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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:39 am

The Holy Orderist Military Begins to Mobilize

Armed Orderists walking out of the Seventh Day Orderist Church in Zardugaio.

Ever since the Presidential election of 4364, Zardugal has been in a state of unrest:
President Calistro's purge of corrupt representatives.
Labour unions have been demanding more from the companies that hired them.
The increasing divide between the members of new Kalo administration, and the members old Fenikso administration.

But another thing that has also been restless for the last year has been the Orderist Church.
With the recent passing of Paragon Estutiel and numerous attacks on followers of the Orderist faith, Paragon Adriel has called for reorganization and rearming of the church. This is seen as a very radical departure from his predecessor, but overall has not been seen as a negative. For years, many Orderists outside Zardugal have tried to called upon the church to try to end religious persecution within the neighboring state of Vanuku, and it seems that Adriel has been the answer.

Picture of Paragon Adriel

In resent weeks weapons from the Maksimuma Corporation have been sold to members of Orderist churches throughout Zardugal, Cobura, and Vanuku. This has worried many as armed government resistance is seeming more and more likely. Although this has been seen before during the Vanuku-Orderist Crises of 4350s, this arming of churches seems to be on a greater scale. Is this the dawn of another war?
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby menkiller755 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:58 am

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:52 pm

Paragon Adriel Declares War on Enemies of the Orderist Church

On May 1st, 4366, the Holy Party of Rebirth hosted there 67th Convention at the Fenikso Orderist Church.
This was the first convention since the the Holy Party of Elijah, split that religious figures became convention speakers.

And the most notable speaker that evening was Paragon Adriel.
With recent problems facing the Orderists, the Paragon had not been as active in the public eye.
This convention was a used as a way for Adriel to publicly declare his position, a declaration of war against "the Enemy that seeks to destroy".
Many are unsure what this means for Zardugal and the rest of West Majatra.

Paragon Adriel Declaration:
The Orderist Church and Holy Party should not be weary. We can't just protect what we have. We need to take back what we lost! We need to take back our homes, our communities, and our nation! We declare war the Enemy that seeks to destroy us! Fenikso didn't build all of this, just so the light could be snuffed out. He built this because he wanted the us to be a beacon to Terra. An eternal flame. Long live the Phoenix!

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:10 pm

Executive Military Dismantled
November 4365

Members of the Special Investigation Unit Making an Arrest

A spokesperson for Minister of Internal Affairs Marko Jaksino has announced that the former head of the Executive Military, Aston Drakoro, has been arrested following his refusal to dismantle the Executive Military.

The arrest, executed by a special response unit of the Special Investigation Unit of the Zardic Federal Police Service, was carried out in the early morning taking him at his home by surprise. Brigadier General Thomis Velacour, commander of the Zardic 7th Airborne Division, was appointed Head Director to oversee the Executive Military's dismantlement. The 1st Division, the White Guard, was dismobilized and members that passed through screening and vetting given to the Presidential Military Office, the Office and detail directly responsible for the protection of the President. 2nd Division's members that again were cleared by ZNSO, were given back to their affiliate military and special operations units while 3rd Division was dismantled and it's personnel given back to the various Zardic Security and Intelligence organizations that had been taken from. Following his short stint as head of the Executive Miltiary Brigadier General Velacour was promoted to Major General and made Deputy Commander of Presidential Security in the Presidential Military Office.

ZNSO Director Julia Calistro has stated that all reassigned members were reassigned without penalty or loss of pay while members proven to be "privy to corruption" were honourably discharged and given a severance package.


President Kalo Gives State of the Republic Address
December 4365

President Kalo's Speech to the National Assembly

In a rousing speech to the National Assembly, President Patro Kalo reflected on his Administration's first year and his plan for the second. Here are bits of that speech.

President Patro Kalo wrote:Good evening My Fellow Citizens of the Republic

I am proud to say that the State of Our Republic is Strong!

In the first year of this new Administration we have begun working a long term plan to return Zardugal to relevancy and strength in Terra. While it failed the first time due to procedural rules I have moved to have the Mozby Doctrine Re-Issued into the National Assembly and this time when it passes Zardugal can reclaim its place in Terra on it's own terms!...

