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Postby Wilderberg III » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:43 pm

Welcome to Kurageri Press Agency.

KAP's main task is to gather news from all over Kurageri.

Here you will be able to find all kinds of news ranging from politics to celebrity gossip.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:41 pm

Kurageri Today | Politics

Guide to the 4370 Kurageri Elections
October 4369

The new flag of Kurageri

KUGA - As the Kuragi nation prepares for two major elections in 4370 a group of KT reporters decided to gather important information about the upcoming contests.

Basic information

In 4370 Kurageri will host three different elections: local, parliamentary and presidential.

The first one in chronologial order will be the Parliamentary Election on January 23 followed by the Presidential Election (on February 2) and local elections (on February 18).

Parliamentary Election - January 23rd

Parliament building in Kuga, Kuga capital province, Kurageri

On 23 January 4370 the Kuragi people will elect 650 MPs and 100 Senators to the bicameral Parliament consisting of the Bunge (National Assembly) and Seneti (Senate) to a four-year term (likely to be shortened).
The number of MPs has been widely criticized by numerous political figures in this Third World nation, with many of them pointing out that the Bunge chamber will not be able to accommodate this many people.
Most major parties promise to decrease the number of MPs to 360 as soon as the new constitution will be adopted.
Despite that the Electoral Comission of Kurageri (ECoK) has drawn 50 electoral districts with each district electing 13 representatives.
The districts' boundaries are continiously criticized by anti-democratic politicians, who claim that the elections will be "rigged".

Presidential Election - February 2nd

Presidential Palace in Kuga

Ten days after the Parliamentary Election the Kuragi will once again go to the polls, this time to elect their President to a five-year term (also likely to be shortened).
The President (also known as Rais wa Kurageri) will be elected through the popular vote. There will be only one round and unlike in many other presidential republics the winner is not required to win over 50% of the vote.
So far 16 major candidates have registered with the ECoK, with the foreign-educated, socially liberal lawyer Elewasi Jabari in the lead.

The People's Popular Party's presidential candidate Elewasi Jabari is most likely to win the Presidency.

Local Elections - February 18th

Two weeks after the Presidential Election the Local ones will take place. Citizens of Kurageri will elect their mayors and local councillors.
Estimates say that around 40,000 people have decided to run for various local offices making this the highest number of candidates in Kuragi history.

Why these elections are so important.

The people of Kurageri (known as Kuragi or Kuragao) will elect the people who will decide the country's future for the next centuries.
The President and MPs will be tasked with drafting the new constitution. This will have a tremendous impact on every Kuragi citizen.
Some foreign experts are worried that newly elected officials with no previous governing experience will be vulnerable to corruption.
As a response to their concerns the Executive Council of Kurageri (who are currently tasked with fullfilling the tasks of the executive branch of the government) invited foreign observers to come to Kurageri and oversee the democratic process.

Kuragi Problems

The upcoming elections will surely highlight the gap between Kurageri and the much more civilized western world.
The Electorall Comission is working tirelessly to draft teachers and priest as well as other well educated citizens in order to help the illiterate (23.2% of the population) and guide them through the voting process.
The citizens will most likely vote based on their economic interest among other factors. This makes all sorts of farmers and shepherds the most dominant voter group in Kurageri.
Despite the rampant poverty and lack of many luxuries Kurageri does not face a problem of high crime rates. It seems like the Kuragi decided to keep busy with hard work instead of crime.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Pragma » Wed Mar 28, 2018 8:15 pm

Dorvik To Send Overseers To Kurageri // DNS Worldwide

Above: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer

The Federal Republic of Dorvik will be providing assistance to Kurageri in order to ensure that the elections of the president and parliament occur smoothly, DNS Worldwide has learnt. Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Dorvik Esther Fischer and the Executive Council of Kurageri have been in close contact for some time now, and so the Federal government in Dorvik has now officially released a plan to send an 'electoral aid package' to Kurageri. This will include an entire system of overseers at both polling stations and counting halls, with hundreds of overseeing electoral staff to be temporarily designated to Kurageri in order to make sure that Kurageri gets off on the right democratic foot for its 4370 elections.

