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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:47 pm

Medinese Army Has "Full Control" of Tropica: Vote Favours New Consitution!

Having taken complete control of Tropica last Saturday, confronting the caretaker government and asking them to stand down in favour of military governance by the Medinese army, Medina's troops were greeted with both cheers of love and jeers of hatred by the Tropican populace, though most reports seem to agree there is general support for the invasion.

This is further evidenced by the vote that was held last night, in which the people voted in great numbers to abandon the old constitution and agree to the new Medinese constitution. With 67% voting in favour, the Medinese military had a mandate to dissolve parliament by force and the Sultan signed the new constitution, which establishes his youngest brother, Prince Kaleel, on the throne. The young prince has served as Minister of Justice for many years in the Sultan's government, and now shall serve the Kingdom of Tropica as its first King. The constitution gives the King vast powers over Parliament, however does still mandate that elections are to be held and Parliament does still hold some influence. The most notable changes include the ability of the King to veto any legislation he wishes, and to introduce any bill to Parliament he so desires. If Parliament cannot make a decision, the King is given the responsibility of deciding instead of Parliament, meaning that bills can pass even without the likely very divided democratic process' support.

King Kaleel has vowed to implement many reforms, and has complete control over Foreign Affairs -- though will be assisted by a Minister appointed by Parliament (or, if one cannot be appointed this way, by the King himself.)

Kaleel must also sign off on any government, though cannot be shown to be partisan in this decision-making -- even though he can endorse anyone he wants.

Some have raised concerns that Kaleel shall feel envious of his brothers, taking control of absolute monarchies. Yet polls show there to be little appetite for an absolute monarchy -- though Kaleel has said that, if he remains popular, perhaps one day the people shall place their full trust in him.

The semi-democratic system is set to eliminate the difficult and fruitless Tropican democratic process' problems while not destroying democracy in the country forever, which the people would likely not accept. Those groups in the country which supported Medina shall form the first skeleton of the National Army, while Medina is willing to fund the re-establishment of a Tropican navy -- though only a small one. The Sultan is also gradually withdrawing troops, with the whole army set to have left in around six months' time.

It seems the so-called "Medinese Empire" can be a force for good, silencing the cynics. Re-establishing a proper government in Tropica has no doubt expanded Medina's power, but it has also restored peace and order to a region devastated by instability.

Not all is secure -- some people still take up arms against the new, unified, Kingdom of Tropica, though they are making virtually no progress. Some former generals and troops who defected to the Medinese have been given key positions of command, while others have been arrested and charged with treason or desertion for refusing to serve in the new Topican military. Certainly, reform is still needed -- but the first great steps have taken place, and no doubt Tropica shall be only the first example of a great moral Medinese Empire. Indeed, with the Sultan already announcing further investment in the army and recruits signing up en masse to be a part of the great and mighty Medinese military, it seems clear that Medina -- while not exactly a power like Kazulia or Dorvik -- is indeed quickly becoming one of the most powerful former colonies.

Long live Sultan Zaafir II!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:48 pm

Empire Grows Economy as Medina Withdraws from Tropica

Tropica, a Medinese protectorate and the second addition to the growing Medinese Empire, is now running itself without any Medinese military support, rapidly drawing up a national military by recruiting smaller armed groups in the area under the banner of the new King and Sultan’s brother King Kaleel I.

Commander-General Wiqar Azeez is now focused on building up Medina’s defensive capabilities, training he new eager recruits, forming special elite task forces under a new Sultan order, and was spotted yesterday heading into the Ministry of Defence to join a meeting with the Sultan, rumoured to be part of preliminary investigations into a new deployment for the increasingly respectable Medinese military.

Meanwhile, the economy of Medina and the expanded empire continues to grow as unified regulations and free trade between Medina and its developing protectorates has rapidly helped to rebuild the local infrastructure in the protectorates while also growing the economy back home.

The alliance with Temania has also proven fruitful, and the Sultan continues to push for his strong internationalist economic policies and anti-corruption schemes which have helped massively to overhaul the economy. His reforms on women’s rights have also been very helpful for introducing fresh female workers to sectors where there were previously none, while state investment in education is at an all-time high, building an increasingly skilled workforce.

