New Verham

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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:46 pm

Socialist arms cache located on the outskirts of Niew Haarlem

This Evening on the outskirts of Niew Haarlem infantrymen uncovered a secret arms cache owned by members of The Revolutionary Metzist Insurgent Army (RMIA), an organization dedicated to the seizure of the means of production, the abolition of the current regime, and the establishment of a Metzist state in New Verham. among the arms located on the outskirts of town was a series of documents detailing a covert attempt to overthrow the government of New Verham by infiltrating the ranks of rioters responsible for the chaos that has consumed the nation. The President of New Verham has authorized a full-scale ban of The Socialist Party along with other mass rallies of subversive nature.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:44 pm

Verduin executed by military

this morning New Verham witnessed the end of an era as President Verduin was executed by the armed forces for crimes against the people of New Verham which among other things includes embezzlement of government funds, the usage of intimidation in order to maintain a monopoly on power at the expense of political opposition, and the inflammation of ethnic hatred among the races. Verduin was survived by his wife and five children who are currently being held in detention until further notice.

The Armed Forces dissolve parliament and install a Junta

The Military High Command has issued a statement announcing the disbandment of Parliament and the establishment of a provisional government under the steady hand of Field Marshal Prakoso. All Political Parties are hereby ordered to swear an oath of loyalty to the new regime and cease their opposition wherever present or be placed in the custody of the state for an indefinite period of time. Riots have been suppressed and those responsible for theft and destruction of private property shall be arrested and fined 10,000 for damages inflicted upon the owner of said property.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby jamescfm » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:20 pm

Supreme Court Rejects Historic Confessions
Verdict on outdated methods for interrogating suspects leaves hundreds of convicted criminals in legal limbo

Wednesday 19th September, 4487

Following months of consideration by the nine most powerful judges in the country, the case of sixty-four-year-old convicted mass murderer Kiwa Huayta has been decided by the Supreme Court of New Verham with a 7-2 verdict in his favour. The unexpected decision is based on the argument of Huayta's post-conviction lawyers that the techniques utilised by police when interviewing him are invalid because they do not meet the current standards outlined in legislation. As a consequence, the Supreme Court ordered that Huayta be given a re-trial on the basis that the jury in the case was presented with almost no other evidence of his guilt besides an audio tape in which he admits to killing his ex-wife and her new family.

Significantly, though, the Supreme Court also declared that all confessions based on the so-called "Tin Troika" method are invalid under current regulations governing the actions of law enforcement officials. It is estimated that this could lead to over six hundred prisoners being granted new trials across the country. President Geert-Jan Kwappert has reacted with anger to the verdict of the Court, telling reporters "the Supreme Court has made a profoundly dangerous decision by prioritising a 'to-the-word' interpretation of legislation over the principle of justice".

The case of Kiwa Huayta has been the subject of much public interest over the past few years after documentary filmmakers Adachi Kata and Felix Sakkers revisited it in their massively popular series Catching a Killer. Throughout the series the filmmakers analyse various pieces of evidence which appear to suggest that Huayta did not commit the crimes for which he is serving a life sentence. As well as being subjected to potentially exploitative interrogation techniques, his defence lawyers were prevented from accessing certain pieces of evidence they argue would have exonerated him.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:01 am


Salyzr Brothers Resurface in New Verham
Former Vanukean leaders establish foothold in former colony
Tuesday 20th December, 4487

The former leaders of Vanuku have re-emerged in the Kingdom's ex-colony New Verham after several years off the radar.

Brothers Eskandr and Danil Salyzr who founded the New Royal Front (SKS) after carrying out a military-backed coup, disappeared after control of the party was wrestled from them by the Zhtál dynasty.

Despite a lengthy manhunt it now appears the two fled the country and after months moving from location to location have re-appeared in the central Dovani nation.

The two have established a foothold and are expanding their business interests in New Verham centred on a heavily fortified mansion complex around 15 miles north of the capital Niew Haarlem.

