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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:13 pm


Valentina Fenici was reelected as leader of the League of Citizens (LdC) on Sunday. The previous day Istalian right ideologue Matteo Pattizani praised Fenici's potential rival, Maurizio de Fiore, at a press conference after telling the center-right party's conference they have history on their side.

"It is not about left versus right," she said. "That's too simplistic and it's the way the opposition party, media, has always kept us out of power. She described it perfectly: it's do you consider the nation state an obstacle to be overcome or a jewel to be polished, loved and nurtured?"

This party leader's election had been rough, with Fenici leading the centrist wing and de Fiore leading the right-wing. De Fiore accused Fenici multiple times of 'breaking the electorate' by having the party join the 'Fighting for Tomorrow (c.p.d.)'-coalition with center parties ULD and PUP. ''The continuing incapability of the current cabinet with all c.p.d. members except the LdC is scaring voters by the thousands. Also, the LdC almost always votes the opposite of our coalition members. We have no place there and the voters see that'.

The final results are as follows:

Valentina FENICI - 43%
Maurizio DE FIORE - 36%
Adelfo RUGGIERI - 12%
Last edited by November on Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:10 pm

Organo del Partito Comunista d'Istalia - Anno II

I comunisti più attivi del governo: centralizzata l'istruzione e la tutela dell'ambiente! / Proteste nel paese
Communists are more active than the government: centralized the instruction and the environment protection! / Protests in the country

Hanno da poco raggiunto la maggioranza e passato il voto le quattro proposte di legge dei comunisti. La vittoria è assoluta; regolamentate la caccia e la pesca così come la coltivazione della canapa, i comunisti trionfano in special modo per essere riusciti a centralizzare importanti settori dello stato nonostante la presenza al governo della destra. In particolare, i comunisti hanno riportato alle competenze dello stato il finanziamento delle scuole superiori e delle università, l'istituzione di asili gratuiti su scala nazionale e la re-istituzione dell'educazione politica nella scuola secondaria. Per quanto riguarda l'ambiente, una delle quattro proposte di legge ha dichiarato le foreste istaliane come protette: d'ora in poi verranno aperte alle segherie solo tramite contratti approvati caso per caso; ogni albero tagliato dovrà essere ripiantato e, inoltre, ogni parco pubblico istaliano tornerà ad essere sostenuto e arricchito dallo stato.
Revara: "Attanagliato dagli scandali e incapace di governare, l'esecutivo deve dimettersi. Se non lo farà, le manifestazioni che già spontaneamente stanno nascendo nel paese rischiano di diventare inarrestabili." Molti manifestanti richiedono le dimissioni del ministro della giustizia, accusato di aver pesantemente intralciato le indagini sulle donazioni sospette ai fascisti di Alternativa Istaliana. Resistenza dà il proprio pieno supporto ai manifestanti che pacificamente criticano il governo, condannando ogni atto di violenza.

Communists celebrating in the parliament

The four law proposals of the communists have just reached the majority and passed the vote. Victory is absolute; regulated hunting and fishing as well as the cultivation of cannabis, the communists triumph especially for having managed to centralize important sectors of the state despite the presence of the right wing government. In particular, the Communists have brought back to the powers of the state the funding of high schools and universities, the establishment of free kindergartens on a national scale and the re-establishment of political education in secondary schools. Regarding the environment, one of the four bills has declared the istalian forests to be protected, which will now be opened to sawmills only through contracts examined on a case-by-case basis; every cut tree must be replanted and, furthermore, every public park in Istalia will once again be supported and enriched by the state.
Revara: "Attanagliato dagli scandali e incapace di governare, l'esecutivo deve dimettersi. Se non lo farà, le manifestazioni che già spontaneamente stanno nascendo nel paese rischiano di rendere la situazione inarrestabile."
Revara: "Strangled by the scandals and unable to govern, the executive must resign, and if it does not, the demonstrations that are already spontaneously emerging in the country are likely to become unstoppable." Many protesters call for the resignation of the justice minister, who is accused of heavily hampering the investigation about suspect donations to the fascists of Alternativa Istaliana. Resistenza gives its full support to protesters who peacefully criticize the government, condemning all acts of violence.

