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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Dec 30, 2017 12:15 am

BREAKING: Reform Party Victorious
- Malan Berisha claims the Presidency as Reform Party storms to a majority in the Assembly
- President calls for "social upheaval"
- President's political ally, and University roommate, Taulant Kaleci, becomes Prime Minister

President Berisha spoke in the capital Helios, following his Presidential Election victory.

The Reform Party and Malan Berisha have stormed to an unprecedented victory in the latest elections in Kalopia, claiming the Presidency and a legislative majority just five years after the refounding of the party. Berisha, popular due to his efforts as Prime Minister during the Kalopia-Solentia Border Wall Crisis that characterised the last Ministry, won comfortably with over 55% of the vote, whilst the parliamentary party received just shy of 52% of the seats in the Grand National Assembly.

The last three years have seen very little change in legislation in Kalopia due to the tensions with Solentia. A remarkable moment in Kalopian politics, the three parties put aside their differences and formed a National Unity Cabinet that allowed Kalopia to remain stable during their stand-off with Solentia. The international standing of Kalopia has long been a critical issue for the voters, and through their running commentary of the situation, the Reform Party appear to have given the voters what they want - greater international influence. Although the other parties were crucial during the Unity Cabinet, neither were able to convey this message to people as well as the Reform Party, and this has almost certainly been reflected in these election results.

And the Reform Party have spent no time at all pottering about, introducing controversial and historical social reform immediately. The Grand Social Liberties Act removes government from marriage, as well as gives the individual the right to decide their own identity. Even three years ago, this would have been impossible, with a majority being held by conservative parties ever since the demise of the Liberal Democratic Movement in 4300s, however, the Reform Party have finally returned a socially liberal party to the political foreground, something that will send political shockwaves for years to come.

The Reform Party has also introduced a new International Relations Bill that has announced Kalopia's support of Cobura for Seat B in the Security Council. Following the elections, the new government announced that it had been in dialogue with Cobura, and that it planned to support their drive for the Security Council in order to establish a "more democratic International Community." The new government's withdrawal of support for Indrala is also suspected to be an attempt to help Cobura catch up before the elections in 4226. The bill also relaxes passport and border control regulation, in order to create a more open image of the nation.

However, the critics are already pointing their fingers at the new Prime Minister, Taulant Kaleci. With no ministerial experience, it is expected that his appointment was made by the party's Executive Committee, a committee he is part of. The Assembly Member, whose seat is in Seshold, is a close friend to Malan Berisha, and this proximity, along with his similar political alignment, is expected to be the reason for his selection. This is perhaps most telling if you look at his cabinet, where the majority of Berisha's closest allies have been given promotions or retained their jobs, whilst the "less important" positions have been chopped and changed.

Addressing a large crowd, Berisha said the time was right for "social upheaval". In his speech, broadcasted throughout the country, Berisha said his Presidency would be "characterised by monumental social and economic development that would launch Kalopia into the wider world as a more influential nation." During his speech, where he made several bold promises, such as promising an "education system so good that even communists will have to admit that privatisation in education works." However, it is undoubtedly his positivity that stood out the most. Despite a rocky few years for Kalopia, it is clear the new President believes things are beginning to pick up, and Kalopia is beginning to make the progression envisaged by the party's original founders in the 4290s.

The new Prime Minister, Taulant Kaleci.

OTHER NEWS: Kalopia Urges Communication and Teamwork to deal with FNB Reemergence
- Foreign Affairs Minister says it is necessary to keep "tabs" on the FNB
- Reform Party introduce vote that will see FNB listed as a "proscribed organisation"
- Berisha says Solentia must take action to prevent it falling back into fascist hands

Kalopia has called upon Solentia to work together in order to prevent the resurgence of the FNB. Following the fascist party's reformation, and announcement that it intends to run for the Solentian Senate, the Reform Party has proposed legislation to "place tabs" on the FNB as a preventative measure in the name of national security. In one of his first appearances as President, Malan Berisha called upon Solentia to take the appropriate steps to avoid more fascist rule, and tension with neighbours.

