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Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:15 pm

Medina news here!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:02 pm

Sultan Zaafir II Continues to Build Military Power

Medinese Military on march

Great Sultan Zaafir II has announced today that his military plans continue to be enforced, and that a further 5,000 people will be recruited into the already major army commanded by the mighty Sultanate of Medina.

The ambitious Young Sultan’s reign has so far consisted of a great deal of military investment, combined with a multitude of economic reforms put in place in the last seven years, since Zaafir first took power. Opening up the nation to international trade and increasing state investment into infrastructure, alongside a healthy competitive free market, has put economic growth in the country at an all time high. He has also recently relaxed the laws on the freedom of the press in a popular move designed to lessen the authoritarian image the world has created of the nation, while unjust critique of the Sultan remains restricted to ensure the strength of the state.

At just 33 years of age the young Sultan has become one of the most popular rulers of the country in many years, through a combination of his grandeur, populist attitudes and his successful growth policies. He has also made a number of other reforms, for example allowing women to join the military last month, following on from his lifting of a ban on female drivers two years ago. He has called his policy on social affairs like this a “delicate balancing act between respecting our culture and adapting our policy and continuing to move forwards.” Last month, 10 pro-gay-rights protesters were arrested in the capital and eight charged for engaging in sexual activities with the same sex, a long-standing belief in Medinese culture, putting an end to many traditionalists fears that he was ‘too liberal.’

Some have questioned whether the military investments are really necessary, however the Sultan has reassured the public that in the age of tension internationally the country can never be too safe. He has also argued that since most of the money has been funnelled into technological advances, all he has really done is expand and modernise the military to keep up with international standards, though he recognised that the country needs to increase its income, and as such hasn’t also announced plans to increase taxes slightly across the board to fund this endeavour.

The move has drawn some criticism from Xsampa however, a neighbouring state, who says it feels threatened by our great military prowess. The Sultan has reassured them however that so long as the two nations remain a team peace, there is no need to be worried.

Long live Sultan Zaafir II!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:18 pm

Tensions on the Rise with Utembo

Checkpoint Alpha

Great Sultan Zaafir II has called the neighbouring nation of Utembo “disgraceful” after they declared that they would be blockading trade with the great Sultanate of Medina in a statement last week and today finished setting up an armed patrol along the border (a decision the Sultan has matched). They say they fear the Sultan’s rapidly developing military, and in response the Sultan has made two fresh announcements: firstly, that additional investment into vehicles and explosives for the nation has been immediately ordered, and that an armed guard will be deployed on the border with Utembo, which has been keen to move more troops south to protect against what it fears could be a potential invasion from the Sultanate. Most travel has been restricted, but both nations have agreed to open two checkpoints — Alpha and Bravo — along the border between the two nations, where security is heaviest.

With both nations now facing each other down, some are fearing war, but the Sultan has again reassured us that he would never instigate such a dangerous prospect without good reason.

Long live Sultan Zaafir II!

Utemban Protesters Appear at Borders: Sultan Issues Warning

At Checkpoint Bravo, a place where key officials as those with the right to travel between both Utembo and the great Sultanate of Medina, upwards of fifty Utemban protesters have organised a ‘sit-in’ near the border to protest the rapid escalation in tension between the two countries. The Sultan has issued a stark warning however: any aggression will result in authorised live fire from the Medinese guards. This declaration has been heavily criticised by the Utemban government, however they will still support the protesters right to peaceful protest, it is said, while the mighty Sultan Zaafir II has issued a ban on Medinese protest in the area to save lives and minimise risk. The Sultan says the Utembans are “playing a dangerous game” as diplomats are withdrawn from both nations.
Last edited by lewiselder1 on Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:36 pm


The army mobilises!

At 13:42 today, Checkpoint Bravo, on the Utemban-Medinese border, the Sultan has now confirmed the first violent clash erupted after Utemban protesters ignored Medinese warnings and marched on the border, arms linked together.