An image of some protesters
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:55 pm


The president has recently came out with an official statement, which ws met with both controversy and acclaim from both sides

President el-Saladin has recently released a statement in which he touched on two subjects; the government crisis "caused by the PUP", and the investigation of the AI. First of all, he urged the Nationalists and Liberal Democrats to find an alternate partner, most likely the Republicans or the League. It would be a standard procedure in the current situation, if not for the fact that, a few lines of text lower, he also condemned the AI for stopping the investigation into them, whilst also asking for reasons that would support such an abrupt ending of the investigation.

President el-Saladin also said that he'll put the new possible right-wing government to be voted on as soon as the parties reach consensus and that he won't care whether it will be led by the ULD's, AI's or a third party candidate. He also announced that he would like to invite the Minister of Justice to explain the reasoning for ending the investigation, which he deems as unreasonable, and said that if it won't be renewed, he'll ask the parliament to form a parliamentary investigation group, most likely led by the candidate from the second biggest party after the AI, being his own ULD. Some say that this is a sort of betrayal, however, others say that the president just wishes to grant the ULD a shot at becoming the biggest party in the parliament once more, and help them get some of the AI's electoral base.

But then again, there are also whispers about the president possibly proposing the formation of the government to the communists once again, but only if the Head of that Government will come from an alternate party.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:22 pm

Prime Minister Antonio Rosso resigns "ashamed of himself"
Minister of Justice Aurora Adorinda: "The respectable President can start any investigations they want!"

The AI is seemingly imploding despite achieving voter confidence in the last elections. The experiment coalition with the PUP miserably failed whilst the halting of the investigation has had more backlash than expected, especially the recent statements by the President (ULD) - a long standing AI partner - which hurt deepest and are seen as betrayal by Ms Adorinda:
The President's words have been indeed hurtful. I stopped the investigation following protocol according to which there is simply not enough of any sort of evidence to make a case against me, the AI or our youth wing. After all, the tax return discrepancy was 5 years ago! You can only start making up conspiracy theories, and I thought the President was above that. Hence, I do not intend to resign until I am kicked out of here by the left, because some one has to stand up to injustice! And there is no better place to do that than the justice ministry. The President can start any investigation they want, they got nothing on me and I have millions of faithful Istalians backing me!

Meanwhile, following the collapse of the government coalition due to PUP's exit and the failure to deliver any proposals except a promising free trade agreement with Jelbania at the start of the legislature, which was left behind however by the left government ready to be signed by whatever monkey came next; Head of Goverment Antonio Rosso (AI), great grand son of ex-president Gianluigi Rosso, has resigned. He felt "ashamed of himself" for failing to materialize the "hopes and dreams of millions of patriotic Istalians who put their faith in me like they did in my great grand dad".

In his last appearance in front of Parliament whilst discussing the failing abolition of a fund established in the previous legislature by the left, he expressed his disappointment and apologised one last time in front of his fellow parliamentarians and voters for his failure:
It is the end - I personally resign effective immediately, with the ULD Vice Prime Minister taking over my position until the elections.
I thank my voters and apologise for failing.

The heir to the Rosso legacy has failed to deliver for now, and his departure from politics seems permanent. For now he intends to continue working in the constitutional foundation established by his great grand father.

ex-PM Rosso during his resignation speech in front of the press: "The left has won by losing - Meanwhile we have dug our own graves."
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Lionking » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:42 am

Oreste Ambrosia newly elected PRI leader
PRI leaves Istalia for Values
First elected Farmers Union candidate in 60 years.


On PRI's historical 25th congress the 41 year old Oreste Ambrosia was elected as their new leader. Mr. Ambrosia is the first leader that comes from The Farmers Union since Amelio De Vincentis leadership (4311-4336).

In his acceptance speech Mr Ambrosia made it very clear, although reluctantly, to cut ties with Istalia for values aswell with Alternative for Istalia. According to the newly elected leadership the recent scandals and alleged obstruction of justice by AI made it for them impossible to continue the strategic conservative partnership between their two parties. Ambrosia announced full of pride that several AI rural division made a switch to PRI and therefore breaking with the corrupt AI leadership.