In the proposed Continuing Surveillance of Solentia Act, are plans to legally recognise the Faschistische Nationalbewegung as a proscribed organisation. Through this proposal, the Reform Party hopes to legitimise through law the ability to survey and gather intelligence regarding the FNB. It is proposed that intelligence is gathered regarding certain leading individuals of the FNB, as well as any events, such as rallies, held by the organisation.

However, it is not clear how this would be achieved. The vaguely worded bill fails to place the Grand National Assembly as responsible for the gathering of intelligence and merely says it backs and permits funding. This lack of clarity demonstrates the difficulty in pulling this off. It would almost certainly be taken badly within Solentia were Kalopian Secret Service Officials discovered spying on effectively getting involved in the political process in Solentia, and some reports suggest that the Reform Party will send some members of its own paramilitary to conduct the mission.

However, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Kolenta Kapllani, has said it is necessary to place tabs on the FNB in order to retain stability in both nations. Speaking to the newspaper, the Minister said:

I am convinced that the best way of preventing conflict is to regulate, and place tabs on the Faschistische Nationalbewegung. We believe that this legislation is required to prevent Solentia relapsing back into fascist rule - something that would be disastrous for both nations. Naturally I cannot give greater details on how this is achieved, nor can I confirm or deny reports regarding the use of non Secret Service organisations to carry out intelligence work, but I can assure you that this intelligence work will lead to a safer, more secure, and more stable Majatra.

The President has also discussed the issue, though expressed himself in a much more diplomatic way. When addressing a rally in Mossavi, near to the Solentian-Kalopian border, the President called upon "greater ties, and greater communication" between the two South-Eastern Majatran nations. He called upon his Solentian counterpart, Alexander Laudenslager, to create the necessary preventative measures required in order to stop fascism in its tracks, and retain peace in the region. He also warned that it would be Kalopia's duty to act should fascist rule ever be reinstalled in Solentia.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:53 pm

BREAKING: Prime Minister - "Kazulian Help Much Appreciated"
- Kazulia to help train Kalopian Armed Forces
- Move comes during continued tension with Solentia
- Taulant Kaleci says closer relationship with Kazulia will help bring stability

The Prime Minister made his statement to a full house of 295 Assembly Members.

The Prime Minister, Taulant Kaleci, has publicly thanked Kazulia for pledging to help train the Kalopian Armed Forces. The move comes as Kalopia and her neighbour, Solentia, remain in a stalemate that has dragged on for nearly a decade now. During his address, Kaleci told the Grand National Assembly that assistance from "the best trained military in Terra" would help bring stability to Kalopia in unstable times.

The government has been fighting two different types of battle - one on the domestic front and one on the international level. At home, they have made the most of their majority by passing through socially liberal legislation that has left the conservative opposition fuming. Whilst there is currently little opposition due to the fact they hold that majority, it will undoubtedly have a damaging effect on relations between the parties in the Assembly. Meanwhile within international politics, the reformation of the FNB has kept them busy looking over their shoulder at Solentia and trying to find a solution.

Speaking in front of all 295 Assembly Members, Kaleci made a statement regarding the agreement. Though brief, and very metaphorical, Kaleci's message echoed a message that has been continually repeated by all governments since the original Reform Party in 4191: Return Kalopia to the World Stage.

Kalopia must strike whilst the iron is hot in order to build bridges with other nations that would allow us to protect the sovereignty and security of our nation, and the people of our nation. We have the opportunity today to further the quality of our Armed Forces, and all laudits must be made to Kazulia in making that possible. I am certain that
However, we also have the opportunity to further our diplomatic status and, to put it crudely, soft power. Kalopia stands bound in front of an ever nearing storm. If we do not lay the correct foundations we could be destroyed. However, weather the storm, and Kalopia will be stronger and wiser than ever before.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:12 pm

Last edited by Arapaima13 on Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Govenor12 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:23 pm

OOC: This was never agreed upon. Please change the article. And as the vice chairman is a person created by me this is highly irregular.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:34 pm


21.3.1 Players also consent to the reasonable and predictable consequences of the role-play they consent to. For example, players who role-play their characters as committing criminal offences should expect those characters to experience the predictable judicial consequences of that.

