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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Elf » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:20 pm

Leader Saeth Gogleddol promises Good™ folk will protect a Draddwyr Loer

Saeth Gogleddol

A group of young Draddwyr Alorians have taken up the banner of the political party known as the Werin Da (Good Folk), that operated in Dranland (Dankuk) and Aloria many centuries ago. Taping into this older brand of green nationalistic populism, the new party will be focusing on Draddwyr interests, with the implementation of green polices as a main side issue. In a video posted on the party's website, the leader of the new Werin Da, the baker Saeth Gogleddol, 26, outlined the party's vision for Loer:

Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the forests!

I come to you with a message of hope, in this our time of need.

Loer is our homeland and our birthright. It is what remains of a great empire - the Gwlad y Dradd - that once stretched through the entire Great Dovani Plains, and part of Dranland as well. What remains of our Druidic civilisation, the civilisation where bards walked from town to town bringing joy to our people, of secret witch covens in the deep woods preserving our pre-Hosian heritage, of organic ale from the purest of sacred springs where everyone lived in harmony with nature and the gods.

And where are we now, my siblings? We live under the yoke of socialism and incredibly brutal tax burdens feeding a cosmopolitan elite that wastes the money on social engineering, and wishes to give away our sovereignty to "Artania" so that Dundorians can dominate our beloved Loer even more. The Dundorfians even have their own political party, with major representation in our Senate. Here, in our land. Brothers and sisters - we are surrounded by Dundorfian nations! If they do not wish to be assimilated into our culture, they can always pack their things and drive across the border.

Yes. Loer shall be reborn! The Morrigan shall protect us! And any alien that refuses to bow to our laws and our values shall leave our land. The Lebensraum of the Dundorfian savage shall not encroach upon our people's destiny.

Daw ein diwrnod!
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby cb15 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:17 pm

Prif Weinidog Geiger speaks before the Senedd about the Werin Da party's proposals
In a speech today on the Senate floor, Premier Monika Geiger blasted the Werin Da for their "backwards proposals." It comes in the wake of Werin Da proposing bills to make smoking and drinking legal for children and to make incest and sodomy legal. She called the proposals unacceptable in Aloria's current environment. She said "We have come so far and to have Werin Da propose bills that would take us back to a legislative Stone Age is unacceptable." On the childhood drinking proposal, she said "It's unacceptable to think that a father would send his children to buy a beer for him. It's unacceptable that Mr. Gwent would even think of sending his children to do such things, and my office has filed a complaint with Child Protection Services." On the issue of legalizing sodomy and incest, she stated "This is downright unacceptable. Mr. Gwent may be a man who will never live in fear of a relative taking advantage of him, but as a woman, I still have that fear, as old as I may be. Let me ask you, Mr. Gwent, why should it ever be acceptable for a man to rape his sister? Because it isn't. I can tell you right now that if you haven't had that experience, I have. I am generally quiet in terms of my personal life, but now to save the young women on Aloria from incest I must. Because when I was fifteen, I was assaulted by a distant relative at a family reunion. And let me tell you, Mr. Gwent, that not only does it hurt to have that action imparted upon you at such a young age, it hurts to be betrayed by a family member. When I was pulled into a bedroom by my relative, I didn't know what was about to happen, but I trusted him as a family member to treat me with respect. And after that, my confidence in that person was shattered. That, Mr. Gwent is what happens. And if this bill passes, then there will be consequences. Because when those young women who were torn down by this bill are grown into strong, powerful women, they will destroy you and make you feel that pain that has been imparted upon them by this atrocious bill!" Mr. Gwent could not be reached for comment.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:30 pm

Head of National Police: "Gwent's Statements and Policies Are Alarming"
November 12, 4345
Today, in response to a call from reporters regarding the Prif Weinidog Geiger's statements regarding the new Werin Da party's Spokesperson for human rights, Drystan Gwent, Pennaeth (Commandant) Rhodri Defaidd, of the Asiantaeth Heddlu Gweriniaethol Loer (Republican Police of Aloria,) provided some answers. However he did not seem to give an affirmative that there would be serious investigation by CPS or the Republican Police.

