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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:05 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Brzansk, October 4357

The leader of the Liberal Party Jakub Szwarzentel at the Security Conference in Brzansk

BRZANSK - Leader of the Liberal Party Jakub Szwarzentel was one of the guests at the recently held Security Conference in Brzansk at which he debated and gave speeches about the security needs of Valruzia and represented the Liberal Party. During the two-day conference academics, experts on the foreign relations and representatives of the defense industry debated about the future of Valruzia's foreign relations and the issues of its national security. Jakub Szwarzentel was one of the panelists during a debate on the future shape of the foreign relations of Valruzia. Leader of the Liberals announced that his party will follow the path of the previous governments of Party of National Coalition and the Liberal Party, but Szwarzentel announced that if Liberals will succeed in the next elections one of the first decisions of the newly formed government will be to reach out to the Government of the Kingdom of Dorvik with a proposal of mending the bilateral relations which have been rather icy since the beginning of the current Republic. Szwarzentel said that the shape of current relations with Dorvik costs Valruzia billions and billions of pesos resulting from potential trade as both countries have significantly limited the exports and imports of goods between them. The liberal politician spoke about the potential advantage for both Dorvik as a strong economy in Artania and Valruzia which in the last few decades grew to be the main driving force of the economic growth in Northern Seleya and one of the strongest economies in the Seleyan Union. Other panelists agreed that Valruzia has indeed seen a significant and to some of them, an unprecedented growth of the economy especially in capital-investing sectors such as machinery, telecommunications, and automotive. Szwarzentel pointed out that Valruzia over the last 113 years transformed from a country with an economy based on agriculture and small industry into a well-functioning modern economy which could have an impact on the world economy. Valruzian politicians, according to Szwarzente, should start paying more efforts to make the Valruzian economy even stronger and put the political conflicts aside. When asked about the possible withdrawal of troops from Klavia, Szwarzentel confirmed the Liberal Party's commitment to guarantee the Kingdom which over the last two decades became an important member of the Seleyan Union and an important ally of Valruzia, and that Valruzia cannot risk losing such ally which is a crucial, and integral part of a larger defense system for the whole Seleyan Continent.

When asked to elaborate on his idea of repairing the bilateral relations with Dorvik, Szwarzentel told his co-panelists and the public that the possible process should include other states with which Valruzia had troubled relations. According to Szwarzentel Varluzia could reach out to states like Kazulia, Dolgavia or Hutori. Szwarzentel assured his co-panelist that the process should be carried out with the highest care. Liberal Party leader told that the possible process set out conditions for both sides if Valruzian and Dorvish legislators would like to see the relations between Nowogard and Haldor in better shape. Szwarzentel said that Valruzia has the right to demand respect from Haldor, as a fully independent, sovereign nation with a strong economy which for some years now managed to sustain growth rates comparable and higher than Dorvik. Szwarzentel pointed out the recent research of the Valruzian Economist which proved that Valruzian economy in recent years surpassed the one of Dorvik by more than 100 billion pesos (83 billion Dorvish Dolgars). Szwarzentel agreed with his co-panelist Jerzy Szlański who is openly critical of the idea of reconciliation with Dorvik after the politicians from the former Socialist Nationalist Party have publically issued dismissive statements about Valruzia. The Liberal leader said that he himself is critical of such practices and said that Valruzia as one of the most powerful countries in Seleya has the right to demand proper respect. He confirmed the words of the former Minister for Foreign Affairs that maybe it is hard for legislators from Haldor to understand that the former status quo has ended and the global economy and geopolitical scene has entered the entirely new level in which Seleya starts to play an important role in global politics. However, Szwarzentel reassured the gathered public that it will be one of the most important goals of the possible Liberal-led cabinet to mend relations with Dorvik, re-establish economic cooperation and increase the economic exchange with Haldor. Szwarzentel as one members of the board in WLL LOT said that it was one of the most regrettable decisions of the LOT Valruzian Airlines to limit the number of routes between Nowogard and Haldor and that if the relations are mended it would once again allow both Valruzian and Dorvish carriers to provide transcontinental routes between Haldor and Nowogard. When asked about the details of the endeavor, Szwarzentel said that this would have to be worked out by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and that with possible agreement from Haldor, a ministerial group would be formed in both countries to negotiate the details of the shape of new relations.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:41 am

