
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:15 am

Deltaria breaks all ties with Istalia, Leaves Majatran Alliance, Making offers to form a new millitary alliance

Deltarian Foreign Minister Andrew Jakab was dismayed at the Istalian response to the 2nd Majatran Alliance’s Investigation. He announced a formal break in all diplomatic ties with Istalia and Kalopia, recalling all diplomatic staff still remaining in both countries.

It truly saddens me that Istalia has decided to accept this so called Kalopian Evidence and ultimately sever our historic alliance. We were not given any representation in this meeting and the idea that someone in Deltaria would kill our Czar is simply not true. There have been 2 investigations, 1 Deltarian and one from the Majatran Alliance that have proven the involvement of Kalopian Cabinet Ministers. We’ve held our tongue for a long time about Istalia’s imperialistic activities getting involved in every corner of the world. We did it for the sake of friendship and stability and in the hope that as friends we could sort out such issues. Now it ends. I formally announce an invite any nations affected by the Kalopian Terrorist State and to the Istalians to meet with us and form an alliance of our own. This is a dark path the Istalians have forced us on but it’s a path that must be taken, through blood and iron if necessary.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:24 am

Deltaria launches sweeping offensive into Northern Kalopia capturing Dobargrad

In what originally appeared to be another border post raid as part of the border clashes that have been occuring for several months now, Deltarian troops took the clashes one step further and continued to press on despite capturing the Kalopian Guard posts in the North. Deltarian tanks soon began to roll in and the Deltarian Airforce bombed the surprised defenders. Deltarian troops were able to enter Dobargrad without a major fight as the unprepared Kalopians chose to withdraw. The occupation of the regional capital of Minosasa was originally peaceful until Kalopian Partisans began a campaign to target Deltarian Occupation forces. Deltarian Forces briefly lost control of several city districts until reinforcements were called in. In a shocking reversal of the original policy, Deltarian troops went from house to house burning the city down and having anyone with even a minute act of resistance shot and killed. Deltarian Recon Forces pushed Southwest for several miles until being ordered to hold in front of Kalopian Fortifications.



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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:15 am

Deltarian forces occupy whole of Minosasa and Western Shiffin then start to dig in

Deltarian Troops renewed their offensive actions managing to defeat the remaining Kalopian forces in Minosasa as well as securing certain border regions within Shiffin. Anticipating foreign intervention, Deltarian forces have been ordered not to push further into the country but to set up proper supply routes and fortifications along the current front line. Deltarian Combat engineers technicians and support groups have entered the occupied territories and are currently repairing infrastructure as well as constructing radar stations. Anti Air units have also been brought in to combat the predicted enemy air superiority should Istalia and Kazulia take Kalopia's side. Knowing there would be little chance for Deltarian Forces to withstand the might of two great powers in an open battlefield, these measures are designed to capitalise on being able to defend against technologically superior opponents. On the home front, similar measures have been taken to minimise the impact of probable bombing raids on industrial centres in the country by dispersing areas of production to minimise damage. Though this will limit the production capacity of Deltarian Industry and likely make transport more complicated, Deltarian Officials are confident that it is the necessary step to ultimately push on to victory.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 11:07 pm

OOC: The RP is postponed for now
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:10 pm

The SU has called out to the international community to stop the oppression of the deltarian people

Secretary General of the SU Kamil Novák has according to a SU spokesperson contacted Dorvik in an effort to get the bad human rights situation of Deltaria in the international spotlight.
The SU is a political organization which does not have any seats in parliament but is advocating and campaigning to stop the oppression of the people. The SU believes that the czar has acted as a dictator and has made Deltaria increasingly authoritarian. In Deltaria it is hard to become a legal party and winning seats is even harder since the czar and his party have done everything to prevent it.

