
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:29 pm

Government refuses to apologise for Offensive Initiative Tide.
Foreign Minister remains steadfast on declassified document; Refuses to apologise to Indralan Government.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Annette Brodersen announcing her landmark statement on the declassification of Offensive Initiative Tide.
3rd May, 4329

Minister of Foreign Affairs Annette Brodersen earlier this morning during her daily address of the nation's media outlets stood firm in defence of the release of the controversial Offensive Initiative Tide, the recently declassified military document which outlined the Ministry of Defence's proposed plans to invade Indrala when it became clear that the nation was a clear threat to the security and survival of Kazulia as a democratic state in the mikokuzin-centric region. As the Indralan Government expressed disappointment and anger at the declassified document, Brodersen stopped short of apologising for the contents of the document, citing that the document's curators had justifiable cause to craft the plan, taking factors such as geopolitical tensions into great consideration.
The document outlined a series of "strategic points" in which the Kingdom of Kazulia (code-named "Raven") would have to achieve and control before the gradual collapse of the Indralan Government and its subordinate internal systems. Director of the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation, Lt. General Bjarkar Vatnarsson stated that claims that Indralan intelligence officials had uncovered the document through a leak were false as, the organisation itself released the document as per national laws where it pertains to the declassification of sensitive government documents. According to Vatnarsson, he could not comment further on the contents of the document but hinted that the document seen by the public and various government throughout the international spectrum was a watered-down version of the entire document. When asked as to the remaining contents of the document, an official from the Ministry of Defence stated that there was no intention of releasing the entire document to the general public.

Before members of the media, Minister of Foreign Affairs Annette Brodersen spoke on the sensitive nature of the document, indirectly indicated that the government had no intention of apologising to the Indralan Government or any government offended by the document's contents whilst slamming the resurgence of Jienism in the nation, citing it as a national security threat.
In time of tension and surmounting conflict, decisions are made as to whether the nation's interests and its future should be defended. The government responsible for the creation of the Initiative can only be viewed as acting in the interests of its nation and its nation's future. We do not intend on apologising in light of acting in the interests of our nation. It is our intention to move on a basis of development and inter-cooperation with mutual interests and respect at the helm of our decision-making process. Our survival as a western-thinking nation in this region has been threatened by the regional partners of Indrala. The resurgence of Jienism in the nation is not only a threat to the geopolitical climate but will be viewed as a direct threat to the Kingdom of Kazulia and its successor states. We cannot and will not co-exist within a region where Indrala continues to peddle its imperialist and aggressive colonialist sentiments, sentiments associated with Jienism.

Minister Brodersen stated that the government will be ignoring the rumours about Indrala's Foreign Minister Jin Ru who supposedly stated that Kazulia should have remained a vassal of Dankuk, citing the nation's eagerness to go to extreme ends to ensure that its survival as a nation in a hostile region is maintained.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:07 pm

Hent on lockdown after terrorism threat level increased.
Federal Police locksdown State of Hent virtually closing State from outside world; Moves to uproot insurgency.
Two Federal Police Officers in Skalm after the Federal Police deploy to all cities and towns.
11th April,4331.

The Grand State of Hent has been blanketed by the Security Bureau and the Federal Police after the Department of Home Affairs increased the terrorism threat level to "armed insurgency", as the government moves to maintain control and stability in the nation. Commercial traffic into the state had been stopped at the various roads connecting the State to others; the Port of Gna, had been closed and all commercial traffic being routed to the port of Ulf in Agatha. The heightened levels of alert comes amid a meeting of Federal and State law enforcement officials pertaining to the recent armed clash between the ideologically monarchist paramilitary group Make Kazulia Great Again! and the Republican paramilitary group En United Kazulmark at the Kong Markus Shopping Centre, which left 23 persons dead and injured 56 other persons. Among the dead was a local councillor from the Communist Party, Reidun Hofstad. According to the Federal Police, the MKGA and the ENU under the Paramilitaries and Militia Prohibitions Act, a person commits an offence if he/she organises, controls, manages, trains, drills or equips a private organisation capable of functioning as a military organisation and its respective members.

