
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 9:40 am

Gorky out, Wolts in
March 3, 4313

With the proposal made to delete Nationalism as a state religion, LNC representative Lex Gorky has resigned as party leader. He will remain President of the Republic until further notice. Kristof Wolts will take over from Gorky.
Kristof Wolts is known as a hardline Nationalist. His task would be to defend Lodamese Nationalism and keep the Nationalist values alive. Gorky became party representative 17 years ago when Nationalism flourished. He announced he couldn't find the strength anymore to fight this battle, and has chosen to let a younger person deal with it. Gorky said that his function as party leader could not be unified with his mandate as President, and he has chosen to serve the nation and its citizens instead of his following ideals. Before he became President of the Republic, Gorky served as Minister of Education and Culture. He introduced 'Gorkyism' as a branch of Lodamese Nationalism.
Wolts was proposed by Gorky and has unanimously been accepted by the party's board.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:12 pm

Former President Lex Gorky steps out of life
March 21, 4317

The news has reached us that former President Gorky has chosen to end his life this morning. Doing so he proves once more that he believes in Gorkyism, the religious branch of Lodamese Nationalism he created himself.
Mr. Gorky retired as President of the Republic earlier this month. He sensed that he had done whatever he could for the nation and that he had nothing left to add to his beloved nation. His son Levi addressed the press this morning, flanked by LNC Representative Wolts. Levi lost his mother a couple of years ago, which was hardly known throughout the nation since Lex hardly ever discussed personal matters. Now he saw his father say goodbye to life as it was/
"My father made this choice and chose to consult me first. How hard it was for me, I respected his choice. He has asked me to keep an open mind and to continue his work for the sake of the nation. And so I will. My father will be remembered for what he was, a simple humble man. He has given his life for Lodamun during his political career, now he has given his life for his beliefs and the sake of that same Lodamun."
Wolts announced that Levi Gorky, who has been active for some years in local politics, will make the step to national politics and that he will be part of the party representatives for the next elections.
Lex Gorky had a political career for over 30 years, came up with Gorkyism in 4291 and died at the age of 67. He was widower of Marlene Krowalk and only has one son, Levi.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:39 pm

This will be the 'Battle for Kregon'
October 14, 4327

Kristof Wolts, LNC Representative and vice-President of the Republic, says he is looking forward to the upcoming elections. With the withdrawal of LDSP, the second fraction in the Presidium, early elections can't be avoided.
"These elections will be known a the Battle for Kregon. LDSP was the largest party in that Province last year, but there wasn't any party who could get a majority. We know that Kregon always had some very loyal Nationalists, but it also is a very unpredictable Province when it comes to their political opinion. Anything is possible, but I do believe that LNC will take over the position of largest party of Kregon. The worst thing that could happen is that LDSP voters would turn to LPA."
The government is making arrangements for early elections as we speak.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:39 pm

The Great Step Forward?
March 4382

A shock went through political Lodamun today when Simon Villers, chairman of the Liberal Progressive Alliance, handed in a proposal to change the executive. His party suggests to make a division between Head of State and Head of Government. This system was abandoned almost 400 years ago.
The real shock would be that the other parties represented in the Presidium don't seem to oppose to the proposal. It is very likely that the Presidium will unanimously accept this change of law. Even LNC, who objected many times against the proposed form of executive, calling it undemocratic, would accept the proposal. Minister of Education and Culture Paulo Mrazni explains: "It might seem odd that my party chooses not to oppose to the proposition and might even support it. But there's a certain thought behind our behaviour. For starters, we do no longer wish to be the party that is said to be dictatorial, against freedom and liberties, and so on. We have been through quite some changes during the last few decades, and we are no longer the hard-line protectors of Nationalism. Eventhough, we still protect Lodamese Nationalism and urge all to choose the wise path of Nationalism, but we understand that one cannot be forced to be Nationalist. This feeling should grow within each person."
It seems that LNC has indeed lost some of the rather extremist characteristics from the former days.
"Secondly, we have had an extreme good cooperation with PLUP and wish to continue to do so for the benefits of Lodamun. During the last few years there was some kind of understanding with the LPA fraction, which happens to be the second party in Lodamun. Without even discussing the matter, I believe we all wish to cooperate to outline the future of our nation. Also, we should not forget LFP, which might be a small party at the time, but has great potential. Eventhough we refuse to call the proposed system democratic, we want to show to our fellow MPs and the people of Lodamun that we wish to give them the chance to elect their President first hand."
Again, LNC is promoting themselves as a party that listens to the people.
"A third reason is that we might rewrite history. This could be a major step for Lodamun, even on the international stage. Together with our partners we might seek some other nations to strengthen our ties. But again, stepping out of isolationism doesn't mean we will open our borders to just anyone. Rewriting history is remembering our history."
Vice-President Wolts said that this would be a special moment for Lodamun: "Whether it is good or bad, we cannot say just yet, but LNC is willing to give it a chance. We are confident in the opinion and the choice of the electorate. Together we will create a new Lodamun, where it is safe to live and where Lodamese Nationalism has a special place."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:50 pm