You understood, and made it apparent that you understood, that your characters were breaking the law. Hence you have consented to the risk of them being given consequences.

The Vice Chairman you said came to check over your forces, which is when the operation was carried out.

EDIT: see viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4176 for updates
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:45 pm

BREAKING: Berisha Will Not Seek Reelection Following Loss of Legislative Majority
- Berisha says Second Term will be his last despite increasing his majority
- Also plans to step down as Leader of the Party in order for a new successor to be found
- Says that despite youth, the Role is "overtly exhausting"
- Executive Committee said to be "disappointed" at failure to retain majority

The President has successfully won a second term in Office, increasing his margin of victory, although only slightly, to over 54% of the popular vote. Despite this, he has said that he will not run again, and will retire from politics all together, despite only being 32. Expressing his disappointment at the loss of the Reform Party's majority in the Grand National Assembly, Berisha said that the party needed fresh direction in order to cement a majority over its conservative opposition. He also suggested that he would look to pass legislation in what will be his last legislative term to create a Term Limit of 3 terms in order to maintain a sensible balance of power.

It was an extraordinary move, made by a man that has monopolised Kalopian politics for the last 8 years. Malan Berisha, who reformed the party and led it to the impressive majority of 4325, was believed to have many years left ahead of him, being very respected within the party, and having a very loyal inner-circle that made it difficult for him to lose power easily. Despite this, there are reports that the infamous Executive Committee were "less than impressed" at the loss of the legislative majority, and that several unnamed members of this illusive group were considering possible leadership bids.

This is something that the President has strongly denied. In a statement released by the Presidential Office, Berisha said that it was his own decision not to continue his career, and that the decision was taken due to the burden pressed upon him as a result of his position. Whilst he maintained that he loved his job, he said that it was necessary for the Party to take a new direction in order to "guarantee a Reform Party majority, and maintain liberalism, neoliberalism, and neolibertarianism within Kalopia."

The President also suggested that he would seek to pass legislation that entered a term limit into the Constitution. He said he wished to make it his priority so that no one person to press their agenda too much into Kalopian politics. Admitting that he felt that Reform Party policy was too molded around his views, Berisha said he hoped that a change in the Constitution would allow a "sensible" power dynamic in the country, that allowed the people and political organisations to keep the executive "in check."

Despite it being early days, there have already been rumours regarding who will be chosen as the next leader of the Reform Party. The current Prime Minister is expected to put is hat into the ring, calling for even greater social reform, and a crackdown on "radical" socially conservative political organisations. He is however, not overly popular within the party, and isn't expected to take the top job. Another option would be current Vice-President, Dritush Mala, although his close alignment to Berisha's politics may not make him what the doctor ordered.

The more socially conservative, Musa Kongoli is expected to run. The current Defence Minister, although true to the Reform Party's neolibertarian position, disagrees with the "damaging" mass deregulation that has been undertaken by Kaleci's government, and would be a more moderate voice at the table in regards to relationships with other parties. The final "big-name" candidate is Milo Minosasa. The leader of the Reform Party's paramilitary wing, he would definitely be the radical choice, not afraid in calling himself a minarchist, and lamenting the other parties for their "reprehensible hating of the gays." Currently the only candidate to have confirmed his selection, Minosasa would wish to take Kalopia to a stage even beyond the Corporate Anarchic Society of the late 42nd, and early 43rd centuries.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:00 pm

BREAKING: Prime Minister and VP Say They Won't Stand
- Taulant Kaleci and Dritush Mala both declare they have no intention of running for the leadership
- Defence Minister Kongoli puts name into the ring, along with Al-Najd Senator, Azmi el-Wahab
- Pull outs sees Minosasa become bookies favourite for job
- Added dynamic as Turjak Nationalists return to Kalopian Politics

The current favourite, Milo Minosasa would have a flamboyant and radical leadership style.

