
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:44 pm

New Cabinet Signals New Government
November 4357
Recently after discussions between the Peoples Nationalist Party and Conservative Monarchist Party a new Cabinet has been proposed. This cabinet is likely to pass since both parties have agreed upon it and have majority rule in the Ecclesia.
The cabinet officials are:
Head of State:CMP
Science and Technology:CMP
Food and Agriculture:CMP
Environment and Tourism:CMP
Trade and Industry:CMP
Foreign Affairs:PNP
Internal Affairs:PNP
Infrastructure and Transport:PNP
Health and Social Services:CMP
Education and Culture:CMP
We will keep you updated
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:21 am

The Klavian Armed Forces to begin military drills with Dankuk
Recently Leounitus Flavia after being re-elected to Cabinet has begun a military exercise in Dankuk alongside the Dankuk military
Well we’ve seen the international communities outrage at Dankuk and I believe they should remove the nukes. However they are beginning to threaten the sovereignty of Dankuk and also Klavia. The Security Council has begun discussions to send in investigative sources into Klavia and Dankuk. Let this be a message,We will not allow those inspectors into Klavia. We have on multiple occasions stated that our nuclear program has ended and that all nuclear weapons were either destroyed or the uranium in them was removed and the missiles were used for other purposes. With this exercise we hope to show the community we will stand with Dankuk till the end.

The exercise is suspected to have at least 100,000 Klavian soldiers involved also there is expected to be 10,000 tanks,2,500 MLRS,and 1500 artillery pieces. Also the Navy and Air Force are beginning exercises as well with the Dankukians. At least 25% of the Navy will be there and 95% of the Air Force will be there.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 4:01 am

Leounitus Flavia responds to Dorvonia
Recently Dorvonia has claimed that the state media lies. That is not true. Of our 150,000 strong armed forces we have stationed 100,000 in Dankuk for the military exercises. They claim we are lying. However I bet they wouldn’t dare test there theory against Klavia. This is an exercise that was due anyway. The circumstances around it just make it a better time to do them. Let me teach you over there about Klavia and it’s soldiers. They are ready to fight to the death for the nation and its allies. So if you want to test your theory about our army, go ahead and try. I dare you
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Mar 07, 2018 9:53 pm

Military Exercises End in Dankuk
The military exercises that began 3 weeks ago have officially ended. With 100,000 soldiers participating it is the largest military exercise in Klavian History. This is what Leontius Flavia said on the matter
The Klavian Armed Forces have recently finished training exercises with Dankuk. We practiced an anti-invasion strategy alongside Dankuk and I say it went excellent. Now we will move all of our 100,000 troops back to the Klavian Isle. Also we plan on possibly beginning operations with the Seleyan Union and/or Istalia.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:47 am

Klavia breaks all ties with Dankuk,begins sanctions and embargo’s
Recently a bill has been passed to break all ties with Dankuk following the abduction of citizens from foreign nations.This is what Leounitus Flavia,Minister of Defense,said on the matter
Dankuk and Klavia have always been allies however with there recent actions including starting a nuclear program and abducting citizens of foreign nations,We deemed it necessary to distant ourself from Dankuk and there actions. These actions risk retaliation and Klavia will not defend Dankuk when this occurs. This is something that Klavia can not risk. As soon as Dankuk begins to use common sense when engaging with foreign nations only then will we re-engage relations. Until the nuclear program is ended Klavia will begin sanctioning Dankuk as well as embargo all goods exported from Dankuk. Also Klavia will no longer allow Dankuk to station ships in Klavia and also Klavia will no longer accept trading ships heading to Dankuk. As soon as Dankuk ends the nuclear program and releases the hostages that that stole from sovereign nations these embargo’s and sanctions will end immediately and we will rekindle the relationship between our nations.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:45 pm

New Military Factories opened in Klavia Okeano
20 New Military Factories have been opened in Klavia Okeano. These military factories are designed to build Merkava Mk. 4 tanks for the Klavian Armed Forces. These factories are expected to amplify Klavia’s tank number from 5,000 to 20,000.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:33 pm

