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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:18 pm


Sabbagh announced her cabinet, and two new members of the ULD

After the AI has resolved, many former members of the party decided to join the fractions in the parliament; obviously, the members that weren't involved in the scandals. Among the parties that they chose are the PRI, LdC, even the Communists, but rarely did they join the ULD. Actually, so far, no notable Nationalist has joined the ULD, out of spite.

However, Sahal Sabbagh, on the first day of the ULD's 6-day long Congress has announced that that changed and that two very notable figures within the party have decided to take on the blue. Other than that, she obviously revealed the candidates for her cabinets; they weren't surprising, though the lack of certain names is unusual. But, before that, the two very prominent that decided to join the ULD. Those were Andreatto di Nero, a very notable figure within the nationalist party; he served as the minister of defence, internal affairs and held many other high positions in the country. The other person that decided to join the Liberal Democrats is Antonio Massa, a descendant of Mr Massa, the founder of the AI himself. With those two names; one as a candidate for Minister (Massa), and with the other expected to lead the ULD's structures in Padagna, the Blues are set for big electoral gains, many specialists say.

Although di Nero was considered one of the AI's most prominent figures, he was a member of the Rossoist wing, which made the transition natural.

Massa, on the other hand, wasn't really a member of either faction officially, but his views mostly aligned with he Rossoisst wing, too, however, many say that his ideology is fexibility

But we shall return to Sabbagh's cabinet candidates; the "pre-ministers" were, as per tradition, announced on the final, closing day of the Congress. As we've mentioned, a few notable surnames are not on the list; such as Ernesto Goa, who was predicted to become the candidate for the minister of Health and Social Services, however Mr Coppola, who was originally supposed to be the candidate for Finance didn't get that position, and instead will still be the candidate for Health. Other names that barely missed the cut are Horizonte, Bellucci or di Nero, whom we've recently mentioned.

However, the cabinet:

Prime Minister - Sahla Sabbagh, obviously.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister - Davide Xhosa. The once nonpartisan mayor of Romula is currently one of the most prominent new politicians of the ULD; he served as the minister of Infrastructure, the leader of the ULD's local structures in Mezzodiurno. Now, he is expected to represent the country abroad and be one of the two Vice-Prime Ministers.

Minister of Internal Affairs - Massimo Meir. He served as the minister of FInance, is one of the most respected economists in Istalia, if not the entire world.He is also a promotor of capitalist thought, and, alongside Sabbagh, a member of the Teal faction within the party.

Minister of Finance - Vespiano Badia. He did head a very romantic institution for some time, and is an economist with decent experience. Badia served as the minister of Trade and Industry, so he surely has experience.

Minister of Defence - Mariano Lepera. The Grandson of President Lepera, ex-minister of, well, Defence. He was a soldier, other than a minister, and also the Chief-of-staff to president Reale.

Minister of Justice - Adana el-Qhim. A member of the ULD since... practically ancient times. She is a lawyer and constitutionalist, once an ambassador of Istalia. She also served as the Deputy Chairperson of the ULD for some time.

Minister of Infrastructure - Raseef Adan. Although he was relatively unknown before becoming the Party's national coordinator, Adan was an important figure in the Trivenditan structures of the ULD, and was even a candidate for governor.

Minister of Health and Deputy Prime Minister - Elmo Coppola. Not only is Coppola Sabbagh's right-hand man, practically everywhere, serving as both the party's First Vice-Chairperson, and now as Sabbagh's possible deputy Prime Minister.

Minister of Education and Culture - Gianni Zurawiecki. Zurawiecki, although proud of his Valruzian heritage, is also very open about how he feels as an Istalian, and that he wishes to preserve the country's museums, and develop them.

Minister of Science and Technology - Imraan el-Bahrin. Raised under Meir's political wings, el-Bahrin is a radical capitalist, too, and is somewhat reminiscent of the failed Prime Minister, Shamon-Baz, although he states that he'll "be successful".

Minister of Agriculture - Anotonio Massa. Apparently, the ex-AI member said that he will gladly join the ULD; though he said that only if he'll get a ministerial seat. As such, the ULD granted him one, to attract people with his name. The ministry that they "like the least".

Environment - Sarwa Faraj. She was an MP for a long time, and the ULD's speaker for Environment. She was a possible candidate for Secretary a few years back, however that didn't happen.

Trade and Industry - Mara Soldan. Soldan is another radical teal youth; she has been a member of the ULD before joining the party proper and had reached decent heights there, as she was a vice-chairperson of it.