The members of PRI voted in favour of Ambrosia's motion that would make PRI's future independent, for at least 1 election cycle, from any left-wing or right-wing political blocs. The leadership is confident that the Republican Party can cooperate with both sides on making Istalia a fairer nation for it's rural population and farmers. Furthermore the PRI decided that both Infrastructure/Transport and Food/Agriculture should be given more funds when it would enter in any coalition.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:45 pm


Vespa-Baldassare also recently became a father for the second time; yes, his fourth, 42-year-old wife recently gave birth to the, as would be in the medieval tradition, immediate heir to the family name; the boy's name is Cesare

Just as we've arrived in the ex-Prime Minister's mansion, we were greeted by men that appeared to be guards. They've asked us about why we came, and we had to go through a security check, and only then were we able to see Mr Vespa-Baldassare. Apparently, the complications were caused by the fact that recently someone broke into the home, and that made homeowner stress.

Hugo Vespa-Baldassare is not only the Prime Minister that served for the most terms, 4, but also the longest-sitting MP in Italian History, as he first became an MP at 24. 56 years later, at the age of 80, he is still in the parliament, though now he's a Senator. The Prime Minister was in the living room, or a great hall, talking with his grandson, 22, a member of the ULD, also a Vespa-Baldassare, as his father actually took his mother's surname after marriage. They were discussing politics and noted that if Sante, the grandson, will win, then most likely three generations of the "ULD family" will be MPs. However, when Mr Vespa-Baldasare senior saw our crew, he invited to another room, sat down, and we were able to interview him. The interview is up on our website.


The ULD chairperson surprised many members by announcing that the congress of delegates decided to support President el-Saladin for another term

The ULD Chairperson, currently serving as the Prime Minister, announced that, even though with vocal opposition, the ULD will endorse President el-Saladin for a second term. "This was a decision made not only by me- Sabbagh said -but also by the party's congress. By a majority. And we must respect that." Some say that the decision of the Congress was, to slightly put it, not intelligent, as they believe that possibly associating the party with the Communists, by the fact that the President proposed a Coalition with the Communists, which the ULD supported, and now announced to support the president, will not work out. However, others say that the decision was fully thought out and that the plan will work out. Sabbagh also announced that the party will soon announce their candidates for ministerial seats, and announced that Ernesto Goa and Davide Xhosa became Vice-Chairpeople of the party, and that she will, as the president ask, renew the investigation of the AI. The second point led to even further speculation that, perhaps, the ULD wishes to take away some of the AI's voters.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:35 pm

CORRIERE DEMOCRATICO - anno I - fondato nel gennaio 4375
Il Direttorio si è riunito la settimana scorsa nella sede nazionale di Florenza per discutere della creazione di due nuove cariche all'interno del Fronte Democratico e per resocontare all'Assemblea il lavoro svolto dall'amministrazione Galimberti dal 4373.
Il Presidente Galimberti introduce ai membri dell'Assemblea e al Direttorio la sua mozione riguardante l'istituzione di due nuove cariche all'interno del FD, le cariche proposte sono:
- Tesoriere
- Coordinatore Nazionale
Il primo si occuperà della gestione delle finanze del FD ruolo finora assegnato al Vice-Presidente, il secondo si occuperà di coordinare il Partito a livello nazionale aiutando i Presidenti del FD regionali ad attuare le scelte fatte dalla Direzione nazionale.
La mozione Galimberti viene approvata dal direttorio e con 200 voti favorevoli dell'Assemblea. Il Direttorio renderà noti nei prossimi giorni i nomi di coloro che ricopriranno queste cariche.
Il Presidente fa un resoconto sul numero di iscritti che a inizio anno toccava quota 610.000 un aumento di 6000 rispetto al dato di luglio 4374, Galimberti inoltre annuncia all'assemblea che il nuovo programma e una nuova lista di candidati saranno rilasciati a breve -"frutto del lavoro di questi 2 anni"- dichiara, e che da quest'anno è operativo il "Corriere Democratico" il giornale ufficiale del Fronte Democratico che sarà disponibile in ogni edicola e verrà recapitato gratis a tutti gli iscritti per il primo anno.
Con ciò Galimberti chiude la Direzione del FD, la prossima sarà nel 4376 prima delle elezioni politiche.
The Directory met last week at the Florenza national headquarters to discuss the creation of two new offices within the Democratic Front and to report to the Assembly the work done by the Galimberti administration since 4373.
The President Galimberti introduces the motion to the members of the Assembly and the Directorate regarding the establishment of two new offices within the FD, the proposed positions are:
- Treasurer
- National Coordinator
The first will deal with the management of the FD's finances, the role assigned to the Vice-President so far, the latter will coordinate the Party at the national level helping the regional FD Presidents to implement the choices made by the National Directorate.
The Galimberti motion is approved by the directory and with 200 favorable votes of the Assembly. The Directory will make known in the coming days the names of those who will hold these offices.
The President reports on the number of members at the beginning of the year reached 610,000, an increase of 6000 compared to the figure of July 4374, Galimberti also announces to the assembly that the new program and a new list of candidates will be released shortly - "the result of the work of these 2 years" - he declares, and that this year the "Corriere Democratico" official newspaper of the Democratic Front that will be available in each newsstand and will be delivered free to all members for the first year.
With this Galimberti closes the Directorate of the FD, the next will be in 4376 before the general election.
Galimberti a termine della Direzione
President Galimberti at the end of the speech
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:57 pm

