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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:20 pm

LVP Changes Guard Ahead of Election
November 4332

New LVP chair Christina von Track during a campaign visit in Kuratha

The LVP has undergone a generational renewal ahead of the 4333 elections, with Baron Hademar Holzinger, the party founder, giving way to Justice Minister Christina von Track as party chairperson. Holzinger, 82, has been serving as LVP leader since 4318 and has been in government since 4320 as Minister of Food and Agriculture as well as Vize-Staatsminister from 4324 onwards. Although his seniority and distinguished political career has led to many liberal figures calling on him to run for Governor-General, he declined to do so and advised his party to endorse the HDV candidate, as is traditional when the LVP does not run an own candidate.

Whereas the aristocratic Holzinger provided conservative leadership, the much younger Von Track, a former Crownland-level judge, is seen as a progressive or left-libertarian reformer, having been outspoken with regards to her support for gay marriage and abortion rights. This has led to clashes with the Landbund, the LVP's traditionalist Mitranian affiliate. The LB's chairman, Minister-President Sepp Pfalzinger, was thus reluctant to embrace Von Track as the new federal party leader, reportedly requiring intense persuasion efforts from the part of Holzinger, whose words carried decisive weight. Still, Pfalzinger only accepted Holzinger's chosen successor on the condition that she refrain from pushing for abortion rights during the election campaign. How the party will position itself after the votes have been cast will depend on whether the LB will continue to dominate the LVP caucus or whether Von Track's liberal backers in Kuratha and Hulstria outnumber them with a sufficient margin.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:34 pm

LVP Tops the Polls, Government Formation Unclear
October 4333

LVP leader Christina von Track celebrates during election night

The LVP has obtained a plurality of seats in the 4333 general election, marking the first time in many years that a classical liberal party has emerged as the strongest political force. Support for the Liberals shot up 17% and almost reached the 30% mark, handing them 189 seats in the Imperial Diet. It marks the best result by far for the party since its refoundation 15 years ago. Its large gains mainly came at the expense of the populist Partei für Dich (PfD), which had entered government only a few months before the election and was beaten into second place by a margin of one percentage point now after suffering losses of 14 percent. The other two avowedly Septembrist parties, SDP and HDV, also experienced a huge increase in support, finishing at 23 and 19 percent of votes, respectively. In addition, the HDV managed to take back the position of Governor-General in landslide, with Theophilus Geraniengau zu Hortensiengau garnering almost 64% of the vote after having received the LVP's endorsement.

The new LVP leader, former Justice Minister Christina von Track, now holds a good chance of becoming the first liberal Staatsminister in the post-Nimitz era - the election results, however, do not point towards any logical coalition: the only two-way coalitions possible consist of LVP and PfD, LVP and SDP, or PfD and SDP. The LVP's preferred outcome, a 'Yellow-Orange' Hosian-Liberal coalition, fell short of a majority by a few seats. Although von Track sits on the left of her party, a two-way coalition with the SDP might lack sufficient common ground due to the latters' pronounced anti-capitalism, arguably too tough a sell for the Liberals' bourgeois electorate. Von Track has therefore eyed the option of including the HDV in a three-way Septembrist coalition, as a centrist link between the left and the right. She has ruled out a coalition with the PfD, which she has labelled a "frivolous" party.

In any case, the LVP leader now has free rein in pursuing her more socially progressive agenda, as opposed to the conservative course maintained by her predecessor, Baron Holzinger, during his long leadership. The Landbund, the party's conservative Mitranian affiliate, came nowhere towards becoming the largest Crownland delegation within the federal LVP caucus, being crushed in Mitrania after a surprisingly strong performance of the PfD. Most LVP support now comes from Kuratha and Budenlar, paving the way for a more ambitious deregulatory agenda both in terms of economics and social issues. In the light of what appears to be a tricky situation with regards for government formation, Von Track has, however, emphasized the need for compromise and the necessity of refraining from alienating either the HDV or the SDP with a too radical agenda.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:19 pm

Election Produces "Yellow-Orange" Majority
May 4338

Staatsministerin Christina von Track (LVP) was re-elected with a strong plurality