Medina is by no means a first-world nation, but the Sultan’s massive popularity is not, it seems, unfounded: can Medina and the so-called ‘Medinese Empire’ one day rival the great powers of the world, sitting in the same circles as Lazulia, Dorvik, or Istalia? Here in Medina, that certainly seems to be the people’s hope for the great and mighty Sultan Zaafir II.
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:09 pm

Critical Statrican Assembly Passes Diplomatic Sanctions on Medina! Tensions on the Rise

The increasingly antagonistic Statrican President, who has repeatedly criticised the Sultan in a series of scathing speeches and promised to introduce sanctions for Medina in his latest campaign, has today successfully passed a bill placing numerous restrictions on the country. Trade is to be significantly restricted, while 11 diplomats have been expelled from the country.

The Sultan has responded with tit-for-tat diplomatic moves, with all of Medina’s protectorates agreeing to do the same: in addition to trade embargoes, a long, scathing speech condemning the “provocative and dangerous” actions of the President, and mass withdrawals of diplomats, Medina’s protectorates have all joined Medina in placing their respective militaries on high alert and warned against more hostile action. While maintaining a desire for peace, the Medinese ambassadors to Statrica have all heen withdrawn, barring one ambassador speaking for the Sultan himself. The protectorates have signed all authority diplomatic discussions over to the Sultan, with his brothers saying they “trust” him to resolve the situation.

The only allies evident in Statrica come from the Conservative Party, a right-wing, anti-establishment party descebded from former dictator Edvard Perica’s regime. The controversial group has argued in favour of Medina, criticising the Statrican Presidents claim that we have acted “selfishly, imperialistically, and violently.”

More as it happens.

Princess Namira and Commander-General Wiqar Azeez Welcome First Child

The Sultan’s sister, Princess Namira, and her husband, Commander-General Prince Wiqar Azeez, today announces that Namira’s pregnancy has come to an end and the royal family have welcomed their latest addition, a young boy, Prince Aaban III.

Azeez and Namira have become something of a celebrity couple, with the Commander-General being welcomed home as a celebrity hero on more than two occasions and Namira occupying a sizeable space in the social spheres of the celebrity world already, with the pair juggling official duties with speeches, interviews, televisions appearance and photo shoots.

King Raafith of South Utembo has also recently had his second child, a young girl. The rapidly expanding family is a welcome comfort for Sultan Zaafir, who himself has a ten-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter. With his bloodline secure and his home parties infinitely more lively, the births come as a great beam of light in the increasingly stressful, tense and difficult world of international politics, despite the Sultan’s booming popularity, with a “stunningly accurate” statue recently being unveiled in the capital on Saturday.

Congratulations to the happy new parents!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:28 pm


Tensions with Statrica have been on the rise for around a year now, beginning with the election of an incredibly critical President in the country, followed by the passing of diplomatic sanctions to "fight imperialism" and continued with both sides showing off their respective militaries to the world (both having quite developed and sizable armies for former colonies.)

Two days ago, Statrica argued that Medina had been preparing for an invasion when Commander-General Prince Wiqar Azeez began mobilising troops on Medina’s modest navy and moving towards Medina’s air bases. Meanwhile, Tropica and South Utembo have both committed forces to a potential conflict between Statrica and Medina, but only one perceived to be justified. The Sultan has also asked allies in Temania to involve themselves if they wish.

Statrica however has argued that Medina is preparing for an offensive war, despite Statrica also mobilising troops towards key strategic locations according to local sources. Yesterday, Statrica made the brave decision to close the Medinese embassy, established at the start of the Sultan's reign, in Statrica's capital. Medina, however, has refused to comply, saying that the act will "shut off all diplomatic channels based on a paranoid concern" while pointing to the move as proof that "the President is nothing but a power-hungry provocateur with no concern for his people."

Statrica has essentially put the embassy under siege, surrounding it with troops. Azeez is believed to be in contact with the Chief of Security there and preparing a defense. Statrica has warned that it will respond to any perceived aggressive reaction and arrest anyone who steps onto Statrican soil -- since the embassy is effectively Medinese land, and governed by Medinese law, attacking the embassy would be as if invading Medina itself, and would carry disastrous consequences for peace.

