
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:20 am


    The Regional Governor, Myrna Villajuana, gave the announcement today from the Castella Palace

The former congresswoman of the Socialist Party of Baltusia, and now Governor of Lindar Valley, launched today her campaign "Baltusia is Better Together".
We launched this campaign to show the country how LV and Castella wants to stay in Baltusia. Independence or Autonomy are not really what the people in this region want.
This campaign is a response to a social demand.

The movement rallied after the ceremony, with a pacific demonstration of 500.000 marching from the Castella Palace to Valley Square.

Prime Minister Mary Angelorum visited Lindar Valley for the launch of the campaign, this being her first official visit outside Baltusia's Capital.


"We think it's important to show the citizens that all ideas should be represented in our Nation. As a government, we must protect our nation's sovereignty. I think most of our nation's parties love Baltusia, and we want to see it together and not fall into pieces." "We do believe in Democracy, and representativity. There are some politicians who wants to take the Separatist Movement into the Constitutional Court, to put an end to all of this nonsense." We asked the PM if she would support that action if it ever came to the court, "We do not have a stand on this as a Government, or even as a party, just yet".

After being asked about the Cabinet Proposal that included the Nationalists Angelorum, answered: "We thought we could've worked with them, putting aside our differences working for our country together, it was clear this wasn't a priority for them. They put their own interests first, Baltusia comes second for them".

Both the Prime Minsiter and the Governor left quickly after the ceremony ended, as they had another meeting inside the Palace.

4313 Baltusian Inquirer®
Last edited by javierzcw on Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:09 am

Villajuana got 26.99% of the votes in Lindar Valley, leaving behind the National Populist Front candidate who had only 12% of the votes

Myrna Villajuana celebrating her reelection at the Castella Hotel

CASTELLA, LINDAR VALLEY - After a long and tiring election day, the results were finally in at 22.30. It was definitely a party at the Socialist Alliance of Baltusia's headquarters in Villita, but it was more of a nationwide celebration for the left block, after achieving the 49,1% of the votes, on the parliamentary elections and a great 65% of the votes on the presidential election. The Socialist Party of Baltusia had a lot to celebrate too, as it's once again the biggest party in the parliament.

In Lindar Valley, Myrna Villajuana got reelected as a Governor, doubling the NPF candidate's votes; Villajuana's face couldn't be more radiant: "We're happy, of course we're happy!" "Our project, the Socialist Project was chosen all over Baltusia. And of course, the Left won Baltusia!" Villajuana is referencing the relevance that the support from Edward Wells meant in the second round of the presidential election. "I personally called Edward, to congratulate his party on his big share in Congress and their win in Gevaro, although he must admit it was a close fight!" said Mary Angelorum, president of the SPB.

"We're so happy Clementine gets to be our president for another 4 years. Baltusia believes in her, and so do I" said the Prime Minister, "I do believe it's going to be another slow term, legislatively speaking. Not having the 50% of the congress floor forces us to negotiate with some of the other pacts, which makes everything slower. But I pledge to the people we will make positive changes for all baltusians".

Progressive Socialist Party of Aloria (PRO-SPA) [INACTIVE]
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby True Vozhd » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:27 pm

The nation is in shock after Edward Wells disbanded the Castella Pact this morning saying "it is clear that the people do not want this as we did not win Lindar Valley"

He also said later that day" I hope the others parties can put this behind us so we can build a greater nation together".
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Nationalist surge in the Northern parts of Baltusia

Postby bogman » Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:37 pm

In the June elections, we saw that Northern and Central regions of Baltusia voted for nationalist parties. While Northern parts have always been known to be more authoritarian and left-leaning, no one expected this.

Nationalist Workers' Party has chosen its State Governors. Terrarokka's representative is Alfred Freeman, a born and bred Terrarokkan, who is mostly known as a former coach for a local soccer team. He has been blamed for his political inexperience but on the other hand, he has been praised for his contributions towards sports in general in Terrarokka.