A local villager, who did not want to be named, said - the chateau is owned by the Salyzr family based on its considerable colonial period interests here. The brothers are in there and seem to have a small private army around them. It is pretty clear they have done a deal with the Republican government and President Geert-Jan Kwappert. I'm not sure what their business interests are but it is obvious they have influence and wealth. The place up the road is being turned into their own private fiefdom."
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Re: New Verham

Postby Kubrick » Sun May 03, 2020 12:19 am

New Verham News Agency

Military Coup Topples President-for-Life Tirrand-Salyzr
General Tömörbaatar has laid down martial law on the Republic of New Verham.

General Kezkai Tömörbaatar, former Chief of Staff of President-for-Life Tirrand-Salyzr, now leader of New Verham.

March 4750 - President-for-Life Jonathan Tirrand-Salyzr, the grandson of President-for-Life Hieronymus Tirrand-Salyzr, has been deposed by a military coup. Tirrand-Salyzr (42) was in power for 15 years, taking over at the young age of 27 after his father Marcus unexpectedly died in 4735. The Tirrand-Salyzr's attained power when Hieronymus Tirrand-Salyzr was elected President of New Verham in 4681. After serving his two five year terms the President refused to give up his position and used the military to make him President-for-Life. Hieronymus passed away aged 87 in 4728. Leaving control to his son Marcus Tirrand-Salyzr who died in 4735 after an unexpected heart attack. Ever since then Jonathan Tirrand-Salyzr has been President-for-Life, as his two uncles in the military kept him in power. One uncle was executed for treason in 4741 and another died in 4748 after complication from a routine surgery. For two more years the President held onto his power until enough was enough. Chief of Staff General Kezkai Tömörbaatar, a seasoned officer and known authoritarian, has seized the apparatus of state and placed the President into custody. Around the nation soldiers occupied key parts of the Republic. In a televised speech the General laid down martial law across the entire Republic.

Although the transition of power happened rather cleanly it was not the bloodless coup the General presumably hoped for, as several Republican Guards refused to surrender in the Presidential Palace in the capital. A small firefight erupted around noon, leaving a total of four dead and two wounded. All four of the deceased were Republican Guards according to the General. The wounded were two brave soldiers from the 1st Mechanized Brigade, who according to General Tömörbaatar will be rewarded for their sacrifice for the Republic.

To international observers it remains unclear what the exact plan is of the General, while he is known for being a proponent of the iron fist he also despises politics and democracy, always avoiding political posts within the Republic and the Armed Forces. For now the gunfire across New Verham has ceased as the streets are empty and quiet with the ongoing curfew.
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Re: New Verham

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:13 am

Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag
Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag (New Verham News Agency) is the state news network of New Verham,
owned by the national government under a 55% share. NVNA strives to report all major news with integrity and honesty.

21st May 5091
Snap elections bring victory to United Liberal Party -
President-elect Shudargaünen promises "radical" reforms

With polls closing, the results have been confirmed by the State Electoral Commission -
the United LIberal Party has won the presidency, after months of arduous campaigning.



Janggi Kyeinnüdtei
Political commentator and analyst

BAATRYNSENTII - Running on a platform of government transparency, economic deregulation and loosening of taxes, the United Liberal Party has trailblazed in the campaign months leading up to the recent snap elections, garnering broad support among the nation. These successive victories among the electorate have paid off, as the party officially enters the position of government after the final polls have closed, and the results have been confirmed by the State Electoral Commission. In a brief, yet optimistic victory speech from his own office at Baatrynsentii National University, former legal professor and practicing attorney Medekhgüi Shudargaünen, now president-elect of New Verham, gave his sincerest thanks to voters and his supporters that rallied around his party since its very recent formation only a mere year ago. During the campaign, a core value of the ULP's policies was the renewal of public faith in democracy - after three prior centuries saw the country be marred by political instability and military strong-arming.

Despite the optimism of his organization and himself, critics of Shudargaünen have sharply criticized his liberalizing reforms, specifically with regards to the economy, calling them "deeply alarming" and "haphazard". On economic policy, the president-elect has favored a doctrine of heavy privatization, hinting that if elected, his administration would even take aim at privatizing critical services currently under state control, a vestige of old military administrations. Sectors at the forefront of both partial and full privatization efforts by Shudargaünen come in the form of the education, healthcare, and transportation networks in the country. The president-elect claims that this spur of privatizations would incentivize private companies, both foreign and domestic, to engage in a "buyup spree", generating millions of much needed funds into economy, kickstarting the "rebirth" of private businesses. Said critics have stated that a swift and immediate privatization of core government services would potentially worsen the already lower-income economy of New Verham.