Radical minarchist, Milo Minosasa has become the new favourite to win the leadership of the Reform Party as both the Prime Minister, and the Vice President, announced they would not be making a leadership bid. The almost anarchical Minosasa will be up against the current Defence Minister, Musa Kongoli, as well as Al-Najd Senator, Azmi el-Wahab. The other entrants in the seven name list include Trade & Industry Minister, Kairos Kairis; Siphina Assembly Member, Almasa Muratovic; Minosasa Assembly Member, Ajax Costa; and former Mayor of Helios, turned Assembly Member in Al-Najd, Kassia Hellas.

An added dynamic to this election will be the return of the SDVP to Kalopia on which the Reform Party was formed to counter its Turjakisation of Kalopia. Although the anti-Turjak sentiment has gone cold since its refocusing upon liberalism, the Turjak nationalist party may just rekindle old hatreds. Already, Kairis has assured the party that he would ban the proprietors of the Junta from the Grand National Assembly, whilst Minosasa has told the press that he had no qualms in using violence against "those puny Turjaks."

The contestants have clashed on how they would take the Reform Party forward. The two leading candidates, Kongoli and Minosasa have clashed on the issue of gambling, one of the more controversial deregulations that the Reform Party pushed through during its three year majority. Milo Minasosa said that the government had "absolutely zero right" to tell individuals how to spend their money. However, Kongoli said that the government had a duty to provide a limited safety net, and that meant regulating gambling.

A debate has been scheduled in for next month, with the election taking place in January of 4329.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:50 pm

BREAKING: Milo Minosasa Calls Solentia a "Breeding Pot of Alt-Right Idiots"
- Reform Party Leadership Candidate says Solentia will continue to breed fascism due to its nature
- Says that a Minosasa Administration would "put Solentia in its rightful place"
- T&I Minister Calls "Whacky Milo" "insane"

Leadership candidate, Milo Minosasa spoke on national TV about the rise of fascism in Solentia.

In a remarkably undiplomatic move, the favourite for the Reform Party top job, Milo Minosasa, has called Solentia a "breeding pot of alt-right idiots." Speaking of the Kalopian News TV Program, Minosasa said that it was necessary to fight fire with fire, and speak to the fascists in the only language they understand: violence. He also warned that the same dangerous ideology was rife in Kalopia, and that it would be his job to wipe it out.

The current leader of the Children of the Reform Party Paramilitary was in a typically flamboyant mood, using his appearance on prime time television to cut into the new FNB-National Conservative Administration in Solentia. When asked what he would do differently to Berisha were he leader, Minosasa told the country that he would "put Solentia in its rightful place." Characterising Kalopia's neighbours as a oppressive hellhole, he at the same time criticised the move made by former President Laudenslager to attempt to ban the FNB, saying they were no better than the self-proclaimed fascists.

"I don't care if they flip on the other side of the border," Minosasa said boisterously:

In my eyes, they have a Senate filled with communists and fascists. The communists are hellbent on banning the fascists, and the fascists are hellbent on banning the communists. The reality is that Solentia is just a breeding pot of alt-right idiots, with some communists sprinkled in as seasoning to make it interesting. None of them have a clue about running a country, and all they want to do is spread violence wherever they go.

Fundamentally, the FNB are self-obsessed, over regulatory blockheads, who only care about their overly aggressive foreign policy goals. Meanwhile the former President's party, the Solentian Secularist and Reality Party are also just a communion of blockheads, who want to use fascist legislation to ban a fascist party. Either way, its a lose lose for the people of Solentia.

I would go in there and put the country back into its rightful place. And that means threatening and following up on military action - kinda like what the National Unity Government tried to do. Kalopia has a duty to the people of Solentia to give them a democratic and reasonable government. To be honest even the Ultra Nationalists would be able to run Solentia better than the current losers in power.