The fact that Xhosa will be a candidate for Vice-Prime Minister surprised many, as most assumed that the other Prime Minister, other than Coppola, will be Meir or Lepera

Sabbagh also announced that the ULD would like to help the AR in their investigation and that she would instantly dismiss all party members that would possibly be involved in the paedophilia scandal, and will ask for their immunities to be overturned.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:39 pm

Istalian Edition
Il Presidente della Repubblica rende noto un dossier presentato dal Ministero della Giustizia e pubblica l'indignata lettera da parte del Ministro messosi a seguire da vicino le indagini

ROMULA - Nuove rivelazioni rendono ancora più scioccante lo scandalo che ha coinvolto Alternativa Istaliana.
Il Presidente della Repubblica, rivolgendosi a tutte le istituzioni, ha reso pubblico un ulteriore dossier sullo scandalo, relativo al controllo da parte di lobby economiche e politiche del partito nazionalista, chiaramente sottoposto agli interessi di queste lobby.
Tra queste, la più importante, non è un'organizzazione del mondo economico, ma un'organizzazione politica, "Istalia Bianca", un'associazione che promuove razzismo, xenofobia, totalitaritarismo e genocidio.

Lasciamo ai lettori apprendere ulteriori dettagli proprio dal discorso rilasciato in Parlamento dal Presidente el-Saladin:

Cari Parlamentari, Ministri, Primo Ministro, Presidente della Camera, vengo da voi per portare alla luce lo scandalo in cui è coinvolta Alternativa Istaliana; il vero scandalo, quello su chi ha finanziato quel partito e per chi esso a lavorato in Parlamento. Questa è una lettera che il mio Capo di Gabinetto, Gentile Orizonte, ha ricevuto dal Ministro della Giustizia:

"Caro signor Orizonte, la nuova inchiesta ci ha fornito un certo elenco di donatori di AI, il più controverso che si possa immaginare.

- Giuseppe Voglia, nipote di Paolo Voglia che ha fondato Fihat, nuova e nota casa di automobili. Era contrario a qualsiasi regolamentazione in materia ecologica e, soprattutto, era conosciuto per partecipare all'organizzazione culturale neo-nazista Istalia Bianca.

A proposito, il nome che ci ha sconvolto è stato il seguente:
- Rino Faenza, famoso uomo d'affari siliciano. Ai tempi in cui il PCI aveva iniziato le sue attività politiche, era conosciuto come il sostenitore di molti atti di violenza contro le sezioni siliciane del partito; infatti, lui è il FONDATORE di Istalia Bianca - quando era in prigione ha fatto molte interviste per riviste scandalistiche dove ha orgogliosamente mostrato la sua croce celtica e il saluto romano, ma anche per la scoperta del suo giro di pedofilia. Tanti fondi da Faenza: cosa significa?! Forse, quando AI deteneva il Ministero della Giustizia, lavorava anche per coprire queste attività di pedofilia? Siamo indignati...

Speriamo che il Presidente abbia parole dure per un tale scandalo. La Giustizia Istaliana e il Ministero della Giustizia devono essere difesi dagli atti folli di AI.

Lei ha piena libertà di pubblicare questa lettera Sign. Presidente.


E parole dure esprimerò per questo scandalo; personalmente mentre non penso che dovremo affannarci troppo sul problema delle lobby, dovremmo invero scegliere di concentrarci sulla questione più importante difronte a noi; il fatto che AI sia un burattino dell'organizzazione conosciuta come Istalia Bianca. Questo è certo; oltre il 70% di tutti i fondi che AI ricavava dai loro donatori arrivava a persone separate, o almeno collegate a quell'organizzazione; un'organizzazione che promuove il razzismo, la xenofobia, il totalitarismo e il genocidio. Queste persone non hanno posto nelle nel Parlamento d'Istalia, anzi più importante, nel Governo Istaliano. Ed alla luce di ciò, mi appellerò al Parlamento per uno sforzo per tagliare tutti i finanziamenti pubblici per AI, e proibir loro di guadagnare fondi dai donatori. Chiederò anche al Ministero della Giustizia di indagare sui singoli membri di AI, che potrebbero avere collegamenti con l'organizzazione conosciuta come Istalia Bianca.

Sebbene io personalmente creda che persone di ogni credo ed opinion, anche i presenti appartenenti a IB (Istalia Bianca) abbiano il diritto di organizzarsi e di mantenere quelle idee, anche se sono incredibilmente insensate, le persone con queste opinioni non dovrebbero avere il diritto di decidere per questa nazione, dato che promuoverebbero solo odio e agitazione in tutta la nazione.

Ancora una volta, spero che le indagini seguite dal Ministro siano fruttuose e rivelino molte informazioni che ci aiuteranno a tenere fuori dal Parlamento IB ed impedirgli di influenzare le persone come me o la leader di Alternativa Istaliana.

