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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:46 pm

Klavia to withdraw 17,000 soldiers and all equipment from Bianjie
Klavia is officially withdrawing 17,000 soldiers and all equipment immediately from Bianjie
Leontius Flavia says this on the matter
The Klavian People and I myself have decided that the Khan’s reign has been secured and the rebels have been nearly annihilated and know Klavia no longer deems it necessary to have such a large military presence in Bianjie.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Reddy » Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:09 pm

Khan Expels Foreign Troops
January 4353

In a surprise announcement, Dorbo Khan has dismissed all foreign troops from Bianije calling them "predators" The Khan said he had secured his own rule without help and sent notice of eviction to the Klavians (who retain 3,000 men) The notice will be effective on the first day of the next year. The strange move is viewed by many locals as a genius political stroke as it harnesses latent anti-foreign sentiment among Bianjins behind Dorbo. It also earns him the confidence of his newly reconciled Banner commanders. It however leaves him potentially exposed to attempts at wrestling the throne from him by his cousin the now deposed Crown Prince Taksi. Taksi remains in Jelbania at the court of his brother-in-law H'an Manil where, it is rumoured, he has been offered training sites and the right to recruit mercenaries.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Reddy » Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:41 pm

Khan Reported To Be Near Death
Succession Crisis Looms
October 4361

Dorbo Khan is rumoured to be on his deathbed, suffering from a mysterious ailment which many Bianjin believed is cosmic retaliation for his cruel rule and overthrowing of his cousin and slaughtering much of the Bianjin royal clan. Dorbo, 58 has not been seen in public for weeks and has not held any of his infamous audiences where the petitioners often end up whipped for "asking annoying questions" He has five queens and an estimated 400 concubines yet not a single one appears to have ever become pregnant by him, leaving the Khan childless. Several notables have called on him to invite his cousin, the former Crown Prince Taksi home and appoint him his heir. Taksi remains at the Jelbek court under the protection and support of his brother in-law Manil Khagan. There are a few other distant cousins with a claim to throne, all of them confined in crow cages in the Summer Palace and the Khan has shown little inclination towards expressing favour on any of them.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Reddy » Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:45 am

Pro-Taksi Coup
January 4362

Supporters of Khan Dorbo's arch-rival the deposed Crown Prince Taksi has carried out a palace coup taking over the administration and arresting several of Dorbo's officials and supporters. The Khan himself remains bedridden and has been placed under house arrest. The head of the Palace Coup, Northern Banner Commander Cuyen Baqi was one of the army chiefs who reluctantly supported Dorbo sometime after his own bloody coup more than a decade ago. In a public statement, Baqi said his conscience had been deeply troubled by Dorbo's cruelty and viciousness and said he interpreted the Khan's recent illness as a divine sign that the nation should remove Dorbo. Baqi has declared himself a "legitimist" and has sent a delegation of Bianjin officials to Baolfuz, Jelbania to ask Crown Prince Taksi to return to Bianjie and assume the Salt Throne. As ever in Bianjie, it's not very clear if Baqi has actually secured full control of the country or just has such control in the Summer Palace.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Reddy » Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:17 pm

Taksi Installed As Khan
January 4362

Tens of thousands of Bianjins greeted the exiled Crown Prince Taksi at air strip close to the Summer Palace. The 40 year old fled the country 12 years ago at the height of the conflict between him and the usurper Dorbo Khan. Accompanied by his wife, Crown Princess Mandkh Jeiridsrsme Suadjakai (a cousin of the Jelbek Khagan), his children, several fellow exile and a small Jelbek battalion, the Crown Prince was acclaimed the new Khan upon his landing and hastily enthroned upon his arrival at the Summer Palace. All six Banner Commanders swore allegiance to him along with several other notables. Upon his coronation, he shocked everyone and visited the deathly ill Dorbo and declared that he had forgiven him for his horrific massacre of his parents and siblings. Dorbo was taken to a military fortress in the north east of the palace. The new Great Dorgon claims that he will not punish anyone severely and will try to reconcile the nation and try to modernise it as he has watched his Jelbek brother in law do.

Taksi Khan

The country does need a great deal of modernisation. One of the few absolute monarchies in Terra, Bianjie remains trapped in the 21st century. The country's Khan has all authority invested in his hands and is considered to be something of a demigod. Where the Khan is able or just energetic, the country rolls on well but where the monarch is weak or uninterested in state affairs, the bureaucracy under him collapses and the country suffers for it. As for the economy, it remains based on primitive agriculture and slave raids internally and externally. There is relatively little trade with other nations and the currency is notoriously unstable and often debased through printing. Taksi Khan hopes to make use of his experiences and Jelbek entourage to begin the work of modernising the country. Jelbania has expressed support and has given the Khan a 100 million LOD loan on liberal terms. The sum while small, should at least help the new ruler in re-establishing a working government.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:39 pm

August 4375
The Khan died unexpectedly and leaves a dynastic nightmare

Taksi Khan the Khan of Bjanji has unexpectedly died. The khan who ruled Bjanji since 4362 has died at the age of 53 following a brain seizure which caused permanent brain damaged and a coma. This explains the 3 month absence of Taksi from public life. Some sources from within the Khans court now report his death.