In his speeches to voters, economic deregulation aimed at clearing out bureaucratic red tape to ensure newfound entrepreneurship and lowered taxes were also key policies of note. "The people of New Verham, in their great diversity, have been strangled by a confusing web of uneven taxation, and decrepit military bureaucracy", Shudargaünen stated in a speech last summer. After a new session of parliament is sworn into session, alongside his own swearing-in ceremony, the president-elect promised to slash a variety of taxes, most importantly halving the current income and property taxes imposed on the working and middle class. His administration stated it would also work to fully implement the transition into a market economy for the country, after having been guided for three centuries under military-backed autarky. "Our nation deserves to reconnect with the global economy. Self-sufficiency seems the correct idea, but in the end, it leaves less to our citizens and leaves them poorer," president-elect Shudargaünen stated in his final campaign speech last week.

Other smaller reforms on the ULP's agenda included an increase in government transparency, fostering a government that is more accountable to its citizens and working to build a stronger democracy overall. Chief among this is the implementation of dedicated term limits for legislative officials and the presidency. Shudargaünen has favored the implementation of three-year terms for the presidency, believing such a small term to be fair in giving "all voices" a chance to inherit the country's leadership. As to whether or not a maximum term limit would be implemented, the president-elect was vague when pressed on the issue during press conferences.

Whilst most voters celebrate the change of pace in their country's political establishment, other senior politicians have raised their uneasiness about the self-described "radical" reforms of the ULP and its leader. Another significant contingent of old guard anxiousness has come from the military establishment, long having a sizable influence over domestic affairs, with the coups and juntas of the past five centuries leaving a lasting effect on New Verham, on the political scene, economy, culture, and social structure of the country.

The United Liberal Party's presidential candidate, and current Chairman of the organization, Medekhgüi Shudargaünen, speaks during an internal party meeting. Shudargaünen, now President of New Verham, has promised "radical" new policies aimed at pursuing free market reforms and to introduce sweeping privatization efforts.
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Re: New Verham

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:34 am

Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag
Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag (New Verham News Agency) is the state news network of New Verham,
owned by the national government under a 55% share. NVNA strives to report all major news with integrity and honesty.

17th October 5091
Government move to privatize critical services sees slew of buyers
Following on his plan to enact "breakneck" privatization, President Shudargaünen's move to privatize the
healthcare, education, and transportation sectors have already seen a steady slew of private entities move in.



Janggi Kyeinnüdtei
Political commentator and analyst

BAATRYNSENTII - Since winning the snap general elections in the spring, the administration of president Shudargaünen has steadily moved forward with its plans to privatize key services under state control, though concessions were made with regards to education, despite minor opposition from more right-libertarian elements of the president's party. Historical universities and the national school system shall remain under public control, but most, if not all of the nation's remaining higher education facilities are set to be privatized under both non-profit and for-profit education groups. Other sectors, such as healthcare and transportation, would continue through with their plans to be acquired by private entities and corporations. Criticism still remained from more traditionally statist politicians in the country, but the president fired back in response - remarking that "years of government control had left the country with dilapidated rail networks, crumbling healthcare facilities, and a low quality of treatment for critical patients", citing statistics that showcased an alarming rise in preventable deaths during hospital stay.

To encourage private investment in the education sector, president Shudargaünen announced a slew of benefits for charter school programs, including new subsidies for teachers and faculty, and increased funding to encourage competition. "Our public schools are robust, but we could always be better - and go further. Better curriculums, better drives for enrollment, better rewards that challenge the students who want to pursue their favored careers", the president remarked during a conference on his privatization scheme. "The country deserves a new generation of bright minds, of great thinkers and trailblazers who will make our nation proud."