The elections of 4338 have produced a satisfying result for LVP in more than one way: not only did the party of sitting Staatsministerin Christina von Track win a strong plurality with 34.5% of the vote and 226 seats (up 37), but voters also handed her the prospect of being able to form a two-way coalition with the Hosian Democrats, which has long been the preferred constellation of the bulk of liberal leadership as well as the party's rank and file. Despite the HDV's small losses (15.6% and 109 seats, down ten), a "Yellow-Orange" alliance would command a solid majority of 52% of seats in the Imperial Diet. Von Track currently chairs a three-way coalition comprising LVP, HDV and the socialist SDP, which has been described as harmonious but thoroughly uninspiring due to its lack of ideological coherence apart from a basic commitment to Septembrist values. The administration has consequently been accused of having merely administered the Crownlands throughout the last five-year term, with slightly more liberal abortion and advertising laws standing out as its sole noteworthy policy achievements. Indeed, the Staatsministerin has lamented what appeared to be "a sharp drop in turnout" and stressed the need for "much more ambitious reforms from the part of the government, but as well a revitalized opposition."

Von Track herself did not commit to Yellow-Orange during election night, merely dubbing it an "interesting option" in her post-election remarks, in which she had also heaped praise on the SDP for its willingness to work with the centre-right in government despite its sharp anti-capitalist stances. There is, however, little doubt among observers and within the Kien-based political class that the Staatsministerin is indeed preparing to abandon the three-way coalition with the socialists in favor of an alliance with the HDV. Sepp Pfalzinger, whose LVP-affiliated Landbund pulled off a landslide comeback in Mitrania and is thus set to return to his prior post as Minister-President, has already called on his ally to "settle for an amicable divorce with the SDP", who he said were "honorable Septembrists, but also socialists who we do not have much in common with if you really get to the essence of most policy questions."

On the local level, Yellow-Orange has numerical majorities in Kuratha, Mitrania and Budenlar, with the LVP or its affiliates as the strongest party in each case. All local liberal leaders have declared their intention to govern with the HDV shortly after the results had come in, which has been interpreted as an auspicious sign for the same scenario to materialize on the federal level. The Budenlar branch of the Liberals even even went out of its way in courting the HDV by offering them the position of Minister-President for the first two and a half years of the upcoming tenure, owing to the fact that the two parties are essentially tied in terms of votes and seats in the Landtag. So far, the HDV leadership has not yet commented on coalition questions, although it is widely believed that exploratory talks will be held in the near future.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:18 pm

Voters Hand LVP Absolute Majority as Von Track Enters Third Term as Staatsministerin
May 4342

Staatsministerin Christina von Track delivers a speech during the opening session of the Imperial Diet following the last general election

Election night delivered a pleasant surprise for the LVP: although they had widely been favoured to win the snap elections of 4341 - held in response to the collapse of the populist PfD that left many Diet seats vacant - the actual outcome surpassed even their most optimistic expectations: gaining 14% in the popular vote (up to 48.6%) and adding a total of 104 to its seat count, the Liberals snatched an absolute majority in the Imperial Diet, assisted by electoral arithmetics and a wipeout victory in Budenlar Crownland. Staatsministerin Christina von Track, who is entering her eighth year as Head of Government, appared almost dazzled during election night and stated that she was "completely overwhelmed" by the result, adding that the dimensions of her party's victory took her "by complete surprise":

"No one here was vying for an absolute majority, really. All we were asking for is another mandate for the Yellow-Orange coalition. The voters have, in some sense, overdelivered on this request, not that this is a bad thing... but to be completely honest, at this point I am not quite sure how to adjust to this outcome. We haven't really prepared any plans for this scenario to act upon - but I promise to handle the great trust bestowed upon us by the people responsibly."

Although the LVP could now theoretically ditch its junior government partner, the HDV, in order to govern alone, most observers expect the Staatsministerin to retain the coalition in spite of winning a majority in her own right. Political analyst Uwe Gehrstorfer named "two reasons" for this:

"First of all, the Staatsministerin is clearly not wholly comfortable with governing alone. Given the depressing turnout of below 40%, doing so might expose her to charges of minority rule. Secondly, she needs the HDV to keep her party's right-wing in check, which is likely to shower her with requests for large-scale tax cuts, privatizations and cuts to social welfare. That would endanger her centrist credentials and might damage her standing among progressive voters, who she has always been courting in addition to her party's conservative and bourgeois core clientele. So I guess she'll ask the Hosian Democrats to tag along, even though they might not feel too enthusiastic about the prospect of implementing an agenda that is going to include much more deregulatory zeal from their coalition partners than they would otherwise be prepared to stomach."