The measures implemented by the Department of Home Affairs are thought to be in the name of the nation's internal stability. With the Firearms Control Act, the fact that automatic gunfire had been reported to be on the scene of the incident, shed light onto law enforcement's failure in tracking illegal weapons and removing them from the streets. According to the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs, the Federal Republic of Kazulia maintained the world's strictest laws on firearms. According to Hent State Police and Lamond Police, control of the situation had deteriorated after skirmishes between MKGA and ENU had increased three fold and that most of their skirmishes resulted in the killing of innocent civilians. Yesterday, monarchists rioted throughout the streets of Lamond against the recent federalisation of the nation. They championed the cause of a return to a stable monarchist system which had existed within Kazulia for centuries. The Republican movements countered their protests by meeting them on the very roads they protested on, championing the causes of republicanism and abandoning the old system of governance. The riots soon ensued after Lamond Police attempted to separate the monarchist and republican protesters.

According to National Director of the Federal Police, Arvid Svendsen, the Federal Police sought to uproot insurgency from the nation and restore peace and calm in the Grand State of Hent. He stated that the Department of Home Affairs' decision to lockdown Hent is aimed at preventing dissidence from spreading. According to the Director, the Federal Police had been deployed the entirety of their 45,000 manpower had been sent to other states to ensure that the violence seen in Hent does not spread to the surrounding states. According to an insider report, the Federal Police's Special Services Division (the elite branch responsible for counter-terrorism, counter-espionage and domestic surveillance) and Federal Protection Services mainly Federal Protection Unit 3 (a new unit tasked with counter-insurgency operations) were being brought into the state to "hunt down the dissident group leaders and members", however the Federal Police denied the two unit's involvement. Director of the Security Bureau, Marius Stenseth stated that the Bureau intends on sweeping from house to house throughout the nation, in attempts to seize firearms from all citizens. He continued that under the Counter-Terrorism and Internal Security Act and the Firearms Control Act, the Department of Home Affairs reserved the ability to seize all firearms (licensed and non-licensed).

Director Stenseth stated that the Department of Home Affairs had the option to escalate the situation in Hent and possibly in other states with the intervention of the Home Guard, whom Stenseth warned would raise hell in Hent if it meant forcing the illegal paramilitary groups to cease their violence and surrender to Federal officials. Defence Minister Tormod Reinertsen deployed some reserves of the Home Guard to the nation's borders and called on the Security Services (namely the Security Bureau) to never let their guard down on foreign agents and their drive towards destroying the nation.
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Statsoverhode and Statsminister Joint press conference

Postby Alexak1209 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:28 pm

KBC(Kazulian broadcasting Coperation)

News Anchor Helene Nilsen: Now we are going to the Resident of Statsoverhodets press room where Statsoverhode Emilie Karlsen and Statsminister May Flaten will hold a joint press conference where they will talk about the terror that Kazulia has vitnessed the last coupel of years.

Direct Broadcast:

Emilie Karlsen and May Flaten walks together onto the podium.

Emilie Karlsen:
(Statsoverhode Emilie Karlsen poosing for new offical portarait
"Good day
Kazulia has undergone two major terrorist attacks over the last 4 years. The first took place here in Skalm outside the Storting and the other took place in Lamond, Hent. The two attacks took a total of 34 lives together and injured over 100 people. Prime Minister Flaten and myself visited Lamond after the attack. There we met those who had been injured during the attack and the families of the deceased. I think that is something myself and Prime Minister Flaten will not forget. I and Prime Minister Flaten have had talks and meetings after this, where the events and what we can do with it have been discussed. In these meetings, the Minister of Defense, Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Justice and National Defense Council and we all are working for a safer Kazulia. We have talked about possible legislative changes that could put an end to such attacks. I hope with all my heart that Kazulia never will experience something like that again."

May Flaten:
(Statsminister May Flaten Ofiical portarit)
"I would like to thank the police forces of Kazulia for there great work in both of the horrific events. Officers gave there lives doing what was right for our Republic and I give my condolences to all that knew them. I would also like to mention the death of former Prime Minister Alexander Kjøle. He died doing what he believed in and hurt nobody in the process. The fact that he was shot is an atrocity. Me and President Karlsen shall try and help the police forces prevent any further attacks."