Rivincita per la Sinistra Istaliana? Il Segretario del PCI, Ernesto Revara, con patos elogia il lavoro svolto fin ora

Il Corriere riporta l'appassionato discorso tenuto dal leader del PCI nella Camera all'indomani dell'insediamento del governo di transizione formato dai partiti del centro, centro-sinistra e sinistra.

Il nostro partito ha mostrato, un'altra volta, un grande rispetto per la democrazia e tutte le istituzioni democratiche. Quest'anno di governo, come tutti sappiamo, non sarà rivoluzionario, ma darà al Paese una giusta gestione della Repubblica; con il consenso del Presidente el-Saladin, rappresenteremo l'Istalia su tutta la Terra e consentiremo di nuovo alla Giustizia di fare il suo lavoro come negli anni passati; le nuove indagini, dopo tutto, confermano che le mosse di Alternativa Istaliana durante il passato governo non erano casuali: nuovi donatori, nuovi nomi controversi riempiono le riviste di questi giorni. Questa è la prima dimostrazione che un governo diverso può persino influenzare il buon andamento della Giustizia: le forze corrotte nel precedente ministero della giustizia non l'hanno lasciata lavorare, mentre forze oneste come quelle dei comunisti le permetteranno di colpire dove dovrebbe. Veniamo al governo solo in questi giorni, ma gli istaliani non hanno dimenticato i quattro importanti Pdl che siamo riusciti a far approvare - e l'approvazione di una nuova regolamentazione sui diritti di lavoro, grazie alle proposte di AR, sono un altro punto a nostro favore - anche all'opposizione, abbiamo dato all'Istalia nuove importanti leggi. Potremmo dire che eravamo già al governo, ma nell'ombra. Ora, le giuste forze del paese sono salite nel posto che meritano, al Governo, e confido che nelle prossime elezioni gli istaliani ci porteranno al governo anche con la forza dei voti.


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The President of the Republic reveals a dossier submitted by the Ministry of Justice and publishes the indignant letter from the Minister who decided to follow closely the investigations

ROMULA - New revelations make the scandal that involved Istalian Alternative even more shocking.
The President of the Republic, addressing all the institutions, has made public a further dossier on the scandal, relating to the control by economic and political lobbies of the nationalist party, clearly subject to the interests of these lobbies.
Among these, the most important, is not an organization of the economics, but a political organization, "Istalia Bianca" (White Istalia), an association that promotes racism, xenophobia, totalitarianism and genocide.

We leave to the readers to learn more details from the speech given in Parliament by President el-Saladin:

Dear Parliamentarians, Minsters, Prime Minister, Presidents of the Chamber, I come to you to bring to light the scandal in which AI is involved; the true scandal, of whom that party was funded by, and for whom they lobby. This is a letter that my Chief-of-Staff, Gentile Orizonte, received from the Minister of Justice:

"Dear Mr. Orizonte, the new investigations gave to us a certain list of AI party donors, the most controversial you could imagine.

We have:
- Giuseppe Voglia, grandson of Paolo Voglia who founded Fihat, a new and famous brand of cars. He opposed to any regulamentation in the ecological matters, and, most of all, he was known to partecipate in the neo-nazi cultural organization Istalia Bianca (White Istalia)

The name which shocked us all, by the way, was the following:
- Rino Faenza, famous Silician businessman. Back in the days, when the PCI began its political activities, he was known as the backer of many acts of violence against the Silician sections of the party; indeed, he is the FOUNDER of White Istalia - when he was in prison he made many interviews for scandal journals where he proudly showed his celtic cross and the roman salut - and was not only condemned for his acts against the left, but also for the discovering of his pedophile ring. So many funds from Faenza: what does that mean?! Maybe, AI sitting in the ministry of Justice, worked even to cover these activities of paedophilia? We are outraged...

We hope that the President will have harsh words for such a scandal. The Istalian Justice, and the Ministry of Justice, must be defended from the insane acts of AI.

You have the full right to publish this letter.

Thank you."

And I will have harsh words for this scandal; while I do think that we shouldn't be too vocal about the lobbying issue, as keeping low may conclude in more evidence against the lobbies which undermine the democratic process and just give left-wing demagogues more ammunition, and instead we should opt to focus on the most important issue at our hand; the fact that the AI is a puppet of the organization known as Istalia Bianca. That is certain; over 70% of all the money that the AI gained from their donors came to people apart, or at least linked to that organization; an organization promoting racism, xenophobia, totalitarianism and genocide. Such people have no place in the Istalian chambers, or more importantly, the Istalian government. And as such, I will address the parliament with an effort to cut all budget funding for the AI, and prohibit them from earning funds from donors. I will also ask the ministry of justice to investigate individual AI members, that may have links to the organization known as whit Istalia.