Novák was a mighty bussinessman in Deltaria owning the Deltarian gass company. But when his wife died and the government of the Czar ordered his brother to be arrested for "disloyalty towards the crown" he had enough. He decided to fight for the common family's of Deltaria while also trying to rid Deltaria of the Czarist regime. Following the creation of the SU the DGC (Deltarian gass company) was put under government oversight and Novák was forced to resign.

Our patience has run out! We will no longer stand idle while our deltarian brothers are arrested and shot on the streets of our city's and towns! Our democracy is long gone. And this Czar and his regime are the sole reason for it! We have to rise my brothers. We have to let the world know that this regime is everything but democratic! Let us fight the oppression! Let us fight for our freedom, our democracy, our children! The time of waiting and hoping is over. We of the SU have taken the initiative to break the Czar's monopoly on power and we will fight until we achieve the goal of freedom and democracy in our great nation!

This was the released statement of Kamil Novák while in hiding in Darali, his native state.

Will the international community react to this plea for help from the SU? Will the Czar finally be taken down?

Novák during his days as a bussinessman

Julie Daňková,
The underground (Deltarian illegal newspaper)
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:42 am

The SU creates its own paramilitary in preparation for a possible armed struggle if international pressure wont work

The SU has created the People's Democratic Army in fear of escalation between the opposition and the Czar.
While the SU is trying to pressure the Czar through diplomacy and international pressure they underline that they are aware of the possibility of escalation and want to "protect the SU itself and the people of Deltaria from possible Czarist military intervention"

The SU is reportedly talking to Dorvik and Istalia, 2 of the biggest international players at the moment to try and get international attention for the worsening situation in Deltaria and pressure the czar to abdicate and the democratic system to be reformed.

The PDA has initially gained 22.321 members. The SU is currently in the progress of setting up a organizational structure for the PDA in addition to equipping its members with military weapons. Although this is proving to be a difficult task.

One of the militia members standing guard at the militia HQ in a unknown town in Darali

Julie Daňková,
The underground (Deltarian illegal newspaper)
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:19 am

New Thallerist Paramillitary Formed, existing paramilitaries on high alert

Deltarian Czar Nikolai I Von Thaller announces the formation of another unit of Thallerist Paranillitary Forces this was done in response to increasing anti thallerist activity with the formation of the first paranillitary group opposing the regime ever. While no name has been created for the paramillitary it is set to become the largest unit at 40,000 strong like the other units but to be a more rank and file unit with lower recruitment standards. This was done as an alternative to expanding the existing 10,000 strong Thaller Guard, 10,000 strong Sword of Liberty and 500 Strong Blue Devills (Commando Unit) as there were worries about diluting the quality of the existing units. The new division is made up of those eager to serve but who do not yet meet the extreme physical standards required to be in the existing unit. Normally these recruits would be turned away but now they will have a home to train and possibly end up being transferred to one of the other divisions. Recruitment for these 40,000 spots is ongoing but is expected to conclude and reach its cap in 3 months. Following the completion of this plan, the Blue Thallerist Party will have a private army of 60,500 troops.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:57 am

The SU has decided to wait for the "free" elections to take place in 4351 before taking further action

The SU leadership has announced that they will give the government a chance to organize "free democratic elections for the upcoming election date"
They expressed their dissaproval of the governments response at the general assembly but underlined that they are not here to take power.

We merely want a nation where elections are free and common and where people feel like they have a real chance to change things for the better by using their vote. We will give the current government the chance to organize this upcoming election fairly and hope they will show their dedication to democracy. If the elections proof to be manipulated we will continue our struggle as has been going on for the past years.

Said Secretary general of the SU Kamil Novák in a interview with the Deltarian.

This statement comes at a time where international pressure on the regime continues to grow. In the General Assembly of the WC a heavy debate is currently ongoing on the issue.
We will keep you posted on further news.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Aethan » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:35 pm

In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
Left Bloc - Istalia
Bright Spring - Kirlawa

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Re: The Deltarian

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:38 pm

The SU has won a major electoral victory in Deltaria with the people massively backing the new party. but concerns are also raised...