Emilie Karlsen: "Thank you for coming and good night"

They walk out of the room
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:32 pm

Gasstrien opens subsidiary branch in Valruzia.
Gasstrien opens Valruzian Subsidiary to introduce company to Seleyan market.
Chairwoman of Gasstrien, Sonja Otterness
2nd May, 4332

Gasstrien, one of the modern world's largest oil and natural gas companies, completed a multi-billion dollar venture that now prompts the company to open a subsidiary office in Valruzia, marking it as the first major foreign oil and natural gas company to launch competitive operations in the nation in more than 50 years. Coined Valrupec (the Valruzian Petroleum Company), the company intends on focusing on petrochemical products such as liquidised petroleum gas, gasoline and compressed natural gas (a commodity which not much oil and natural gas companies are catching onto mainly due to its green-based orientation). To pilot the subsidiary in-order to allow for it to establish a formidable footing in the Valruzian oil and natural gas sector, Gasstrien allotted the subsidiary a $5 Billion dollar loan. Currently within the Valruzian oil and natural gas markets are WKN Volantis and Valruzian Petroleum, with the former being the nation's largest contributor. Chairwoman of Gasstrien's Board of Directors, Sonja Otterness stated that although the company initially through of directly launching operations in Valruzia, the company had to focus on operations in the north, specifically competition from northern oil and natural gas giants.

Ms. Otterness stated that the company has prepared to establish a presence in the nation through Valrupec. The venture — to recapture gas that now goes to waste during oil extraction and promote a cleaner and green fingered approach to oil and natural gas extraction— is the company’s official premise to launching operations in the nation. Valrupec's launch has been dubbed as the first time Gasstrien has introduced itself to the Seleyan market. The northern oil and natural gas giant has mainly operated in the Artanian, Macon-Kerisian, Dovanian and Majatran markets. The company has stated that it did not intend on returning to reckless extraction technique citing internal laws in Kazulia which could lead to the company being broken up by the government. As the government invested into the company through the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund, it mandates that the company does not involve itself with unsafe extraction activities. This coupled with the fact that the government is contemplating on pulling its investment from oil and natural gas companies across the world can put the company in danger.

There have been rumours throughout the companies echelons that the Board of Directors' decision to open Valrupec had been the brainchild of a plan to provide stiff competition for the primary Valruzian petroleum companies, eventually forcing one of them into bankruptcy, however CEO of Gasstrien, Svend Lambertsen, called the rumours baseless and idiotic, citing the fact that the company saw Valruzia as a pleasing market to launch operations in Seleya for the first time.

Asvald Gruppen opens office in Indrala
Asvald Gruppen opens weapons manufacturing branch in Indrala.
Tormod Halldorson, Chairman of Asvald Gruppen and President of the Viserby Foundation.
2nd May, 4332

Recently privatised multinational defence, security, and aerospace company, Asvald Gruppen has opened a weapons manufacturing branch in Tian'an, Indrala to explore opportunities within the Indralan defence industry. Asvald Gruppen has been at the forefront of technological advancement for the Kazulian Government during its period of nationalisation and with the company being recently privatised, it aims at expanding its operations beyond the restrictions previous imposed on its by the Kazulian Government. Currently, there is no documented weapons manufacturing company operating within Indrala, which means that Asvald Gruppen Indrala has the opportunity to capitalise on the low amount of competition in the market by local Indralan companies. Representatives from Asvald Gruppen Land Systems meet with representatives from universities throughout Indrala in a discussion where the company proposed its investment into engineering programme throughout the country, specifically in the field of technology.

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Asvald Gruppen, Tormod Halldorson stated that the company's Indralan subsidiary, Asvald Gruppen Indrala was poised to be a leader of arms manufacturing and military technology in Seleya. He stated that he would continue to push for the subsidiary to invest into more fields of education in Indrala, especially the nation's STEM programmes. Asvald Gruppen, the multinational defence company had been known internationally for being instrumental in the modernisation of the Kazulian military and has been at the forefront of technology, being the primary competition to companies such as the Leonardi Industrial Group and JetStream. Halldorson stated that the company had been willing to work with the Indralan Government in defence and technology related matters, citing the companies experience in the fields. He said: "The Indralan military is in dire need of modernisation and I believe that Asvald Gruppen Indrala can herald that era of modernisation and rebirth"
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:57 am

Valrupec: No intention of extracting oil and natural gas from Valruzia.
Valrupec willing to go through legal process to prove point that state-owned WKN Volantis "wants controversy".
12th August, 4332

In a series of controversial exchanges between one of the largest oil and natural gas companies in the World and the largest petroleum company in Valruzia over the legality of the former's establishment of a Valruzian based subsidiary, Gasstrien has responded with eagerness to undergo the legal process which WKN Volantis has been threatening to introduce through a memorandum issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. In the Valruzian media, Chairman of WKN Volantis, Joanna Starzyńska "called out" Gasstrien and its Valruzian subsidiary Valrupec for "not obtaining government permission to begin operations in Valruzia", citing that the company was the de jure administrator of all oil reservoirs in Valruzia. According to Valruzian media, her premise for legal proceeding is the legality for oil and natural gas exploitation. According to Starzyńska, Valrupec's operations were tantamount to a corporation offence and could involve a financial penalty for Valrupec.