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Nowogard, November 4357

NOWOAGARD - Jakub Szwarzentel, leader of the Liberal Party has commented the initial fiasco of the Liberals' plan to mend bilateral relations with Dorvik. The Valruzian Economist reminds that during a recently held Security Conference in Brzansk, Jakub Szwarzentel as one of the panelists during a debate with Jerzy Szlański, Małgorzata Helmur, and Sebastian Karaś spoke about the future shape of Valruzia's foreign relations. He primarily focused on the possible process of repairing the bilateral relations with the Kingdom of Dorvik, in which he spoke that the effort to re-establish relations based on trust and mutual respect will be one of the most important in a possible Liberal-led cabinet after the elections. Which according to the latest polls is quite likely with the Liberals having 33% of support with the Patriots' Time on the second place with 28%. The leader of the Liberal Party spoke about the need of Valruzia to fight for the position on the international scene and that Valruzia cannot afford to continue the "policy of neglecting" between Haldor and Nowogard. Szwarzentel's remarks quickly gained popularity in Valruzia and quickly reached the Dorvish media. The Dorvish Foreign Minister criticized the idea of Liberal Party leader in a patronizing and disparaging tone which is peculiar to the Dorvish authorities. Dorvish Foreign Minister released a statement in which he accused the Valruzian National Forces of Defense of military espionage and replicating Zardic military equipment (according to the DFM the recently developed Reglair i210 is a replica of the Zardic A-10 close air support jet - the problem is, there is no or little information about the plane being ever produced or used by Zardic Armed Forces). Jakub Szwarzentel quickly responded the Dorvish Foreign Minister via one of his social network profiles:

We've witnessed yet another trial of Dorvish Foreign Ministry aimed at showing the middle finger to Valruzia and totally dismissing well-known facts and economic indexes. Still, I believe that we should leave the door for the reconciliation between Haldor and Nowogard opened. This is the best time for me to repeat myself, I understand that perception of a new geopolitical reality is hard and understanding it comes with difficulties, but I do believe that the head of Dorvish diplomacy is an intelligent politician which will eventually understand that Valruzia is an important member of the geopolitical scene and that this fact is easily measurable and presentable. You do not have to be an economic genius to notice that Valruzian economy for decades has been showing bigger tendencies to grow than Dorvik. You do not have to have a degree in the economy to see that the Valruzian and Dorvish currencies exchange rates have remained at similar levels for the last couple of decades. And finally, you do not have to be Kodos Fairname to compare Valruzian and Dorvish economies. There is an easily visible advantage of the Valruzian economy which can be easily measurable. Valruzian economy is larger than Dorvish by 100 billion pesos and any person who denies recognizing this important fact is simply lying him- or herself. Let's be honest... both agencies the DMF is referring to, the ZIIR and GFC are not well equipped with tools and means to assess the true economic and military potential of both the Valruzian economy and defense forces. How could possibly a Dorvish national with no security clearance be aware of what the Valruzian Defense Forces are and are not able to? I can assure you Mr. Behm and von whatever that Valruzia has the necessary ability and has the necessary potential. We've established a well functioning level of military cooperation with countries such as Istalia, Klavia, New Endralon and Malivia, so Your divagations are rather dumb. Our defense industry has presented the highest level of growth in the Northern Seleya and we can be proud of that. With our possible victory, our defense budget will once again enter new heights. Heights never reached by the defense budget of Dorvik. As for military equipment... I have one thing to say. It's hard to respond to allegations of military espionage since there is no evidence that Zardugal has ever developed the plane in question. I can assure everybody that the Reglair i210 has been developed 100% in Valruzia and anybody, I repeat anybody, that includes some delusional grandpa who by accident happens to be the minister for foreign affairs of Dorvik won't alter this fact with his impaired thinking. The time of disrespecting Valruzia has passed "Mr. Behm and other stupid names". Let me finish, I repeat that we have to wait. We have to wait for more responsible government to take power in Dorvik, a government which is not penetrated by condescension. Thank You.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:27 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Nowogard, October 4357

NOWOGARD - This was one of the longest electoral campaigns in the contemporary history of Valruzia. Sunday's election ended two very important campaign about the future of the Senate and the issues of the national security. Patriots' Time remained the largest party in the Sejm and its presidential candidate Maryna Giewanta secured re-election with 62% in the second round where she defeated Halina Minckiewicz from the Committee for the Committee for People's Democracy. This win is seen as a safe choice as Mrs. Minckiewicz managed to avoid any serious political crisis and mishap during her first term. Now, Valruzian legislators have to deal with the new composition of the Sejm. The center-right parties have managed to secure a majority and they are the most likely to form the new cabinet for the upcoming 4 years. Patriots' Time, National Unity, Progressive Party and the Liberal Party are the most probable members of the future cabinet. With 302 seats the aforementioned parties have the biggest chance of forming a governing coalition. Any possible coalition involving the Liberal Party would mean endeavor to revert changes made by the previously governing Socialist cabinets, mainly repeal of highly restrictive environmental reforms which the Liberals see as unnecessary regulations impacting the economic capacity of Valruzian petroleum sector, and the drastic increase in the national defense budget. The Liberal Party has been very critical of the dangerous and irresponsible decisions of the previous cabinets to cut the defense budget by 160 billion which significantly dropped the capacity of the defense sector which the National Forces of Defense are the largest client. Liberals intend to not only reverse the national budget to the level of 200 billion but want to inject it with additional 14 billion annually. This would mean that the entire defense budget would consume more than 50% of the entire national budget. With 214 billion from the Government and an additional 15 billion from the National Economic Fund which has been subsidizing the NSO with this annual investment for more than 50 years Valruzia could once again be proud of one of the biggest defense and military budgets in Terra. Another certain thing is that the Liberal Party won't miss any chance to implement the "Eagle" Programme and any potential programmes with the aim of reforming the national security.