Taksi Khan did not achieve a lot during his reign. He managed to enforce some major edicts which slightly improved the infrastructure of Bjanjie. Taksi's reign was doomed from the start according to some, criminal activity hindered all progress and the majority of edicts got rendered useless thanks to criminals finding ways to get passed them. Bjanjie is now still a "third world country" according to most people. Poor infrastructure, nonexistent healthcare and educational systems and a administration barely holding onto power, that is what the reign of Taksi was all about.

But Taksi has caused a dynastic nightmare for the country which may cause it to slip into total anarchy. Taksi appointed his son, Crown Prince Sugano, as his heir. Sugano is however only 16 years old and seen as unfit to rule the nation. Taksi's brother, Maki, has now managed to gain the support of 5 of the 8 banner commanders which means Taksi's son only has 3 banner commanders and their army's supporting him.

But another unusual claimant has risen up. A far descendant of the Dorgon Clan called Itoh Kawanari has raised his voice and denounced the Khanate itself. His branch of the Clan had been sent into exile in Kazulia when he was a child. He is now 41 years old and has returned to Bianjie to claim his place during this dynastic struggle. But instead of fighting for the position of Khan he calls himself "Emperor" and proclaimed "The Empire of Bianjie", in addition to this he has created one of the first official political party's in Bianjic history called "Jinmin tō (United People's Party)" in an effort to "achieve real change" in Bianjie. While he has no formal support in the country yet we will keep a close eye on the dynastic struggle in our beloved country.

Itoh during the conference in which he proclaimed the Empire of Bianjie
Last edited by Rogue on Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Kān no shita (The Khan's Tongue) ~ (Bianjie)

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:30 pm

November 4375
Sugano takes capital and officially proclaims himself Khan

After the death of Taksi Khan the dynastic struggle people now call "The Transition" began. Today news has reached us that the Crown Prince Sugano which was the appointed heir of Taksi has taken the capital of Gemun and has officially proclaimed himself Khan.

Sugano was already in the capital when his father died. His council immediately ordered his 3 loyal banner commanders to seize the city. The confusion has reached new heights with Sugano's rival and Taksi's brother Maki now also proclaiming himself Khan of Bianjie from within his military camp in eastern Bianjie, the country is gripped in extreme instability with no real central authority to maintain order. The governing council of Sugano has ordered some of his men to bring order to the countryside surrounding the capital but this resulted in only limited succes.

Soldiers from 1 of the Banner Commanders loyal to Sugano preparing to move out

With the country in dynastic chaos the self proclaimed "Emperor of Bianjie" Itoh has seen a rise in popularity. With his modern ideas and the very first modern political party of Bianjie created by him many people in the country see him as the alternative to the century long rule of the Khan's. While he has returned to Bianjie but his exact location is currently unknown.

Will this struggle result in full blown civil war?
Last edited by Rogue on Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:35 am

February 4376
Tanks from the army of Maki have started firing on Sugano's forces

During the early morning of the 10th of February 4376 after failed negotiations between Sugano and Maki, his uncle, the few tanks in Maki's possession opened fire on defensive positions of the banner army's of Sugano.

In the months leading up to this attack Maki had reformed his own banner army's and created a single entity. He managed to convince the banner commanders of the outdated military system and reformed his army to a unitary command. He called his new army the "Armed Forces of the Khanate" as to pretend it was the official Bianjie army.

Sugano is still a child and with his council being mostly conservative they refused to reform the traditional system of banner commanders. Sugano was now left with a divided army of 2 banner commanders and poor organization.
Sugano's council had offered peace negotiations to be held in the capital, after months of negotiating it became clear that neither side would back down on their claim on the Khanate. Maki's army consisted out of the bulk of the former banner army and with it reformed into a single force he now had control over more then 30.000 soldiers. These soldiers had limited equipment available however with only 4 tanks in the army and a few artillery units it was still a relatively weak force.

Maki's tanks firing on Sugano positions

Maki's army did however had the element of suprise as Sugano's forces where not expecting a conflict this soon after the failed negotiations. Maki's infantry began to advance rapidly with most of Sugano's force bordering Maki's territory retreating fast south.