Notable corporations and other private entities to step up to the plate in the government's privatization bid include New Verham Rail, a recently-established corporation under noted Vanukean-Mu-Tze venture capitalist Pieter van Zoriggüikhaigch. During recent talks, the debated price for the majority of the country's state-run rail networks and administration was around $214m Lodamese dollars. Mr. van Zoriggüikhaigch challenged the government's initial offer in joint discussions with the finance and transport ministers, citing the growing age of rail systems, poor maintenance of trains, and inefficient rail paths as reasons for negotiating a lower price - offering to buy in at $175m instead, under a promise to ensure "rapid" modernization and efficiency on current systems. After reportedly two hours of speaking to the two officials, an agreement was reached, with the government offering to sell off its rail assets to Mr. van Zoriggüikhaigch for his listed price.

Healthcare services were not without a flurry of private buyout offers either. A previously New Verham-based healthcare company that operated in foreign markets, known as GutLeben AG, offered to purchase a lion's share of small, community clinics and regional hospitals from state control, specifically ones that had been reported to be underperforming and lacking a strong quality of care and adequate level of staff, as remarked by the president earlier in discussions. Owned by ethnic Ostlander Franz-Josef Oberländer, he strongly agreed with the president's plan to privatize key industries, and shared in his concern for the lack of quality and trustworthiness in the country's healthcare network. "It is a great pain to not only be scared of going to the doctor for a visit, fearing an inaccurate diagnosis or lack of action due to neglect, but to also have a critical emergency and possibly end up losing your life due to incompetent staff!" The GutLeben AG offered to buy most of these facilities for a small sum; around $117m Lodamese dollars.

After a shorter period of discussion in comparison to talks on the nation's rail network, the government took Mr. Oberländer's offer, with the latter replying while closing the deal that "The president has made the right choice. Private entities are the safest place to put our quality of care within - competition breeds innovation. Rest assured, the healthcare facilities of our great nation will see a sizable rise in efficiency, quality, and competency. No one should be afraid of going to the doctor. Those old woes end today."

An industrial freight train rolls across the national railways. Previously, the national rail networks,
and their operations, were under the control of the state, alongside other critical services.
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Re: New Verham

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:42 am

Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag
Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag (New Verham News Agency) is the state news network of New Verham,
owned by the national government under a 55% share. NVNA strives to report all major news with integrity and honesty.

19th November 5091
New Verham Stock Exchange forms, bringing further private investment
After having never formally operated a stock exchange, the New Verham Stock Exchange (NVSE),
has formed in Baatrynsentii, bringing a steady flow of private investment into the country.



Janggi Kyeinnüdtei
Political commentator and analyst

BAATRYNSENTII - The first stock exchange in New Verham has opened its floors to investors today, after a months-long renovation process undertaken by the Van der Byl Investments Group, a corporation servicing a variety of financial interests and utilities. Present at the inauguration ceremony was the CEO of the company, C.H. Van der Byl, alongside president Shudargaünen and his finance minister. The president spoke at length about the "absolute" necessity to formally create a dedicated stock exchange for the nation, as, in Shudargaünen's own words, "no movement, country or organization that dedicates itself to the free market can claim to do such without a formal place where companies can invest in one another and bring life to the economy". So far, domestic companies have leaped at the opportunity to buy and sell shares of various industries and corporations, with the NVSE's opening day fielding hundreds of "BUY" and "SELL" orders, triggering a wave of economic activity in mere hours.

Both the president and the CEO of Van der Byl heartily encouraged foreign companies to bring their operations to New Verham, with the latter arguing that the nation was "ripe" for economic investment by international markets. "For a nation that has seen its fair share of economic stagnation, with a government finally aligned with the interests of private enterprise, both big and small, the possibilities truly are endless," Mr. Van der Byl stated to the press during the inauguration ceremony. "We've entered uncharted territory - not as a sign of unease or anxiousness, but with hope, optimism, and most importantly of all, eagerness." To further entice foreign investment, the Shudargaünen administration plans to slash unnecessary regulations on international businesses, and to lower the property tax rates on foreign companies that choose to operate on New Verham's soil - at rates even lower than previously set with the government's new reforms to the tax code last summer.