Nowogard, October 4357

NOWOGARD - This is certain. The Senate's last term was its last. People of Valruzia supported the idea of transforming the nation's lower chamber - the Sejm - into a unicameral legislative body. After years of criticism, the Senate will be dissolved during the last ceremonial session in three months. 56% of voters supported the "Yes" option which in recently finished campaign on the future of the Senate became the slogan word for the supporters of the abolishment of the Senate. With the support in cities like Nowogard, Brzansk, Gryfitów or Szary Kamień at the level above 65% we can say that those were big cities who decided about the future of the chamber. Rural areas in most of the voivodeships supported the current system as most of the voters identified themselves as conservatives. This is a reputational victory of the Liberal Party which strongly supported the abolishment of the Senate and was the initiator of the referendum. This is not yet certain whether any changes will be made to the structure of the Sejm. The Social Democratic Workers' Party has recently proposed increasing the number of deputies to the Sejm, but with the center-right majority in the Sejm this idea is not likely to pass, especially as the Liberal Party's leader has recently announced that his party won't support this idea, and stated "we're abolishing the Senate, not unifying it with the Sejm".
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Wilderberg III » Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:54 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, November 4358

Former President Józef Czerwiński (78) returned to national politics with a big bang.

NOWOGARD - Ten years after leaving the Presidential Palace former President Józef Czerwiński made a big return to national politics by running for yet another 4 years as the Head of State. Despite coming in fourth in the first round President and his allies seem quite positive about their future. Both centre-right and left-wing camps hope to sway the Progressives to their side, offering cabinet positions in return. Unofficial sources claim that Mr. Czerwiński is attempting to negotiate a third option with parties from both sides, hoping "for the best deal for Valruzia". When asked about coalition talks Mr. Czerwiński voiced his concerns about the Liberal Party's approach to environmental issues and welfare spending. Either way President Czerwiński might soon be Minister Czerwiński.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:46 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia


Nowogard, November 4358

NOWOGARD - URGENT/PILNE!: The Liberal Party leadership has decided to withdraw its support for the cabinet coalition formed by Patriots' Time, National Unity, Progressives and Liberals and refused to participate in further negotiations with the Progressives. The reason behind that might be the reluctance of the Progressives in accepting the offer of a coalition with the aforementioned parties and the evident differences between the PL and PP in regard of the possible repeal of the socialist policies and again increase of the national defense budget. The Liberal Party has proposed its own cabinet proposal which replaces the Progressives with the Center Party. Despite the fact that it will reduce the number of seats of the possible coalition, still, the coalition of PT, NU, PL, and PC would grant the government necessary support of the Sejm's majority.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:56 am

Walruzja Codziennie| |Valruzia Daily

Nowogard, December 4358

"We are certainly seeing an ideological divide in our nation. The Liberal Party wishes to divide us by rolling back our environmental reforms. Well, if they wish to divide us, then we will divide them."

The proposed logo of the Unity Coalition.

After seeing clear ideological divide developing in Valruzia, the SdPR has chosen to speak with other leftist political parties in the nation about the formation of an opposition coalition, one Wolanski names the "Unity Coalition". The advisor to Niemczyk claims that such actions were inevitable: "We've seen the opposition to our environmental reforms that have, according to the bipartisan General Statistics Office, reduced industrial pollution by an astounding 38% in the past two years. We're very adamant about keeping those restrictions in place, and possibly pushing for more reforms, in regards to carbon emissions from automobiles." The party has apparently been in talks with the recently reformed Progressive Party, and an alliance seems likely, after the Liberal Party's snubbing of the progressives in a cabinet proposal. The SdPR has had healthy relations with the Partia Centrum for quite some time, and if the progressives are likely to accept, then Wolanski's idea will have born fruit, solidifying a sizable opposition in the Sejm. Stable rule is certainly needed in Valruzia, with "cabinet chaos", the name being given to the astounding 4 cabinet proposals being presented to the Sejm causing turmoil within our legislature.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 11:00 am

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

New Reglair i3X with LOT Valruzian Airlines livery.