Medina is equally unwilling to back down, and has also surrounded the Statrican embassy in Medina in a similar fashion. Commander Azeez has cancelled all media appearances for the foreseeable future and stationed himself with his troops in Hanzen. Army reserves have been warned that they could be drawn up if a conflict breaks out.

But which nation will blink first? Will either side back down? Or will one of them attack the other in the name of defense?

The Sultan and the President have began negotiations to avoid such a conflict, however both leaders appear to be taking a hard line in negotiations and are unwilling to give up much in the name of peace.

Today, the Sultan warned that if the embassy is not removed from a siege situation soon, Medina would have to consider "all options" to "preserve our national sovereignty, preserve diplomatic relations, and preserve our honour in the face of provocateur governments like Statrica's", while Statrica has appealed to the international community to refuse Medina the opportunity to "disregard our best wishes" and "search for peace", with some already flocking to their side.

More as it happens.

OOC: Please check the planning thread for a new update on how the Medinese War should begin and those involved (others can involve themselves later on, though should follow the protocol outlined in the first post on the planning thread. Any other RP that doesn't follow this pathway is to be ignored and deemed non-canon.)
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:34 pm


The rapidly developing crisis with Statrica appears to have finally erupted into a war.

Negotiations between the Statrican President and the might Sultan were beginning to break down this weekend, but the last straw came when it appeared Medinese troops were beginning to move in on the Statrican embassy, despite the military's insistence that it was merely repositioning -- the Statrican defenses fired on Medinese troops as they moved across what they claim was technically Statrican land, leading to a violent assault on the building by the Medinese army, which was successful. Meanwhile, in Statrica, the military there moved in on the Medinese embassy, and were met, again, with violent resistance.

The two embassies have fallen and war has been officially declared, with each side blaming each other: this comes at no surprise, however, with tensions being on the rise for more than a year now. Commander-General Prince Wiqar Azeez has now landed the Medinese army in the south-western peninsula in Statrica, in the provinces of Meigafia and Galevo, far further south than the Statricans were expecting, who have established strong defenses in the capital. More troops are set to fly into the east and launch an attack from the East, while Azeez's main forces in the south prepare to try and take the capital. The navies of the two nations have mostly avoided conflict, though a naval battle doesn't seem too unlikely as Medina tries to blockade Statrican international trade.

The Statrican military is one of the toughest Medina has had to face yet, and even then he only commands a portion of the overall army, with many still defending in Medina against potential international involvement. Still, the Sultan is confident of victory, saying that "Medina could not fall now. We are the mighty Medinese Empire -- no-one could topple us now. War is in our blood."

But how does the Medinese Empire really stack up?


Immensely popular in Medina and its protectorates, the mighty Sultan is one of Medina's greatest assets. He is, by all accounts, a skilled statesman, skilled negotiator, and genius at PR and leadership. Morale is likely to stay high so long as the Sultan remains popular and stays in power.


Considered Medina's most legendary military hero, Azeez has secured victories in South Utembo and Tropica with ease and developed something of a celebrity status in Medina. His skill in battle means that, even if Medina was commanding inferior forces, Medina could win simply on the merit of his skilled grasp of military strategy.


One of the Sultan's many reforms included rapid development of a stronger, more powerful intelligence service for the country, which has, so far, served the nation well despite specific statistics being nigh-on-impossible discover. We don't even know who's chief.


Medina fields one of the largest armies for a former colony, with a grand total of 60,000 active military personnel, as well as a small amount of reserves. Generally well-armed and well-trained, the Medinese army is also joined by a handful of exceptional elite task forces, capable of performing small, dangerous, nigh-on-impossible precise missions. Still, their numbers run thin and Azeez is clearly reluctant to commit them to battle until the right moment strikes.

There is also a small navy and air force, while Azeez's ace in the hole is his small number of tanks and, more importantly, vast number of trucks and other vehicles, which he is known for using liberally to keep his army moving quicker, faster and more deadly than the enemy.


