North Dovani

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North Dovani

Postby Meis » Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:21 pm

The North Dovani Media Journal is an organization dedicated to the gathering of news across the multiple news sources in the nation the North Dovani. This includes translating both Draddwyr and Kyo articles, online posts and newspapers into Luthorian for you to be able to read and keep up with the latest information coming out of the nation. While we go through multiple newspapers, magazines, journals, and even popular blogs that all produce content we have decided that we will be introducing some of what will be the more common outlets and bloggers we will be translated and appearing on our Media Journal. We will also write a description about these outlets and what to expect coming from them usually.

The Daily News

It's what you expect from a newspaper called the Daily News, it's news about the daily events in the nation and the people who inhabit it. From our time collecting and translating multiple sources of news in North Dovani, the Daily News has the best record when it comes to minimizing biases and just reporting the facts. While it sometimes falls into sensationalism, that's the faith of anything if the story is ripe enough for it to be sensationalized. However, the Daily News has shown they do their best to keep that from happening beyond a certain point. If you want an outlet that just tells you the facts or stats to a situation and nothing else so you can form your own opinion about them, the Daily News is the most non-politicized option.

The Banner Chronicles

The Banner Chronicles started out as a series of independent and self-published think-pieces posted online and written by a Joe Banner, the pseudonym of one Arthur Bellis. Arthur Bellis was a professor for Morgan University in the North Dovanian capital of Lehull during the early 3400s, the height of tensions between the Draddwyr and Kyo populace in the northern parts of Dovani (mainly in the nations of Dranland and North Dovani). Under the name of Joe Banner, Bellis wrote a series of papers which the public referred to as the Banner Chronicles, to which this now major publication got its name. After a while of creating these papers and self publishing them online writing about how both sides were becoming both too militarist and hatred between the two ethic groups growing too fast. As a result of this message, even today as a more corporate entity, that message of equality is still present in the progressive news sites. Due to their mass appeal over both the Draddwyr and Kyo populations during the site's inception during the 3400s, the Banner Chronicles has become the largest and most successful among the online news organizations. However, the site is very much a place of progressive ideologies and liberalism due to the nature of its creation.

The Patriot

The Patriot (or y Gwladgarwr) is a news site ran by and for the Draddwyr speaking populace. In contrast to the Banner Chronicles, the Patriot is a very conservative site that mainly, and to a degree only, to the Draddwyr members of North Dovani. This is the case to the point where there are no official translation of their articles and think-pieces into Kyo. While the Patriot itself doesn't seem to hold any negative feelings towards the Kyo minority, some of the writers for the site have been accused of being a Draddwyr supremacist. One of the main targets of this claim, while a freelance writer, is a regular writer for the Patriot who goes by Bedo Shone. Shone hasn't ignored these claims either, regularly stating in interviews and social media that people 'tend to confuse ethic pride with ethic supremacy'. "I'm proud of who I am. I'm proud of being Draddwyr and I'm proud of our culture." said Stone in a radio show where the host brought up the accusations, "I don't believe I'm better than anyone else because I'm Draddwyr. That belief comes from other things." Along with lead editor Robat Mattox and the only female writer for the Patriot Briallen Pride, Bedo Shone have become figures in the Draddwyr supremacist movement in the nation despite their public disclaims of the ideology.

The Northern Post

In a similar way to the Patriot, the Northern Post (or 북부 포스트/Bugbu Poseuteu in Kyo) is a newsletter aimed at the Kyo population. They also don't release official translations of their articles in Draddwyr like the Patriot does for Kyo, but the Northern Post is more active about this to even go as far as denouncing unofficial translations of their work (the Northern Post has written a couple of articles about the North Dovani Media Journal translating their work into Luthorian as well). The editor-in-Chief of the Northern Post, Son Chang-Woo, is a known member of the Kyo Nationalist Front, a Kyo supremacy group in North Dovani. While the Patriot tries to hide its biases to a degree, the Northern Post makes no such attempts as all the writers for the paper are also members of the KNF. As such, the Northern Post ends up making news based on what they write as much as they report on said news. At the end of the day, in contrast to the Daily News, the Northern Post is one of the most biased and tilted news outlets in the nation.
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Re: The North Dovani Media Journal

Postby Meis » Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:10 am

Another Body Found in the Eira Forest, the "Werewolf of North Dovani" Expected Culprit

A Daily News Article

At the morning of December 13th, a body was found mutilated deep into the Eira Forest just outside the town of Pentref Bach. Coroner's report that was released today shows that the way that the victim (who will remained non-named throughout this article by request of the family and will go by Hong Gildong for the rest of this report) was killed follows the same patterns that a serial killer that has been called 'the Werewolf of North Dovani', a mass murderer who is believed to be responsible for now over 8 deaths across the southern part of North Dovani. We questioned a former federal investigator about said patterns and how you can tie them up towards this said free murderer.