Brzańsk, November 4358

BRZAŃSK - LOT Group and Reglair Aircraft Factory have just signed what looks like the biggest deal in the history of Valrruzian aviation. The airline group will purchase 370 new airplanes to rejuvenate and expand the fleet of its subsidiaries (LOT Valruzian Airlines, Homeconnect, Interconnect, and Tucan Air). LOT Group decided to place this massive orders as it continues to expand its route network which is apparently part of the plan of keeping the title of the largest airline by the number of destinations provided. All but 20 aircraft from the milestone order will be different versions of the new i3X which is the newest single-aisle plane from Reglair. The remaining 20 include two versions of the company's largest i4 (8 i4i - "i" for intercontinental, and 12 i4d - "d" for domestic). The 350 i3X will be delivered in several different versions with 150 basic i3X to serve on domestic routes, 100 i3Xer with extended range to serve on Seleyan and intercontinental routes, mainly to Majatra and Artania, and 100 i3Xmp - "mp" for multi-purpose - combi aircraft with increased cargo capacity.

The stunning magnitude of the deal which Reglair called its "largest single commercial announcement ever" caught many in the aviation industry by surprise. To put it in perspective, a single airline with 350 planes would rank among the 10 largest carriers on the planet. Worth nearly 30 billion pesos at list prices, the deal is a major rebound for Reglair, which has significantly lagged its Artanian and Istalian arch rivals ADG and Ajace in orders this year. Buyers typically receive discounts of 40% to 60% on the list prices, but can get even bigger reductions for really huge deals.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:17 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Chamber of the Valruzian Sejm.

Nowogard, March 4359

NOWOGARD - Valruzia is facing what could be the biggest government formation crisis in the contemporary history of the country, as after 7 months into the new term of the Sejm no new cabinet has yet been formed and parties with every new proposal encounter difficulties. Liberal Party has set out conditions under which it will accept the cabinet proposal. The party wants to run three ministries (Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade&Industry) in order to repeal environmental reforms of the previous socialist government and re-establish a strong and large defense budget. The country may face early elections if no cabinet will be formed in the upcoming months.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:10 pm

The Valruzian Economist || Economic News From Valruzia

Nowogard, October 4359

NOWOGARD - URGENT/PILNE!: After more than 5 years of stagnancy and minor recession, the defense industry in the Republic of Valruzia has finally shown first signs of growth. This undoubtedly is the main consequence of the recently enacted Act on Reformation of the National Budget which brought back the state's defense and military spending back to the levels before 4354 when the socialist government enacted the Budgetary Act in which it cut the spendings for the national defense by 160 billion (a net cut of 80%) to the level of just 40 billion annually. The Liberal Party which stands behind the revision of the defense budget run a fierce electoral campaign in which it heavily criticized previous governments and called for immediate steps to be taken in order to reverse them.

Just recently, the Sejm supported the new National Budget with 292 for, 65 against and 108 abstentions. The new budget not only brought back the previous numbers in terms of national defense, the Liberal Party proposed yet another expansion of the defense sector with additional 14 billion pesos annually (annual budget for defense and military - 214 billion pesos). The decision of the Sejm was positively received by the market. The Nowogard Stock Exchange noted double digits grow right after the vote. Analysts from the Valruzian Economist say that with this positive outcome, the government is most likely to speed up the work on the "Eagle" Programme to modernize the Valruzian Defense Air Force.

The Reglair Company officials expressed their joy about the results of the vote in the Sejm and said that is was a truly happy day for the Defense Sector in Valruzia. Reglair and its subsidiary the WZL is most likely to be the main, if not the only ones, manufacturer eligible to take part in the public procurement for the new machines for the Defense Air Force as MOND (Ministry of National Defense) set out a tough set of rules for the new planes and as for now, Reglair is the only one to have planes which fall under the requirements.

Nowogard, October 4359

NOWOGARD - Ministry of National Defense has unveiled its plans to equip the Defense Navy with a new class of corvettes. Mysteriously called Valparaiso-class, technically known as No.01-4359 project is at its early stages and, as for now, the only known thing is that the vessel will be a medium sized corvette with a helipad for one helicopter and as any other corvette at least three different types of weaponry. The Ministry announced that further details will be presented to the public during the public procurement to maintain the highest possible, and acceptable by law, level of transparency. With the budget for national defense skyrocketing the project is most likely to be given a lot of attention, and a lot of funds in order to be developed. If implemented, Valparaiso-class vessels will be the first Corvettes in the Valruzian Navy.
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