The passage of the Anti-Trust Act was an excellent first step to break the corruption inside of our economic and political system. No company or entity should get soe big that it becomes too big to fail and the SPR allowed the Maksimuma Corporation to become exactly that; with the passage of the Anti-Trust Act their iron grip on our economy has been broken and we can return to a true free market economy, not one where there is just one winner...

While the first year of this Administration has been success we must build upon the success we have done. We will engage with our allies internationally, economically and militarily, bring our Republic back to the forefront. We will fight against corruption, against oppression and against extremism throughout the world and at home and we will take the lead on confronting evil and restoring Terra to a fair and good place to live for all!


Cuko to Maksimuma "Sell Your Assets or we do it for you!"
January 4366

Minister of Trade & Industry Smilo Cuko Speaking to the Chairman of the Konstandia Bay Maritime Corporation

With the passage of the Anti-Trust Act Zardic Minister of Trade & Industry Smilo Cuko has given a stern warning to the powerful Zardic based Maksisuma Corporation "Sell of Your Assets or we will do it for you."

In a meeting with the Konstandia Chamber of Commerce Cuko laid our his economic plan, and took a direct shot at the massive company.

The Zardic Economy has long been defined by a competitive edge, that the government got out of the of and let the private sector work on its own. However that spirit has been corrupted by the Corrupt and Unethical Business Practices at the Maksumima Corporation, who have used predatory tactics and their former friends in government to enrich themselves to take key portions of the economy hostage. No more! The passage of the Anti-Trust Act has forbidden Monopolies and stopped companies from owning too much of the market share. This will encourage small and medium sized business and competition that will serve as the backbone of the company. For companies that are attempting to hold onto those monopolies I have only one statement for you. "Sell off those assets, or the Ministry will sell them off for you, and we do not promise you will be earning a profit.


"Stay out of Zardic Business"
March 4366

Zardic Minister of Foreign Affairs Citto Mamalo

The Zardic Foreign Minister fired back a shot at the Deltarian government over their "observation" of the situation in Zardugal.

What is currently occurring within the Republic is the result of local insurgents who grew used to being in charge, being in power, and being on top. The Zardic electorate rejected their corrupt and inept leadership and lead us to what we have today. Our Administration is strong and stable; leadership shuffles happen. The investigation by the ZNSO is being down to root corruption out of our system where the Feniskos and Thallers allowed it to fester and be bought off. We are not the one arming paramilitary forces to move against the lawfully, legally and dually elected democratic government of Zardugal like the Holy Orderist Church and their SRP political puppets. We are not the one encouraging religious violence in Vanuku against their down elected authorities. If the Deltarians wish to aid us in cracking down on insurgents and terrorists President Kalo will gladly speak to you. If you are only hear to meddle because your friend is no longer in the Presidential Palace we have a simple statement for you "Stay out of Zardic Business." This is our house and we will get it in order on our terms.


[u]Legion of Zardic Patriots Founded[/u]
June 4366

Members of the Legion Kalvario, a section of the newly founded Legion of Zardic Patriots

In response to the arming of the Holy Orderist Military, the Zardic New Patriot Party's Executive Committee has sought and received permission from the Federal Ministry of Defence for the creation of a political paramilitary group, the Legio de Zardik Patriotoj (Legion of Zardic Patriots). The LZP are being trained by the Terran Security Group, Zardugal's foremost and most elite Private Miltiary Contractor and is receiving it's weapons and equipment at a discount from Zardic Land Systems, a renewed military arms firm that was able to grow out of the aggressive sell off and break up of the Maksisuma monopoly on the arms industry. Legions have been created in all five states of the Republic, though the largest are in the States of Kalavario and Ingomo, both states where the ZNPP achieved majority in the 4364 elections. The State Governors in both cases have offered use of Zardic National Guard Bases and resources and indeed, the Legate of the Legio Kalvario, also serves as the commander of the State National Guard.