Dorvish Minister for Foreign Affairs Esther Fischer made clear in a statement to the press that Kurageri's 'peaceful transition to a stable democracy' is now a top priority of the Dorvish Foreign Ministry, and that they are willing to invest massively into the infrastructure necessary to conduct a 'highly efficient and clean election and result'. The move is seen at home as a major step forward for Dorvish interests worldwide, seen in the government as an opportunity at building international relations and internationally as a way for democracy to be spread to every corner of Terra. Fischer said that she was 'excited about the prospect of a new, prospering nation in Dovani - given that they have been unfairly maligned as the "third world"'.

The team sent to Kurageri will be made up of hundred of highly-trained electoral overseers, trained in local languages and major world languages. They will man alongside native staff the polling booths firstly, and will also provide Dorvish-trained security to ensure that the election is safe - as well as independent overseers of ballot boxes to ensure no corruption. Secondly, the staff will be overseeing the counting of votes by both machine and hand to make sure the results come in as is fair. Ballots will first be counted by natives and then again by Dorvish staff to ensure no discrepancies are detected. Discrepancies will result in another Dorvish staff count until the number is confirmed. Fischer is 'certain this will lead to fair results'.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:13 am

Kurageri Today | Politics

MPs & President Sworn In!
February 4370

Elewasi Jabari being sworn in by a Dorvish lawyer sent by the Government of Dorvik

KUGA - After a lengthy election process our elected officials have been officially sworn in. On 11:30 a.m. all 650 MPs and 100 Senators gathered in their respective chambers.
After a mild delay, on 1:30 p.m. the newly sworn-in parliamentarians as well as tens of thousands of Kuragis gathered outside the Parliament building to attend the President's swearing-in ceremony.
In his speech President Jabari thanked the Dorvish and Hawu Mumhenes' experts for their help in recent elections. Besides that he announced his plans for his first term, which include modernising the infrastructure,
establishing a strong healthcare and education system as well as opening the country to foreign investments. Pres. Jabari once again called upon foreign nations with a request to once again aid the Kuragi nation in their endeavours.
Festivities took place all over the country and the Kuragi flag could been on every street corner. The people of all ages were rejoiced to see the birth of a new democracy, especially in their own homecountry.
It seems like the Kuragi are more united than ever.


Kurageri Broadcasting Corporation Created// KBC Home
Kobe Balogun will host KBC's main TV News segments

KUGA - In one of their first legislative acts the Parliament approved the creation of government-owned Kurageri Broadcasting Corporation (KBC).
So far the KBC will have one channel where various segments ranging from entertainment to news will be aired.
We don't know much about KBC's schedule, yet, however the newly appointed KBC Spokeman confirmed that Kobe Balogun will host the Today's News programme at 7 p.m.
The KBC also operates a small, poorly developed website and signed agreements with local radio stations all over the country giving them the ability to be heard all over the country.
The KBC was given an annual budget of 250 million KLO.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:58 pm

President Signs the National Bank Act | KBC Politics
Kuga, March, 4370

KUGA - President Jabari signed the previously passed by both chambers of Parliament National Banking Act.
The NBA nationalizes many local banks and creates a central, publicly-owned Bank of Kurageri.
Many foreign experts see this as a step towards a modern Kurageri and a key victory for President Jabari's political agenda.

In other news
--Istalian Political Experts arrive in Kuga, are informed that elections have already taken place:

A group of political experts from Istalia has arrived in Kuga. They were sent by the government of Istalia to help with the 4370 Elections.
They were shocked to learn that the elections have already taken place. The planned length of their stay in Kurageri is unknown.

--Ministry of Foreign Affiars drafts the Kuragi Diplomatic Treaty.

The Press Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the Ministry is working on an official diplomatic treaty.
They cannot, however, propose it until the constitution is passed.

--Parlament still working on the constitution.

The Parliament is tirelessly working on the new constitution. MPs say that they're looking at foreign documents in order to create our own version.
Some unofficial sources claim that the constitution might soon be ready to be put to vote.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:28 pm

Official Letter from President Elewasi Jabari to the Misiter of Foreign Affairs of Valruzia Izabela Vinciguerra regarding PM Czerwiński's death

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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Pragma » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:52 pm

Dorvish Overseers Carry On With Minor Changes, Fischer Congratulates Kurageri President // DNS Worldwide

Above: Ballots cast in the Kurageri capital.