Earlier this morning, President of Valruzpec, Jakob Trygstad in a press media release explained to the general public that Valrupec's operations in Valruzia had been non-existent and legal. He cites the fact that the company had not begun oil and natural gas extraction procedures and was still in the process of completing its internal organisational assessment. The main talking about behind Starzyńska's attempts have been the company's extraction operations. Mr. Trygstad stated that although the subsidiary had intentions to begin operations in Valruzia, it had not intention of launching oil and natural gas extraction in Valruzia. He stated that Gasstrien had not approved of the nation's domestic policies where it pertained to industrial waste. Years prior, a compressed natural gas plant in New Endralon owned by Gasstrien was contaminated by a petroleum leak from a Neftkomp in Trigunia. Due to the nation's weak domestic policies on industrial safety and pollution, Gasstrien barred its subsidiaries from operating in a series of nations including Valruzia, Davostan, Deltaria, Barmenistan, Kalopia, and 10 other nations until their domestic policies on industrial pollution are amended. Mr. Trygstad stated that Gasstrien would not have approved for Valrupec to launch any form of operations Valruzia.

To clear the air on the situation properly, Trygstad revealed that Valrupec was created to launch a Gasstrien foothold into the Seleyan market. He reiterated that the company was not formed to launch extraction operations in Valruzia but was formed in Valruzia to establish a Gasstrien process in the seleyan market. He continued that Valrupec was aiming to launch compressed natural gas operations in Aldegar. Through basing its seleyan headquarters in Valruzia, Valrupec saw the nation as stable enough citing the fact that although the Aldegarian government approved of a contract prior, its previous offices in Aldegar were often broken into. As the controversy raises, Gasstrien Headquarters in Skalm stated that if it becomes clear that the Valruzian Government intends on creating an uneasy environment for the company's subsidiary, it will pull the company from Valruzia and relocate it to another country. Chairwoman of Gasstrien, Sonja Otterness stated that the company had been legally registered and should be left alone as it is a legal entity. She stated that it is clear that Ms. Starzyńska wanted to create "unnecessary controversy."
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:47 am

MKGA device leaves 15 dead and 200 injured
Government brands MKGA and ENU terrorist organisations amid recent attack.
ⓘ: Federal Police launch stop and search campaign throughout nation amid increasing tensions.
27th December, 4332

A suspected MKGA made explosive device exploded in a parked maintenance van in the Skalm Business Sector, killing 15 people and wounding more than 200 persons sending businessmen and women in panic and destroying buildings within its immediate proximity. Although the Federal Police and the Security Bureau have not commented on the premise of the attack, the device's detonation in front of the headquarters of wealthy republican businessman, Aurélien Cailloux, points to an anti-republican premise. The groups broke an unofficial ceasefire in which the nation saw no reports of violence in the form of gun play or major crimes and the recent attack shows their eagerness to return to their campaign of violence against republicans and monarchists of the like. The explosion comes during a time where the nation sought to sell its image to the visit Queen of Dankuk, whose tour of the capital had been cut short by the explosion. Although the Statsminister and the Minister of Home Affairs had not commented on the situation as of yet, an official within the Office of the Statsminister stated that they were currently preparing her statement to the general public. The official told the media that the Statsminister had been made furious by the explosion mainly at the fact that it had caused great damage to infrastructure and injured and killed so many individuals.