He gave the following announcement...
For sure, Mr. Gwent's statements and policy preferences are alarming to us. This is especially troubling in the scope with the work we are doing with the Ministry of Health and Social Services and its Child Welfare Office, in order to bring awareness to youth alcoholism and reduce use of tobacco and alcohol by minors. This includes our relatively successful identification enforcement measures, as well as our public service announcement campaigns to prevent alcohol and tobacco use by minors. I believe that Mr. Gwent's ideas support harmful behaviors and child abuse that is toxic and not in line with our values.

However, although Mr. Gwent's statements and policies are highly toxic and distasteful, there is not evidence that he has abused his children or given them alcohol, so we could not get a warrant for his arrest from his local court. However as always, we encourage anyone with any information regarding abuse of a minor, underage sale of alcohol or tobacco, or sexual assaults in general, to please contact your state's local division of the Children's Welfare Service, or your local or the national police.

In conclusion I applaud Mrs. Geiger's bravery to speak out about her abuse as a child, and hope that this will call other people to come forth in favor of justice.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Pragma » Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:28 pm

Thyes: 'To Defeat Radicalism, We Must Understand Where It Comes From' // Gazette

Above: Thyes at a meeting with constituents last week.

As the election nears, and the new Werin Da gather steam from radical Draddwyrs, Blanche Thyes has stated her preferred approach to countering extremism: understanding. While the government has came out to strongly oppose Werin Da's proposal, with emotional responses from members of cabinet, Thyes - who is part of the ethnic group demonised by the new party - was much more nuanced in her approach. Thyes told reporters at a part meeting in Ultran that 'understanding is the way we defeat radicalism'. She said that many traditional Draddwyr have felt left behind by the move towards the AU, and that they have blamed this on Dundorfians, despite the decreasing support for pandundorfianism within Alorian Dundorfians.

In a strange way, the Alorian Dundorfians are a closer ally to the Werin Da than the government. Alorian Dundorfians are increasingly independent from their fellow Dundorfians, are actually less likely to support the AU than Draddwyrs. Both rural, traditional Draddwyrs and this revitalised 'Ultranese' Dundorfian ethnic group have been 'left behind in the move towards cultural abandonment', according to Thyes. Thyes accused to the government of 'putting a synthetic and impractical ideology above the needs of minorities in their own country'. Thyes also reminded the government that they were elected by Aloria, not 'appointed by bureaucrats from the AU', in a speech to party members she gave last week.

As the election campaign stars, Thyes made clear that she was willing to work with any party to provide 'moderate government', but said that she would be supporting an exit from the AU in the new term. She also stated her 'personal and religious opposition' to euthanasia and abortion, and was willing to work with the Werin Da on both these social issues and the AU, saying the ideal situation would be a coalition government between the two parties on the platform of these issues. Thyes did, however, say that the Werin Da need to 'consider how the problems we face transcend race, and that we Ultranese Alorians can be your ally in fighting injustice and the destruction of our cultures'.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Pragma » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:20 pm

Thyes Reassures MRDP In Bold Coalition Move // Gazette

Above: Thyes talks to the press at her offices in Ultran.

In a bold move, the HR has put forward a motion to oust the Alorian Democratic Party from government and form a coalition with the other incumbent party, the MRDP. This comes after the HR lost 71 seats, falling to 144 in total, while all other parties fell by smaller amounts amidst a surge for the Draddwyr-orientated Werin Da. Despite the MRDP's concerns about the HR's position on the Artanian Union, and the HR's endorsement of President Cadwgan's opponent, the leader of the HR, Blanche Thyes, came back after her second (and greater) electoral defeat int the presidency to assure her potential cabinet colleagues that she will 'not try to remove Aloria from the AU, and endorses economic cooperation Terrawide.

The HR has previously been bold in its opposition to the AU's policies, to the AU currency and to the AU's structure. Thyes has previously called the Artanian Mark 'untenable, and certain to end in disaster', while blasting the AU as 'a Dorvish-ran scheme to control Artania and establish a defacto Kaiserreich'. As many Ultranese sour to the idea of pandundorfianism, the AU has became increasingly stringent on pulling Aloria in, though many hold concerns about this. While Thyes was clear in 'stating absolute disapproval to the economic farce that is the AU', she admitted that she would act 'pragmatically' and would not attempt to block non-constitutional changes for the AU, or exist entirely.