Aurora Adorinda accused of power abuse and corruption

This emergency issue of the Corriere d'Istalia will be short to announce the immense storm of events that happened today. The Nationalist Party of Istalia, the Alternativa Istaliana has officially dissolved. This event has been on the horizon as the investigations and accusations and evidence spun out of control. The voter trust has plummeted, making the moderate voters lean to the ULD, PRI and LdC and the grassroots voters to just spit in disappointment and continue their routines in supremacist organizations, which the finally liberated ministry of justice is now discovering. The only two men, which have left unscathed, were Antonio Rosso, who left the sinking ship before and no one in Istalia, not even the radical left, is able to excessively accuse the great-grandson of Gianluigi of the malevolent acts that the main party is accused of. The other man is Luciano Vespa-Baldassare, who is the son of a political dynasty in Istalia, which spreads across the ULD and the AI ever since their respective leaders fell in love 2 generations ago. Rumour has it that Luciano is being covered for, but the family is so wealthy and so prominent in Istalia, that no one believes the accusations of corruption because the Vespa-Baldassare family simply has no need for such pettiness. Whilst Rosso is working in the foundation of the constitution now, established by his ex-President ancestor, Luciano is expected to either start his own political organization, working as an out-of-parliament opposition or he may also just join his cousin(s) and nephew(s) in the ULD, which would allow the ULD to greatly cash in on the AI voters because Luciano was the rising star of the AI, before the collapse. However, nothing is set in stone as his father, Paolo Vespa-Baldassare simply wants him to finally marry and have children to continue the Vespa-Baldassare line of the Nationalists.

Meanwhile, Aurora Adorinda, losing her immunity is now under investigation not only for corruption but for power abuse whilst acting as the Minister of Justice. What would the beloved President Rosso say if he saw his party in such a state? He probably turned around in his grave...

However, some AI members after the dissolution stay in Parliament until the end of the legislature - as independent MPs. When Aurora Adorinda stormed out of the Chamber of Deputies, only 60% of members followed the "Il Duce" (something unprecedented in party history as usually, the party stands united - at least to the public eye) the other 40% were members of the libertarian-rossoist wing of the party, which sought atonement and voted in favor of the caretaker government. These members, despite not all being guilt-less, are very loyal to the constitution, the free market and above all democracy - following Rosso's teachings. These members will probably continue their political careers in other right-wing parties such as the ULD, LdC and PRI.

This is the end of 152 years of AI/PNP/PNI party history. Will the right find a home somewhere else, or will a knight in shining armour return the nationalist cause to glory in the future? Only time will tell.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:14 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Il Direttorio del FD con il seguente comunicato ufficiale nomina ufficialmente il nuovo tesoriere e il nuovo coordinatore nazionale.
Visto il Decreto Istitutivo delle cariche di Tesoriere e Coordinatore Nazionale, il Direttorio del FD nomina:
- Tesoriere del Fronte Democratico: Carla Maritini (47) già Ministro dell'Economia
- Coordinatore Nazionale del Fronte Democratico: Giorgio Palma (62)