Despite expressed fears from Hawu Mumenhes, Dorvish overseers played a pivotal part in delivering a safe and secure election in Kurageri. Many votes were cast, and the Dorvish team oversaw many polling booths to ensure there was no tampering with the results. In order to put to bed the fears from Hawu Mumenhes, the Dorvish team made much more use of local overseers and cooperated fully with local staff, according to sources from both nations. While there was an awkward silence in counting halls as Hawu and Dorvish officialls were made to stand close to each other and observe the count, the Dorvish team continued with most of the original plan, and briskly counted ballots by weight instead of by hand to make sure results were right.

The weighed results matched up almost entirely with the local counting, and so there was no need for Dorvish 'interference' with the count. Esther Fischer, the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Federal Republic of Dorvik, was adamant in defending her choice to send overseers and not simply 'observers' as Hawu Mumenhes did. Fischer said that 'it was very lucky we didn't need the security personnel we left behind, otherwise it'd have been on the Hawu government's hands'. She did, however, also thank Dorvish staff who aided in overseeing the counts and polling places, and there were no reported instances of open corruption - with full video of ballot boxes throughout the day handed to Kurageri police at the end to prove there was no Dorvish meddling.

Fischer also took the chance to congratulate the new Kurageri president who she wishes 'all the best to', and who she also says will 'hopefully become a new democratic ally to Dorvik in Dovani'. Fischer's home popularity dipped after the allegations from Hawu that she was trying to corrupt foreign democracy, but Fischer's popularity has regained footing after these fears were put to bed. Fischer will also soon be meeting with the Hawu ambassador to discuss the 'aggressive and unnecessary' response of the Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Good Governance Support - Jocelyn SankhAjōrē. 'SankhAjōrē was frighteningly rude to me', Fischer told reporters, 'so much so that I feared for my own safety if I strayed to far south on my own continent'.

Above: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer, congratulating election staff after they returned to Dorvik
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:15 pm

Constitution Signed! | KBC News
Kuga, May, 4370
President Elewasi Jabari signs the Constitution of The Republic of Kurageri

KUGA - The citizens of Kurageri rejoice as the President Elewasi Jabari signs the Constitution of the Republic of Kurageri.
The highest document of the land was previously passed by the Parliament almost unanimously with a few Red Party politicians abstaining.
Alongside the Constitution President also signed an Executive Order proclaming 4th May the Constitution Day.
Political experts from around the world point to the clear inspiration for the Constitution - The Constitution of Valruzia.
The signed document is praised for it's structure and reinforcement of democratic values.

The full text of the Constitution can be found below:

The Constitution of The Republic of Kurageri

► Preamble

• Keeping in mind the will and determination to secure the existence and future of our Homeland,
• Convinced that the Republic is the common good of every citizen,
• We the Kuragi Nation - all citizens of the Republic,
• Both those who believe in God as the source of truth, good, freedom and equality.
• As well as those not sharing such faith but respecting those universal values as arising from other sources,
• Equal in rights and obligations towards the common good - Kurageri,
• Beholden to our ancestors for their labours, their struggle for independence achieved at great sacrifice, for our culture rooted in the Kuragi heritage of the Nation and in universal human values,
• Obliged to bequeath to future generations all that is valuable from our centuries of heritage,
• Bound in community with our compatriots dispersed throughout the world,
• Aware of the need for cooperation with all countries for the good of the Human Family,
• Mindful of the bitter experiences of the times when fundamental freedoms and human rights were violated in our Homeland,
• Desiring to guarantee the rights of the citizens for all time, and to ensure diligence and efficiency in the work of public bodies,
• Recognizing our responsibility before God or our own consciences,
• Hereby establish this Constitution of the Republic of Kurageri (Katiba ya Jamhuri Kurageri) as the basic law for the State, based on respect for freedom, justice and equality, cooperation between the public powers, social dialogue as well as on the principle of subsidiarity in the strengthening the powers of citizens and their communities.
• We call upon all those who will apply this Constitution for the good of the Republic to do so paying respect to the inherent dignity of the person, his or her right to freedom, the obligation of solidarity with others, and respect for these principles as the unshakeable foundation of the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri).

Section I "On the basis of the Republic - Kwa misingi ya Jamhuri":

► Article 1. 