However, rival in the Reform Party Leadership Race, and current Trade & Industry Minister, Kairos Kairis, responded by calling Milo Minosasa "whacky" and "insane." Speaking on a radio show, Kairis said:

I think we can all agree that whacky Milo doesn't stand with the rest of the Reform Party regarding policy. He is just an insane individual, using this opportunity to spread some insane ideas of his. I wouldn't expect this to catch on, and I am certain that the Reform Party members will be rational when it comes to decide who should be their next leader.

Despite bold words from the Minister, Minosasa currently holds an eight point lead in the race for the leadership. Heading up Kongoli with 34 points to 26, it appears Reform Party members have been drawn to his no-nonsense, straight-up style of politics.

Current Polling for the Leadership of the Reform Party

Milo Minosasa: 34%
Musa Kongoli: 26%
Kassia Hellas: 11%
Kairos Kairis: 10%
Azmi el-Wahab: 5%
Ajax Costa: 2%
Almasa Muratovic: 2%
Undecided: 10%
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:50 pm

BREAKING: Leadership Candidates Unite Over Turjak "Threat"
- Minosasa refuses to use Turjak name for the Vatan Partisi, using Siphinan variant
- Kongoli says that Prime Minister should mobilise military
- Ajax Costa suggests mass deportation "could be a possibility"

Musa Kongoli, who is closing in on Milo Minosasa, proposed the mobilisation of the military to deal with Turjak "threat."

Who would have thought that the runners for the Leadership of the Reform Party could agree on anything? However, at a debate held at the party's headquarters in Siphina, each and every candidate condemned the Homeland Party, and praised the Prime Minister's hard line approach against the Turjak nationalists. In the main debate before the election, Kongoli had a strong night, ramming home the effects of not backing the Solentian government in terms of trade. Minosasa focused upon social liberties, promising he would "knock a nail into the head of any homophobe in the country." The other candidates also clashed on economic policy, as well as conduct within the Grand National Assembly.

The Turjak nationalist question, brought up by an audience member brought to an end a long round of bickering. In a remarkable turn of events, each candidate queued up to have their turn at laying into the newly founded party. The most radical language came not from Milo Minosasa, although he did only refer to the Vatan Partisi using the Siphinan translation, Partia e Atdheut, and called for the death penalty for the leader, Haşim Koç for treason, but from Ajax Costa, who stated that the mass deportation of Turjaks "could be a possibility." Meanwhile, Musa Kongoli said that the military should "100% be an option to prevent [the Vatan Partisi] from becoming too radical and aggressive."

In other issues, consensus was less prevalent, with Kongoli and Minosasa clashing on the Solentia Question. Musa Kongoli repeatedly stated the benefits of a healthy trade relationship with Kalopia's neighbours. Milo Minosasa hit back, however, arguing that no nation who put tolls on other nations vehicles could be described as having a healthy trade relationship with anyone. The pair's closest rival, Kassia Hellas, pointed Minosasa to the latest reports that showed the change in stance from the FNB and encouraged him to "tone down the aggression."

The minarchist Minosasa was strongest when it came to social issues. Speaking on homosexuality, and the opposition faced by the Reform Party in the Grand National Assembly, he said that he would "knock a nail into the head of any homophobe in the country," and said that the Ultra Nationalists presented an agenda "combined from Kalopia's two worst periods in the last century - the Socialist Vanguard, and the Thallerist Regime." Kongoli, who has focused his position on mending relationships with the other parties, was left speechless at one point in the debate, after Minosasa accused him of being no better than the "transphobic, homophobic, and blockheaded individuals" that the Reform Party were meant to be fighting.

Following a poll taken at the end of the debate, both Minosasa and Kongoli gained, with Kongoli closing the gap to just three points. Support for Muratovic was wiped out, which has led to him pulling out of the race, whilst Kairis has also dropped out following the debate as he fell behind both el-Wahab, and Costa, who has moved up to third. It appears most of the membership have made their mind up, with only 4% saying that they were undecided.

