Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

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Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby November » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:14 pm


WC Representative Deĵano Cezarido:
This conference was held as a result of willingness from both sides to discuss matters regarding tensions between both countries. The conference takes place place in the Palace of the Governor-General in Sharba. I now give the floor to Governor-General Valora Malako.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Alianco » Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:18 am

Valora Malako, Governor-General of Cobura:

Thank you, Representative Cezarido. And thank you to the governments of Kalopia and Jakania, who have demonstrated a clear commitment to diplomacy by agreeing to these talks. Your willingness to engage in dialogue serves as a model for all Majatran nations. It is the hope of the Coburan government that the concerns of both parties here can be fully and adequately addressed. It is imperative that a resolution to this dispute is reached that both guarantees the rights of the Turjak people and averts armed conflict in the region. At this time, I would ask that the representatives of each government present their respective positions, as well as specific actions they would like to see taken by the other government.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Reddy » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:40 am

Adnan Zolu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Jakania)

My government remains opposed to these talks. Given how Kalopia seems to treat human rights as a bargaining chip,
these talks are built on that unfortunate position. Nevertheless in the spirit of regional cooperation, I have been sent here to respond to any points raised and state Jakania's position.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:05 am

Acacia Savas, Foreign Affairs Minister of Kalopia

Firstly, may I thank Cobura for setting up these talks. May I also thank Istalia who also has been a key moderator within the World Congress regarding this most important issue. Without either of them it is simply terrifying to imagine the ruin and despair that both nations may have already caused upon each other. My final, and naturally most important thanks, must go to Jakania who, albeit after much deliberating, have decided that peace is better than war, and that they will restrain their aggressiveness at least for a short time - as hard as that may for them.

I believe Kalopia have always been clear about our views, and these were displayed and agreed on when the Istalian Foreign Minister visited Kalopia. We urge you to this from the Istalian Representative in the World Congress to understand our position: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7498&start=20#p127431. Fundamentally, we are coming from a point where, as a result of age long ethnic tensions in our country, we have to be very upfront when it comes to anyone be that Turjak, Kalopian, Majatran, Siphinan, or Istochniak, who wish to implement the same sort of biased regime that the Homeland Party do.

However, we have never supported the discrimination of Turjaks, nor have we ever said we would deny them citizenship. If an ethnic Turjak is born in Kalopia because his family migrated to Kalopia two hundred years ago, then of course he or she would be granted instantaneously Kalopian Citizenship. Further, if a first-generation immigrant Turjak moved to Kalopia, lived here for several years, and then passed the citizenship test, they would also be entitled to citizenship. But let us also remember that Kalopian Citizenship is exclusive, and many of these immigrants prefer to remain Jakanian, or wherever they are from, rather than rescind their original citizenship.

Our position on the Turjak matter is this. Just as I am sure you do not believe that Dundorfians are native to Jakania, we say that Turjaks are not native to Kalopia. Does this put them at any lesser position? Of course not. This is just the way Kalopia has been created, and whilst much Turjak influence has been present throughout Kalopia's history, it fundamentally wasn't began or first populated with Turjaks. For this reason, we see it nonsensical for the Homeland Party in our Grand National Assembly right now, to speak of returning Kalopia to the Turjaks, when it was never the Turjaks in the first place.

But now we must turn our eyes to the more pressing matter at hand. And that is the unnecessarily imperialistic, and aggressive nature from Jakania for placing troops on the border. They have announced plans to move up to 30,000 troops to the border. For what reason? It is clear that tensions are not going to spill over into Jakania, which was the first excuse they provided. From a Kalopian viewpoint, it appears that Jakania are planning nothing less than a full scale invasion of Kalopia, and are massively overstating the facts, in order to give them a reason to declare war and expand the Turjak homeland.

Thankfully the international community saw through the Jakanian aggression very quickly, otherwise I fear that these talks be occurring following the unnecessary loss of thousands of soldiers on either side. It is quite clear that Jakania have no problem using military conflict in order to further their resolve, with their stubbornness in even coming to these talks, showing they rather war than peace. In short, they are certainly not protecting Turjaks through this aggression, and are certainly not providing the international community with an example of a democratic, and peaceful Turjak nation.

Our request is simple enough. The Jakanians will step down every single troop from the border. Their being at the border in such hordes, is nonsensical and dangerous. Kalopian policy has been to match the number of Jakanian troops at the border. We ask Jakania, do they honestly want 60,000 men facing off against each other? I would hope not, for if they did, there would be little point of us being here for these talks. All the evidence that Jakania wants war would be there.

Perhaps instantly standing down all troops is a little quick for Jakania. Therefore, we would call for them to cancel their plans to quadruple their border force, which will be matched by Kalopia. From there, we can see a steady decrease in men on the border, until we are returned to pre-tension levels, or perhaps even better, none at all. However, it will naturally need trust from both sides. I believe that Kalopia has already demonstrated some of this, and hope that this impels Jakania to put the same sort of trust into Kalopia.