The administration's foreign minister also expressed interest in redeveloping trade ties with regional powers in Dovani and elsewhere - with Ostland, Vascania, and Lourenne being major topics of interest on the office's agenda. A free trade agreement and open border policy with neighboring Ostland is one topic of interest, citing its numerous immediate benefits to the New Verhamese economy. The opportunity for New Verham's Ostlander minority populations to live, work, and visit their country of origin would bolster private cooperation between both nations, as well as deepen political and diplomatic ties. "We welcome not just foreign investment but deepening ties with our neighbors and the continent," the foreign minister stated in an interview. "A key policy of this administration is reintegrating New Verham's position within Dovani and the international community."

The building, rendered in a modernized baroque style, was formerly a theatre. It was recently bought and renovated by Van der Byl Investments Group,
an investment firm and consulting institution based in Zuiderfoort, in southern New Verham's predominantly Vanukean-speaking areas.
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Re: New Verham

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:53 pm

Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag
Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag (New Verham News Agency) is the state news network of New Verham,
owned by the national government under a 55% share. NVNA strives to report all major news with integrity and honesty.

7th April 5092
Government to recognize legal Lourennais government,
foreign ministry to dispatch aid and troops to royalist-controlled areas

In prepared statements, the foreign ministry announced it would be sending humanitarian aid,
troops and a military attaché, as well as welcoming potential Lourennais refugees.



Janggi Kyeinnüdtei
Political commentator and analyst

BAATRYNSENTII - In a televised press conference held in the morning at the foreign ministry, the government pledged its "full support" to the royalist forces of the Kingdom of Lourenne, fully recognizing them as the sole legal government of the Lourennais nation and announced its intentions to send vital humanitarian aid, such as medical assistance, food and water, and temporary shelters to royalist-controlled areas. In that same conference, Chief of the General Staff Jegu Tengeranchin stated that the armed forces would also send volunteer troops to the frontlines, though combat divisions were not among them. The 9th Engineering and Logistics Division would be sent, acting in its engineering duties in helping to clear rubble, search for displaced citizens alongside Lourennais forces, and distribute aid. The forces would not be unarmed, however - though their duties on the battlefield are to act in a largely defensive role. A majority of the division was, according to Marshal of the Republic Tengeranchin, to "coordinate supply networks within royalist-controlled areas, ease the strain of the Kingdom's troops, and provide corridors for the distribution of medical assistance and essential supplies".

Foreign minister Chötgörkhaaral also utilized the conference to grant his strongest condemnation of the republican forces, branding them terrorists and stated that the government would implement a ban on suspected republican militants from entering the country. "This senseless war, fought for the fruitless realization of reckless political aims, has already killed thousands, displaced tens of thousands, and plunged the Kingdom of Lourenne into economic freefall", the foreign minister stated. "Our hearts go out to the Lourennais people suffering in this appalling conflict, and we give our strongest condemnations to the perpetrators of this bloodshed. They are terrorists, and they deserve no place in our country. This government will work immediately in placing a ban on suspected republican militants from entering our borders." Alongside coordinating humanitarian efforts and giving logistical support through the nation's military, Marshal Tengeranchin stated that a formal military attaché would be dispatched to the New Verhamese embassy in Kalistan, to work alongside the royalist government-in-exile, in order to better offer doctrinal suggestions and monitor the activities of the 9th Engineering and Logistics Division.

The government stated it would also be working to waive visa requirements for potentially incoming Lourennais refugees, of which thousands are estimated to have left the Kingdom since the start of the conflict. Aid stations have already begun to be set up in major airports across the country, alongside doctors volunteering to travel to Lourenne to directly coordinate medical assistance and assist the military in giving supplies. Though local airliners have so far strayed away from Lourennais airspace, flights from neighboring countries into New Verham have had their fees partially or fully waived, in order to quickly grant safe refuge in the country. "The peace that has existed in Dovani is shattered once again, as a brutal war wages mere miles from our borders," President Shudargaünen stated on social media. "I give my sincerest condolences to families who have lost sisters, brothers, fathers and mothers. We are doing everything in our power to assist the great people of Lourenne ASAP."