Current Polling for the Leadership of the Reform Party

Milo Minosasa: 40%
Musa Kongoli: 37%
Ajax Costa: 11%
Kassia Hellas: 6%
Azmi el-Wahab: 2%
Undecided: 4%
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:24 am

BREAKING: Controversial Minosasa Claims the Leadership Race
- Pulls clear from Kongoli following Kaleci-Gate Controversy
- Poll suggests that two-thirds of PR/KM/RP members back action against Turjaks
- Compares 4307-4314 Junta with the Wantuni Human Rights Crisis

The new leader of the Reform Party, Milo Minosasa.

Milo Minosasa has won the race to become the next leader of the Reform Party. Beating Musa Kongoli by an eight point lead, Minosasa has promised to deal with the Turjak threat imminently. Lamenting the President's decision to rescind the former Prime Minister's leadership, and hence force his resignation, Minosasa said he would work together with the other parties to prevent Turjak radicalism exploding. He also took the opportunity to blast the Jakanian government for "sticking their noses in other people's affairs," but denied that Turjak representation would be taken away from them.

It appeared that Musa Kongoli was drawing closer and closer in, as Milo Minosasa's line on Solentia was disliked by many within the party. However, "Kaleci-Gate" seems to have pushed party membership opinion over to the minarchist's side. Speaking to the press, one member described the President's intervention "disappointing," although he also called Kaleci "unwise" for his rash behaviour in the Grand National Assembly.

Musa Kongoli topped the Assembly Member vote, with 71 of the Reform Party parliamentarians backing the former Defence Minister. Minosasa fell further back, with just 40 votes, beating Kassia Hellas to the wider membership vote by just 9. Two votes then went to Al-Najd AM, Azmi el-Wahab, with just one going to Ajax Costa. However, Minosasa's popularity amongst the wider membership shone through as he comfortably beat Kongoli in the Second Round. Despite the appearance that Kongoli was closing the gap, it appears that Minosasa held enough support to pull through with 54% of the vote.

As leader, he has taken the opportunity to maneuver political ally Miralem Kusturica into the role of Parliamentary Leader. Also in favour of mass deregulation, his former role as Environment & Tourism Minister displayed him as perhaps one of the more extreme members when on the matter of regulation. Musa Kongoli has been positioned as Deputy Leader, in order to appeal to voters from other parties.

Speaking in at the Headquarters of the Party, Milo Minosasa said that he would not take the Turjak threat lightly, warning Jakania that any aggression would result in "consequences."

The Foreign Minister has had a communication from the new Jakanian government. That is no secret. She has passed it on to me as the new head of the Reform Party, and it says this: "As a minority, the Kalopian Turjaks have a right to self-determination and political representation." Now here is my issue with that. Of course they have the right to self-determination and political representation should they have a citizenship. However, I believe the position we have to take is that they are not inherently Kalopian by nationality, and are merely immigrants who have failed to fully integrate into Kalopian society. The very term Kalopian Turjak is a contradiction.

What I love about Kalopian society is its diversity. A wonderful mixture of ethnically Kalopi-Siphinan and ethnically Majatran really makes us an unique nation in Terra. However, we cannot pretend that Turjaks are fundamental Kalopians. Nor can we pretend that they are not in fact, for the main part, Jakanian. So when the Jakanian President talks about "spill over of potential instability" we can thank his country for starting this instability in the first place.

Let us remind ourselves about the History of Kalopia. The dictator, Atatürcak, and I don't think anyone can deny his authoritarian tendencies, was not a nice person, and persecuted the Majatran and Kalopi-Siphinan ethnic groups. Further, during the Junta of 4307-14, the very same Partia e Atdheut, persecuted Siphinans and Kalopians like a no other time since the mass genocide of the Wantuni Hegemony. The Turjaks are the enemies of the Kalopians, and not our friends. Whilst we shall allow them to remain in our nation, and take part in our political processes, I am certain that no Turjak Nationalist party will gain a majority in the Grand National Assembly, although I fear that they may even still revert to violence.

But, as the Presidential Candidate of the Reform Party in 4331, I will be working closely with the President, and encouraging him to respond to this Jakanian show of aggression. I would also hope that the President would be willing to discuss with the Defence Minister appropriate border force increases at the Jakanian border to prevent anything opportunistic occurring from the other side of the border.
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