Although the MKGA did not come out an claim responsibility for the attack according to Hent State Police, If MKGA is in fact responsible, it would be a clear signal that the militants in the group have given up hope or desire of coming to turns and dropping their arms and ceasing their hostilities. It would also undoubtedly strengthen the resolve of the republicans, who want the nation to remain a republic. In a prior statement months ago, National Commissioner of the Federal Police, Christoffer Ramberg stated that until both side ceased hostilities and that their was a firm sighting that they will not return to their violent actions a negotiation process was out of the window. Skalm Police stated that the vehicle used contained a 1,500-kilogram explosive device, painted blue with a maintenance livery. It is known that Mr. Aurélien Cailloux had contributed a significant amount of funds to the pro-republican referendum, thus it is assumed that the explosion was either intended to kill Mr. Aurélien Cailloux (who was injured) or was intended to be a warning to Cailloux of the group's "wrath". According to the Hospital Administrator at the Skalm University Hospital, the cases mainly coming into the hospital were minor (lacerations through glass) but there were also major and quite graphic cases, which the Nyheter does not intend on reporting on.

In response to the attack, the Security Bureau has just announced that both the MKGA and ENU will be treated as insurgent terrorist organisations operating within the Federal Republic. They stated that it was clear that both groups had not intention ceasing hostilities and under the Counter-Terrorism and Internal Security Act, the Security Bureau had government permission to be "ruthless and merciless". The string of violence is adding the nation's increasing instability which the Security Bureau has stated that it does not intend on allowing for the nation's internal posture to be compromised. The Prime Minister, the President and the Minister of Home Affairs are expected to comment on the situation soon. In the meantime, the police have introduced stop and search strategies throughout the nation, warning citizens that anti-social behaviour or suspicious activity will warrant the police to stop and search everyone and anyone.

Home Guard on Hent streets as Government authorises tough approach
Department of Defence authorises deployment of 19,000 Home Guardsmen into Grand State of Hent amid tensions.
ⓘ: Home Guard has no intention of being light handed to MKGA and ENU, aims to eradicate both groups.
27th December, 4332

In response to the increasing dissidence in Hent and recently in Skalm, the Home Guard has been deployed in large numbers mainly in the violence epicentre of Hent. Under "limited domestic operations", the official introduction of the Home Guard is on the premise of restoring law and order to the streets of Hent and throughout the nation. The decision comes amid the explosion in Skalm which killed 15 people and injured 200 more. Minister of Defence, Tormod Reinertsen stated that the Government had approved his decision to introduce the Home Guard to the equation citing their experience in counter-insurgency during the previous Hulstro-Kazulian War, the War for the Emperor's Protection and the Hutorian Civil War. In the early hours of the morning, 5,000 troops from the HL Hjaltland, occupied the centre of Lamond, replacing the police officers who had been patrolling the cities tights streets. The entrance of the Home Guard into Lamond was met with silence and glued eyes from citizens who lined the streets to watch the military convoys of armoured cars and armoured personnel carriers enter the city.

Commander of the 5,000 Home Guard contingent, Brigadier Knut Gudmundson stated that he had no intention on being light handed on the ENU and MKGA, citing that the light handed approach taken by the police had not produced results necessary to bring the hostilities to an end. He stated boldly, "If I have to level an entire block for one person alone, I will do it." Brigadier Gudmundson warned the ENU and the MKGA that the Defence Minister had no intention of withdrawing the Home Guard on their demands, adding that the Defence Minister would approve of an addition 20,000 reserves being dispatches to Hent is necessary. He stated that the entire state had been lock-down, meaning no-one enters, no-one leaves. It had been reported that the Home Guard's 2nd Counter-Insurgent Task Force had been deploy to the area. Known for their ruthless hunting styles in search for insurgents, the 2nd CITF is comprised of members of the former King's Guard. With the military inside Hent, it is unknown whether they will curb the dissidence in the State and the wider nation.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:27 am

DoD: $5 Billion military aid package approved for Kalopia.
Department of Defence announces that $5 Billion military aid package for Kalopia approved and will be upheld.
Marines of the 1st Marinebekjempebrigaden during a training exercise with the Kalopian military.
3rd December, 4334

The Department of Defence announced earlier this morning that it had approved a $5 Billion agreement to provide Kalopia with military assistance in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed jointly by the two nations. After months of pre-agreement negotiations, the two nations held a series of private meetings mainly between members of the Kalopian and Kazulian Defence Industries. The agreement has represented a major commitment to Kalopia's security after tensions between the nation and its regional neighbours such as Jakania and Istalia have been flaring for some time. Due to the current geopolitical situation especially where it pertained to Kalopia's relationship with Deltaria, Jakania and Istalia, concessions, according to the Department of Defence had to be made on the part of the Kalopian government. To date, Kalopia is considered to be the largest recipient of foreign military aid from the Federal Republic of Kazulia, with the second largest being Kanjor who received $2.5 Billion from Kazulia due to the nation's defence shortcomings during a period of uncertainty in the southern seleyan area.
The Federal Republic of Kazulia maintains the perception that the nation of Kalopia's defence in an increasingly hostile region is a paramount cause for concern.
Although its previous actions cannot be considered as mainstream, they are nonetheless considered to be irrational in our eyes. However, we have a commitment to ensure the nation's defence from existential threats of the sorts of its neighbouring nations. Certain concessions were made in response to Kalopia's recent actions.