The Utemban government insists this was an act of peaceful protest, but the Sultan says they ignored repeated warnings and approaching quickly while shouting at the troops, which was perceived to be an act of aggression. Journalists on scene say the report is not inaccurate, but say whether or not it was a peaceful act or not is unclear.

Regardless, Medinese guards on the border decided to fire what they called a warning shot at the protesters, but hit one protester in the foot. The Utemban government insists this was intentional, and backs their troops decision to open fire on the Medinese troops. Soon, the scene had erupted into chaos, with both sides facing heavy casualties and one protester and one Utemban journalist being killed in the conflict, with many others wounded. The two checkpoints were closed down, with reinforcements from the Sultanate forcing the Utembans to retreat.

The Sultan has defended his troops' actions, saying the Utemban government has repeatedly ignored his requests for a ban on protest, while the Utembans have claimed that there was insufficient warning and that the troops should have known this was a "peaceful protest."

In fact, their Foreign Affairs department has even gone as far as to suggest that the Sultan's actions so far have all been "designed to force a conflict," with the rapid increase in tension in the past 12 months, Medina's recent military developments, and the Sultan's refusal to back down and agree to lessened military investment pointing to "a clear attempt to create a dangerous situation so the Sultan can exploit the story and make his invasion seem justified," referring to rumours of the Sultan's imperialistic ambitions, which he strongly denies. They claim that the Sultan's "unrealistic demands that we move away all troops from the border while he continues to rapidly arm his military are absurd and again designed to make us seem unreasonable. But we did not want war -- they simply refused to negotiate."

The Sultan however blames Utembo for taking issue with "our domestic military expansion" and said they "simply don't want to let another power grow."

Utembo has said that the "brazen attack on peaceful Utemban protesters leaves us no choice but to enter hostilities, though we would like to avoid this if a peaceful agreement can be found," while the Sultan says the "unjustified slaughter of our troops in response to an act of aggression from their citizens, which we have repeatedly warned of, means that great Medina has no other option except to defend our right to secure borders. We will only settle for an honourable peace." In the Sultan's book, this seems to mean that Utembo must make concessions and take responsibility. But with neither side looking to do so, it seems likely that this minor conflict is quickly spiraling into an all-out war.

But is the rapid breakdown of diplomatic relations between the two countries all a conspiracy by the Sultan to force a war, and engineer a cassus belli for an invasion? Or is that merely a crackpot Utemban conspiracy theory?
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:17 pm

General Wiqar Azeez Leads Invasion of Utembo

Medina’s most experienced and respected general, Wiqar Azeez, has been given full command of the Army of Utembo and the Sultan himself has approved his military plans, which are said to be immensely detailed.

Sultan Zaafir II has also altered the rules on dealing with rebllious locals in occupied countries, allowing military tribunal courts to decide POWs fates and even issue the death penalty to anyone seen to be resisting the rule or posing a threat to the Medinese occupation of any foreign land. The move is expected to limit local resistance to the Medinese troops as they make their march across the south and begin their occupation of southern Utembo.

The Sultan has even gone so far as to say that “we will have victory within a year, at most,” showing a deep and powerful confidence in his newly expanded army. This will be the first major test of the Medinese military in years, so a successful victory here will undoubtedly give the Sultan’s reforms more credibility — for better or worse.

There has not yet been any major clashes, only minor skirmishes. It is believed the Utemban forces intend to draw Azeez further and further into the country, and fight the decisive battle on their terms. But what is General Azeez’s strategy, and will he be able to bring the Utemban government to the table within a reasonable amount of time, or will this war drag on for longer than anticipated?

Sultan Arrests Four Importanf Statesmen in Large-Scale Anti-Corruption Investigation

The key former cabinet officials from his father’s last government have been arrested today, alongside the incumbent mayor of the capital, after the Sultan’s anti-corruption investigation revealed all had been involved in bribery or fraud, or both. None are expected to face prison, but large fines could help the state with a large influx of cash. Cynics have said the investigation is only to help fund the Utemban war, but the Sultan has reassured us that “this has been a long time coming, and I’m proud to lead an honest government.”