- Alessandro Galimberti, Presidente del FD


FLORENZA, PADAGNA - The FD with the following press release officially nominates the Treasurer and the National Coordinator.
Given the Establishing Decree the FD Directory appoints the positions of Treasurer and National Coordinator:
- Treasurer of the Democratic Front: Carla Maritini (47), former Minister of Economy
- National Coordinator of the Democratic Front: Giorgio Palma (62)

- Alessandro Galimberti, Presidente del FD
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:28 pm

Istalian Edition
Scandalo corruzione: 247 avvisi di garanzia contro esponenti di AI, imprenditori e manager
Giro di tangenti per centinaia di milioni di LIS, un sistema ben oliato e radicato nel tessuto dell'alta industria e dell'alta finanza sviluppatosi nei decenni passati, la magistratura però ha annunciato che le indagini potrebbero interessare anche l'ULD

ROMULA - Infine, nonostante anche i tentativi da parte dell'ex Ministro della Giustizia di intralciare se non fermare le indagini, la mannaia della Magistratura si è abbattuta su Alternativa Istaliana nonché su numerose società e manager. La Magistratura, per voce del Pubblico Ministero di Romula, ha ufficialmente dichiarato che per anni AI ha incassato notevoli quantità di denaro in forma di donazioni, specialmente quando al Governo, ma che poi l'utilizzo di questi fondi è risultato assai oscuro sui libri mastri della tesoreria di partito e che se una parte è stata vagamente giustificata come spese legate alle attività politiche di partito, il resto è stato occultato tra le spese correnti. A sua volta, i libri mastri hanno dimostrato notevoli quqntità di rimborsi spesi assai generici e senza giustificativi a numerosi membri del partito.

Riguardo alle aziende coinvolte nello scandalo, figurano alcune delle più importanti ed influenti società, tra queste la Veredda, Istafer, Banco di Credito di Silicia e Tennarini, già indicate come coinvolte nell'indagine ed oggi confermate come le principali aziende coinvolte nel giro di tangenti, 62 sono le persone rinviate a giudizio facenti parte o che hanno lavorato per queste società. Tra loro spicca la figura di Domenico Azzari, noto "faccendiere" ed ex amministratore delegato o parte dei consigli di amministrazione di molte importanti aziende istaliane.

Non è stato ancora annunciata una data per l'inizio del processo ed anzi la magistratura potrebbe organizzare non uno ma ben tre processi distinti relativi a diversi "affari" finiti nel mirino dell'indagine. Tutt'altra storia invece l'accusa di abuso di ufficio rivolta contro l'ex Ministro della Giustizia, ed anche ex Ministro degli Esteri, Aurora Adorinda, rea di aver intralciato e dunque di essere illegittimamente intervenuta per bloccare le indagini una volta entrata nel Ministero, azioni che hanno scatenato la protesta popolare nonché l'intervento diretto del Presidente della Repubblica ed i commenti negativi anche da parte della Corte Costituzionale. Per questo caso ci si aspetta un'ulteriore processo rivolto contro proprio l'ultimo "Duce", di Alternativa Istaliana.

Infine, la Magistratura ha dichiarato che le indagini potrebbero estendersi all'ULD ma che per il momento non vi sono elementi per accusare il partito dei Liberal Democratici e che la decisione di continuare l'indagine anche sull'ULD è dovuta al fatto che il sistema di tangenti costruito da AI ha coinciso con il lungo ventennio di dominio della Destra. La Magistratura vuole dunque essere sicura che questo fenomeno non abbia interessato anche l'altra grande forza politica di destra del paese.