Well, serial killers have certain 'calling cards' as you were when they commit these acts. A calling card is like a person's fingerprint, each one is unique to that specific person. Now, a serial killer's calling card can range from a lot of things really. It could be the weapon they used to commit the crime, the location of the crime, certain mutilations of the body, and a lot of other things like that. Also, the victim themselves can be a calling card. A lot of serial killers stick to a certain MO on who it is that they kill. A lot of the time, it's exclusively women. Hair color, height, eye color, and how they dress can all be connections you find that you can use to prove all these victims were killed by the same person. Occupations, ethnicity, socio-economic rank, body build, and so many other things can be used to also connect the victims together.

This 'werewolf' has an interesting one, in that it seems to be all Kyo men that live around these woods that are the victims. This is odd because in most cases, the victims are all women because in most cases the killers are men who either have a troubled past centered around a certain woman or just killing women is the thing that gives these men pleasure. Other MOs of this killer is that the victims all are killed by strangulation, which usually points towards killers of a smaller frame than their victims because they can't simply overpower them. After choking them to death, the killer mutilates them with a knife,
mostly in the chest and genital regions. Body parts also tend to be missing from the scene as well, but which ones are missing vary among the dead if any were removed at all. However, if removed, they won't removed elegantly and more so violently which points towards the killer not having experience with knives or taxidermy which is something that some killers end up having. This is all just speculation on the type of person they may be based on the MO,
they could be massive and strong but just don't like to have that struggle or just enjoy choking these men out.

These killings began over a year ago with two victims popping up around the forest in the month of November 4235 and continuing throughout the the winter. The two victims, Tong Seung-Hoon and Wi Yong-Jin, all were around their mid to late 20s and lived on the outskirts of Tawarazawa, a city placed near the Eira Forest in the Kyo-dominated eastern North Dovani. In fact, Hong Gildong's death makes this the first time that the werewolf killed someone outside of Tawarazawa if this really was them. Also, if this is the werewolf then this would explain why the killer has gone silent through the last several months from their last murder in February of this year. If this is the case, then the killer would seem to only murder in the winter months where the areas gets heavy snow throughout the season. However, police chief of Pentref Bach Baeddan Howells brushes off the idea that the Werewolf has seems to relocate.

Copycat killers are a thing, it's plain and simple. Someone to be killed in this town in the same way that the press reports these people being killed in a location that this killer has never been reported to come to at all? To me, that screams someone who just wanted this guy dead and someone else to take the blame so they just copied and pasted the same type of killing to someone they hated. If you ask me, it's more likely a family member or co-worker murdered this man than it is some 'werewolf' in a city almost two hours away.

Whether or not this person was killed by the same person remains to be seen, but whether this is really them or just a copycat it all does one thing-it reminds us that the werewolf is still out in society, planning when (and maybe now even where) to strike next.
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CND Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:29 pm

The news from the Commonwealth of North Dovani. Brought to you by the CND Independent.

This news outlet produces papers in:
Kyo: 노스도 바니 독립적 인 (North Dovani Independent)
Draddwyr: Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani Independent)
Kazulian: SND Uavhengig (CND Independent)
Last edited by Arapaima13 on Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: CMD Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:06 pm

Eastern Party triumphs in Federal Elections
Brought to you by the CND Independent

The Draddwyr nationalist, Eastern Party (Parti Dwyreiniol) have won a majority the Federal elections, bringing home 209 of the 400 seats on offer in the Federal Assembly. The party, most popular in the East of the CND, and in particular to the Draddwyr population, earned majorities in four of the ten Provinces. The victory sees the end of ten years of Federalist Party rule, as they lost their majority.