§1.a. By virtue of this Constitution, Kurageri shall become the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri).
§1.b. The Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be the common good of all its citizens.
§1.c. The flag of the Republic of Kurageri shall be: https://i.imgur.com/JYzAjYA.png
§1.d. The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Kurageri shall be: https://i.imgur.com/mkcRNLz.png
§1.e. The motto of the Republic of Kurageri shall be "Maendeleo kupitia umoja" ("Progress through unity").
§1.f. The Capital of the Repulic of Kurageri shall be the city of Kuga.

► Article 2. 

The Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be a democratic state ruled by law and respect toward social justice.

► Article 3. 

The Supreme power in the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be vested in the Nation which shall exercise its power trough their representatives.

Section II "On the separation of powers in the Republic - Kwa kujitenga kwa mamlaka katika Jamhuri" :

► Article 4. 

§1.a. The system of government of the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be based on the separation of and balance between the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

§2.a. Legislative power shall be vested in the Parliament consisting of upper house, the Senate (Seneti) and lower house, the National Assembly (Bunge), executive power shall be vested in the President of Kurageri (Rais wa Kurageri), and the judicial power shall be vested in courts and tribunals.

► Article 5. 

§1.a. Legislative power in the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be exercised by the Parliament (Bunge la Kurageri) consisting of National Assembly (Bunge) and the Senate (Seneti).

§2.a. The President shall exercise control over the activities of the Cabinet within the scope specified by the provisions of the Constitution and statutes

§3.a. The Bunge shall consist of 460 MPs.
§3.b. Elections to the Bunge shall be universal, equal, direct and proportional and shall be conducted by secret ballot with 5% electoral threshold and seats allocated with D'Hondt method .

§4.a. The Senate (Seneti) shall be composed of 100 Senators (masculine/feminine Senator).
§4.b. Elections to the Senate shall be universal, equal, direct and proportional and shall be conducted by secret ballot with 5% electoral threshold and seats allocated with D'Hondt method
§4.c. The Senate shall be a body equal to the lower chamber with it's own set of rights and duties.

§5.a. The National Assembly and Senate (Seneti) term lasts 4 years.
§5.b. The National Assembly and Senate (Seneti) can shorten its term with a majority of votes in the Sejm.

§6.a. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 21 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the National Assembly.
§6.b. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 30 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the Senate.
§6.c. No person sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgment for an intentional indictable offence may be elected to the National Assembly or the Senate.

► Article 6.

§1.a. Executive power in the Republic of Kurageri (Jamhuri ya Kurageri) shall be exercised by the President of the Republic of Kurageri (Rais wa Kurageri).

Subsection I "On the President of the Republic of Kurageri - Kwa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Kurageri":

§2.a. The President of the Republic of Kurageri shall be both the Head of State and the Head of Government of the Republic and shall be the guarantor of the continuity of the Republic authority.

§2.b. The President of the Republic of Kurageri shall represent the Republic for the purposes of international law. He shall conclude treaties with foreign states on behalf of the Republic. He shall accredit and receive envoys.

§2.c. The President shall exercise the power to pardon individual offenders on behalf of the Republic.

§2.d. The President of the Republic shall grant Kuragi citizenship and shall give consent for renunciation of Kuragi citizenship.

§2.e. The President of the Republic shall confer orders and decorations.

§2.f. The President may delegate these powers to other authorities.

§2.g. The President of the Republic of Kurageri (Rais wa Kurageri) shall be elected in universal, equal, direct, proportional and secret ballot elections.

§2.h. The President and his cabinet shall be responsible for creation, conduction, and execution of both the internal and foreign policies of the Republic of Kurageri.

§2.i The President and his cabinet shall manage the government administration.

§3. The President of the Republic of Kurageri (Rais wa Kurageri) shall be elected by a majority of voters. If no candidate receives more than 50% of votes cast in the first round, the second round is called between two candidates who got the biggest number of votes.

§4.a. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 35 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the President of the Republic of Kurageri.

§5.a. The President of the Republic of Kurageri is elected for a 5 year term.
§5.b. The term of the President of the Republic of Kurageri is not fixed with the term of the Parliament (Bunge).
§5.c. An individual, citizen of Kurageri, can serve as the President of the Republic of Kurageri for a maximum number of two consecutive 5-year terms.