Legge sulla Pornografia: le forze dell'ordine sguinzagliate in cerca del materiale ormai illegale
La riforma della legislazione sulla liceità del materiale pornografico ha scatenato un acceso dibattito in Parlamento, soprattutto tra i Repubblicani ed i Parlamentari di ULD ed AR continuato anche durante i dibattiti della legge sulla regolamentazione dell'Età del Consenso

ROMULA - Passata la legge che ha ufficialmente proibito l'industria del porno ai minori di 18 anni, la diatriba scoppiata tra i partiti libertari, contrari alla riforma, ed i Repubblicani, i maggiori sostenitori, è continuata anche durante i dibattiti sulla Legge per la Regolamentazione dell'Età del Consenso proposta dall'Alleanza Radicale a seguito proprio dei timori sollevati dai colleghi del PRI.
Anche su quest'ultimo progetto di legge, però, i Repubblicani sembrano abbiano storto il naso, criticando la proposta di legge che porrebbe ufficialmente l'età del consenso in Istalia a 14 anni con eccezioni, alcune delle quali l'abbasserebbero anche ai 13 (in caso di rapporto con persona non più grande di tre anni), mentre a 16 anni sarebbe posto il limite minimo oltre il quale qualsiasi attività sessuale sarebbe consentita.

Per il momento, per dare seguito alla nuova legislazione sulla pornografia, le autorità si sono già messe in moto per requisire tutto il materiale che è divenuto ufficialmente illegale, ovvero tutti quei prodotti dell'industria del porno che hanno visto minori parteciparvi (sia porno soft che hard), ovvero giovani tra i 16 ed i 18 anni, autorizzati sia dalla precedente legislazione che dalla legislazione sulla regolamentazione del lavoro minorile. A dire il vero, da tempo associazioni di stampo conservatrice avevano sollevato i dubbi su simili attività, soprattutto facendo leva sulla possibile influenza di simili attività sullo sviluppo del minore, sottolineando come la legge sul lavoro dei minori interdisca chiaramente qualsiasi attività che possa danneggiare lo sviluppo psicofisico dei più giovani.
Nonostante i ricorsi e le denunce giunte durante gli anni alla Giustizia, però, la natura di simili produzioni pornografiche, benché il loro status di liceità precedente la riforma, ha sempre spinto i produttori a lavorare nella massima riservatezza, utilizzando nomi d'arte e anonime società di produzione dalla vita estremamente breve (alcune create anche per singole produzioni o, al massimo, per singole serie), rendendo in questo modo difficile per la Giustizia agire, anche a causa delle già menzionate leggi più permissive.

Le associazioni conservatrici e genitoriali, però, sembrano non essere ancora soddisfatte delle misure adottate, infatti prima di tutto la nuova legge, benché autorizzi la partecipazione a simili produzioni solo ai maggiorenni, non ha posto alcun limite d'età per la loro fruizione.
Secondo punto sul quale le associazioni continuano a protestare, invece, è la circolazione di materiale pornografico, cartaceo e multimediale, relativo a produzioni animate od in computer grafica con protagonisti quelli che sono ritratti come ragazzi se non bambini. Dato che simili produzioni non coinvolgono attori reali, per il momento non vi sono appigli legali per bandirne la commercializzazione, una risposta che non va proprio giù alle associazioni più conservatrici che hanno già fatto sapere che saranno presto sul piede di guerra anche per colpire simili produzioni.
Some subjects from the porno underage comic books

Stavolta, però, potrebbe essere più difficile per i più conservatori riuscire a promuovere leggi in tal senso, dato che i soggetti raffigurati sono in effetti non reali e molti artisti del settore difendono i loro lavori sottolineando come simili rappresentazioni non possano inserirsi all'interno delle leggi a tutela dei minori o sull'età degli attori. Inoltre, sicuramente, ad ergersi contro simili proposte vi saranno AR ma soprattutto, per il peso parlamentare, l'ULD che alle prossime elezioni potrebbe beneficiare del vuoto lasciato da Alternativa Istaliana attirando i sostenitori liberali.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Luthorian Edition
Corruption scandal: 247 warranty notices against AI members, entrepreneurs and managers
Bribes scheme for hundreds of millions of LIS, a well-oiled system rooted on high industry and high finance developed in the past decades, the judiciary has announced that investigations could interest also ULD

ROMULA - Finally, despite the attempts by the former Minister of Justice to interfere with if not to stop the investigations, the cleaver of the Judiciary has hit on Alternative Istaliana as well as on numerous companies and managers. The Magistrature, by voice of the Public Prosecutor of Romula, has officially declared that for years AI has collected considerable amounts of money in the form of donations, especially when at the Government, but then the use of these funds was very obscure on the books of the party treasury and that if a party of this ammount was vaguely justified as expenses related to Party political activities, the rest was concealed among current expenditures. In turn, the count books have shown significant amounts of very generic reinbursements without justification for numerous members of the party.