Lindar Valley has been a stronghold for the Nationalist Worker's Party for a long time now. They managed to get a lot of Castellan votes in the last election, even though the Castella Pact was dissolved. The new Governor of Lindar Valley is a surprising selection. She is Lisa Pinto, a Castellan native, who was strongly for the independence of the state. While she is now against the independence, she still prefers herself as Castellan before Baltusian. Voting a woman indicates that the party might be moving towards a more progressive stance in a question of female rights.
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:12 pm


The Minister of Foreign Affairs presented a very important Treaty to Congress this week

VILLITA - After presenting the Alboro Agreement Ratification in the National Congress of Baltusia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margaret Roberts, referred to the Early Elections Bill Controversy. "The Block Bloc is not willing to accept that they lost the Government to the Socialist Alliance. If one of the Capitalist Alliance members turned out to be in a huge Corruption Scandal, I don't doubt members of other parties [in the alliance] may be involved as well", "President MacOviz is forcing every Congress member to vote as he wishes, he doesn't understand the freedom of vote that every party has in Baltusia". "He [MacOviz] even threatened us with a law suit if we didnt vote as he wished. Our party already decided the party's voting against his bill, even though I agree [with the early elections]". When asked why would she vote against something she's in favor of, Robert answered "First of all, I'm a member of Government, so I don't have a seat in Congress. I may agree we need to have a full Congress to represent our people, but Elections are an act of politics. And we must think politically".


The exiting Leader of the Socialist Party of Baltusia, and former Prime Minister Mary Angelorum is ready for a different path

Angelorum's term is coming to an end. Her approval rating, nationally, is of a 76%. Outstanding for a Former Primer Minister, and within the Socialist Alliance, it comes up to a 94%. She could easily the SPB Leadership for a 4th time if she wanted to, but she clearly stated she wanted to follow a different path: "My time leading this glorious Party has come to an end, we need new faces, fresh ideas. The generation must come forward." - "I'm not sure if I'm thinking of retreat, or a simpler job. Of course I will not run for President, and being the name for the Prime Ministry, or any ministry, is not within my plan at all".


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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby kyle1103 » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:51 am

Chairwoman Moon giving her accpetance speech after winning the Chairmanship.

With a good showing in their first electoral election in Baltusia politics, the New Baltusia Movement held a special internal election where it’s 10 million registered members elected their city delegate to the parties 20-member Executive Council. The results were stunning as the members sent most incumbent EC member’s packing and replacing the pro-business faction with most reformists. Salvatore who made her case at had been having a hand in the party’s election showing lost her re-election bid as the newly EC voted by a 13-7 vote to remove her. Celeste Moon a Congresswoman from Athosia was elected by a 16-4 margin as the new Charwoman promising “legislative accomplishments we can take into the next election” along with promising to hit over 100 seats next election. Salvatore was opposed by the reformists faction due to what they said was “unbearable leadership and self-aggrandizing display of authority, with lack of political knowledge”. Moon declined to comment on her predecessor except for “I greatly appreciate Cynthia’s service to the party and her founding role in it”.

As Chairwoman, Moon has announced several new staff changes as she removed allies of Salvatore replacing them with her own allies and top Congressional staff. Former Moon Campaign Manager and political operative Annabelle Knight was appointed as Vice-Chair. Knight is considered a respected political operative and is widely credited for Moon’s congressional win. In her acceptance speech Moon has promised to enact an “aggressive reform agenda in Congress and push for a lower business tax and reduced spending in certain areas”.

With the recent internal party elections, the Reformists faction holds 14 seats on the council, with the pro-business faction holding the remaining six. All 5 incumbent pro-labor faction members lost their re-election leading the faction in have little to no say in the party as of now
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby javierzcw » Thu Jan 11, 2018 6:52 pm

Senator Hernandez will be the president of the SPB for the next 8 years.

The Socialist Senator for Terrarokka won the internal elections with a 62% of the votes

ROCOCIELO - Michael Hernandez, the second time Senator for The Rocoielo District in Terrarokka, just took the oath to become the 16th Leader of the Socialist Party of Baltusia : "It's a great honor, I'm glad my party trusted me with this. After the great Mary Angelorum, who was not only a great Prime Minister, but also was leader of the SPB for 23 years. She has the record!" Hernandez said.