LFP made huge mistake
March 4334

Only holding 13 seats in the Presidium, one could call the Lodamun Freedom Party a small party, unimportant even. Kristof Wolts stated yesterday that LFP should be considered the strongest and most important fraction in the Presidium, but they have made one crucial mistake. A mistake which he considers to announce the beginning of the end for this particular party.
The last elections caused two blocks standing against each other, none being able to form a Cabinet. The LNC-PLUP block lacks 2 seats to get a majority, the LPA and NGPoL lack 12. This literally means that the decision is with LFP. It never was the meaning for LPA to ask LNC or PLUP for a coalition, while none of these parties had to rush to form a coalition, since all seats in Presidium were occupied and all Departments were manned.
Wolts: "We had a stable coalition and we had eager and integer politicians in the Presidium, which caused that we never were asking for the formation of a new Cabinet. We might no longer have had a majority, we still felt it wasn't our duty to make proposals. Maybe we should have."
LPA made sure to persuade the two other parties into coalition to break the might of the to then ruling parties. "Which was and is their upmost right. But LNC was thinking more of leaving the initiative to the real strong party in the Presidium: LFP. They are in a position to make claims, lots of claims, since the two major blocks are fighting somewhat of a private war. They could have made ridiculous claims, they could have played and lost. Yet, they never even played."
Wolts says that he and PLUP would have accepted LFP as a partner in their coalition, but not at all cost. If LFP wanted to play, they could have played a hard, yet fair game of poker: "With LPA in the lead to break up the coalition, everyone knew they needed the 13 seats of LFP, with the chance of LFP being persuaded by PLUP or LNC. I'm pretty sure that LPA would eagerly have accepted the LFP claim for the Office of Prime Minister. Now they seemed to be happy with two Departments, of which one is a very difficult Department. One needs to handle the Agricultural department with a certain subtility, and with the budget proposal that is currently being presented to the Presidium, we fear that LFP has signed its own death warrant."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:57 am

Farmers bid Governor for action
August 15, 4334

Farmers from across Kregon have assembled in Fort Kregon today to ask the Governor to address the Presidium. They feel that the lowering of the Agricultural budget will cause a lot of problems in their Province. Many farmers have been witnessing financial issues, part of them still have difficulties in maintaining their farms.
Thousands of farmers united in a front in order to put pressure on politics. Since the Minister of Finance proposed a shift in the nation's expenses, they fear they will suffer massively for the coming years. There were no riots reported today, the farmers and sympathisers behaved themselves. They urged the Governor of Kregon to speak to the Presidium and to express their fears and problems. Some farmers stated to be desperate and promised actions if this proposal passes.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:56 am

Wolts replaces Wolts
July 2, 4334

The board of LNC has announced that Kristof Wolts has been replaced by his daughter Annie Wolts as Representative of the party. Kristof Wolts led the party for over 22 years. Annie is 41 years old and is married. She has two children.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:24 am

Wolts to lead angry farmers
December, 4335

Kristof Wolts, who recently resigned as Representative of the Lodamese Nationalist Committee, has moved to Kregon. He has spoken to the farmer community that is worried about their future. He offered to support their cause and has been promoted to spokesman of the farmer's union.
The organisation United Farmers of Kregon was created last month after months of doubt, insecurity and uncertainty about the fate of Kregonese agriculture.
Kristof Wolts declared that he always felt the deepest feelings of sympathy with the farmers of the nations agricultural Province. He has witnessed their problems while in Presidium and has tried to support them through political aid. The farmers seem really grateful for this support and have expressed their deepest feelings of respect and gratitude for the former vice-President. They hope that his political influence, eventhough resigned, will help their cause.
Meanwhile LNC has organized a fund where their supporters can donate money and goods to help the farming communities of Kregon. Since there was some criticism elsewhere in Lodamun the party is thinking to expand this charity to all farmers in need across the whole of Lodamun.
Newly elected Representative Annie Wolts has promised to try and change the future of the farmers in a political way.
United Farmers of Kregon has over 7000 members in just a couple of weeks of time. They will try to change their current situation by forming a cooperative system for buying and selling. Former Minister of Finance Karsten Kraft has said to also commit himself to the organisation.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Niju » Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:58 am

UDHFU's long march of unity
August 3,4336

After the return of UDHFU,the party national committee has decided to conduct a nation wide march with a slogan of "Unite For A Cause"

The march will start from the West Beach city of Norstavan on August 5th and will conclude at Port Golavia on September 8th,covering all provinces of Lodamun.The march will introduce the new national committee members and province panel members,local committee respective to each region.The march will also announce key agenda of UDHFU for the coming elections.

UDHFU has gone through serious changes after its comeback to national politics.Its structure of National Committee(NC),Province Panel(PP),Local Committee(LC),Trade Platform(TP) has been developed to its full capacity and is going through various scrutiny and meetings.It is said that the finalization of such processes will take place at Port Golavia,on the last day of the long march.

Party's new National Secretary V.K.Nelson has already made the official statement of the march.
Due to the immense popularity of UDHFU,he also requested the traffic police and the government to make necessary arrangements for the march to be conducted without annoying the daily working life of our people.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:49 am

Wolts for President
January 2, 4337

Former vice-President of the Republic and current spokesman of UFK will make a political rentree. Kristof Wolts, who retired from politics almost 2 years ago, has been selected by LNC as Presidential candidate 4337. Wolts has accepted the nomination.
Kristof Wolts will be LNC's candidate for Presidency during the upcoming elections. He has high hopes for election. He said that he wants to help create a stable Lodamun, where everyone can benefit. He agreed with the LNC board that, when not elected, he would retire from politics for good. It is said that Wolts is massively popular in Kregon and especially in the farmer's community.
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