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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:50 pm

The MKP wins nearly 10% of votes.

After last elections the MKP is officially back in politics in Dorvik.
after a long and hard campaign they won nearly 10% of the votes wich results in 55 seats in parliament, wich isn't a bad start, but could be better. The MKP is not going into cabinet, because they aren't parties who wil go as far the MKP wants to go. a voter speaks to say why she voted for the MKP.
I am proud to voted for the communists, they are the only left party who wants to make dorvik great again, as it was in 3785. i learned in school what this party did and it where great things. they wanted everybody to be equal, that the rich would at least pay their taxes and stop the banks with playing with our money. we should all believe in communisme instead of capitalism, we are already hundreds of years in capitalisme and it never brought us further.

Lina Schneider also talked to an interviewer after the elections and the formation of the cabinet.

hello lina schneider, how do you feel after the elections, are you happy with the results?
i am happy with the results for our first election, but i know we can do better. it is hard for a communist party to work in Dorvik these days, as they are bashing communist party's and scaring people for communisme. we do what we can and we will provail and come stronger out next election. The political landscape of Dorvik is very divided and hard for leftist party's to provail, but we believe that one day we will be able to change dorvik and even the world. now we whill focuse on the next years and hoping that we can go against this capitalistic cabinet.

how ca you go against the cabinet?
It doesn't mean that you aren't in cabinet, that you can't change anything. you can do manifestations to put pressure on the cabinet, you can make petitions.
you can shout in the parliament. it works and it is our strategy.

how do you feel about the formation of the new cabinet?
i feel betrayed, the DSU came to us the day before the elections to ask us, we would endorse them, with the explanation that we wanted the same thing,
ofcourse we declined, because we didn't trust this party and we where right to do so. after the elections they propose a cabinet with the conservatives, where is their logic in that? they are a party who says one thing, but do the other thing, they are just after power and hopefully their voters will see this before it is to late. they gone together with parties who are against abortion, euthanesia. they want privatise everything and give dorvik to company's. It i sa dead sentence to the workers of this nation. they will work even harder then today and won't get the salary they deserve. Our party stands for equality and justice, wich this cabinet lacks.

how do you see the bill of the reinstitution of the monarchy?
This is a slap in our face the dorvisch people. why should anyone just be picked to be a king? even if it is symbolic, they get money every year for nothing.
We were the first to start the republic and we will do anything in our power to stay in a republic.

How do you see youre relation with the DSU?
their is none. We will never work with two faced party's who betray their own and their voters!

what will we see in the upcoming years...
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:15 pm

Elisa Stromberg Praises Coalition Finance Bills, Pans NW Proposals


In a speech at the Sudish Forum for Change, Minister for Internal Affairs and Co-Leader of One Dorvik Elisa Stromberg both built up coalition wins on the budget and taxation while panning the 'ill-thought-out proposals' of New Way. The government has recently passed a budget that decreases military spending and invests in Health, Social Services, Education, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Environment and Tourism, and Trade and Industry. Similarly, an income tax plan has increased taxes on the wealthiest and implemented a new tax-bracket for 55,000D to 72,500D earners at 52%. These proposals have been lofted by leader of the KURA, Katarina Riemann, who was made Finance Minister in the recent cabinet.

Elisa Stromberg praised Riemann, saying 'she is doing an excellent job as Finance Minister and the cabinet in going from strength to strength'. She said that the cabinet is 'investing in our country on a scale rarely seen before, and clamping down on tax evasion'. Polling suggest that the government's actions - the recently passed tax bill and the recently passed budget bill - are extremely popular, and even though the coalition originally seemed like a highly unlikely and odd alliance it now seems that the alliance is strong and passing a lot of important reforms that the parties promised. Indeed, One Dorvik, the DSU and the KURA have all acted pragmatically and moderated themselves for the betterment of Dorvik.