Military Exercise Between Istalia and Klavia shows signs of prosperous navy
Earlier today Leounitus Flavia,Minister of Defense for Klavia Okeano and Andreatto di Nero,Minsiter of Defense for Istalia met and discussed this and officially began the exercise.
It is reported 310 submarines from Klavia and 3 from Istalia participated in the exercise alongside 3 destroyers from Klavia and 12 from Istalia.
The reported exercise has been considered a success with both sides saying that the new encirclement strategy is very efficient and productive for there navies.
They also trained on how to stop drug smugglers from entering national waters and how to patrol international waters.
Last edited by Yolo04 on Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:14 pm

Yolo04 wrote:Military Exercise Between Istalia and Klavia shows signs of prosperous navy
Earlier today Leounitus Flavia,Minister of Defense for Klavia Okeano and Andreatto di Nero,Minsiter of Defense for Istalia met and discussed this and officially began the exercise.
It is reported 356 submarines from Klavia and 1,500 from Istalia participated in the exercise alongside 50 destroyers from Klavia and 470 from Istalia.
The reported exercise has been considered a success with both sides saying that the new encirclement strategy is very efficient and productive for there navies.
They also trained on how to stop drug smugglers from entering national waters and how to patrol international waters.

OOC: OK, @Yolo04 I'm going to stop you right there... I don't know if I'm going to be the first one to tell you this but you need to work on your RP... man seriously... '356 submarines from Klavia'... really? Out of where? The coherence of this RP could not be more distorted and impaired... '1,500 (ed. submarines) from Istalia'... oh really, how come if the wikia page of the Istalian Navy clearly states that Istalia has only 30 submarines IN TOTAL (and the total number of ships in the Istalian Navy is just 127 - so I think that raising concerns about the '470 (ed. destroyers) from istalia is fully justified. But what bothers me the most is that your RP has no correlation with the in-game RP and the in-game "geopolitical" situation of Klavia (I seriously don't know why it ceased to be Keymon... and at this point, I doubt anybody knows...). But Klavia is just a small island state with ~20 million people (5 time less than most of the in-game countries... and one of the most important results of it it five time smaller GDP). The Defense Budget of Klavia (?) is 5 billion KED - after converting it to Lodamun Dollars (the strongest currency) using in-game currency exchange chart or currency converter which could be found here, that leaves us with "just" 2.27 billion LOD. Let's compare that with the defense spending of countries which in economic and military rankings are listed as strong, and very strong (in economic) and regional, and great powers (for military). Dorvik - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 14.6 billion), Indrala - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.6 billion), Malivia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.8 billion), Valruzia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 32.6 billion)...

I assure you that none of the aforementioned countries with their extensive (and significantly larger military expenditures) doesn't claim it is in possession of 350 submarines (which are expensive to build and maintain). According to my knowledge Kazula which is a Great Power has 2 aircraft carriers, and 20 submarines (!) and that is what most of the players call a realistic RP - bacause values you use (350 submarines) wold kill the economy of a Great Power state and we are talking about a small island state. I really recommend altering the RP and making it more real as this would not only make it more interesting and realistic but more importantly would attract more players who value a sustainable, realistic and well-thought RP... I assure you that with an intelligent RP Klavia can be a hell of a lot of fun when playing... just look at the in-game map... the location of Klavia itself just gives a ton of RP possibilities and there is no need for overexaggerated RP that Klavia: A - has 8000 tanks, B - has 350 submarines, C - exports ICBMs (?!?!). You have to keep in mind that you are playing in a country that is a small island in the middle of the ocean and that its capabilities are limited...

Don't geet me wrong... If you feel fine with your RP.. please carry on, but don't expect other players to take it for serious...
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:26 pm

Masionette9 wrote:
Yolo04 wrote:Military Exercise Between Istalia and Klavia shows signs of prosperous navy
Earlier today Leounitus Flavia,Minister of Defense for Klavia Okeano and Andreatto di Nero,Minsiter of Defense for Istalia met and discussed this and officially began the exercise.
It is reported 356 submarines from Klavia and 1,500 from Istalia participated in the exercise alongside 50 destroyers from Klavia and 470 from Istalia.
The reported exercise has been considered a success with both sides saying that the new encirclement strategy is very efficient and productive for there navies.
They also trained on how to stop drug smugglers from entering national waters and how to patrol international waters.