In spite of a rocky and complex political career, Thyes could soon be about to assume major power as the Internal Affairs Minister, should the MRDP wind up supporting the cabinet. The alternative could be another election. Thyes, as the most powerful Dundorfian in the country, says she feel a 'responsibility to hold the government to account', but that it would 'be better for Aloria if our nation could unite around the centre'. Thyes has been careful to distance herself from more radical anti-AU elements, despite endorsing the anti-AU and anti-Dundorfian Werin Da - in a somewhat paradoxical grouping. Fears within the party are that if the party fails to enter government, Thyes will be replaced by an extreme anti-AU politician.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Elf » Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:09 pm

"We Have Hothing Against Individual Dundorfians in Loer"
by Blodwen Lloyd

Saeth Gogleddol

CYDRADDOLDEB, CAERMOEL - This weekend, Gazette Loer's Politics corespondent, Blodwen Lloyd - had the opportunity to meet the Werin Da leader, Saeth Gogleddol, for in exclusive interview, at the party's headquarters in easternmost Aloria:

BL: Mister Gogleddol, thank you for receiving me.

SG: It's my pleasure. Welcome to our headquarters, here in Cydraddoldeb.

BL: So - Mister Gogleddol, first of all, congratulations to the success in the elections. How does it feel to lead the country's second largest party?

SG: Feels great, thank you. Finally, we might be able to advance the interest of Draddwyrkin in a country that has so long ignored our interests, and sold us out to globalism and multinational predators.

BL: Mister Gogleddol, do you and your party - the Good™ Folk - harbour any dislike for Dundorfian people?

SG: This is a common misconception. We have nothing against individual Dundorfians, nor Dundorfians as a people. It's their huge presence here, in our country, that is a problem. Look its simple: Draddeg culture has been on the retreat everywhere. Dranland - gone. Great Dovani Plain - gone. New Englia - more or less gone. Loer is the last flame alive. If they want to be Dundorfians, they can go and live in any of the five countries - and may the Gods bless them - and just leave one little country to me and our kin. The question all patriots of Draddeg Loer have to ask ourselves is: will we allow the Dundorfian to - without any violence - breed themselves into the majority, and democratically vote the last Draddwyr nation out of existence? If not - there will need to be a population exchange, and an active program for assimilation as well.

BL: But you must admit that, with your way of reasoning, in the long run, there is no place for Dundorfian Alorians in this country?

SG: Not necessarily. They could learn the language assimilate into our culture in a few generations time. However, it is favourable if their descendants also gained some drops of Draddwyr blood in them.

BL: Mister Gogleddol, do you believe that there is any inherent difference between the Draddwyr and other people?

SG: Well, many do indeed believe that the Draddwyr folk are something special, we are the children of the forest. Some of the wise women claim we are the bastard children of the Aes Sidhe (elves). Whenever you believe that or not, it's obvious from our history that we have a special connection to mother nature that others don't. If that is a result of culture or of something else, I don't know. I just know that this is the way it is. I aspire to become a Druid myself, one day. And most Druids are Draddwyr. It's always been like that.

BL: Interesting. Mister Gogleddol, what political issues will you and your party prioritise?

SG: Getting out of the Artanian Union will remain our first priority. It's an imperialist vessel for Dundorfian domination. We have absolutely no business being part of it.

BL: And how will you accomplish that? The other Artanosceptic party - the United Republicans - are the most Dundorfian-oriented party in the Senate. Would you be ready to cooperate with them, if that could get this country out of the AU?

SG: I'm not ruling that out. The other parties are more or less Dunforfian as well, as they've sold our sovereignty to the Greater Dundorfian Reich - the AU, that is. We are ready to negotiate with any party which is ready to provide the best deal for the Draddwyr Folk and ensure our continued existence as a people.

BL: All right! I see we're out of time. Mister Gogleddol, thank you for your time.

SG: My pleasure!