Once again, as I close, I would like to thank Cobura for hosting this meeting, and in particular, the Governor-General of Cobura for taking time out of his busy schedule to open these historic talks. I believe I have laid down Kalopia's position very clearly; the ball is now in Jakania's court. It is up to them how the course of negotiations continues from here.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Reddy » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:20 pm

Adnan Zolu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Jakania)

Kalopia's just downright lying and misleading everyone here. My colleague Mr Akinci has presented ample evidence of the nefarious intentions of the Kalopian supremacist government here. If Kalopia insists on lying, we will withdraw from these talks immediately!
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:10 pm

Acacia Savas, Foreign Affairs Minister of Kalopia

To suggest we are lying is detrimental to the talks. We are not lying, and Jakania's attitude is now becoming a serious liability to peace. We have never called for genocide. We sacked the Minister responsible for the comments regarding the death penalty for Turjak leaders. We condemned in the World Assembly the comments of Mr Ajax regarding the mass deportation of Turjaks. And we have repeatedly said that we do not agree with the discrimination of any ethnic group, and that the whole point of our position is to prevent this from happening.

We will ask again. Are Jakania willing to remove troops from the border? If they are not then I must profess that I believe conflict to be imminent, though Kalopia will never be the first one to strike. It is becoming clearer by the second that Jakania just want to invade Kalopia and that they don't really have a care in the world about the Turjak people in Kalopia. They are just using their own people as a pawn to gain regional power. So, Jakania. This is now an ultimatum. Either continue the talks for peace, that we should both be striving for. Or pull out, and attack us. But if you do attack us. You will face the consequences.

We call upon the international community to release a combined military effort to help protect the borders of Kalopia.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Axxell » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:44 pm

Ali ibn Uthman al-Muthandir, Istalian Foreign Minister:

Your Excellence, Minister Zolu,
How to consider that as "ample evidence"? Where are the claimed risk of genocide?
We cannot base our judgment on the act committed in the past by other people and other regimes. We shall judge what is happening now.
In Kalopia there are not dangerous legal conditions for minorities or immigrants than other average nation. It is a technical-legal judgment.
The Government of Kalopia expressed already its condemnation from the statement made by politicians or previous administrations.
A democracy changed its government with a new administration which showed already to be committed to decrease the ethnic tensions in Kalopia and which didn't enforce or are enforcing any particular measure against the Turjaks.
Jakania cannot just threat with 30 thousand men another nations just because your main ethnic group is not considered as a native ethnic group of Kalopia by part of this or that politician.
And as already stated by the Kalopian Representative, the long lasting Turjak community leaving in Kalopia are considered citizens of Kalopia as well as any other citizen.

At this stage, there are not legal evidence to support the accuse of genocide and persecution.
And we are sorry to see that Jakania is giving reason to the Kalopian representatives, because for a long lasting period Jakania was a proudly peaceful democratic nations, ready to assist in case of issues in central majatra, not a troublemaker which push its agenda for reasons supported by very few and weak evidence.

It seems that not everyone of us here came to find a solution to this crisis... We tried, we asked legal reassurance from Kalopia, and what they show us it is a politics not different from many other democraric nations with immigrants and with descendant of immigrants and with minor ethnicities.

The fear showed by Jakania seems to be falling in paranoia. We really hope Jakania will not do something of dangerous without think to the conseguences...
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Alianco » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:16 am

Valora Malako, Governor General of Cobura:

Deputy Minister Zolu, what measures would Jakania like to see put in place to ensure the human rights of the Turjak people in Kalopia? As of right now, we have no tangible evidence that a genocide is imminent in Kalopia, aside from grantedly harsh and unacceptable rhetoric that nonetheless seems to have been rebuked by mainstream Kalopian political figures. To be sure, if concrete evidence of an impending genocide or ethnic cleansing were to present itself, Cobura and Istalia, as well as the rest of the Security Council, would be obligated to intervene to prevent this, using military force if necessary. It does not seem, however, that we are at a stage where a response of this nature would be appropriate. That being said, Jakania has every right to be concerned for the well being of its Turjak diaspora. In Jakania's view, what must the Kalopian government do to demonstrate its claim that it does not have ill-intentions with respect to the Turjak people?
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Arapaima13 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:58 am

Acacia Savas, Foreign Affairs Minister of Kalopia

Just to inform the Istalian and Coburan moderators, Kalopia has made contact with the new government of Jakania, in hope that this may lead to a resolution quicker.
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Re: Sharba Conference on Kalopian-Jakanian Relations

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:03 am

Adnan Zolu, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Jakania)

As a gesture of our commitment to resolving this situation, my Government is considering reducing the number of troops posted at the border. We feel that Kalopia should show similar commitment by guaranteeing the citizenship of all natural born Turjaks and stop calling them invaders or outsiders. Our Embassy in Kalopia has been flooded with applications for immigration due to the Government's often careless rhetoric on this illustrious minority

OOC: I'm assuming that these proceedings are confidential and Jakania will be claiming that the withdrawal (if it does take place) was motivated by other reasons and it won't be exactly clear what actually motivated the withdrawal i.e. Jakania is/might be dishonest here too.
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