Although I personally believe that people of all views, even such as the BI presents should have the right to organize themselves and hold those ideas, even if they are incredibly nonsensical, people with those views should not have the right to decide for this nation, as they would just spread hate and unrest throughout the nation.

Once again, I hope that the minister's investigation will be fruitful, and reveal a lot of information that will help us cut the BI away from the parliament, and influence over people like me or the leader of the AI herself.

Payback for the istalian left? The Secretary of PCI, Ernesto Revara, with patos praises the work done so far

The Corriere reports the passionate speech given by the leader of PCI in the Chamber the day after the establishment of the transition government formed by the parties of the center, center-left and left.

Our party showed, another time, a great respect for democracy and all the democratic institutions. This year of government, as we all know, won't be revolutionary, but will give to the country a just management of the Republic; with the el-Saladin consent, we will represent Istalia all over Terra and permit again to the justice to do its work as it did in past years; the new investigations, after all, confirm that the Alternativa Istaliana moves during the past government weren't casual: new donors, new controversial names are filling the journals of these days. This is the first demostrance that a different government can even influence the well going of justice: corrupt forces in the ministry of justice can't permit to her to work, while honest forces like the ones of the communists will permit to her to hit where it should. We come to the government only in these days, but istalians haven't forget the four important pdls we took to victory - and the approvation of new regulamentation about working rights, thankly to the proposals to AR, are another point in our favour - even at the opposition, we gave to Istalia new important laws. We could say that we were already at the government, but in the shadow. Now, the just forces of the country have risen to the place they deserve, to the government, and I confide that in next elections istalians will take us to the government even with the force of votes.

Thank you.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:59 pm

New leaders within the PUP have burst onto the stage in recent months, setting up what could be a time of change for the party as progressive leaders flood onto the national stage. Below are some of the new candidates that the PUP is fielding for candidacies in the elections.
Maria Bertolini, 36, is a nonpartisan city councilwoman in Florenza, Padagna, where she has affiliated herself with the PUP as her father, Tino, was the first leader of the PUP. She is a reliably progressive member of the party, affiliated with the liberal wing of the party led by party Chamber whip Chiarina Pozzi. Councilwoman Bertolini has recently announced a bid for mayor of the city of Florenza, where she is well known and well liked. She is also on the PUP list for appointment to the chamber of deputies.
Enrico Amato, 37, is another new candidate for office running with the PUP. Mr. Amato currently serves as National Spokesperson for the PUP, and has a wide following across the nation of social media, where he has argued for the PUP. Mr. Amato is running for Governor of Mezzodiurno, and he has utilized his social media to his advantage. He has burst onto the national stage since his appointment, and many PUP insiders contend that Amato was a key factor in convincing Party Chair Rania Samara to drop out of the government due to the ULD's tax plan, setting up the early elections that are a few days away.
Once again, Party Chair Rania Samara will run as the PUP's presidential nominee, and she has made tons of campaign stops across the country to turn out the vote in favor of the PUP. She has promised to take a more liberal bent after the election, which was shown when she announced changes to the PUP's platform to be more regulatory in the markets, and in favor of more civil rights.

Many are skeptic that the PUP will do so well, however. Internal polling from within the PUP suggests that they will receive around the same number of votes as in the last elections. However, polling from outside sources suggest that their numbers could be as high as 20%. Clearly, there are a variety of possible outcomes, and the elections appears that it could go bad or good.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:55 pm

Valentina Fenici has been the center of attention since her Lega dei Cittadini was crushed by the last election results: -3 seats, even though the biggest rival on the right (AI) was dissolved, which rose expecations that the LdC would grow in large numbers. After the results, many fingers were pointed at the party leadership, and most of all Fenici for her 'centrist' leadership.

Most dissent was given by party prominent Maurizio de Fiore, who has been the leader of the party's right wing since its foundation. Even before the election at the LdC leadership elections he already accused Fenici of 'destroying the electorate', by promising support to the center. His opposition poses as a symbol for the growing anger in the party itself, with many party members blaming the bad election result on the current leadership. '''By joining a centrist alliance, the LdC locked itslef up in a cage with the ULD and PUP, which are not the worst parties, but it gave the LdC the tag 'centrist'. This lead to center voters finding the party too right, and right voters finding the party to centrist'', says political analyst Dimitrio Accuziani.

The ongoing pressure eventually lead to the resignation of Fenici, after which she announced she would continue in politics as minor backbencher. The party chair immediately held a directional board election, appointing Fenici's rival De Fiore as new Party Leader. His duties as spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Immigration will be taken over by Oliviera Simeone. De Fiore took little time to rest and immediately spoke some words over the party's new course:

The Lega dei Cittadini will find its way to the right-wing voters, as we will continue our fight against illegal immigration, economic regulation and isolationism. The current c.p.d. alliance does not benefit the LdC at all, so i see no further space for growth for right-wing parties in this centrist coalition. The only thing it has been is a source of negative progression since both partners were part of the least successful and most turbulent cabinet of the last decade. Therefore, we will exit this coalition. The LdC has always been meant, and always will be a safe haven for right voters, and i look forward to work with the other parties in the Chamber to achieve the things we believe in.

