly the same way as before, relaunching the Friends4Women group and, together with a small group of activists, working to illegally supply the abortion pill to Dorvish women.

The only difference is that this time around, she has been arrested, along with 6 other Friends4Women activists. "The climate towards us is much more hostile to us than last time, especially in the South", she commented. "Last time, even the police didn't really ask any serious questions of us, but this time, they've jumped on us straight away".

As a serving member of the Staatsrat, Schlosser is technically entitled to parliamentary immunity from prosecution, although the Staatsrat could (and most think, probably would) vote to remove her immunity. However, Schlosser told police she will voluntarily agree to waive her immunity. "I'm proud of what I've done and I've no intention whatsoever of hiding behind parliamentary privilege," she said, "I will be proud to stand in the dock alongside the other 6, and tell the judge and the jury why I believe access to abortion is such a basic human right that I am willing to break the law in my efforts to achieve it".

Communist leader Anton Weinreich said he is "naturally very personally concerned for Yvonne" but that "she is a very strong, absolutely determined lady, and I greatly admire her courage". He also accused the government of "turning into something close to a theocracy and treating the civil rights of our citizens with contempt".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:16 pm

Estelle Dietrich Throws Hat Into Presidential Race


Charity worker and entrepreneur Estelle Dietrich has announced that after conferring with members of One Dorvik, she will enter the upcoming Presidential race with the support of One Dorvik on their ticket. She has also sent messages to all other parties, including the Communists who encouraged her to run, asking for their support in the first or second round. Dietrich was teased as a possible contender, but had shown no prior interest in politics and was discounted by some pundits. However, much in her style, she proved these pundits wrong and now enters the race for the neutered presidency with a strong record of charity and aid work to help her. Polls suggest she has a real shot, despite lacking experience.

To some, Dietrich encapsulates all that is good with Dorvik. She was born to a working-class family and built her way to become a millionairess not by exploiting others, but by helping others to live better lives. Her inventions, including an affordable wheelchair made out of renewable materials and a 'prosthetic spine' which allows disabled users to stand upright, have made her the darling of the community of disabled people. The Artanian Association for People in Need (AAfPiN) has hailed her as a 'living saint', and the Arch-Patriarch has said that the church is considering sainting her when she passes. Problematically, she lacks experience and is running for a very minor party - One Dorvik - which has less than 30 seats.

Regardless, Dietrich is not phased by the challenges ahead of her. In a press release this morning, she asserted that 'the decent men and women of Dorvik want to see an end to petty squabbles and extremist tendencies'. The new libertarian direction of One Dorvik could break the duopoly held by the DSU and the TGP, but a similar tactic has been employed by the PRU. The election seems unpredictable, with polls all over the place. Widely it is expected that the DSU and TGP will remain significant parties, but who will fill the gap of the Secessionists is unknown. Some suggest the TGP, who had the voters just before. Others say One Dorvik will win the south, their ancestral homeland. Others say another conservative party will pick up those seats.
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