On the other hand, Stromberg blasted New Way's 'insane' proposal that would make Nikolas Manfreda the eternal president of Dorvik. While not changing his title, or nominating an actual monarch, the bill simply would make Manfreda the president-for-life. Either this is an ill-thought-through attempt to institute a monarchy that has not been overseen by constitutional experts, or the bill is a genuine attempt to make Manfred the supreme leader, which seems unlikely due to the sheer madness of making a highly political figure who narrowly won an election the HoS for life - despite having no lineage or meritocratic weight. Monarchism does still ride high, but this proposal certainly does not.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Roman » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:21 pm

Klossner Sends Condolences to Frank-Sigmar Landsberg's Family, and Blasts New Party


Ada Klossner gave a small speech at a party training event in which she sent her condolences to the family of Frank-Sigmar Landsberg's and looked back on his time on office, she also blasted the 'bizarre' ideas and proposals by the New Party in recent weeks. She also praised the recent budget proposal which saw more funding diverted to the Health, Education and Science and other important departments.

I didn't often agree with Frank-Sigmar, he made some decisions that ultimately cost him his position, but he was consistent in his beliefs and argued against his party moving further to the right. He lived a full life and retired a politician, something many don't often get to do. He had much more to give to Dorvik, and was taken too soon. I send my condolences to his family.

I was surprised by that this current government actually managed to agree and pass a budget, I was also surprised by the contents of the budget and praise the government for diverting more funding to key departments, however we all know much more needs to be done, but this is a welcomed step forward.

The New Party is, well, they're different. I'll try not to say anything too outlandish about them, but their random antics and frankly bizarre proposals are a danger to this country. Bringing back the monarchy? Really? We've had this debate countless times, the republican reforms were based centuries ago. Who would take up the position? Nikolas Manfreda? Ha, give me a break, he narrowly won the election and I very much doubt he's getting re-elected either.
Formerly known a 'little boy Forwards!' in Dorvik, and sticking it. Ideologically messy. Chill as all fuck. Communicates through sarcasm. Currently playing in Luthori as the Civic Party.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:53 pm

New Way is trying to reinstitute a monarchy

today their is been a debate in parliament about a controversal proposal of New way. The proposal is about reinstitute a monarchy, wich means to bring back a chosen family to become a symbolic head of state. it would get millions of dorvikian dolgar. Lina Schneider adressed the parliament about this today and hoped to unite all parties just for this proposal to form a block against this proposal. for democracy's sake, she said later against the newspaper.

A right-winged cabinet is formed

DSU, KURA, ein Dorvik have formed a cabinet. You would think it is good that the cabinet was formed so quickly. a so called left party goes in coalition with right winged party's, can this work? The MKP felt betrayed, as we heard of Lina Schneider in an interview earlier, will this do any good to the MKP, wich it looks like to stand alone against this center and right winged parties.

Lina Schneider:
For the moment it looks like, we will stand alone against right winged parties. we had not a great start, with only 10% of the votes, but it is not bad either.
we will have to work harder and stronger towards the next election to show the people the truth and the logicall path. It is our duty to do this as we speak for them.
the cabinet has already proposed bills to privatise the healthcare, wich will have dramatic consequences to Dorvik. it is a cabinet who will betray us again and again such as the DSU already did as to their voters and fellow members, with they promised to go to a socialist state. they have asked us to endorse them and we declined, next day they go in coalition with conservative party's.
they betrayed us and the dorvish people. Today we have Westmark and we will start the revolution from there. we will protect our people. today the seeds are planted and it will only grown each day and with every proposal of this cabinet it will grow bigger and bigger. don't forget that equality is justice.

the communist have a lot to work and will they succeed in their plans.
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:37 am

Newly Formed Liberal Party to Endorse Our Party for Presidency

Party Leader Mr.Erik Weber Speaking to Reporters in Haldor:-


The Leader of the Liberal Party,Mr.Erik Weber has announced that his party will endorse the Our Party for the Presidency in the coming Elections,he cited commonalities between both parties on policy matters as the main reason for the LP"s Decision,He also called for Greater Cooperation within the Centre and Centre Left Parties to "Return Sanity to this Nation".

