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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Qovena » Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:53 pm

Hezb-e Komūnìst wins snap elections unopposed after dissolution of the Aldegêran Centrist Party

Sara Shirazi, the previous Grand Chandelior, was spotted boarding her private plane, fleeing Aldegêr, after a sex tape was leaked.
In which she and the Military Head were having sex.
The video, widely circulated online, went viral. The public, especially young women protested and demanded for her removal. After a bloody coup. The disgraced President was slapped and beaten after her marriage to the Military Head.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:32 am

Saving the Republic
Political Forces Unite to Stave Off Collapse
May 4367

"It's a bit like holding back the waves of the sea, is it not?" So said Ardeshir Xwarrah a newly elected member of the National Divan from Somasi. Going by Aldegarian history, Xwarrah was correct - the survival of a republic is quite unlikely going by the country's history. Republics tend rely on a seemingly non-existent majority for secularism, liberalism and social equality. In the past the leading conservative forces particularly the Yazdean clergy have watched with horror as republicans win, ride roughshod over them and burn out swiftly. This has happened with the current republic which is just shy of its twenty year anniversary.

President Kaveh Kermani

This time, according to Xwarrah, things will be different. His Aldegarian National Congress was founded as a broad front uniting republican forces on the left and centre-right. As extremists started dominating the republic in the form of communists and theocrats, Xwarrah himself a man of the centre left, saw his and the republic's future in compromise. Thus he, many others like him answered Kaveh Kermani's call for a "great republican pole" and joined the new party as soon as it was formed. Kermani, the republic's new President was once as radical as it got, driven by the idea of destroying the Yazdean priesthood's power. Yet age and the chaos of early reform in the republic convinced this former mayor of Tamaddon, a midsized northern city famous for its liberalism, saw that only gradual reform could be be durable reform.

It appears most of his fellow citizens agree. Kermani easily won the presidency and his party swept the legislative elections as well. Taking care to make few specific promises, Kermani simply asked for a mandate to "save the republic" He promised a new republic of balance, one where the republic did not mean punitive action against conservative forces, where the instinctive conservatism of the Aldegarian people was not a disease to be cured but rather an asset to be exploited. They should be seduced to accept republican values rhater than forced. The only big reform he has outlined clearly is the introduction of a semi-presidential system, a system which Kermani and his party hope will allow the legislature to play a greater role and grow as a pillar of the republic in its own right.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:02 am

Yazdean Church Endorses The Republic
Major Boost for President Kermani
August 4368

In a surprise development the Yazdean faith has formally endorsed the republican government. In a glittering ceremony at hte Great Fire Temple in Aldegaria, the Mobedan Mobed (head of the faith) His Brightest Holiness Arsaces Bhutto formally blessed the original copy of the Republican Constitution of 4348 laying it before the Eternal Fire and also blessed President Kaveh Kermani and his cabinet. The unexpected move was not part of the celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the republic. President Kermani publicly apologised for having once described the Yazdean Church as "the heart of reaction" decades ago while serving as a local politician.

Mobedan Mobed Bhutto

The endorsement by the Yazdean faith, that great bastion of conservatism and monarchy is an indescribable boost for the republic. The mighty Church with its fabulous wealth, several social welfare institutions and immense political influence in the south is a voice to be taken seriously by any Aldegarian potentate. In the past the Church has successfully brought down several of the dozen plus republics that the country has had. Analysts view President Kermani's personal devoutness and sincere respect for the Church as key to winning it over. The President has also shown considerable tact in dealing with church and adopted a very gradualist and moderate approach toward secularisation of the Aldegarian state. It also helps that the current Mobedan Mobed is of a fairly progressive disposition and something of a nationalist, determined to see his country remain stable and willing to make some compromises towards that goal.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:45 pm

"Little Shahbanu" Disappears
April 4370

An Aldegarian oil tanker, the Little Shahbanu has vanished seemingly without a trace while sailing in the south of Antananese Ocean. The ship was carrying 24 crew members and 12,500 tons of oil and its owner Southern Oceanic Enterprises says it has not established any contact with the ship in the past 42 hours.