"Gut-wrenching" - The foreign minister, Toghtoga Chötgörkhaaral, voiced his deep concern for the Lourennais nation in the midst of an ongoing and bloody civil war. In a televised press conference, he affirmed that New Verham would send vital humanitarian aid, and troops from the 9th Engineering and Logistics Division (alongside a formal military attaché). In following remarks, he stated that New Verham formally recognizes the legal and legitimate government of the Kingdom of Lourenne, and condemned the republican forces.
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Re: New Verham

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:49 am

Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag
Shine Vyerkhem Medeelliin Agyentlag (New Verham News Agency) is the state news network of New Verham,
owned by the national government under a 55% share. NVNA strives to report all major news with integrity and honesty.

15th April 5092
Government to implement changes to term limits,
investigate corruption within agencies

In its bid to create a more transparent government, the Shudargaünen administration is set to formally implement their proposed
changes to term limits, alongside starting an investigation into reported corruption among cabinet-level agencies and former ministers.



Janggi Kyeinnüdtei
Political commentator and analyst

BAATRYNSENTII - The government has continued on with its reforms to term limits within the country, seeking to shorten the previous term limit for the presidency to a new, three year length. These changes are aimed at increasing government transparency and faith among the public in the nation's nascent democracy, as public perception has been somewhat wary of a democratic restoration, despite the optimism felt during the campaign trail prior to the snap general elections last year. Clarifying his vague position during his speeches while president-elect, President Shudargaünen was supportive of creating a maximum term limit for the Presidency, believing that two consecutive, nonrenewable three year terms was more than fair. "It is a terrible thing when a people are distrustful of a legitimate democracy, for it represents the generational damage that years of military rule does to a nation," President Shudargaünen stated in remarks this afternoon. "They ask to themselves, when a government such as ours comes to power, 'is it too good to be true'? 'will they ever be any different than the rest?' 'will the military tolerate them this time?' Such is the legacy of military juntas and strongmen. That leeriness ends today."

Alongside introducing its changes to term limits, another key policy in its bid to increase the public's perception in the nation's democracy, was the government's announcement of an investigation into corruption among cabinet-level agencies, and former ministers. The justice ministry claimed that "gross negligence" at the hands of corrupt officials cost the country millions in economic growth, state funding, and budget allotments during prior administrations. "The irregularities during previous governments are astounding", the justice minister's office stated in a press release today. "The sheer scale of money that has been illegally appropriated is, at the moment, difficult to calculate." Various cabinet-level agencies would be the primary target of the government's corruption probe, specifically ones related to military institutions and security apparatuses. Former ministers of prior military-led administrations were also the focus of scrutiny.

Within hours of its probe, the government had announced its first arrests were being made, stating that officials within the economic, justice, military and industrial-related ministries had reportedly "been engaged in a highly illegal kickbacks scheme utilizing public funds and state resources to enrich their private lives, as well that of friends and family". Senior officials within the military denied having engaged in corruption, and declared the government's actions "unnecessary, ridiculous, and wasteful", in their first statement of opposition to president Shudargaünen. When pressed on the matter, the president was largely unsurprised, but humorously commented on their initial quietness during the government's first year in office. The military, long thought to be an influential part of the government, has represented a conservative and occasionally authoritarian upper crust of the New Verhamese political establishment - with their previous two coup d'état attempts in past centuries leaving a lasting impact on the country.

Despite opposition from other officials, current Chief of the General Staff Jegu Tengeranchin supported the government's efforts at transparency, and voiced his cooperation in the justice ministry's probe into the armed forces. "I give my full cooperation with the justice ministry's investigation. If the armed forces were honest and upheld the values of honor, then they surely will step forward", he stated in an address to reporters outside his office. "I have nothing to hide, and if the men of our proud armies have any integrity, neither do they." When asked about reforms aimed at reigning in the military's large independence from the central government, president Shudargaünen commented "It is definitely something we wish to do - the military must be loyal to the government, not vice-versa. But until the full scope of this probe comes to light, and the work of our justice ministry concludes, then we will have to wait and see."

President Shudargaünen has recently ordered a formal investigation into corruption in cabinet-level agencies, alongside ordering a
probe into former ministers. The broad purpose of this investigation, alongside implementing their term limit reforms, is to
increase government transparency and restore faith among the public in New Verham's nascent democracy.
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