The nature of the political system in the CND gives a lot of power to individual Provinces. In its unique electoral process, if a party wins a majority of the vote in a Province, they win all the seats for that Province. However, if there is no majority, the seat share is split up proportionally - as it is within local elections. This makes it very feasible for parties to hold a majority government for extended periods of time.


Federalist Party - 14 seats; Social Democratic Party - 12; Eastern Party - 12 seats; Left Party - 2 seats

Left Party - 18 seats; Social Democratic Party - 17 seats; Federalist Party - 4 seats; Eastern Party - 1 seat

Federalist Party Majority - 40 seats

Eastern Party Majority - 40 seats

Social Democratic Party - 13 seats; Left Party - 11 seats; Federalist Party - 10 seats; Eastern Party - 6 seats

Federalist Party - 15 seats; Eastern Party - 14 seats; Social Democratic Party - 11 seats

Eastern Party Majority - 40 seats

Eastern Party Majority - 40 seats

Eastern Party - 16 seats; Federalist Party - 12 seats; Social Democratic Party - 9 seats; Left Party - 3 seats

Eastern Party Majority - 40 seats

Eastern Party - 209 seats; Federalist Party - 95 seats; Social Democratic Party - 62; Left Party - 34 seats

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Re: CMD Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:20 pm

Eastern Party Refuses to Appoint Head of State
Brought to you by the CND Independent

History could be made, as it appears that the Eastern Party will refuse to appoint a new Head of State, making it the only nation to not sport one. The Constitution of the CND states that the Federal Assembly must elect the symbolic figurehead for the nation from the largest party's ranks. However, the new Chancellor, Huarwar Penrose, has said that no such thing would occur under the Eastern Party, and that a true Republic would be established. He said that the Eastern Party would attempt to pass legislation through which altered the Constitution, though admitted it would be difficult to achieve the 267 votes required due to the vocal opposition of both the Federalist Party and the SDP.

Traditionally at the opening of the Federal Assembly, a Governor-General - a symbol of former Dranish colonialism - is elected from the backbenches of the largest party, holding the post until the next legislative elections five years away. However, at the opening of the current session, the newly elected Chancellor failed to submit the motion to the House. This led to confusion amongst many Assembly Members, who thought that the omission of the appointment was a mistake.

The previous Governor-General, Federalist back bencher Gwenith Biven, gave a scathing criticism in an emergency debate called by the Federalist Party the next day. She said that Penrose had "deceived a nation". She reminded the Federal Assembly of the importance of the appointment, arguing that "the appointment of a Governor-General reminds us all about the colonial, imperialistic past that this nation has faced, and why we strive for an open, free democracy."

However, the Chancellor refuted her claims, telling Assembly Members that the Eastern Party was attempting to "finally remove the shackles of Dranish colonialism from the CND." He said that North Dovani should be the experiment which encourages nations across Terra to remove executive leaders, and replace them with greater powers for the people. Throughout the debate, which lasted the majority of the day, Penrose reminded his colleagues of the period of martial law in the 3630s, which saw oppression, and destruction at the hands of the Dranish government, and said that "the nation [needed] no reminder of the atrocities committed by those who wished to prevent liberty, freedom, and democracy."

Penrose could struggle to get the two-thirds majority vote he requires however, to make his action legal. Whilst the three-line whip in his party will ensure total support from his party, as well as the unanimous support from usual enemies, the Left Party, the Chancellor still only picks up 243 seats, 24 short of what he needs. Only a mass rebellion from Social Democratic Assembly Members (all Federalists are completely opposed to the motion) would see the removal of the Governor-General occur. Despite this, polls throughout the CND put support for the abolishment of the Governor-General at 56% in favour.

Chancellor Huarwar Penrose neglected to appoint a Head of State, leading to a major constitutional crisis.
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Re: CMD Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:33 am

Penrose Defeated In Federal Assembly; Calls Referendum Instead
Brought to you by the CND Independent

The Chancellor was defeated in the vote to remove the position of Governor-General last night as he only raked in 11 SDP rebels to put the vote at 254-146, 13 short of the two-thirds majority required. He did, however, manage to persuade enough sympathetic SDP Assembly Members to back a Referendum regarding the issue - with the motion passing through the Assembly with 274 votes in favour. Public opinion in the CND currently backs Penrose and his attempts to remove the Governor-General, but analysts have pointed out the huge sway in opinion between the East (who are for) and West (who are against) of the country.