According to the Department of Defence, the $5 Billion agreement will not come in the form of direct financial assistance as it is unknown how the Kalopian government will allocate the funds, but will come in the form of munitions and training. In previous agreements, nations had allocated Kazulian investment funds into industries which they had not been intended for, thus to mediate the issue, direct assistance will come in the form of equipment and munitions. The AC-4 (G3), a battlefield currently in the process of being phased out by the Defence Force is expected to be sold to the Kalopian military as apart of the negotiation's prescriptions of firearms and munitions. The completion of the deal after nearly a year of negotiations comes against the background of continuing friction between the two nations. Months prior, the Kazulian Ambassador to the World Congress, Sigbjørn Helgeland chastised the Kalopian government for its handling of the situation with its Turjak minority in which it refused to recognise them as Kalopian citizens. Helgeland stated that if tensions where it pertains to the nation's ethnic groups continued or increased in aggression he would advise the Foreign Minister to withdraw Kazulia from the memorandum of understand and collapse the entire agreement.

The commitment of the Department of Defence to continue its foreign military assistance to the Kalopian military in a time where tensions between the nation and its neighbours seem to be intensifying could possibly come with a degree of controversy. The Istalian Government has shown its allegiance to participating in military manoeuvres with Deltaria aimed to intimidate Kalopia. According to the memorandum of understanding, the Kazulia quasi-guarantees the independence of Kalopia, meaning threats laid against the nation by any nation or nations throughout terra will have an asymmetrical response.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Jan 21, 2018 6:21 pm

Skalm threatens intervention if Solentian issue not solved.
Government tells Istalian Government to get tough on Solentia or Kazulia will intervene on its own accord.
2nd October, 4336

Amid an increase in tensions between Kalopia and its neighbours, specifically Solentia, the Kazulian Government made a clear message to the Istalian Government on the situation in its region: Skalm is prepared to intervene if Romula does not get tough on Solentia. Minister of Defence Christoffer Sundby drove home the point that threat posed by Solentia to nation's regional allies is more than justification for a unilateral response from Skalm if Romula isn't willing to place significant pressure on Metapontum to halt its actions of border interference. Minister Sundby stated that Romula's political and economic influence within the region was enough to put to Solentia's actions to rest. He continued by stating: Romula should be intervene in this case for an intervene from Skalm will inconvenience both the governments in Romula and Metapontum.
The current situation posed on Kalopia with respect to Solentia is a testimony of the silence from Romula. Up till now, Solentia's actions both in public view and behind the shadows shall not go unnoticed. We urge the government in Romula to intervene into this situation with the aims of de-escalation. We do not want to escalate in order to de-escalate.

Both governments in Skalm and Romula are in a tight position where it pertains to the tensions between Deltaria, Jakania, Kalopia and Solentia. Kalopia, a long-time military benefactor of Kazulia has been torn between tensions with its neighbours Deltaria, Jakania and Solentia for varying reasons. In previous times, the government in Romula had decided to take the side of Deltaria and possibly Jakania after investigations launched by regional nations. As the government in Skalm sees the mounting aggression from nations such as Deltaria, Jakania and Solentia, it has introduced itself into the equations as the "Guardian Angel" of Kalopia. The reason for Skalm intervention comes as the nation views Kalopia's situation as situations which Kazulia has faced in the past; the nations that surround it have every intention of seeing its destruction. Kazulia has been positioned in a region which for centuries has not favoured its presence as a western "paradise" in the east. Thus in-order to ensure that its destruction is derailed, the nation moved to field the most professional and combat ready military in the world.

As military advisers from the Føderaleforsvar pour into Kalopia to assist the nation's military, it is yet to see how the region's hegemonic powers, Vanuku and Istalia intend on intervening into the situation. From the current stance it is clear that Kazulia does not intend on allow Kalopia to face destruction from its neighbours.