Hernandez was born in Rococielo in 4291 (he's 40 years old). He is the son of Carmela López and Ernesto Hernández, neither of them are involved in politics, so Michael was the first in his family. Michael studied in the Escuela Secundaria de Rococielo 456, a public high school in Terrarokka. He then moved to Villita, to study Law in the National University of Baltusia. That's where he started his political carreer. He's worked for many Governments, more recently, as the Chief of Staff of Angelorum's government.

"A different Socialist Party is coming, for a different Baltusia"

Progressive Socialist Party of Aloria (PRO-SPA) [INACTIVE]
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby LobbyingIntern » Sat Jan 13, 2018 9:00 am


Last evening's Block Bloc's leader ship election have resulted in former six-term governor of Athosia and current Prime Minister Elizabeth Blinden as Chairwoman of the Block Bloc. She will replace David Cormocks, former campaigner for advanced religious rights in Baltusia and one of the leading figures in bringing down pro-monarchist and later socialist governments in Baltusia.


Elizabeth Blinden making a victory speech.

Prime Minister Blinden promises a bright future under the Block Bloc leadership for all Baltusian and return to pre-socialist policies.

David Cormocks congratulates Blinden on the results. He also said that he "Baltusia will inherited [his] legacy of a the return to the year 4266 in the form of the static government without the socialist influences."
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby kyle1103 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:32 pm


Athosia Governor Ruby McNally speaks at one of her famous local town halls in Costa de Oro, Athosia

Athosia Governor Ruby McNally announced today in a campaign video that she is running for President and will not run for re-election. In the video McNally promises to fight for all “Baltusian’s no matter our differences” and also says she will push heavily for technology advancements, renewable energy, and lower taxes. McNally as Governor has achieved tax reform in her state, with the legislature gutting the sales tax and lowering the business tax. During her campaign for Governor and current tenure McNally has become known for her famous town halls where she takes unscripted questions. To date she has held over 200 town halls across the state of Athosia. McNally has the endorsement of former NBM Presidential candidate Elaine Lockwood and fellow Athosian, Congresswoman Celeste Moon.

“I’m running for President because I believe Baltusia while on a good track and can go even further. As President I will push for lower taxes to help strength our economy and return more money to your checking book. I will also push for the cutting of wasteful spending so that we can keep our surplus secure and will also push for a balanced budget amendment to ensure we always have a balanced budget. We will secure energy independence with renewable energy through research and technology achievements, and will also push for more space based exploration and research. Together we must meet our goals, but also set them to challenge all of us, to push ourselves out of our comfort zones and talk about issues we normally don’t want to. Together we will accomplish much and secure an even brighter future for our future generations to come” comments of McNally from the video.

Moon who is also the Chairwoman of the NBM announced in a separate written statement that she is proud to endorse McNally and made a bold promise to help the party secure more seats in the next election.

“I am proud to endorse Governor Ruby McNally in her bid for the Presidency. Being from Athosia and serving as a Congresswoman from the great state I have seen firsthand the hard work and achievements secured by McNally. Her leadership is beyond outstanding and she has a unique ability to bring several opposing factions together to find common based solutions. Over the last years the New Baltusia Movement has achieved many things from economic and defense reforms, campaign finance, and education reforms. To achieve even more of our accomplishments and help a future McNally Administration we must secure additional seats in Congress and I have pledged all resources to our down ballot races to help achieve in our new campaign goal. I have promised members of the party before and do so again that we will achieve in holding all our seats and pick up an additional 25 seats in the upcoming election”
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Re: Baltusian Public Broadcasting Corporation

Postby LobbyingIntern » Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:45 pm


This week's Mondya morning saw a group of officials from the Baltusia International Democratic Party stabbed each other, most often on each others' backs, and most have expired from the wounds. No given reasons for the fight are known yet.

The Villita Police Chief have described this event as the "fourth most massive backstabbing frenzy" he has ever seen.

The investigation has been started to determine the cause of the knife fight.

"Hang a map of a place you'll never go on your living room wall. Draw new streets. Tear off bodies of water. Wait for news crews to arrive." So said a mad Nightvalian.
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