Maki's forces opening the first assault and moving south in what appears to be the start of civil war, the "Emperor" has taken parts of the north of Bianjie



But while the 2 family members fight the self-proclaimed Emperor Itoh has also started his own fight. Taking over a small strip of land in the North where he gathered a lot of support Itoh has raised a "Imperial Militia" of around 5.000 strong. Both Sugano and Maki have not yet responded to this threat, while Maki marches on the capital of Bianji and takes more territory by the day we wonder if the "emperor" will take this opportunity to expand his influence.
Last edited by Rogue on Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:11 am

August 4376
All sides are now in conflict and the people suffer

The war has been raging for months now. While mostly small border changes and skirmishes have occured until now the conflict is evolving by the day.
In march Sugano's council ordered the forces of Sugano to prepare counterattacks against Maki and his men. Around 40 soldiers died during these clashes and the advance of Maki was halted. The 1st Banner army of Sugano launched several attempts at a breakthrough without informing Sugano's council. This resulted in over 62 deaths on Sugano's side, the council ordered the 1st banner commander to answer for this blunder. The commander called Takei Yoshiki was hanged on the orders of the council upon his return to the capital, his hanged body was transported to the central square of the capital and displayed publicly to let the people know what the council does with disloyal subjects.

While the front has been mostly stagnant for the past month with only minor clashes and breakthrough attempts the people suffer more by the day. Anarchy is truly how you can desribe everyday life in Bianjie at this stage, The gangs that always had power but where hidden underground have now come out and are taking over small villages. Food dstribution is almost nonexistent and people in the major city's are starting to starve. There is no central authority in the country and the official government has practically collapsed. Only in the capital of Gemun there is still some order because of Sugano's forces partolling the streets but with the conflict staying stagnant and all sides to busy fighting, the people will suffer more the longer this conflict continues.

The self proclaimed "Empire of Bianjie" has reportedly been involved in cruel activity's

While the 2 khans battle for supremacy in the south the self proclaimed Empire of Bianjie has been strengthening its grip on its northern territory.
Reports have come from the Imperial holdings that self proclaimed Emperor Itoh has ordered the execution of several soldiers within his ranks. Many of those soldiers had tried to defect from the newly created "Imperial Militia" in an attempt to get their family's out of the country, Itoh and his militia had tracked them down and arrested them. According to our sources he then ordered the beheading of 5 of the defectors and put the heads on spikes along one of the unpaved roads in the north. No images exist of this act however and some question its origins. Sources within the circles of the Empire have said that "We merely follow traditions that we have had for years, we can bring real change to this country but we have to still hold on to some of our traditions" International organizations find these statements "disgusting" and are thinking of sending humanitarian aid to the country.

The war is getting more cruel and devastating by the day. Will the international community respond? Will the people be saved? Or will one of the sides force a breakthrough?
Last edited by Rogue on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 13, 2018 12:17 pm

September 4377
The conflict in Bianjie is still at a standstill with all sides only making minor gains

Its been more then a year since the war has started in Bianjie. For the last year fighting has continued, the conflict has now caused the death of 22.561 people (military and civilian) all sides have also been accused of warcrimes during the treatment of prisoners and civilians. Around 40.417 people have now fled to the neighboring country of Midway with another 21.342 people being displaced inside the country itself.

But even with all those casualties none of the sides have managed to break through enemy lines, again.
The army of Sugano has managed to make small gains against Maki in the south Maki however has also made gains on his turn in the north retaking land in the north what he lost in the south. No nations have made moves to involve themselves in this bugged down conflict yet with only Deltaria stating that they are willing to intervene. This may change soon however......

A map showing the small gains by both Khan's

September 4377
The international organization "Consulate for Human Affairs" reports mass genocide of the Indralan minority in the north of Bianjie

The CHA (Consulate for Human Affairs) that has recently set up a defended Forward Operating Base in Bianjie to monitor the conflict has managed to investigate mass genocide on the Indralan minority in Bianjie.
While at first the CHA's intention was to investigate the rumours of beheadings by the Imperial Militia of Itoh their investigators soon came to a horrifying discovery. When they arrived near the reported scene of the beheadings with their personal guards at their side they found a mass grave littered with dead malnutritioned body's. They decided to investigate the grave that was left there without any coverup or individuals near it. After doing DNA testing and taking some pictures they quickly returned to their FOB for further investigation. When analyzing the DNA at the FOB they came to a bone chilling discovery. All samples taken from the body's suggested that everyone in the grave was part of the Indralan minority in Bianjie. The CHA released a statement after the discovery.

Following the result of our investigation we have concluded that the body's in the mass grave had Indralan origins and the deceased where all part of the Indralan minority in Bianjie. We can say with utmost certainty that this has all the indications of an intentional act which can be classified as a genocidal one. The extreme malnutrition we found on the body's also suggest extreme starvation prior to their death. The area in which the mass grave was located is situated in the north of Bianjie and this area is under control of the Imperial Militia. Based on the investigated evidence we cannot say with 100% certainty that the Imperial Militia is also responsible for this mass killing of the Indralan minority since more information is needed to determine the perpetrators of this genocide

Said a Spokesperson of the CHA

People from all over the world are shocked by this finding and call upon their governments to react and launch an international investigation.
Experts suggest that if 1 mass grave exists more are not unthinkable and they are speculating on a possible "Extermination of the Indralan minority in Bianjie"
Last edited by Rogue on Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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