OOC: OK, @Yolo04 I'm going to stop you right there... I don't know if I'm going to be the first one to tell you this but you need to work on your RP... man seriously... '356 submarines from Klavia'... really? Out of where? The coherence of this RP could not be more distorted and impaired... '1,500 (ed. submarines) from Istalia'... oh really, how come if the wikia page of the Istalian Navy clearly states that Istalia has only 30 submarines IN TOTAL (and the total number of ships in the Istalian Navy is just 127 - so I think that raising concerns about the '470 (ed. destroyers) from istalia is fully justified. But what bothers me the most is that your RP has no correlation with the in-game RP and the in-game "geopolitical" situation of Klavia (I seriously don't know why it ceased to be Keymon... and at this point, I doubt anybody knows...). But Klavia is just a small island state with ~20 million people (5 time less than most of the in-game countries... and one of the most important results of it it five time smaller GDP). The Defense Budget of Klavia (?) is 5 billion KED - after converting it to Lodamun Dollars (the strongest currency) using in-game currency exchange chart or currency converter which could be found here, that leaves us with "just" 2.27 billion LOD. Let's compare that with the defense spending of countries which in economic and military rankings are listed as strong, and very strong (in economic) and regional, and great powers (for military). Dorvik - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 14.6 billion), Indrala - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.6 billion), Malivia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.8 billion), Valruzia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 32.6 billion)...

I assure you that none of the aforementioned countries with their extensive (and significantly larger military expenditures) doesn't claim it is in possession of 350 submarines (which are expensive to build and maintain). According to my knowledge Kazula which is a Great Power has 2 aircraft carriers, and 20 submarines (!) and that is what most of the players call a realistic RP - bacause values you use (350 submarines) wold kill the economy of a Great Power state and we are talking about a small island state. I really recommend altering the RP and making it more real as this would not only make it more interesting and realistic but more importantly would attract more players who value a sustainable, realistic and well-thought RP... I assure you that with an intelligent RP Klavia can be a hell of a lot of fun when playing... just look at the in-game map... the location of Klavia itself just gives a ton of RP possibilities and there is no need for overexaggerated RP that Klavia: A - has 8000 tanks, B - has 350 submarines, C - exports ICBMs (?!?!). You have to keep in mind that you are playing in a country that is a small island in the middle of the ocean and that its capabilities are limited...

Don't geet me wrong... If you feel fine with your RP.. please carry on, but don't expect other players to take it for serious...

You fail to realize that Klavia is an island nation. The building up of the navy has been happening for 2 millennia.Also the reason we have so few destroyers is because we invested so much into submarines. Also we have received donations from nations like Istalia and Dankuk in the past to advance our navy. Also I withdraws the the ICBM one. Also Klavia gets most of its armed forces from donations from Istalia or Dankuk or the Seleyan Union or Vanuku. BTW we haven’t been at war so we haven’t lost any of the older subs or equipment.
I appreciate your concern but this is logically possible for an island nation
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:03 pm

Yolo04 wrote:
Masionette9 wrote:
Yolo04 wrote:Military Exercise Between Istalia and Klavia shows signs of prosperous navy
Earlier today Leounitus Flavia,Minister of Defense for Klavia Okeano and Andreatto di Nero,Minsiter of Defense for Istalia met and discussed this and officially began the exercise.
It is reported 356 submarines from Klavia and 1,500 from Istalia participated in the exercise alongside 50 destroyers from Klavia and 470 from Istalia.
The reported exercise has been considered a success with both sides saying that the new encirclement strategy is very efficient and productive for there navies.
They also trained on how to stop drug smugglers from entering national waters and how to patrol international waters.