Good Morning,First off,I would like to extend my Sincere Condolences to Mr.Frank Sigmar Landberg"s Family,Eventhough i did not agree with him almost all the time,He Spent his Life Serving This Nation in a Variety if Positions and he deserves our Respect,And Today,we have decided to endorse the Our Party Nominee for the presidency,The Liberal Party has a lot of common ground with the Our Party and we favour A Socially Progressive and Fiscally Moderate Policy Approach,We also Believe that we in the centre and centre left should work together to return this nation to sanity,The Right Wing has been quote successful in making this nation a Paranoid,Inward Looking and Theocratic Nation,Our Nation Could go in the right track only with a Government which respects the Rights and Liberties of our Citizens,

Now,New Way wants to Bring Back the Constitutional Monarchy back and they probably want Mr.Nicolas Manfreda to be King,I mean,We became a Republic long back and we do not believe that we should be returning to the days of Monarchy because they simple are over,And also,The So Called "New Way"Party is selfish, Radical and elitist and that has been proven by their bizarre proposals and I hope that all parties will come together against it.

Thank you
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Mon Dec 25, 2017 12:25 pm

Liberals Score Major Legistlative Victory as Parliament Votes in Favour of Reversing "Theocratic' Policies

The Liberal Scored a Major Legistlative Victory Today as their Proposal to Roll Back the Religious Policies enacted during the Previous Parliament where reversed."The Liberal Party Policy on Civil Liberties"as it was called,passed with a Plurality of 228-214 Votes:- ... lid=550870

This Would mean that Blasphemy is not illegal, Schools need not be compulsorily religious and People Would no longer be required to Dress According to Religious Codes,While Speaking to Reporters in Haldor,Party Leader Mr.Eril Weber thanked all parties which voted in favour of the Proposal.

Good Morning,Today the Liberal Party has achieved a major victory with the Passage of our Proposal on Civil Liberties Proposal which means that our people will be free to express their Opinions without any fear of it being called "Blasphemy"and will be allowed to Dress as they want,I would like to thank all parties Which voted in favour and allowed this Landmark Legistlation to Pass and Paved the way for reinstating our citizens freedoms again

In other news,the Liberal Parties Proposal To Partially Privatise Airport Operation and Management was also passed with a Parliamentary Majority
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Roman » Mon Dec 25, 2017 2:09 pm

Klossner praises Liberals for their work, and welcomes the endorsement

Ada Klossner, speaking to local news reporters thanked the endorsement of the Liberal Party for the next presidential election, and welcomed their hard work in pushing through legislations that removed the restrictive policies of the last few 'ultra-conservative' governments.

Dorvik has seen some ultra-conservative governments in recent years and to see the legislation that has been passed in that time removed is magical. People are now free to wear what they like, and say what they like and not be dictated by their religion, people should be free to wear their religious clothing if they so wish, but they should never be forced to wear it. People are now able to seek re-assignment surgery for their identified gender, and that is magical, to see the joy on their faces knowing that they will not have to live in Gender Dysphoria any longer because they can now seek treatment to live as they gender they know they truly are. Even though we have yet to win a seat in an election or by-election it is quite frankly amazing the work extra-parliamentary parties can do.

On the subject of the Presidential election, yes of course we will be running a candidate, who that person is, is yet to be decided, and I won't confirm whether I am running or not, it is several years away, but we will be electing a candidate in the near future probably around a year before the election so the public can see that person in action and can get to know them better.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Tue Dec 26, 2017 4:43 pm

One Dorvik Takes Sharp-Right-Turn


After major losses for One Dorvik, the party has elected the ultra-conservative neo-fascist Katerina Schwartz as its leader in a narrow vote of party members. A fanatical Children of the Spirit member, she has now put forwards perhaps the most conservative bill to have been seen in the State Council for centuries, allowing businesses the right to segregate racially, and making women unable to pursue full-time work. Despite personally being a woman, Katerina Schwartz has stated that women 'should be in the home, cooking, not in an office doing male things'. She herself says that she is managing One Dorvik 'from the kitchen table' and that her views represent the vast majority of those held in the deep South.