Intelligence ship sent to Kalopia to monitor channels
Navy dispatches signals intelligence boat to Southern Majatra to monitor situation with Kalopia.
The KNS-Oliver Fiske in the Hent during a military exercise in 4334.
2nd October, 4336

The Government is sending a signals intelligence vessel to the Deltarian coast to monitor the current geopolitical situation between Deltaria, Jakania, Kalopia and Solentia. Prior to the development, the Føderaleforsvar dispatched the 124 Squadron (responsible for Airborne early warning and control in southern Dovani) to Kalopia and the international aerospace around southern Majatra to monitor the aerospace around the nation. According to officials from the Federal Department of Defence, it had been tracking various aircraft and vessels of the Deltaria, Jakanian and Istalian Armed Forces during their various manoeuvres around southern majatra. The signals intelligence vessel coined the KNS-Oliver Fiske is expected to leave port in the coming days.
The Government has decided to dispatch an the KNS-Oliver Fiske to the Southern Majatran Region in response to the geopolitical tensions. It's principle purpose is to monitor the situation and happenings.

In recent events, tensions between Kalopia and its neighbours Jakania, Deltaria and Solentia have reached an extreme as troops from all parties race to their respective borders in response to each other's actions. As Kalopia continues to reel in threats from Jakania and Solentia, the Kazulian Government stated that it intended on continuing its foreign military aid packages to Kalopia underneath the memorandum of understanding between both nations. The Government has warned that acts of aggression against the OliverFiske will be seen as an act of aggression against the Federal Republic, thus an asymmetrical response should be weighed in by aggressors.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:14 pm

Kazulia sends troops and aircraft to Southern Majatra
Kazulia sends troops and associated combat aircraft to Kalopia to patrol nation's unguarded aerospace.
:HF-16's of the Kazulian Air Force during a combat exercise in the Arctic months prior.

According to a media statement by the Department of Defence, the Føderaleforsvar is in the process of deploying troops, aircraft and armoured vehicles to southern majatra as apart of the nation's decision to ensure the holistic independence and security of the Great State of Kalopia from external threats. The deployment takes place during uneasy tensions between the Great State of Kalopia and its neighbours; Jakania, Deltaria and Solentia over a series of events prior to now and various high-profile and risky military manoeuvres from the previously mentioned countries. Fifty HF-16's from Elle-Sutherland Air Base is expected to be sent to Ellinor Ketelsen Air Base in Kalopia, which had been recently constructed for the Føderaleforsvar to coordinate its current surveillance operations in southern majatra. Along with the HF-16's, 10,000 Home Guardsmen and various armoured pieces are expected to be airlifted into the nation soon.

The announcement by the Department of Defence comes as Jakanian forces had been placed on amber alert as the nation's government sent an additional 70,000 troops to join the already positioned 55,000 troops at the nation's border with Kalopia. As previously mentioned the deployment of personnel and equipment to nation comes in accordance with the memorandum of understanding signed between the two nations which the Department of Foreign Affairs stated that it intend on solidifying the two nation's bond through a mutual defence and cooperation treaty and possibly a trade agreement however these plans have not been put into stone by the Department as of yet. According to Chief of Defence of the Føderaleforsvar, Admiral Sigurd Aasland stated that the deployment of troops had been backed by the Stortinget and had been executed on the background of increasing tensions in southern majatra aimed towards a mutual ally of the Federal Republic.
the Department of Defence's Press Office wrote:We do not seek confrontation with the nations of Jakania, Solentia and/or Deltaria. We do not seek to engage in an arms race nor do we intend on forcing a cold war into the region. What we aim at doing is being defensive and proportional.

The HF-16's sent to the nation are expected to form an impromptu air policing network with the Kalopian Air Force in order to assist the nation in combating incursions in its aerospace which it, according to the Department of Defence has had significant difficult policing in the past. The Kazulian Air Force has garnered experience in policing aerospace as the nation has been chasing Trigunian, Dranish and time prior to now, Hulstrian military aircraft from Kazulia's aerospace. According to the DoD, it had considered to airlift the combat tested Skjǫldr 1 and Skjǫldr 2 to add an increased layer of defence, however an official from the Department of Defence stated that the Defence Advanced Research Agency (DARA) was in protest of the idea citing that if either missile defence system (as effective as they are) is to reach into the arms of the enemy and they are to strip to systems to their bare components the nation would have various confidential defence systems compromised as various "top secret" sophisticated systems have been integrated into both systems to improve their accuracy and holistic capabilities, especially the older Skjǫldr 1.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:48 am