OOC: OK, @Yolo04 I'm going to stop you right there... I don't know if I'm going to be the first one to tell you this but you need to work on your RP... man seriously... '356 submarines from Klavia'... really? Out of where? The coherence of this RP could not be more distorted and impaired... '1,500 (ed. submarines) from Istalia'... oh really, how come if the wikia page of the Istalian Navy clearly states that Istalia has only 30 submarines IN TOTAL (and the total number of ships in the Istalian Navy is just 127 - so I think that raising concerns about the '470 (ed. destroyers) from istalia is fully justified. But what bothers me the most is that your RP has no correlation with the in-game RP and the in-game "geopolitical" situation of Klavia (I seriously don't know why it ceased to be Keymon... and at this point, I doubt anybody knows...). But Klavia is just a small island state with ~20 million people (5 time less than most of the in-game countries... and one of the most important results of it it five time smaller GDP). The Defense Budget of Klavia (?) is 5 billion KED - after converting it to Lodamun Dollars (the strongest currency) using in-game currency exchange chart or currency converter which could be found here, that leaves us with "just" 2.27 billion LOD. Let's compare that with the defense spending of countries which in economic and military rankings are listed as strong, and very strong (in economic) and regional, and great powers (for military). Dorvik - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 14.6 billion), Indrala - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.6 billion), Malivia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 7.8 billion), Valruzia - budget for military and defense (after conversion to LOD - 32.6 billion)...

I assure you that none of the aforementioned countries with their extensive (and significantly larger military expenditures) doesn't claim it is in possession of 350 submarines (which are expensive to build and maintain). According to my knowledge Kazula which is a Great Power has 2 aircraft carriers, and 20 submarines (!) and that is what most of the players call a realistic RP - bacause values you use (350 submarines) wold kill the economy of a Great Power state and we are talking about a small island state. I really recommend altering the RP and making it more real as this would not only make it more interesting and realistic but more importantly would attract more players who value a sustainable, realistic and well-thought RP... I assure you that with an intelligent RP Klavia can be a hell of a lot of fun when playing... just look at the in-game map... the location of Klavia itself just gives a ton of RP possibilities and there is no need for overexaggerated RP that Klavia: A - has 8000 tanks, B - has 350 submarines, C - exports ICBMs (?!?!). You have to keep in mind that you are playing in a country that is a small island in the middle of the ocean and that its capabilities are limited...

Don't geet me wrong... If you feel fine with your RP.. please carry on, but don't expect other players to take it for serious...

You fail to realize that Klavia is an island nation. The building up of the navy has been happening for 2 millennia.Also the reason we have so few destroyers is because we invested so much into submarines. Also we have received donations from nations like Istalia and Dankuk in the past to advance our navy. Also I withdraws the the ICBM one. Also Klavia gets most of its armed forces from donations from Istalia or Dankuk or the Seleyan Union or Vanuku. BTW we haven’t been at war so we haven’t lost any of the older subs or equipment.
I appreciate your concern but this is logically possible for an island nation

Yet you still fail to realize how much of an economic effort and exhaustion it is for any state to maintain such large fleet of submarines (USSR collapsed partially because it couldn't keep up with the US in terms of the military)... The building up of the navy took over 2 millennia... so you're saying that Klavia uses ships that are more than 2 thousand years old? Plase... 50 destroyers is not a few. Current Great Powers have less than 50 destroyers in their fleet so please... check get your facts straight. Donations from the Seleyan Union... really... I've been practically responsible for all the diplomatic and military activity of the Seleyan Union for almost a year now, as Valruzia is the only state which contributed to the RP on the Seleyan Union recently, and I've invited Klavia to join the SU and I'm quite sure that any military support has been given to Klavia except the Valruzo-Klavian deal on the military presence of Valruzian soldiers in Klavia.

Can you provide us with the RP elements (forum posts, in-game proposals, funds allocation) with which you've invested "so much" in submarines and that your country is capable of maintaining such vast and extensive fleet of submarines? I know that you withdrew from the ICBM RP but it doesn't change the fact that it was there and it was unrealistic. You don't seem to get my point. Please try to understand what you've just written in that response... "The building up of the navy has been happening for 2 millennia" and "BTW we haven’t been at war so we haven’t lost any of the older subs or equipment" so logically I understand it like that: Klavia built its submarines 2000 years ago, and still uses it today because it hasn't been in any war" point me a country which uses submarines from the World War 2... It is illogical and affects the quality of the roleplay. Do you have any deals with Istalia which confirms your claims?

And still, you haven't responded to my comments about the quantitative irregularities in your initial post. (You know... about the 1500 Istalian submarines...)

I would like to know what other players have to say about this, therefore, I asked them for their feedback on this.
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