It is also worth noting that the Medinese Empire, consisting of Tropica and South Utembo, adds a significant amount of support -- primarily, the Empire has helped to prop up a bigger, stronger economy in Medina with joined economic laws uniting the countries. Tropica in particular also has a healthy military, and has committed a number of troops already to the Statrican frontier -- South Utembo has been more defensive, however, considering it has a significant enemy on the border. It does, however, act as a handy buffer state against international intervention from the north.

The main risks for the Sultan are the possibility of intervention by foreign governments, with Statrica having strong links to the Esinsundu Empire in particular, alongside close ally New Endralon. If other major first-world forces were to get involved, Medina would be forced to rely on support from allies in Temania and elsewhere to defend. But will the war really spiral out into that much of a broad conflict?

OOC: The war begins! Could somebody please now become the first to declare war on Medina, and the remaining countries follow? Allies for Medina should declare themselves as such whenever they feel necessary. Remember, link all posts here in the Courier!
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby General.M » Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:12 pm

Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
Alianța Liberalilor (New Endralon/Kizenia)(active)
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby Luis1p » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:29 pm
Madame Presidént Forestier-LaSalle Declares war on Medina
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby CanFly » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:06 am

Call me Eagle!

(Controller of House Nordenburg/Neuhaus of Talmoria)

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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby lewiselder1 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:03 pm

Azeez Makes Miraculous Escape From Statrica in Embarassing Withdrawal for Sultan; North Utembo Joins Vast Array of International Enemies

Before the war in Statrica had even begun, Azeez has been forced to withdraw his forces after a large array of international opponents — Talmoria, Lourenne and New Endralon — suddenly declared war on Medina in an effort to protect Statrica. While the Sultan has condemned this as the product of “obvious demonisation of this great nation,” he has also immediately ordered the withdrawal of Azeez’s forces just a day and a half after New Endralon entered the war.

Azeez did however manage to lay waste to much of the south-eastern peninsula and implement a scorched earth policy in Meigafia and Galevo, dealing some damage to the Statrican economy in this region. Meanwhile, the immense luc kand skill of the Statrican military and navy managed to deftly slip away shortly before the arrival of international navies while avoiding the Talmorian navy stationed nearby. Currently speeding back towards the Medinese mainland, where an additional 15,000 reserves have been called up for defense, Azeez’s miraculous escape here is both amazing and highly embarassing.

Rumours have now began to circulate that Azeez was against the war from the beginning, though this is unconfirmed. Still, tension between the heroic Commander of the military and the Sultan, his brother-in-law, are sure to be running high. The Sultan has faced both praise for courageously ordering and perfectly executing this brave withdrawal, and for leading Medina into a war in which it currently faces an array of more powerful enemies. However, Medina itself will undoubtedly be far harder to defeat for any opponents who wish to continue the war, an eventuality that seems very likely, despite the Sultan’s desire for peace to be declared across the board. Even Statrica is considering mobilising some of its troops, but the combination of Azeez’s intense scorched earth policy and a number of minor battles fought with southern troops in the country are likely to make them pause for thought.

The conflict has also been proposed to have induced a sudden rise in Socialist Party membership in Meigafia and Galevo, two historically socialist provinces in Statrica, which could cause some political turmoil for the Statrican President. If Medina’s skilled intelligence service is also involved in affairs in the country, Medina might be able to strike down Statrica somewhat without even staging in a major battle or losing more than a handful of lives.

Meanwhile, the protectorate of South Utembo has been massively reinforced as it struggles to stand up against a potential Talmorian and North Utemban invasion, with both nations trying to push south into Medina’s first protectorate. King Raafith is also having to deal with loyalist forces rising up in the region, but support from Tropica’s navy, Medina’s army and, soon enough, Azeez's powerful tactical mind, South Utembo might just about be able to hold out against a threat from he North, which now appears to be the main theater of battle.

More as it happens.

OOC: Please do not interfere with Azeez’s return! The border / protectorate of South Utembo also appears to be the main theater of war for the Medinese War now. Statrican invasion was over quickly lmao! Somehow got thegeogrpahy mixed up in my mind, but oh well. So it goes!

Also, not sure why there’s a Bianjie post in here, just ignore it: it’s not relevant to the RP at hand. (Please refrain from posting other nations’ events in this thread!)
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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