The Federalist Party leader, Chwa Ji-Hoon, was deeply critical of the move for a referendum calling it "political gain, rather than sincere ideology". He said that the country had little to benefit from the abolishment of the largely apolitical position, and warned that were the Chancellor to assume the ceremonial roles of the Governor-General, then there would be multiple political ramifications as a result. "The CND needs an apolitical Head of State in order to discuss issues with foreign nations, and expand relationships with them, in spite of possible political differences. If we leave this role to the Chancellor, then we are removing, not just a North Dovanian political tradition, but also a crucial component to conducting foreign affairs."

However, the Prime Minister disagreed entirely, saying that the role of Governor-General detracted from the indirectly elected position of Foreign Affairs Minister. "When the people go out to vote, they go out to vote for the party they want to form a government. This includes the party that they want to control the Foreign Ministry, who should be at the centre of any foreign relationship. The Office of Governor-General merely removes the Foreign Ministry from due political process, and that is why is critical for us to remove the role as soon as possible."

The recent heated debate has raised tensions between the ethnic Kyo and the ethnic Draddwyr communities to a dangerously high level. The terrorist group, the Draddwyr Anarchist League have conducted several car bombings in the capital, Enomoto-Si. The same goes for Kyo Nationalist groups, who have been responsible for increases in Draddwyr based hate crime. Whilst no one has yet been killed by the high tensions, it is clear that the East-West divide has never fully healed, and that no matter how long it has been since North Dovani claimed independence from Dankuk, repercussions will always remain.

Federalist Party leader, Chwa Ji-Hoon, was deeply critical of the government's plans to remove the Governor-General.
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Re: CND Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:55 pm

Position of Governor-General to be Removed After Referendum Success for Chancellor
Brought to you by the CND Independent

The results are in and it is official. The CND will amend the constitution to remove the position of Governor-General, and place full executive power into the hands of the Government, and the Chancellor. In a referendum which saw 87.6% of the population turn out to vote, the public backed the motion of removing the Head of State at 53-47%. The Eastern Party called the result an "historic day for the federalist CND," but the Federalist Party warned that the move will "open more holes in the system than it will fix."

The result saw a large split between the west and the east. The west, which holds a significantly larger Kyo population, and is wealthier, voted against the Eastern Party's proposal. Meanwhile, the East voted overwhelmingly for the removal of the Governor-General. The only exceptions to this rule are Mieronjavre - a Province which has always veered towards the left as a result of a mixture of a student and Kazulian population. The other exception was Chandaemi, which has experienced much internal migration by middle class Draddwyr families moving from the less prosperous East.

The Federalist Party Leader, Chwa Ji-Hoon announced his disappoint at the result of the vote, but accepted that the majority had voted for the change. He did however, warn that the removing the Head of State simply aggravated racial tensions in the nation. "Of course I accept the results of the referendum. Sometimes people talk about fraud or a second referendum or something else, but the people have voted this way and the Federalists have to accept this. However, we are now at risk of aggravating tensions between the Kyo and Draddwyr populations in the CND. The Eastern Party have opened more holes in the system than they will fix, and risk splitting our great nation into two."

Naturally, the Chancellor was in a very different mood. Beaming as he spoke in front of a large crowd within the Province of Pontypridd, Penrose said that the result was "historic." Talking about the violent formation of the nation, he spoke about the creation of proper federal nation in the spirit of the CND. "This country has a clear vision of freedom from tyranny and the right to individualism. No one has the right to remove the right to autonomy - be that on a federal or a provincial level. However, the position of Governor-General was a reminder that those crooked colonialists in Dankuk oppressed our freedom. Now we remove this symbol of oppression, and our first steps to a proper free and federal nation."

However, this has sparked even more conflict between extremist Kyo and Draddwyr groups. Police were called to a voting station after a clash between the KyoFirst and Draddwyr Anarchist League groups, whilst more cases of violence were recorded in most Provinces within the CND. A group of right-wing Federalists, led by influential backbencher, Ho Chihun, have apparently written to the Federalist Leader, Mr Chwa, calling for him to oppose what they call an "uprising" by the Draddwyr population. Whilst the Federalist Leader has publicly denounced the position that these rebels uphold, it appears that Ho may be willing to split from the Federalists in order to run on a more conservative platform.