"Wasn't even talking about rape", Says WD Human Rights Spokesperson

Drystan Gwent, Werin Da Human Rights

SILDAR URBEM - Asking Mister Drystan Gwent, the WD Human Rights spokesperson about his controversial views on incest, Gwent stated that his critics doesn't seem to have gotten his point:

This Geiger fellow, she said been raped by some relative. Sorry but that's just bullshit emotional anecdotal arguments. I never wrote anything about rape. It was voluntary, consensual incest, that my bill aimed to legalise. These folks doesn't seem to understand a word of what I wrote in that bill - maybe they're illiterate lol? If gays can have sex in the ***, why can't I be allowed to bang my sister? What's the logic in that? I mean people might think that sister-banging is disguising, but since I think sodomy is disguising, should we ban that as well lol?

Responding to additional questions about whenever he was a homophone or not, after asking if our journalist was a "faggot" and why his questions were "lolomg gay", Mister Gwent resolved to hung up the phone.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Elf » Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:31 pm

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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Mon Feb 12, 2018 6:35 pm

Political Complications: Major Shift In Political Balance, MRDP Congress Selects New Party Leader
October 15th 4347
Above: This past week, congress of Mae'r Rhyddfrydwyr a'r Diwygwyr 'Parti (Liberals' and Reformers' Party) met in Karlstadt, Ultran, at the Sankt-Herman Theater, a landmark site for culture in the region

Aloria has been in a state of slight political turmoil for the past two years. First the rise of "Werin Da," a Draddwyr supremacist party, characterized by its leaders in work clothes, inflammatory rhetoric, and extremely anti-development and industry environmental policies. This party's creation brought many people who were sympathetic to such views out of the woodwork and to become engaged in politics to promote ultranationalist and corresponding Anti-Artanian views. Many of their efforts have been revolved around anti-Dundorfer speech, which has marginalized the nation's large Dundorfian minority, which makes up the second large ethnic group in Aloria.

The election of 4345 was largely a referendum on the Artanian Union, but was also largely reflective of a growing ethnic divide within the nation and how a divide has alienated many voters. In a surprising move, Heitere Republiker (The United Republicans,) a socially conservative, pre-dominantly Dundorfische 'third-way' party, which has been the strongest opposition to the pro-AU MRDP-ADP coalition of the past, endorsed the far-right Werin Da candidate for the office of President. Meanwhile, the Alorian Democratic Party, also predominantly Dundorfische, junior partner to the MRDP in the coalition government, lost a significant number of seats due to a weakening party organization and disillusion with the continual predominance of the MRDP in the coalition which led to many voters simply voting for the MRDP.

Following the failure of the ADP in the 4345 election, the party folded, with most voters joining the ranks of the MRDP, which bolstered the economic left wing faction in the party, while an influx of HR voters, disappointed by their party's lack of strong opposition to hateful speech against Dundorische people, which in turn created a slightly more conservative faction. The ADP's dissolution led to the Alorian Election Board certifying petitions for snap-recall elections, leading to an MRDP victory in all of Aloria's states, but a loss in a two-thirds majority, a crucial element to promote the MRDP's pro-Artanian financial and international agenda. Following the election, the MRDP proposed a coalition with the Dremidyyd Social-Democratic Party, the oldest seated party in the Senedd, nominating a Dundorfische member of the MRDP, a former governor of Gavonshire and a former ADP member, Florian Kreuzwald.

Additionally, at the party's convention last week, the first seriously contentious one in the party's fourteen year history, Florian Kreutzwald, the Prif Gwenidog candidate, won the election for Party Leader, after Llywyld (President) Rhys Cadwgan resigned his party leadership to "focus wholeheartedly on Aloria, her citizens, the battle against racial hatred, and an Artanian future." Mr. Kreutzwald won the leadership election with a 48 percent majority, contested with 34% supporting David Cadwgan, the President's brother who is a trade economist and member of Senedd, and 18% writing in the name of the Foreign Minister Lywellyn Bennet, who declined to officially run. It is quite likely that Mr. Bennet , according to analysts, will run for President after President Cadwgan retires, provided President Cadwgan does not seek a third term as President of Aloria.