Overall, the General Election saw the Republican Party taking most of the AI's seats, and the current cabinet parties being rewarded with seats for their pragmatic stance. From the AI's seats, more then 80 percent of them was divided between the ULD and PRI, making them the new faces on the right.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:40 pm

Istalian Edition
L'Apartheid colpisce ancora...
Un vecchio nemico risorge in Seleya, il regime segregazionista ristabilito, sanzionato dall'Istalia, minaccia il Paese

SARIDAN - Crollo delle relazioni tra Istalia e Saridan, nuovamente dopo oltre un secolo dal crollo del precedente regime segregazionista. Gli estremisti di destra si sono riorganizzati infatti nel rifondato partito Alt-Right Alliance che assurto al potere ha fatto piombare il paese centro seleyano negli orrori di un tempo.
Il Governo Istaliano, notoriamente tra i più attenti e categorici oppositori del segregazionismo, particolarmente in Saridan, vista l'evoluzione degli eventi dall'altra parte del Mare delle Anime Perdute, ha deciso, come al solito con larghissimo consenso da parte delle forze politiche in parlamento, di adottare sanzioni commerciali ed economiche contro Saridan, stabilendo un embargo per tutti i prodotti saridanesi e per tutti i prodotti istaliani che non potranno più giungere in Saridan, come anche qualsiasi altro tipo di attività finanziaria, corredato da limitazioni frontaliere verso visti e passaporti saridanesi. Anche tutti asset di proprietà Saridanese in Istalia saranno congelati se non confiscati.

La risposta di Koeistad non ha tardato ad arrivare, con un messaggio rilasciato dal Presidente Saridanese, Pieter Van Vuuren in persona, un messaggio con il quale Saridan annuncia l'adozione di misure equivalenti contro l'Istalia, messaggio accompagnato da parole minacciose, quella che sembra la stessa retorica di decadi orsono.

Questo il messaggio:

Alla luce dell'attuale decisione della nostra nazione di ratificare il trattato di Wilfred Kruger, vorremmo vivamente avvertirvi di non implicarvi nella politica interna della nostra nazione. Siamo fermamente convinti del diritto di una nazione alla propria sovranità e del diritto per ogni nazione di emanare le proprie leggi senza interferenza delle altre nazioni che non hanno una solida comprensione delle questioni sociali e politiche che si trovano ad affrontare altre nazioni, come la nostra. Crediamo che la vostra nazione non abbia il diritto di parlare della questione della segregazione razziale a Saridan, dal momento che non ha una comprensione dei dati demografici e delle questioni sociali di Saridan. Questo è un problema per il governo di Saridan da affrontare come riteniamo opportuno. Non ci saranno altre nazioni che ci faranno pressioni con il vuoto dogma dei diritti umani. Se la vostra nazione decide di perseguire un a politica di ingerenza nei nostri affari interni, non avremo altra scelta se non quella di reagire con azioni contro la vostra nazione. Questa è una situazione, sono sicuro che voi, insieme a noi, vorreste evitare.

Pieter Van Vuuren,
Staatspresident di Saridan.

Il Governo Istaliano come prima misura ha lanciato un invito a rientrare in patria od a lasciare Saridan a tutti i connazionali presenti nel paese. Una risposta del Presidente el-Saladin è attesa a breve.

Secondo analisti ed esperti internazionalisti, comunque, possibili sanzioni economiche non sembrano spaventare troppo il Governo di Romula, la cui economia difficilmente sarebbe colpita da misure economiche adottate in Saridan. Ciò che intimorisce Romula sono le possibili sproporzionate misure di ritorsione che un simile regime potrebbe adottare contro cittadini Istaliani.
Sembra che in molti, all'annuncio delle sanzioni da parte del Governo, siano rientrati in patria, ma risultano ancora istaliani nel paese che, comunque, dovrebbero lasciare in massa il paese nelle prossime ore e giorni, memori di orrori del passato.

