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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:00 pm

Atabek: "Kunan is not a real Hosian!"

June 4326: Jazd Atabék responded to a speech made by Dina Kunan, Co-Leader of the Alliance in God's embrace party, by calling her a fraud and fake-Hosian. He spoke to media outside the Apstolic church where he had been praying and tore into Kunan and her party, who were founded to destroy the political class he has become part of.

Later that afternoon a post was published on his personal blog:
Atabek wrote:The Patriarchal Church have sent their mindless followers to Barmenia. We do not need them! And we do not want them! Eliyahu will judge them in the afterlife for corrupting the innocent minds of the Turjak and Brmek of this great nation! Just like the cat worshippers and the sacrilegious government they are tricksters and scum, who devote themselves to spreading lies and false prophets across our great land!

Atabek who has critisced the ruling government savagely since his party was removed from the cabinet had ordered his 24 MPs to resign from their seats until fresh elections can be called. This has left the Nasiv government with absolute power in Barmenia until the next elections, it still remains to be seen if those will be treated fairly. The head of Barmenia's election commision Mrs Lilif Prjim has recently been accused of corruption and embezzlement and has been suspended with no replacement, meaning no one is there to ensure and unbiased election at this time. This comes amidst a constituency boundary review and gives the Nasiv government the perfect opportunity to gerrymander seats and ensure their supremacy for another generation.

Nasiv who has been President since 4318, has made no comment on the corruption allegations against Prjim, or the recent terrorist attack against the Varishehr central mosque. All we have heard from the government is a deafining silence, and many wonder if they are too out of touch to continue.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Oakwood » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:57 pm

A new leader rises; as the old establishment crumbles, a return to Monarchy?

1st of November, 4333- He is flamboyant, cavalier, and according to some he could be Barmenistan's new President. Alexander Contanz bet Nasir is everything the people of the nation once loved about his ancestor of the same name, while appearing to share none of his negative traits.

He has spent the months since the attack grieving with families, and promising that he alone will provide the solution. Already he has provided an estimated 300,000 BAR for a pet project of the opposition (The feline rescue fund) and ear marked 1,000,000 BAR for the restoration of the Mosque. These actions have done more than captured the hearts and minds of the people; they have led to questions about the need for the Republic at all.

"I can tell you, most people don't vote" said Anne Morjai, a Felinist shopkeeper from Qardajar "They don't vote or they can't vote because they haven't voted in almost twenty years. The civil service is full of [expletive]. Thing's are arguably no better or worse than we were under the monarchy, or even the Sultanate."

This feeling is shared by many; with laws that all but bar opposition in place since 4318, and the presence of a President who is effectively a dictator, many have failed to see the difference from a true Monarchy. This has led to a wide spread wish for the Nasir dynasty; many have begun to point to the fact that under them, the nation engaged in its greatest period of empire building in its history.

"Things were better then." said Anne "My grandmother often told me the old stories; there was always somewhere new to visit under the Nasirs."
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Pragma » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:52 pm

Alliance Places Peaceful Hosian Quotes Across Barmenia // Herald

Above: Stone visage outside Alliance HQ.

In a bid to gain media attention, spread political awareness and fight violence in Barmenia, the Alliance In God's Embrace have chosen to place giant stone pillars displaying messages about peace on all property owned by the party, billboards with peaceful quotes on all media space that could be bought and supporters have even etched Eliyahu's words against violence into walls within their own homes and posted it on social media Over 10,000 instances of this have been reported, at least, within the past few days and the trend is only increasing to include Ahmadis and Felinists who are putting their own spiritual messages on their property to protest the violence in Barmenistan - with massive effect.

The campaign, called "#HeWouldNotHate", has been orchestrated by a team specially handpicked by the Alliance in a major media stunt that has caught global attention. Social media is now filled with the hashtag, and countries in or out of war and unrest have been littered with increasing examples of the campaign. Alliance leader Dina Kunan called it 'the most humbling experience of my life, and the clearest message yet sent to terrorists that they are failures and losers', before going on to praise the thousands of people who have joined the movement. #HeWouldNotHate has also became the Alliance's slogan, and the increased media attention has made party membership skyrocket to surpass other parties in the country.

The campaign has also been adapted in many forms, including amongst Children of the Spirit in Dorvik, Roznanis in Statrica and Hosians across Majatra. Kunan said that the ultimate message of this movement is about persistence, determination and defiance in the face of evil, hatred and suffering. Criticisms have also been levelled against Kunan and her stunt, with many saying it does not change the actual problem. Extreme Hosians have rejected the campaign, and have instead posted more warlike quotes on their social media. Furthermore, many are complaining that some people are etching these quotes into public property, and are saying the campaign has promoted an increase in vandalism.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:40 pm

Finding of the parliamentary review committee investigating the supposed links between the SHU and the AA.

Report on the links between the Scared Hosian Union and the Apostolic Army, drafted by the head of the Parliamentary Committee for Terrorism, Ahmet Erbakan, October 4334;

The parliamentary review committee finds that whilst there is reasonable suspicion to suspect a link between the Sacred Hosian Union party and the Apostolic Army, there is not sufficient evidence to prove the link exists.

The committee has found evidence of correspondence between senior members of the SHU and leadership figures in the AA. Specifically a string of emails have been found of the computer of Lofrkadkai Sargon, the Deputy Leader, and Kezkai Grno the Commander of the AA. These emails involved an agreement to embezzle party funds in an offshore account, which would then be available for Mr Grno to acess. Mr Sargon claimed that this was for personal reasons and Mr Grno was not available for comment.