Indeed, the LVP has already proposed a number of bills demonstrating that - despite all reservations - it is unafraid to utilize its absolute majority for the purpose of implementing some of their signature policies. Robert Matsuyama, the Minister of Trade and Industry who represents the libertarian wing of the party, has presented bills that would entail the complete abolition of eminent domain and the state monopoly on prostitution as well as dismantle restrictions on advertising for most products. Staatsministerin Von Track has given him green light to accelerate his deregulatory and state-trimming project, but has been equally adamant in her rebuttal to demands from right-wing LVP members to take aim welfare provisions such as the minimum wage or the public health service:

"The voters have elected me on a platform of combining the power of the free market with the provision of a strong social safety net in order to maximize the welfare of our people. I continue to stand by this position and believe that we need to retain a generous level of social assistance to those in need in order to soften the hardships of transitioning from a mixed economy to genuine capitalism."
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Martinulus » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:49 pm

Nation mourns "heroic" Kaiser Otto III

Kaiser Otto III von Rothingren-Traugott-Okatori, here pictured in his younger days, will forever be remembered as the young prince that helped return Septembrism and Rothingren rule to Hulstria

Phönixsteindorf, Crownland Hulstria - The nation mourns the death of Otto III, Kaiser of Hulstria, restorer of the House of Rothingren-Traugott-Okatori to the Hulstrian Throne and a key figure in the Second September Revolution. His late Imperial and Luthoran Majesty, who had already begun appearing less in public, is reported by Fliederbrunn Palace to have died of the heart problems that had been plaguing him for the past decade. He died at Schloss Phönixstein, surrounded by his family and with his co-monarch, Mikado Morihito, with whom he had developed a strong friendship, by his side.

A hero of the Second September Revolution, Kaiser Otto was born in Skalm in neighbouring Kazulmark to the Rothingrens in exile. The apartheid regime in the name of the Labsburg family had reignited the exiled Imperial House's interest in their former homeland, which they had been forced to leave centuries ago. Forsaking the role in international society being played by his family, Otto III's diaries reveal that he came of age with the desire to return and restore democracy to his ancestral homeland firmly imprinted in his mind. He was horrified at the apartheid perpetrated in the name of the Hulstrian people, whose enlightened past he considered to have been violated. When the restored 15th of September Movement started its insurrection, he sought out the late Hubert, Graf Michels, and asked to become involved. He returned with the assistance of the late Vizegraf Geraniengau zu Hortensiengau, using his estate as a safehouse. Throughout the Revolution, Otto would modestly only refer to himself as "Archduke Otto" until he was properly proclaimed Kaiser by the provisional democratic government of the United Imperial Crownlands. Never at ease with his claim over Gao-Soto, it was Otto III who asked the Imperial Household to find a new claimant, resulting in the establishment of the Kurosawa Clan under the current Emperor Morihito.

Kaiser Otto's co-monarch, Emperor Kurosawa Morihito, who was at his side at the moment of his death, went on the record saying it saddened him greatly. "I was, to all intents and purposes, a jumped-up doctor," he said. "The Kaiser taught me something about the great sense of duty and obligation that comes with the Imperial dignity. I am as greatly indebted to him as all this nation is." The interim Governor-General ordered flags around the nation to be flown at half-mast in honour of the Kaiser's memory, commenting that "His late Imperial and Illustrous Luthoran Majesty earned the affection of this nation fighting alongside its people, and in so doing he became a true Rothingren Phoenix, igniting our country." The Chairwoman of the Septembrist Movement, Doris Kleinemann-Gubler, daughter of Viktor Gubler, commented that "the most inspiring thing about Otto III is that he had his priorities right. I remember that when, as a little girl, I was first introduced to him, he simply introduced himself 'Otto', a comrade-in-arms of my father. He did what he did for democracy, Septembrism and peace in our land, not for his Crown. And in doing so, he was a defining figure in the history of Hulstria and Gao-Soto."

The body of the late Kaiser will lie in state at the National Cathedral in Kien, where citizens of all the Crownlands will be able to pay their last respects to His late Majesty. The Archdiocese of Kien expects large crowds and has announced extra staffing at the Cathedral to handle the event. The evening before his state funeral next week, Septembrists of the Sankt-Medgar Haas Gesellschaft of Septembrist clergy and theologians have announced an ecumenical vigil service of remembrance at the 15th of September Monument, attended among others by Kleinemann-Gubler, the Aurorian Archbishop of Phönix and the Luthoran Archbishop of Kien. The Archbishop of Kien will be the prime celebrant at the state funeral the next morning, after which the Kaiser will be interred in the Cathedral Crypt with the rest of his family.