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Apartheid strikes again...
An old enemy resurrects in Seleya, the restored segregationist regime, sanctioned by Istalia, threatens the Country

SARIDAN - Collapse of relations between Istalia and Saridan, again after almost a century since the collapse of the former segregationist regime. Right-wing extremists have in fact reorganized themselves in the refounded Alt-Right Alliance party which, having risen to power, has brought the center Seleyan country into the horrors of the past.
The Istalian Government, notoriously among the most attentive and categorical opponents of segregationism, particularly in Saridan, following the evolution of events on the other side of the Sea of ​​Lost Souls, has decided, as usual with very broad consensus from the political forces in parliament, to impose trade and economic sanctions against Saridan, establishing an embargo for all Saridan products and for all the istalian products that can no longer reach Saridan, as well as any other type of financial activity, accompanied by border restrictions for saridanese visas and passports. Even all assets in Istalia owned by Saridaneses will be frozen if not confiscated.

Koeistad's response was not late in coming, with a message released by the Saridanese President, Pieter Van Vuuren himself, a message with which Saridan announces the adoption of equivalent measures against Istalia, a message accompanied by threatening words, what which seems to the same rhetoric of decades ago.

This is the message:

In light of our nation's current decision to ratify the Wilfred Kruger Treaty, we would strongly warn you not to get yourselves involved in the domestic policy of our nation. We are firm believers in a nation's right to their own sovereignty and the right for each nation to make their own laws without meddling from other nations who do not have a firm understanding of the social and political issues facing other nations, such as our own. We believe that your nation has no right to talk about the issue of racial segregation in Saridan, as you do not have an understanding into the demographics and the social issues of Saridan. This is an issue for the Government of Saridan to deal with as we see fit. We will not have other nations pushing us around with empty human rights dogma. If your nation decides to pursue a course of meddling in our domestic affairs, we will have no choice but to retaliate with action against your nation. This is a situation I'm sure you, along with us, would like to avoid.

Pieter Van Vuuren,
Staatspresident of Saridan.

The Istalian Government as a first measure has launched an invitation to return home or leave Saridan to all the Istalian nationals present in the country. An answer from President el-Saladin is expected soon.

According to analysts and international experts, however, possible economic sanctions do not seem to frighten too much Romula's Government, whose economy would hardly be affected by economic measures taken in Saridan. What frightens Romula are the possible disproportionate retaliation measures that such a regime could take against Istalian citizens.
It seems that many, at the announcement of sanctions by the Government, came back home, but are still istalians in the country that, however, are expected to leave the country en masse in the next hours and days, mindful of horrors of the past.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:27 pm

Istalian Edition
Embargo internazionale su petrolio e gas contro Saridan
Il Presidente el-Saladin risponde duramente al regime segregationista di Koeistad promuovendo misure a livello internazionale

ROMULA - Salito sul podio personalmente di fronte alla Camera dei Deputati, il Presidente della Republica ha presentato le annunciate ulteriori sanzioni da adottare contro Saridan, ovvero un trattato per adottare un embargo a livello internazionale.
Il trattato si focalizza su due prodotti strategici e capitali dell'economia globale, ovvero petrolio e gas. Tutte quelle nazioni che ratificheranno il trattato vieteranno qualsiasi esportazione di idrocarburi verso Saridan, come anche vieteranno qualsiasi importazione, anche se Saridan ad oggi non risulta una nazione esportatrice di idrocarburi.

Queste le parole, risolute e inflessibili, del capo dello stato rivolte a tutte le nazioni pronte ad impegnarsi per contrastare il segregazionismo, un sistema sociale e legale considerati in Istalia tra i peggiori, alla stregua di quelle società che sfruttano la schiavitù:

Colleghi dalla mia patria e dall'estero,

Spero che voi siate d'accordo con me; noi, come democratici, dobbiamo combattere contro ogni forma di totalitarismo; che si tratti di oppressione comunista, di sfruttamento thallerista o, come qui presente, di ingiustizia sciovinista. Non solo queste persone che governano in Saridan vogliono segregare i loro cittadini sulla base di cose di così poca importanza come il loro colore della pelle; cos'è tutto ciò, mi chiedo? Perché credono che le loro azioni siano lecite? Lo pensano anche loro? Devono essere puniti; per brutalità, razzismo, il dominio autoritario del dominio di un pugno forte. Invitiamo tutti a dire no a questi metodi ratificando questo trattato.

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International embargo on oil and gas against Saridan
President el-Saladin responds harshly to Koeistad's segregationist regime by promoting measures at the international level

ROMULA - On the podium personally in front of the Chamber of Deputies, the President of the Republic presented the announced further sanctions to be taken against Saridan, which is a treaty to adopt an international embargo.
The treaty focuses on two strategic and key products of the global economy, namely oil and gas. All those nations that will ratify the treaty will ban any export of hydrocarbons to Saridan, as well as forbid any importation, even if Saridan is not a hydrocarbon exporting nation to date.