The newly appointed commander of the LZP, Legion General Augustus Tullius, a Selucian born Zard and former Director of Security at the Terran Information Group, took pains to not that the Legion was only being used for the defence of the Republic and the Zardic New Patriot Party against "extremists in all veins. Legionaries are loyal Zardic citizens, loyal to the nation and Republic first and foremost."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:26 am

Chairman of the Central Committee Anzor Alasania rallies voters in Kostandia to support the govt
With the recent tensions in Zardugal regarding the turnover of power to the ZNPP, the new left of centre Party of Labour is rapidly moving to support the President and the Cabinet in what is proving to have been a remarkable past couple years. Despite a poor performance in the recent election, the new party is wasting no time in organizing a previously divided and fought left wing in Zardugal. Labour unions are rallying workers to fight for their rights and party organizers are working to attract middle and working class votes. All this is aimed at preventing the recent Orderist religious cult from overtaking the elected civil authorities. Recent actions taken to dismantle key, and illegitimate institutions such as the Executive Military.

While many in the party publicly hope the SRP will submit to the norms of democratic governance, it cannot be assured. The paramilitary wing of the party is also rapidly organizing to defend the people and party. It has also developed connections with the ZNPP and local and federal law enforcement to ensure its actions are legal and work with the government. So far the small cadre of 7500 paramilitary personnel is acting admirably and professionally but who knows how they will be tested?

General Alexander Spiros publicly meeting with members of the Military Staff Committee
As the government rapidly moves to purge "disloyal" elements from the military and security services, Chairman of the Military Staff Committee of the Combined Defense Staff General Alexander Spiros is moving to fully purge the officer corps. As the Interior Ministry and security services move after corrupt officials, the new purge is reaching farther and wider than either effort to date. Dozens of senior level officials with ties considered too close to the former regime or who are suspected to have ongoing political contact are being removed from their positions and forcibly retired. The purge has already shaken the CDS where dozens of generals and admirals were removed for various items such as incompetence, political bias, and other bland sounding crimes.

The purge gas begun spreading out from the high command too. Even more colonels and field commanders are under investigation by Defense Security for various crimes or incompetence with dozens already removed from command.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:34 am

Maksimuma Begins Major International Expansion


Maksimuma, one of the largest companies in West Majatra, is setting its sights for the rest of the world.
During a press briefing on December 14th, President Francisko Okzida announced that the Maksimuma would begin a large expansion into international markets, becoming available in nations of Istalia, Kafuristan, and Barmenistan by next year. Okzida also plans on expanding Maksimuma to Western Dovani nations such as Sekowo and Dankuk, as well as South Dovani nations like Indrala, Hanzen, and Kimlien.

Francisko Okzida speaking at Maksimuma Conference.

The world is changing, and Maksimuma needs to change with it if our business is to survive. We cannot stay in Zardugal, if the Zardic government is to direct our actions. We cannot stay in Vanuku, if the Vanukean government is to direct our actions. We must direct our own actions, and this expanse is the best action to take.

I am reminded of the story of when rabbits from Luthori were first introduced to Tropica. In the beginning there was only sixteen rabbits but now there is around two billion rabbits in Tropica. I say this little parable to show that great fortune can be ours with just a little investment.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:25 am

Goga Kakhaberidze, Deputy Director (Religious Affairs) on the Working Group on National Policy speaking to the Plenary Session of the Central Committee
After the failure of Law on Religious Issues the Party of Labour is condemning the SRP and their affiliation with the Orderist religious order as a cult that is harming the fabric of the Zardic Republic. Taking the lead on this policy development is Gog Kakhaberidze, Deputy Director for Religious Policy in the POL. To date she gave the most forceful condemnation of the religious order yet as a "deranged cult" that was threatening the unity of the people, and seeking to exploit division to satisfy its business interests. In a public but untelevised session of the Central Committee, she presented the findings of the Working Group on National Policy:
We have seen the degradation of the national and popular unity in the face of this Cult. In the Work Report provided detailing our findings, it is beyond question that this deranged cult has corroded the unity of the people, and poisoned the national well. Their vicious capitalist ideology is fueling the exploitation of the people for their labour and capital, while their aggressive deregulation agenda threatens the common good, ranging from the environment to health and safety of the people. We cannot let this continue. I urge the members of the Central Committee to consider seriously consider the Work Report and the implications of letting this Cult continue its terrible work!