Also adopted at the convention was a new manifesto for the next five years, running into next election. It is titled "The Liberal Dream: Artania and Aloria, Hand In Hand to Fight Racism and Promote Prosperity." The new manifesto focuses on spreading awareness to oppose the Werin Da party's rhetoric and to confound its policy ambitions, to fight for compromise on the Artanian Mark, and to fuel membership in an Artanian Economic Community, as well as promotion of free enterprise, improved trade schools and more selective and rigorous university programs, improved language education in schools, and more social openness.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Pragma » Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:42 pm

Small Community of CotS Refugees Create DIY 'Cathedral of Hope' // Gazette

Above: Just 35 people, most without architectural or artisan training or experience, built this mammoth cathedral.

In a small town in Ultran, a massive cathedral is rising - with no major funding or architect behind it. A community of just three-dozen Children of the Spirit, who fled Dorvik after a crackdown on the sect, has erected this titanic structure - without any preexisting knowledge of architecture, or building things generally. However, inspired by the plight of their people, the 'Kathedral vu Hoffnung' has risen from the dirt to become a massive tourist magnate. With eight side spires, four on either side, a dome that is yet to be finished, a large frontal facade encompassing stained glass and several floors and staircases, the Cathedral is yet to be officialised by the diocese, but is perhaps the most poignant example of the new faith.

The rise of a distinct feeling amongst Alorian Dundorfians has been compounded by the increasing reluctance of Alorian Dundorfians to be in the AU, which they by-in-large oppose due to their cultural dislike of globalism. While the Cathedral is a symbol of the oneness of humanity, to create greatness from the ashes, it also symbolises a fractured people who feel at odds with those who share a dialect of their language and a common history. The borderlines are growing wider as the government, backed by moderate Draddwyr and Dundorfians, are pushing to abolish them and turn Aloria into a constituent part of the AU. To many Alorian Dundorfians, this would see their distinct culture dissolve.

Many locals, Draddwyr and Dundorfian, feel that their distinct culture does not matter to the government. Symbols like the Cathedral of Hope show a people vying to be distinct and unique, creating monuments impressive and respected using only their faith and their ambition. To the constructors of the cathedral, this is a symbol that Aloria is united, but that Aloria is not united with something else. Eckhard Zerhet, one of the constructors in charge of interior decorating, has invited government officials to come to his project, see the effort of his colleagues and himself and 'tell us once again how we should accept a fate as a minority within a minority, another faceless group in a socialist machine that cares for money, not people'.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Pragma » Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:05 pm

Backlash From Opposition On AEC // Gazette

Above: Blanche Thyes was scathing on the idea, while Werin Da said it was tantamount to 'treason'.

After the government proposed the ratification of its AEC project, the response was swift and overwhelmingly negative. The government was met by response from the AU proper and the Dorvish foreign minister that the move had not been officially cleared, and this greatly damaged the reputability of the treaty. However, it was the opposition of Aloria, which holds more than the third of seats necessary to block the bill, who dealt the killer blow to the idea. Werin Da's Saeth Gogleddol said that it amounted to treason, and was selling Aloria out to a new 'Greater Dundorfian Reich'. Blanche Thyes broke her normal demeanour to decry the idea as a slap in the face to the unemployed natives, and a plot by the Dorvish aristocracy.

The treaty establishes a freedom of economic transit across member states, allowing free movement of labour, good and capital. Supporters say this greatly helps to develop member nations, and increases the opportunity of Alorian businesses to trade overseas. Opponents say it will increase unemployment as foreign labour, willing to work for less, pushes out natives for employment - while making it far easier for businesses to outsources labour to nations with lower employment and/or production costs. It furthermore diminishes tariffs, which opponents say hurt local businesses but proponents say makes importing good considerably cheaper. Another principle is pan-Artanianism, which is frowned on by nationalists.

The AEC will also include the Artanian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and Department of Macroeconomic Policies and Economic Cooperation playing leading roles in the maintenance of the group. Many have suggested these institutions, mainly of Dundorfian and Dorvish leadership, are simply crony institutions for the Dorvish monarchy and aristocracy's benefit. Others say that due to the lack of official AU cordon, the proposal lacks validity and organisation and will likely fall apart without the intimate support from the AU. Whatever the opinions held on the treaty, without HR or Werin Da support, the bill ratifying it will almost certainly not be signed in the near future.
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