These are the resolute and inflexible words of the head of state addressed to all nations ready to commit themselves to countering segregationism, a social and legal system considered to be among the worst by Istalia, in the same way as those societies that exploit slavery:

Colleagues from my homeland and abroad,

I hope that you agree with me; we, as democrats, must fight against any forms of totalitarianism; be it communist oppression, thallerist exploitation or, as present here, chauvinist injustice. Not only do these people ruling in Saridan whish to segregate their citizens on the basis of things of such unimportance as their colour of skin; what is that, I ask? Why do they believe that their actions are lawful? Do they even think so? They must be punished; for brutality, racism, the authoritarian rule of the rule of a strong fist. We invite everyone to say no to those methods by ratifying this treaty.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:31 pm

Organo del Partito Comunista d'Istalia - Anno IV

Endrigo Bellinguer è morto all'età di 84 anni: se ne va il primo comunista-premier dell'epoca contemporanea. Non sarai dimenticato!
Endrigo Bellinguer died at age 84. He was the first communist to become head of government in the comporary era. You won't be forgotten!

Un terremoto ha colpito la scena politica istaliana. Nella notte è venuto a mancare il Presidente Endrigo Bellinguer, da tempo malato di cuore. Si è spento all'età di ottantaquattro anni nel letto della propria casa, in Silicia, dopo alcuni anni di ritiro dalla scena politica. Già alle prime luci dell'alba, è stato possibile guardare in tutta Istalia a una scena rivoluzionaria: migliaia e migliaia di bandiere rosse, esposte a lutto dalle case popolari di ogni regione e anche da alcune residenze della piccola e media borghesia. Difatti, Endrigo Bellinguer, primo leader del Partito Comunista a diventare Presidente del consiglio, non solo ha rivoluzionato la scena politica istaliana dopo decenni di lontananza della sinistra dalle posizioni di dirigenza, ma ha anche lasciato un segno nei cuori di chi è sempre stato distante dalle idee socialiste e comuniste.
Resistenza vuole ricordare Endrigo Bellinguer come l'uomo che ha preso in mano un sogno e lo ha fatto divenire realtà. Tutti noi, compagni che mai perderemo la fede nel sole rosso dell'avvenire, ricorderemo questo grande uomo come colui che ha saputo rendere grande il comunismo sposandolo alla democrazia. Endrigo Bellinguer, caro compagno, non sarai dimenticato!

I funerali pubblici sono previsti la prossima Domenica a Romula. Sono invitati tutti i militanti comunisti, tutti i simpatizzanti e gli ammirati della figura del compianto segretario.

A man reads a journal which talks about the Bellinguer's death. The title says: "Good bye."

An earthquake hit the istalian political scene. In the night, "the President" Endrigo Bellinguer, long heartbroken, has been missing. He died at the age of eighty-four in the bed of his home, in Silicia, after a few years of withdrawal from the political scene. Already at the first light of dawn, it was possible to look at a revolutionary scene in Istalia: thousands and thousands of red flags, exposed to mourning by the houses of every region and also by some residences of the small and middle bourgeoisie. In fact, Endrigo Bellinguer, the first leader of the Communist Party to become President of the council, not only revolutionized the istalian political scene after decades of remoteness of the left from positions of leadership, but also left a mark in the hearts of those who have always been distant from socialist and communist ideas.
Resistenza wants to remember Endrigo Bellinguer as the man who took a dream into his hands and made it become reality. All of us, comrades who will never lose faith in the red sun of the future, will remember this great man as the one who has been able to make communism great by marrying it to democracy. Endrigo Bellinguer, dear comrade, you will not be forgotten!

The funeral is scheduled for the next Sunday in Romula. All the communist militants, all the sympathizers and admirers of Bellinguer are invited.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:09 pm

Organo del Partito Comunista d'Istalia - Anno IV

Oltre un milione di persone ha invaso le strade di Romula per ricordare il Compagno Bellinguer. Oltre a militanti e simpatizzanti è stata accolta anche una delegazione di Alleanza Radicale
Over one million of people invaded the Romula's streets to remember Comrade Bellinguer. Militans and simpatizers, but even an Alleanza Radicale delegation was welcomed

Un fiume di persone ha riempito ieri mattina Romula per ricordare il defunto segretario del PCI Endrigo Bellinguer. Dopo aver sfilato fino al centro della città, il feretro è stato posto dinanzi al palco allestito dal Partito Comunista per dare voce alla commemorazione delle sue battaglie politiche. Ernesto Revara, da anni incitato dalla stampa a rinnovare il Partito cambiandone addirittura il nome, ha ricordato le lotte del segretario ribadendo la propria fede negli ideali comunisti, proprio da Bellinguer pienamente sposati a quelli democratici. "Il comunismo è la nostra fede, il comunismo è la fede dell'avvenire e mai nessuno potrà cancellare questo nome reso glorioso proprio dall'agire politico del grande Presidente Bellinguer."
Mentre i cori di cordoglio animavano la piazza della città, anche una delegazione di Alleanza Radicale è stata ricevuta al feretro di Bellinguer, dopo le parole di ammirazione espresse dal partito d'ispirazione radicale alla memoria del segretario comunista. Resistenza ringrazia AR per il suo supporto e la sua partecipazione.