Abraam Vakhvakhishvili, Director of International Solidarity speaks to a session of the Council on International Cooperation
Recent actions taken in neighboring Vanuku and Jelabania have caused intense debate and scandal in foreign affairs circuits in Zardugal as governments shutdown the Orderist Cult and suppress its members. Members of the government and POL are deeply alarmed that a non-government and subversive organization is endangering peace and stability in western Majatra, potentially leading to increased tensions in the area unless the government can reign in the activities of this group. Highlighting these concerns, Abraam Vakvaakhishvili, Director of International Solidarity for the POL addressed this at the CIC forum convened for just such an occasion.
I just cannot believe what we are seeing. We are seeing ladies and gentlemen, a non-governmental religious cult exploiting a divided time here in Zardugal to spread its chaos and subversion abroad. Vanuku, long a major power in Vanuku has been incensed by the actions of this group and Jelbania, a frequent challenge for our country is also suppressing this group. The question we must ask is how this doesn't negatively impact our people? Are we really to think that the Vanukueans and Jelbks will stand by while the Orderists have safe harbour here? Are we to think our people will be embroiled in a general conflagration over this band of Cultists and terrorists?
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:34 am

Ezoko Xenakis Announces Presidential Run
Controversial candidate or new hope for the Republic?

January 2nd, 4368
By Basina Gallienido

Not a full day into the new year and the before big news is released. Ezoko Xenakis of the Holy Party has decided to run for President of the Republic.
After the Holy Party's failure during the last election, leadership in the party has been left undecided.
Many had expected Chudari Zanta to take the leading role and run for President. But during a meeting last September, Zanta stated that he would not be running.
Specifically saying "Listen, I don't want to President if the nation is to falling apart. Let's focus on saving the Republic before focusing on leading the Republic."
These words must have not reached Xenakis, who for the past few months has spoke against the Republic of Zardugal and its leaders.

Ezoko Xenakis, current SPR choice for the Presidential Run.

Ezoko Xenakis is a known by many titles. He is an imperialist, believeing in the restoration of the Augustan Empire. He is also Pan-Orderist fundamentalist, believing that it is the duty of Hosianists to launch a Global Crusade against the other nations of the world. He has also dabbled in Xarfaxianism.
Lastly, he is a seperatist, believing that the Republic has failed keeping control over its citizens. He blames Republican ideals for the resent upsurge political division in Zardugal, and if the Republic cannot fix these problems he proposes to break off from the Zardugal.

Today is the 116th Anniversary of the Republic. These means that 116 years ago a group of extraordinary men had the idea to create a nation, one that would express the ideals of democracy and equality. Although today we regard this act as a great achievement, and regard the Republic as a success. I would argue that the Republic has several institutional failures that over the years has lead to it's gradual decay. Today's political parties have split Zardugal, each trying to push there own ideologies onto the Republic without fixing its core issues. But if there is one thing I want you leave here knowing, it's this: If Republican government falls into factionalism, and fails at representing the people. We, the Citizens of Zardugal, should create our own government to represent us.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby EDominus » Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:33 am

Ezoko Xenakis Wins Presidency

Ezoko Xenakis was elected the nation’s 22nd president in the stunning climax of the a campaign that defied expectations and conventions, driven only by beliefs.

Xenakis speaking at a rally when launching his campaign.

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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby PaleRider » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:44 am

POL members cheering at the Congress of Labour party to celebrate a stunning electoral victory
The last elections brought about a significant realignment as the centre-left Party of Labour rose to the second place position in the country's legislature after performing strongly in three states. Only two seats short of challenging the SPR for dominant party status, the POL wasted no time in forming a coalition government in response to the Presidential victory by the SPR. It was a shocking loss to see the Presidency lost but the party is in now full control of the levers of government with the ZNPP.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Currently the Zardic People's Party
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