The Socialist Union has won the election! People all over Deltaria celebrated as the Czar and his party have lost their majority by incredible margins. The people of Deltaria see the freedom coming at them already, thousands have voiced their support and the nations of Istalia and Selucia have expressed their favourable opinion towards the new majority party in Deltaria.

The SU was quick to pass a new cabinet consisting of known faces like Pravoslav Kozár the man that fought for the SU and Deltaria in the General Assembly for example will now become minister of Foreign Affairs in the new cabinet. His brother of only 20 years old named Amar Kozár will become minister of Science and Technology which brings some family ties in the cabinet. The known Secretary General of the SU Kamil Novák has become the new Prime Minister.

Following the passed cabinet PM Novák started his work together with his colleagues. He has announced a serie of reforms called "The Deltarian Reformations" aimed at restoring true democracy and freedom to Deltaria and limiting the power of nobility. These reforms are likely to pass in the upcoming months.
The SU government has also started a debate on the future of the Czar and the country in general. They would like to see a republic but the SU is open to keeping the monarchy if the Czar's party could come up with convincing argument's although keeping Nikolai on a future throne is unacceptable. With these sweeping reforms gripping Deltaria the international community watches with admiration at the pace of the new Deltarian government, the Deltarian Reformations are expected to change the nation drastically, also increasing the amount of seats in the assembly for example to ensure a fair representation and limiting the power of the nobility to ensure a healthy democracy and announcing a reform that obligates state employees to swear political independence.

We thank everyone that has given their voice today! We have broken our chains! But the difficult part is still ahead of us. My new government has already proposed sweeping reforms to the current system. This means that the citizens of our great nation can expect great change in the months to come. We will ensure the freedom and democracy we promised will be realised. These reforms could change everything in our dear nation and there is more to come. We are working closely with the new opposition and the Czar to make sure the new reforms get implemented in the correct manner and no intervention can take place by any force. We thank everyone that has supported us and look forward to a bright future for Deltaria!

Said Prime Minister Kamil Novák

New Prime Minister Novák explaining the reform plans to the press


The SU is getting increasingly concerned about the absence of the Czar and his party in recent debate's

The new Deltarian government has expressed its concern on recent developments in debate's following the "Deltarian Reformation" reforms.
The SU had started a debate on the future of the Czar. But suspiciously the Thalleristická Aliancia refused to attend the debate and the Czar stayed awfully quiet.... The SU was forced to debate amongst themselves on this highly important matter.

The SU also proposed a deal to the Thalleristická Aliancia which offered them 2 cabinet positions to show the unity of the nation to the general public and international community. The SU hoped that by offering this the true democratization could begin but even this offer was declined by the Thalleristická Aliancia.

With the Czar's party and the Czar himself staying completely silent the SU and the new government have expressed their concern on these developments.
On top of this is the fact that the Czar and his paramilitary still hold the brother of new Prime Minister Novák captive despite dozens of formal requests by the new government to release the man.

I must admit that a uneasy feeling creeps on me when you lay down all the recent developments. We fear that the Czar does not approve of the new government and is refusing to cooperate in this new democratic way. We remain vigilant and watchfull and are prepared for anything. The Czar and the new opposition should know that any aggresive action against this democratically elected government will be met with a sufficient response. We call upon the Czar to once again release the brother of Prime Minister Novák and join the government in the debate about his own future. As we have stated before we are willing to negotiate and open up a healthy dialogue with the opposition and the Czar and are open to the possibility of the monarchy staying with strict conditions and arrangements being discussed beforehand.

Said Internal Affairs minister Ingrid Kovářová

The people are also worried about this developments and some even blame Istalia's comment "keeping the Czar in place to ensure stability" for the tensions saying that this comment made the Czar feel empowered to act the way he is acting. But the Deltarian government ensures The Deltarian that the Istalian government has only been cooperative at this point and that Istalia is not to blame for any internal instability in Deltaria.

Internal Affairs minister Ingrid Kovářová
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