DoD: Airforce bombs chemical weapons facility in eastern Deltaria.
Department of Defence confirms report of airstrike against Deltarian chemical weapons facility; tensions at climax.
:An HF-16 of the Kazulian Air Force takes off at the Ellinor Ketelsen airbase in Southern Kalopia.
11th June, 4338

Before members of the media and the general public, the Department of Defence announced that combat aircraft of the Kazulian Air Force stationed in Kalopia had successfully destroyed a known chemical weapons storage facility of the Deltaria Government that would have enabled the nation to mass produce chemical and possible biological weapons to be aimed against either the Kazulian contingent in Kalopia or the nation as a whole. Chief of Defence Admiral Sigurd Aasland defended the airstrike as being necessary in preventing the totalitarian regime in Deltaria the ability to launch chemical and biological weapons against Kalopia. The Department of Defence statement stated that it had also confirmed on the successful bombed a separate facility which the regime apparently used to test the chemical and biological agents.

According to information disclosed by the Federal Department of Defence, the airstrikes on the chemical weapons storage facility and the testing facility had been executed almost simultaneously. According to reports from the pilots who executed the airstrikes, secondary explosions were observed thus indicating the presence extremely flammable material. The pilots confirmed that the current sites of the strikes were nothing but craters as they reportedly used several high explosive bombs and bunker busting missiles. (An official from the Deltarian Consulate in Kalopia stated that according to government information, the supposed chemical facility bombed by the Kazulian airforce was a vehicle storage depot). However according to satellite imagery disclosed by the Department of Defence, the strike against the chemical facility was accurate. The airstrikes were immediately condemned by the Deltarian Government, which the Kazulian Government stated had every intention of using against specific nations within its region.
An official from the Deltarian Consulate in Kalopia wrote:The actions committed is a serious violation of our national sovereignty and is a source of concern and outrage within Deltaria. The actions perpetrated by the Kazulian Government are unwarranted and barbaric.

It is clear that the airstrike is a sign to nations such as Solentia and Jakania whose aggression towards Kalopia could result in repercussions similar to Deltaria. According to analysts the motivation for the airstrike came as the regime expressed zero intentions of being deterred from its unprovoked aggression towards its neighbours.

Kazulian warships to join Hutorian and Dorvish fleet for joint exercise.
International Response Task Force to join Hutorian and Dorvish nautical counterparts in joint naval exercises near Dorvish Coast.
:Elements of the International Response Task Force in the Anantonese Sea for a pre-exercise wargame conducted independently by the IRTF.
11th June, 4338

The International Response Task Force and the Submarine and Auxiliary Task Force has been dispatched to the Lievland Sea to participate in a Northern Council-sanctioned naval exercise aimed at demonstrating the combined command structure of the organisation and to promote cooperation between the Northern Council nations in participation (Hutori, Dorvik and Kazulia). Around 4,000 sailors and marines from Kazulia are reported to be in participation of the exercise. Coined Exercise Joint Trident, it has been marked as the first exercise conducted by the Northern Council posterior its re-organisation. According to a spokesperson from the Federal Department of Defence, activities within the exercise includes "submarine warfare, surface warfare, and amphibious landing operations (to be conducted on the Dorvish coast)."
Vice-Admiral Dagfinn Treschow wrote:Although this has been flagged as our first joint exercise underneath the Northern Council, it is not our first joint exercise as a united front. I believe that strength can only be obtained through unity and that is what we aim at demonstrating here.

According to Vice-Admiral Dagfinn Treschow, Commander of the KNS-Queen Annette (the flagship of the International Response Task Force), the 4th Amphibious Infantry Brigade had been sent to shadow the International Response Task Force and the Submarine and Auxiliary Task Force in their exercises. It is expected that they are to exercise with a contingent of marines from Dorvik and Hutori. The 4th Amphibious Infantry Brigade had garnered experience from its involvement in various conflicts and has not hesitated to share its knowledge and experience to partners, this can be seen in their assistance in training to Kalopian Armed Forces years prior. Treschow stated that the reason for sending the International Response Task Force and the Submarine and Auxiliary Task Force comes as the government intends on making an impression on the nation's long-term allies, the Kingdom of Hutori and the Republic of Dorvik.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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