Regarding the companies involved in the scandal, there are some of the most important and influential companies, including Veredda, Istafer, Banco di Credito di Silicia and Tennarini, already mentioned as involved in the investigation and now confirmed as the main companies involved in the bribes scheme , 62 are those deferred to trial who are part of or who have worked for these companies. Among them stands out the Domenico Azzari, well known "fixer" and former CEO or member of the boards of directors of many important Istalian companies.

A date has not yet been announced for the beginning of the trial and indeed the judiciary could organize not one but three separate trials related to different "affairs" ended up in the crosshairs of the investigation. On the other hand, the accusation of abuse of an office directed against the former Minister of Justice, and also former Foreign Minister, Aurora Adorinda, who has tried to impeach and therefore illegitimately intervened to block the investigation once it has entered the Ministry, actions that triggered the popular protest as well as the direct intervention of the President of the Republic and the negative comments also by the Constitutional Court. For this case we expect a further trial against the very last "Duce" of Istalian Alternative.

Finally, the Magistracy has declared that the investigations could extend to the ULD but that for the moment there are no elements to accuse the party of the Liberal Democrats and that the decision to continue the investigation also on the ULD is due to the fact that the system of bribes built by AI coincided with the long twenty years of domination of the Right. The Magistracy therefore wants to be sure that this phenomenon has still not affected the other great political force of the Right of the country.

Law on Pornography: law enforcement officers unleashed in search of illegal material
The reform of the legislation on the lawfulness of pornographic material has sparked heated debate in Parliament, especially among the Republicans and MPs of ULD and AR which also continued during the debate on the Consensus Age Regulation Law

ROMULA - Once the law that officially prohibited the porn industry to minors under the age of 18 passed, the diatribe that broke out between the libertarian parties, opposed to the reform, and the Republicans, the major supporters, also continued during the debates on the Law for the Regulation of the Age of Consensus proposed by the Radical Alliance following precisely the fears raised by the colleagues of PRI.
Even on this last bill, however, the Republicans seem to have turned their noses, criticizing the proposed law that would officially bring the age of consent in Istalia to 14 years with exceptions, some of which would lower it to 13 ( in the case of a relationship with a person not older than three years), while at 16 years the minimum limit would be set beyond which any sexual activity would be allowed.

For the time being, to follow up on the new legislation on pornography, the authorities have already actived themself to carry out the requisition of all the material that has become officially illegal, that is all those products of the porn industry that have seen minor participation (both soft and hard porno), namely young people between 16 and 18 years, authorized by both the previous legislation on the matter and the legislation on the regulation of child labor. Actually, for some time now conservative associations had raised doubts about similar activities, especially by leveraging the possible influence of such activities on the development of the minor, underlining how the law on the work of minors clearly forbids any activity that could damage psychophysical development of the youngest ones.
Despite the appeals and complaints received during the years by to the Justice, however, the nature of such pornographic productions, although their status of lawfulness before the reform, has always pushed the producers to work in the strictest confidence, using names of art and anonymous extremely short production companies (some also created for individual productions or, at most, for single series), so to make very hard to preceed by part of the Justice, also due to the previous already mentioned permissive law.

The conservative and parenting associations, however, seem not yet satisfied with the measures adopted, in fact first of all the new law, although it authorizes the participation in such productions only for adults, has not set any age limit for their use.
Second point on which the associations continue to protest, however, is the presence on the market of pornographic material, paper and multimedia, related to animated productions or computer graphics with protagonists teenagers if not younger children. Since such productions do not involve real actors, for the moment there are no legal appeals to ban their commercialization, an answer which really bothers the most conservative associations that have already announced that they will soon be on the war foot even to ban such productions.
This time, however, it may be more difficult for the more conservative to be able to promote laws in this sense, since the subjects depicted are in fact not real and many artists in the sector defend their work by underlining how similar representations can not fit into the laws for the protection of minors or about the age of the actors. In addition, certainly, to stand against such proposals will be AR but above all, due to the parliamentary weight, the ULD that in the upcoming elections could benefit from the void left by Alternativa Istaliana attracting the liberal supporters.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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