The Little Shahbanu

Aldegarian Foreign Minister Jamshid Amanpour said that the Government had established contact with several countries in the South Antantonese Ocean in an effort to solicit information and any help towards finding this missing tanker. The Ministry, he said, was monitoring the situation closely. The tanker had been on its way to Tropica to deliver the oil. A traditionally safe route, government has expressed its confidence that no ill fate has actually befallen the ship and that it was most likely just a matter of miscommunication caused by bad weather.

President Calls For Greater Seleyan Integration

President Kaveh Kermani has called for a "Seleyan superstate" as the only effective way for Seleyan nations to project the continent's true influence and strength. He used the example of the tensions between Dankuk and Kazulia as an example of hat a lack of cooperation could bring to Seleya. Speaking at a visit to the Seleyan Union headquarters in Aldegar, Kermani called for a common foreign and security policy, free movement and abolition of all tariffs. With typical Aldegarian flashiness the President anounced that aldegar would dip into its vast reserves to donate 200 million crowns to fund and support the creation of Seleyan Studies departments across Seleya.
Last edited by Reddy on Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:23 pm

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:38 pm

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:06 pm

Aldegar Endorses Via Seleya
May 4370

Aldegar's pro-integration President Kaveh Kermani has warmly endorsed the Seleyan Union's proposed trans-Seleyan highway "Via Seleya" Kermani said the benefits of the super highway were obvious to all, particularly the commercial ones. Kermani is devoted to the dream of his predecessors - creating a diversified Aldegarian economy which is ever less reliant on its petrochemical resources. The country's 60 year old sovereign wealth fund the National Development Fund recently hit a new record value of 507.3 billion LOD despite a fall in the oil fueled budget surpluses in the past five years.

Growing Dispute With Tropica Over Missing Ship

Aldegar has expressed "exasperation" at Tropica's failure to cooperate with the multinational search for the missing oil tanker the Little Shahbanu. A multinational "armada" has spent several days in the Odufart Sea, searching for the ship. However as the so called Armada approaches the Tropican coast, the Tropican government has been very slow to respond to inquiries and evasive when it does. Aldegarian Foreign Minister Jamshid Amanpour has told of diplomatic requests being ignored and signs of utter chaos at the Tropican External Affairs Department. Despite a lack of concerete evidence, the search mission appears to believe that ship may have ended up on Tropica's southern island of Kamehameha.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:57 pm

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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Freiheit Soldaten » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:10 pm

Istochniak Republic requests recognition and arms from Aldegar

This morning President Ivankovic issued a statement requesting Aldegarian recognition of Istochniak independence from the Great Republic of Kalopia along with a small shipment of arms to help equip the Istochniak Defence Forces in the event of war breaking out with Kalopia.
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Re: Aldegar Daily

Postby Reddy » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:17 pm

Riots Rock Aldegar
The Republic's Last Breath?
November 4371

The death of moderate Mobedan Mobed Arsaces Bhutto has created the republic's worst political crisis in the 23 years of its existence. Bhutto has more or less saved the republic in 4368 when he warmly endorsed. His death at the age 84 led to a great funeral procession across the nation in which around 2.5 million Aldegarians paid their final respects to the leader of the Yazdean faith. It is then that rumours began spreading that the Mobedan had been killed as part of a Trigunian communist supported plot to destroy the faith and install a communist government led by President Kermani. No quantity of official dismissalls cooled the people's passion and many pointed to the disappearance of the Little Shahbanu as a sign of the Kermani government's worthlessness. The President's passionate pro-Seleyanism has also been suspected by the ultra-nationalists who view the typical Seleyan liberalism with rapid antipathy.

The scene near the National Divan

Beginning as peaceful protests "demanding the truth", ultra-nationalist elements soon infiltrated and hijacked the movement. By the third day tens of thousands entered the capital Aldegaria and began demanding the resignation of the government and restoration of "virtuous public authority" As ever, the protests have been stronger in the anti-republican south where open calls for restoration of the monarchy have been repeated. The ultra-nationalists appear to have no cohesive leadership although some whisper that they have considerable support in the Armed Forces and other parts of the bureaucracy. Neither the government nor the armed forces have commented on the riots beyond calling for calm.
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