The Kaiser is succeeded under the terms of the Writ on the Line of Succession to the Hulstrian Throne by absolute primogeniture, leaving the Crown to his eldest child, Archduke Heinrich (38). The new Kaiser has already been proclaimed as per standing custom. His coronation at the National Cathedral will take place two months after his father's funeral, to give enough time for preparations.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby stuntmonkey » Tue Mar 27, 2018 4:35 pm

New Era As Yukio-Labsburg-Backed Party Rises To Power In Wake Of Communist Chaos
April 4369

Otto Rōzenburatto, has pledged to review the constitution after his party swept to power.

A new political party has risen from the ashes of communism and turbulence and vowed to unite the Crownlands. However, the
Haruzuterēchisuku Refonpātī (Hulstrian Reformist Party), is also a familiar shadow of the past. It has links to the ancient noble house Yukio-Labsburg, which once ruled the nation under an absolute monarchy; the party's leader is also descended from the disgraced Empress Beatrice, who held the throne during the infamous Nimitz era.

Freiherr Otto Rōzenburatto von Flieder, who is the great nephew of Beatrice and cousin to the current Head of House Yukio-Labsburg, Karel Adorufu Wilhelm Hofuman, Graf von Labsburg, founded his new party in response to the rise to power of the communist party two years ago. In a chaotic 24 months the Metzist administration carried out a series of controversial reforms attempting to place a blanket ban on the nobility and set about reforming Hulstria's economy, causing instability and financial crises in several sectors.

However, Freiherr Rōzenburatto, alarmed by the lack of action from other established political parties, decided to act before the remaining vestiges of order and democracy were removed. It led to a sweeping victory for his party in the April 4369 election, which is set to see him take on the mantle of Staatsminister (head of government). He has now pledged to unite the Crownlands under a modern monarchical system and carry out a reform of the constitutional laws where necessary.

What the new head of government's exact plans are for the dual-throne monarchy is not clear but it is known his family are major rivals of the current Kaiser Heinrich IV, who along with Mikado Morihito was sidelined under the communist regime but not forced to officially relinquish the throne. Historically, there is no love lost between the Yukio-Labsburgs and Kaiser Heinrich's noble house, Rothringen-Traugott-Okatori. Both have risen to power on numerous occasions over the last several centuries and established very different styles of leadership. Many Yukio-Labsburgs still believe their house has the strongest modern-day claim to the throne having been incumbent prior to the rise of the Hulstrian Party regime in the 4150s. However, the Rothringen-Traugott-Okatoris were offered the throne following the second Septembrist revolution which helped to overthrow the one-party fascists.

Asked about the long-standing rivalry, Freiherr Rōzenburatto said: "It is well known that my family believes the dual-monarchy system advocated by the noble house in Kien is not the way forward - it is a political relic which only acts to divide our people. A strong, united Crownlands needs one symbolic figurehead who reflects that we are, in fact, one people - Mikuni-Hulstrians."

Given much of the funding for his Reform Party comes directly from the Yukio-Labsburg's treasury and his greatest support base is in their home state of Budenlar, it seem almost inevitable that change will not be long in coming.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby stuntmonkey » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:24 am

Controversial Succession Law Could See Yukio-Labsburg Emperor Back On The Throne
March 4370

The new Kaiser? Karel Adorufu Wilhelm Hofuman, Graf von Labsburg, could be named emperor under an century-old writ of succession.

The new government has moved quickly to ensure its patrons and main paymasters - the noble house of Yukio-Labsburg - gain a stranglehold on politics in the Imperial Crownlands. Major revisions to the constitution have been proposed by Staatsminister Otto Rōzenburatto that would see the dual-throne system replaced by a single imperial head of state.

The Staatsminister also announced that in order to properly fulfil historical succession laws the new holder of the single throne must be descended from the last legitimate incumbent of the 'unified throne', which dated back to the 4250s. It means that Karel Adorufu Wilhelm Hofuman, Graf von Labsburg, who is head of the noble House Yukio-Labsburg will ascend. He will be formally titled Karel Wilhelm I, Kaiser of Greater Hulstria and Mikuni.

Controversially it means that both Kaiser Heinrich IV of Hulstria and Mikado Morhito of Mikuni, who were swept aside during the two years of communist rule in which the nobility was abolished, will not be asked to retake their positions as joint heads of state. Staatsminister Rōzenburatto said the decision was based on the fundamental need to unify the nation following months of chaos and anarchy and that it had the full support of both houses of Imperial Government and the five Crownland Diets. He said both Kaiser Heinrich IV and Mikado Morhito would be offered significant landed titles and honoured for their service to the nation.