The investigation did not indicate that his father had any involvement, though some have dared to question this. Despite this more vocal dissent emerging after the Sultan relaxed freedom of speech and freedom of the press laws (while still restricting dangerous or treasonous talk for national security reasons, a surely understandable decision), the Sultan’s popularity has skyrocketed in recent days, with some polls putting his approval rating at as high as 82.7%.

Long live Sultan Zaafir II!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby CanFly » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:32 pm

Call me Eagle!

(Controller of House Nordenburg/Neuhaus of Talmoria)

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:57 am

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:49 pm

Sultan Refuses to Back Down in Face of International Pressures

After both Talmoria and Dorvik have called for peace in the region after tensions with Utembo spilled into a declaration of war on both sides, with Talmoria even threatening to send in the troops, the Sultan has made this public announcement to respond:

Firstly, I would like to say that we all appreciate Dorvik’s attempts to encourage peace in the region, and Talmoria’s concerns for national sovereignty. But they are misguided: if they seriously believe that we wanted this war, they are mistaken.

We will accept peace and are willing to enter negotiations, but so long as Utembo is unwilling to take responsibility, withdraw from the border and re-establish diplomatic relations, we are not going to back down.

They have taken issue with our decision to expand and modernise our military and secure our defences. But it is us who are accused of oppressing national sovereignty? Why? Because we dared to invest in our military?

We did not want these tensions to escalate so quickly, but Utembo is simply unwilling to let us develop as we please without punishing us. When they armed the border, we did the same. When they refused to agree to our reasonable demands, and then refused to restrict protest in the area to preoect lives, and then, when their people marched on our troops ark in ark, and we fired a warning shot after repeated verbal warnings and a pre-issued warning that this would happen frock yself at the first sign of aggression, THEN they call for war?

If you want peace, and if you believe in national sovereignty, convince Utembo to allow us to arm ourselves how we please, just as they have. If, however, you wish to continue this crusade against us and believe their ridiculous conspiracy theories, then so be it, but do not expect the great and mighty Medina to back down.

Finally, I would like to encourage Talmoria and Dorvik to bring the issue to the Security Council if they really have a complaint. But something tells me they just want to topple a nation, and return themselves to the height of empire. These first-world countries don’t want peace — they just want to dominate.

It is believed the Sultan will now seek his own allies in nearby countries to help with a defence against a potential coalition, perhaps through the League of Independent Nations. Meanwhile, General Azeez’s march continues north, with the first major battle expected to take place within the coming weeks as Azeez reaches the first major city in the south, where the Tembans wish to make their defence.

Utembo has supported Dorvik and Talmoria’s actions.

Long live Sultan Zaafir II!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby CanFly » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:47 pm

Call me Eagle!

(Controller of House Nordenburg/Neuhaus of Talmoria)

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:17 pm

Armistice Agreed with Dorvik and Utembo, but Will Talmoria Involvement Throw It All into Disarray?

It has now been revealed that although the Sultan agreed to sign an armistice, while not withdrawing troops from Utembo, to discuss peace talks, Talmoria has now begun marching its troops into Utembo, to attempt to defend the country against Medinese attacks.

The Sultan has insisted this is a breach of trust, but appears willing to lay down arms to discuss peace still. In a public statement today he condemned the actions of Talmoria and issued a call to “friends across the globe” to offer support and intervene to stop Talmoria from “interfering with an issue between two sovereign nations based on misguided sentiments.”

Still, the race to the capital continues: whoever reaches the capital city shall have the greatest chance of victory, it seems, but Medinese strategy will have to outwit a better-funded, better-equipped army while also dealing with Utemban militants.

It appears for the moment that the armistice is broken almost as soon as it was agreed: but will the four nations be able to patch together a peace, or will this all end in disaster?
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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