Looking at the gargantuan and fascistic bill, titled the 'One Dorvik Reformed Platform', the bill would ban abortion and make adherence to Hosianism mandatory, along with reinstating euthanasia murder legislation and religious clothing laws. Such extremely conservative platform pieces have drawn massive media criticism, as rallies were staged today in Haldor calling for Schwartz' resignation. Schwartz internally seems to believe that there is a large far-right contingent that has not been tapped into, and she is seeking to win over the 'silent' voters. Despite massive backlash to her authoritarian proposals, members of CotS and the Sudish Forum for Change - both of which she is a member of - have hailed her as 'a true southern belle'.

Schwartz's bill has many other heinous and unsightly articles, dragging Dorvik backwards, including having religiously-regulated death penalty laws. This heavy weight of religious running as a theme throughout the bill takes inspiration from Schwartz's own massively religious lifestyle, including weekly church attendance and sending her children to religious schools. All schools under the bill would be religious and selective, proposals panned by the left. The electorally triumphant Our Party called the bill 'unacceptable' and vowed to fight it 'every step of the way'. New Way called the bill 'too hard', and the Liberal Party said that it was a stain on the pragmatic tradition. However, it has One Dorvik and the DNVP's votes.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Roman » Tue Dec 26, 2017 6:26 pm

Berthold Fischer Thanks Party Supporters and Vows to Deliever


Berthold Fischer, Our Party's Deputy Leader and State Chancellor candidate, vows to deliever for the people of Dorvik and to form a stable government to protect the people from the extreme right. A victory speech last night Fischer said the following:

People. Friends. We are victorious! A possibility we thought, I thought was out of the question has just happened. Placing first in these elections shows that people want change, change for the greater good. Now we cannot ignore our poor performance in the South, we must govern for all of Dorvik not just those that voted for us. To lose the Presidential elections is disappointing, but to have only lost by six points is a testament to our hard work and dedicated campaigners, lets not forget we are barely two years old as a party and look where we are now.

In days following the election, an attempt to cobble together a left-wing coalition hit a snag after people had suggested the Communists were 'un-tamable' and 'would not listen', however the Communists gave the coalition the majority it needed, however a deal involving the Communists may still be on the table if he can convince one of the centre-right parties to join the coalition.
Formerly known a 'little boy Forwards!' in Dorvik, and sticking it. Ideologically messy. Chill as all fuck. Communicates through sarcasm. Currently playing in Luthori as the Civic Party.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:39 pm

Monica Mueller Elected as Liberal Leader

Mrs.Mueller Speaking to Members in Haldor:-

After a Poor Election Showing,Mr.Erik Weber announced that he no longer intends to stay on as leader of the Liberal Party,And the Liberal Party MPs Immediately Nominated Deputy Leader Mrs.Monica Mueler as Interim party leader and she was elected as leader unopposed in last Months Leadership Race,She is From Largonia and represents an Inner Weinsedorf Constituency,She has vowed a new direction for the Party, She is Considered to be Leader of the Classic Liberal,Urban Faction of the Party and might pave the rise of a New,And Much Less Fiscally Progressive Liberal Party which was evidenced by the Parties Proposals to Privatize Train Operations and to Reduce Regulations on Private School.She has Appointed Dorvan MP Nasreen Ahmed-Weber as Deputy Leader and has also stated her Commitment to Support,and Take Part in,An Our Party Led Government.

She also Criticized the Sharp Right wing turn of the One Dorvik Party(Now the Heilige Allianz)And said that Katrina Schwartz does "not represent the South nor its people" and said that she will oppose the "Fascists" in every step and prevent them from "even coming near a Government position" and also called for Former One Dorvik Voters dissatisfied with the New Leadership to give the "Liberals a Chance".
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