The left has remained rather quiet on the issue, with both the Left Party and the Social Democrats calling for "discourse and understanding" in order to prevent the situation from boiling over. Aase Kjellberg, leader of the Left Party said that the tensions show that the right could not be trusted to lead, as they were to busy "bickering and fueling racial tensions."

Results of the Referendum. Green = "Keep the Governor-General" / Grey = "Remove the Governor-General"
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Re: CND Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:44 pm

Aberhonddu Provincial Assembly wants Kyo Population to Move West
Brought to you by the CND Independent

In a controversial motion within Aberhonddu's Provincial Assembly (PA), lawmakers have voted to bring in the "Tax Incentives for Kyo Migration to Western Provinces Act". The most easterly province, which is predominantly Draddwyr, overwhelmingly voted for the Act, due to the Eastern Party's grip of the PA, holding 32 of the 50 seats. The local Federalist Party has labelled the bill as "racist" and said that the Eastern Party were now on their way to removing "legitimate Kyo citizens" from the CND.

The move from Aberhonddu's PA further fuels the fire when it comes to tensions between the two ethnicities. Whilst the Provincial Cabinet Leader, Emyr Dacus described the move as "prevention against the destruction of traditional Draddwyr customs and culture due to the unwanted influence of extra-provincial societal beliefs," the Federalists - who have led the opposition on the matter have claimed that the Eastern Party are no better than former Dranish oppressors. "This bill is fundamentally racist. It says that a particular group of people cannot live in a place due to them being that type of group. The Eastern Party have no sense of perspective. This is identical to the policies that Kyo-fascist parties from colonialist Dranland were implementing. Aberhonddu is the first to fall, but I fear that other Eastern Provinces will soon follow suit if we do not stop the spread of this Draddwyr Radicalism immediately."

The Province Leader of the Federalists, Dafydd Fithen, has a legitimate reason for concern. Currently Carmathen, Llanberis, and Pontypridd are all considering the same sort of legislation within their own Provincial Assemblies. Kyo citizens have already moved from Aberhonddu, citing that they do not feel welcome as a reason. It seems clear that, should the Eastern Party continue this radical agenda in the East, the country will effectively defacto split between East and West.

Make up of Aberhonddu's Provincial Assembly:

Eastern Party: 32 seats
Aberhonddu Draddwyr Group: 10 seats
Federalist Party: 7 seats
Social Democratic Party: 1 seat
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Re: CND Independent - Gogledd Dovani Annibynnol (North Dovani)

Postby Arapaima13 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:49 pm

Penrose Criticises New Englia - Invites Onglians to the CND
Brought to you by the CND Independent

The Chancellor has criticised the government of New Englia for their decision to press ahead with a reservoir which would destroy a culturally significant Draddwyr village. He described the move as a “rash considering the circumstances” and proposed to send a delegation from North Dovani to see if there was anyway that the historic village could be protected. Penrose also gave his full support to the Tri Mohon Residents Association, as well as the Onglian Civil Rights Association, but also took the opportunity to condemn the assassination of the Internal Minister of New Englia at the hands of the Onglian Liberation Army.

The Eastern Party had campaigned on a more isolationist platform for the country, but it appears that they have now been forced into international action through the actions of the New Englian government. The CND Government has made clear, however, that it wishes to see the protection of all people with Draddwyr heritage, with the Foreign Ministry saying:

Whilst we prefer to hold a neutral stance to ongoing conflicts elsewhere, we recognise that currently within New Englia, we have some people with Draddwyr heritage concerned. For this reason, we believe it important to stand up and protect these people, and in this scenario, these people's homes. We therefore suggest that a delegation from the CND should be allowed to inspect the scenario and work with the New Englian Government in order to find a solution. We hope that they will be willing to cooperate.

However, if these talks are not enough, then the CND warmly extends its hand to any Draddwyr who may be living within New Englia, and offers full citizenship.

The Leader of the Federalist Party, however, has warned that the government is “criticising the speck of dust in New Englia’s eye, whilst ignoring the wooden plank in their own.” Arguing that it this Draddwyr-first foreign policy could only harm the nation, he argued that a more globalist, and interventionist stance should be taken by the Government in order to boost the economy and protect everyone from tyranny.
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