Other changes to the Basic Law document, which was first implemented following the 2nd Septembrist Revolution 50 years ago, include raising the Hulstro-Mikun language to national language status for the whole of the Imperial Crownlands. The role of Governor General has also been removed, suggesting the Emperor will have a more hands-on role in consulting with the Staatsminister and on Imperial Government policy.

Despite the decisions being made in the name of unity, and given the anarchic upheaval of the last two years under communist rule, it is not likely to be plain sailing for the government. The x-factor in all of this is the general public who may not react well to the proposal to change the dual throne system without the decision being made the subject of a referendum first.

However, given the total faith the electorate put in the new government to navigate them through the choppy waters left in the wake of the communist tsunami, Rōzenburatto and his colleagues may yet find safe passage for his bill.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby stuntmonkey » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:57 pm

Calls for Swift Diplomatic Intervention into the Kazulia-Dankuk Crisis
April 4370

Staatsminister Otto Rōzenburatto has called on fellow Northern Council nations and the World Congress to intervene diplomatically in a bid to halt the military conflict between Kazulia and Dankuk. He said the international bodies had a duty to ensure regional stability in Dovani and that the consequences of a conflict between the two neighbours could be explosive, given alarming reports of other Terran powers shaping up to get involved.

Staatsminister Rōzenburatto also revealed he had spoken directly to the foreign ministers in both countries to look at peaceful options but his plea had fallen on deaf ears.He said: "The threat of a major conventional war is on the cards, which has the potential to draw in countries from around Terra and that is a terrible prospect. Hulstria believes there are still diplomatic options to explore and calls on key supranational bodies such as the Northern Council and the World Congress to not turn a blind eye to this but to get actively involved in finding a diplomatic solution.

"Despite the apparent actions of one side in this conflict the answer is not unilateral war. The world community must stand united on resolving this. If it does not act quickly and with the tanks now rolling, then who know where this may end."
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:36 pm

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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:30 pm

Istalian Head of State Slams Aggressive Kazulia For Holding Back Terra
September 4384

The President of Istalia has warned that Kazulia's aggressive actions are holding the world back from advancing to a new age of globalist prosperity.

Speaking at the Great Dovani Prosperity Summit held in Taeyangsudo, Dankuk, Rania Samara was one of a number of leading international politicians to warn against imperialist and aggressive behaviour portrayed by the Kazulians on the continent of Dovani.

President Samara said: As a country that is viewed by many as the most powerful in the world, we take special interest in the affairs of other nations, because when a nation is hurt by Kazulia, the rest of the world is hurt. This is because the economic and cultural bonds that unify us are cut by Kazulia. I think that we can all agree that Kazulia's actions are holding the world back from advancing to a new age of globalist prosperity."

Earlier, leading delegates from both Dankuk and the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria and Mikuni had brought up the spectre of Kazulian aggression and the kingdom's militarist-minded approach as part of their discussions on regional security.

Dankuk's Prime Minister, Prince Yeong Tae Kyo, linked the Kazulian situation with the Ryeo dynasty's actions in Yingdala. He said: "The Ryeo-Kazulian ambition of world hegemony is indeed a scourge of mankind and the root of the world's evils. Movements for emancipation have occurred from time to time among the nations and peoples of Dovani, but due to the ruthless and tyrannical armed oppression by Kazulia and Ryeo Dominated State of Yingdala, or due to their malicious old trick of division and alienation for ruling other races, those patriotic efforts ended largely in failure."

Meanwhile, the Foreign Minister for Greater Hulstria and Mikuni called on allies to create a containing ring of steel to subdue Kazulia. He also explained that the Crownlands had terminated it membership of the Kazulian dominated Northern Council following the over-zealous approach to the Bianjie conflict.

Konrāto Witte said: "We believe that close co-operation between our nations is necessary to defend our rights and sovereignty in the wake of this [Kazulia's] inevitable expansionist behaviour. We must gather to us the free states of Greater Dovani and pool our military resources so that collectively we can build a metaphoric - if not physical and geographic - defensive wall around the aggressors."

He also pressed for the creation of alliances and military pacts with major military powers, such as the recently restored Kingdom of Vanuku, to help deter future conflict and safeguard sovereignty.

The fact that both Dovani and the Imperial Crownlands see Kazulia as an imperialist threat is well documented and unsurprising but the fact that the Istalian President has pledged to back their cause could lead to surprising geopolitical repercussions.
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