§6.a. To the extent and in accordance with the principles specified by the Constitution and statutes, the President's Cabinet, in particular,

• ensure the implementation of statutes
• issue regulations,
• coordinate and supervise the work of organs of State administration
• protect the interests of the State Treasury
• adopt a draft State Budget
• supervise the implementation of the State Budget and pass a resolution on the closing of the State's accounts and report on the implementation of the Budget
• ensure the internal security of the State and public order
• ensure the external security of the State
• exercise general control in the field of relations with other States and international organizations
• conclude international agreements requiring ratification as well as accept and renounce other international agreements
• exercise general control in the field of national defense and annually 
specify the number of citizens who are required to perform active 
military service
• determine the organization and the manner of its own work

§6.b. Responsibilities given in the paragraph 2.a. are the exclusive competences of the President's Cabinet.

§7. The Cabinet shall be composed of the President of the Republic of Kurageri and ministers.

§8 The President shall:

• represent his Cabinet;
• manage the work of the Cabinet;
• issue regulations;
• ensure the implementation of the policies adopted by the Council of Ministers and specify the manner of their implementation;
• coordinate and control the work of members of the Cabinet;
• exercise, within the limits and by the means specified in the Constitution and statute, supervision of local government.
• be the official superior of employees of the government administration.

Subsection II "On the Supreme Court of the Republic - Katika Mahakama Kuu ya Jamhuri"

Article 1. 

The following subsection establishes the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kurageri as the final court of appeal, the only institution entitled to expound statutory laws enacted by the Parliament, and the only institution entitled to confirm the legality of the general elections within the Republic of Kurageri.

Article 2. 

Supreme Court is an organ of the judiciary, established to:

1) discharge the duties of judicature by:

a) ensuring the correctness, legality, compliance, and uniformity of the judgments of Kuragi common and military courts, analyzing appeal of cassation and when recommended adjudge the cessation of the judgments of common and military courts,

b) judgments in the conflicts with the legal interpretation, 

2) confirming the legality of general elections: elections of the President of the Republic of Kurageri, elections to the National Assembly and Senate of the Republic of Kurager, as well as the legality of Statewide Referendum, and Constitutional Referendum,

3) performing the expoundation of the statutory laws enacted by the National Assembly and Senate and pronouncing judgments on the statutory laws which later can be used by the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Kurageri when performing the process of evaluation of the law for its constitutionality. 

Article 3.

Supreme Court shall have its headquarters in the Capital City of Kuga.

Article 4. 

Supreme Court of the Republic of Kurageri shall be headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Article 4.a. 

It shall be the prerogative of the President of the Republic of Kurageri to nominate an individual for the position of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. An individual shall be of unblemished character reference and exquisite knowledge of law. The Senate of the Republic of Kurageri shall be responsible for the appoitnment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with the 3/5 majority of votes of the Senate. 

Article 4.b.

If the Senate rejects the candidate for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presented by the President, the President may present another candidate for the position or may cede the right onto the Senate which shall nominate the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Article 5. 

The Senate is responsible for the nomination of the 15 Judges to the Supreme Court. The Sejm nominates and appoints the Judges with a 3/5 majority of votes. 

Article 6 

Term of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Judges to the Supreme Court last for life tenure.
Last edited by Wilderberg III on Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kurageri Press Agency

Postby Wilderberg III » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:26 pm

Government unveils bold infrastructure plans. | KBC News
Kuga, 2 June 4370
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is attempting to secure foreign funding for the new project.

KUGA - The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport announced recently plans for a new, good quality highway system.
The A1 Highway would connect the cities of Ligembe and Bunigi to the capital city of Kuga.
The planned highway is supposed to be over 1,000 km long and divided into two stages.
Stage I would connect the Capital City of Kuga to Bunigi providing an important connection between the two metropolies.
Stage II is aimed at connecting Bunigi to Ligembe. This part is important due to Ligembe's location to the border, giving Kurageri, Istapali and Liore a better way to exchange and transport goods.
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is working alongside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to secure foreign funding for the project.
A Spokeman for the MoFA confirmed that he contacted the outgoing Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation of Valruzia and that a developmental aid bill has been submitted to the Valruzian Parliament.
The aid's future is uncertain, however, since the valruzian Minister had to change positions in a recent government reshuffle.

Plans for the A1 and A2 Highways.
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