People shaking the communist punch in front of the Bellinguer's coffin.

A river of people filled Romula yesterday morning to remember the late PCI secretary Endrigo Bellinguer. After marching to the center of the city, the coffin was placed in front of the stage set up by the Communist Party to give voice to the commemoration of its political battles. Ernesto Revara, for years urged by the press to renew the party by changing its name, recalled the secretary's struggles by reaffirming his faith in the communist ideals, right from Bellinguer, fully married to the democratic ones. "Communism is our faith, communism is the faith of the future and no one will ever be able to erase this name made glorious just by the political action of the great President Bellinguer."
While the choruses of condolences animated the city square, a delegation of the Radical Alliance was also received at the Bellinguer coffin, after the words of admiration expressed by the radical party in the memory of the Communist secretary. Resistenza thanks AR for its support and participation.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Thu Apr 12, 2018 4:42 pm


Antonio Massa, The Liberal Democrats' National Coordinator, ex-AI member and desendant of AI founder has caused a lot of controversy with his latest comments about the salaries of the MPs

Just recently, a wave of resignations, called a "strike" shook the parliament, as, untypically for the parties, a group of 14 senators from every party in the parliament decided to temporarily halt the membership in their parties. Among them were three ULD members, some say that that is because the ULD, due to its huge budget (almost triple the donations of all the other parties combined, 1% of the member's tax goes to the Party, money raised online, etc.) pays it's parliamentarians additional funds to "prevent corruption". However, for many, such an addition still isn't enough; the majority of the ULD's MPs are businesspeople, and although the ones owning the companies are mostly in safe positions, people that worked as managers or board members had to resign from their position, which resulted in massive financial losses for them.

Antonio Massa, himself a Senator, often complained about the fact that he gets "just" 6k from being a Senator, with the additional 4k from the party itself, and an additional 4k from publishing rights, coming down to "just 14 thousand a month". Although for many Istalians that is high, Massa earned almost two times more before becoming a Senator. Maybe he wasn't among his colleagues that decided to halt their membership in the ULD, but he surely empathizes with them; in an open letter, he criticized all the Istalian parties for enabling such low income for politicians, saying that that is a root of corruption, noting how the AI's corruption started around the time when the salaries of the MPs were lowered. He also brought to light the income of members of the government and the president and said that their rather unimpressive wages could make the country's highest officials vunerable to corruption. Massa also said that the income should be higher also for the fact that it will purely make the positions more prestigious, and that more money will attract specialists, that could earn more outside of politics. However, the highlight was the ending:

And I believe that my co-citizens don't wish that plebs will rule our country, or that people who can't keep together their home budgets should lead this country... Obviously, as long as we are in power, that isn't the case, but other parties may be vulnerable to that.

Although his words were very controversial, they sparked the discussion; should politicians be paid more? Or less? Is their current income okay? Or should they be paid at all? Well, the current poll tells us one thing; the people are extremely divided: 30% believe that the current income should stay, 26% believe that it should be lower, 24% believe that it should be higher, 13% don't have an opinion at all, and 7% believe that politicians shouldn't be paid at all. As expected, most ULD voters support the words of their party's National Coordinator, and they too mostly believe that the income of politicians should be higher. It is unknown whether any party will put any bill forward at the moment, however, we can only expect that one of the forces will use it to their advatage.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:52 pm


Xhosa invited the Foreign Affairs Minister of Likatonia, Linuz Moren, to talk about the country's most recent religious policy change bill

Just as the ULD puts the Istalian government's bill about religion to vote, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Davide Xhosa, invites his counterpart from Likatonia to discuss the bill that recently reached the parliament of the nation, which extrapolates the introduction of "religious extremism" in the nation, in the form of, for example, mandatory prayers in schools.

Davide Xhosa, Minister of Foreign Affairs

To the hon. Mr Minister Linuz Moren,
I would like to arrange a meeting between us two, to discuss what we deem as religious extremism in a democratic country; we would like you to consider this offer to allow me to convince you and your party to move away from enforcing your thoughts upon the citizens of your nation. I would like to know when such a meeting would be possible to arrange if you will consider holding one.

In comparison, the bill introduced in Istalia is supposed to "increase religious freedom", and comes as a natural combination fo the values of the ULD and PRI; many say that Xhosa's action could have been motivated by the ULD wanting to capitalize on the contrast, and possibly gain more support among religious minorities.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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