Other emails were discovered on party hq data servers where details of the Varishehr central mosque were discussed and a confidential map, of underground passages around the mosque aswell as an entrance way from the underground which the recent attackers are believed to have used, was sent on the wireless network within party hq. However this is not proof a party official is involved.

Mr Sargon is to be charged with the offshore embezzlement and bank fraud, however no other charges will be made at this time.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:42 pm

SHU Party Statement
Mr Lofrkadkai Sargon, the Deputy Leader of the SHU has decided to resign all his party positions immediately in order to defend himself to the best of his ability against the charges placed against him by the recent parliamentary review on party links with the Apostolic Army.We condem all crime however wish Mr Sargon the best of luck for the future.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Phil Piratin » Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:03 am

December 4334

Felinists plead with Alexander to "defend the rights of religious minorities" and ban the Sacred Hosian Union from elected office




Mariam Knstínjan, the leader of the Felinist Party, has written an open letter to Eksandr be Nasir, who is expected to soon be crowned as King Alexander II. The letter urges Alexander to lend his support to the Bill to ban the Sacred Hosian Union from holding elected public office, which is currently being debated in Parliament.

Knstínjan's letter draws Alexander's attention to "your Majesty's realm's painful history of religious persecution", warning that "it would be catastrophic if these intolerant and destructive forces were to come to the fore again". She reminds Alexander of his commitment to be a "Protector of Liberty" as King, and tries to persuade him that "the welfare, liberty and personal safety of your Majesty's loyal and devoted Felinist and Ahmadi subjects should not be endangered by allowing our political system to be hijacked by the extremist Hosian terrorists who appear to be controlling the Sacred Hosian Union".
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:10 am

Sacred Hosian Union become largest party in elections. Nasiv slips through on a technicality.

Breaking: The Sacred Hosian Union Party has taken 31 seats in the parliamentary elections last night, making them the undisputed winner of the elections. The only tarnish to their night was the presidency. Their candiadte, and leader, Jaszd Atabek was disqualified from the Presidency at the last minute by newly appointed head of the election commission after it was revealed his entrance paperwork was filled out incorrectly. This gap in the filed allowed President Nasiv to once again take the Presidency.

Following the elections the National Parliament is now completely different with a more diverse range of parties taking seats than ever before. This is a sign that attitudes towards politics is changing in Barmenia, as parties grow bigger and bigger as does interest and passion about politics and we now see turnout rising at an astonishing rate.

The new Barmenistan National Parliament

The SHU have already proposed a coalition with the Buntjogad Jezhrje'konak'aerz, the other Hosian Party, claiming that has they have almost double the seat share of most other parties they have the right to take up governement and have a truly representative government for the people and of the people. It still remains to be seen if this will be successful or if it is doomed to fail. All the we can be certain of is a great deal of uncertainty.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:12 am

President Nasiv assassinated. Shakír sworn in as acting President as constitutional crisis begins.

BREAKING: The Barmenian Herald have just been informed that President Nasiv has died in hospital after going into cardiac arrest. Earlier today a van carrying makeshift explosives rammed at high speed into the Presidential motorcade and exploded. The armour plating on the Presidential limousine meant that the President was alive when he reached hospital however he had multiple lacerations to his body and a punctured lung. Doctors also believed he was severely concussed however were unable to confirm this before his death. We are getting news that the Minister for Internal Affairs, Grzmai bat Shakír, of the D'alyaa Aemoataa party has just been sworn in as acting successor as the old government are technically still in office despite their election defeat.

The death of President Nasiv, who has ruled for almost 20 years, calls into question the ability for the republic to continue. A poll conducted last years suggests that the average Barmenistan citizen does not care what system of government they exist under, and as the Republic has just lost one of its stalwart defenders, who knows what will come in future weeks.

Our thoughts are with the friends and family of President Nasiv.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby FPC » Thu Jan 18, 2018 3:47 pm

SHU secure cabinet deal. Set Arbé on course to lead new government as Atabek focusses on party matters.
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Re: Brmék H'áberz (Barmenian Herald)

Postby Pragma » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:59 pm

Kunan Hails 'Opportunity To Moderate' // Herald


After winning 10 of 75 seats in the Barmenistani Assembly, the Alliance In God's Embrace have agreed to join government with the SHU due to their collective Hosian message. Despite previous differences between the party, and different political opinions, the two share the desire for a radical change of a nation long confined to single-party-rule. United as Hosians, the government will be proportionally represented between the parties, with the three-times-larger SHU gaining powerful positions while the Alliance takes Finance, Health and several others. Kunan herself will become the Minister of Finance - one of few females to have held that position - while co-leader Tarik Syrca is to become Minister of Health and Social Services.

Kunan has described the result of the election as 'a clear sign that the people of Barmenia are seeking Hosian democracy and radical reform'. Despite previous rows with the SHU over the prevalence of violence within the Barmenistani Hosian community, Kunan defended her decision to enter cabinet with the SHU, rather than the felinists and incumbents. While the SHU said it was a message of 'modern, liberal and clear Hosian government', Kunan said that it was 'the perfect opportunity to both moderate the extremist factions of our allies and to reform our country with the moderate factions'. Kunan also congratulated the new president, and offered her sympathies to the families of the assassinated President Nasiv.
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