Article 4
Party members must follow the instructions of the League ... in the study of Chen Tianwei thought ... and when necessary, the formation of an armed forces against anti-revolutionary oppressors.
Article 9
... Only the Chairman shall be able to call upon elections of leadership ...
Article 14
... The interpretation of this Constitution shall lie on the ... chairman presiding the Central Revolutionary Committee ...
- Amendments to the Party Constitution
The Three People’s Principles shall be the guiding ideology for the League.
PEOPLE’S NATION, is the creation of a new state under Jienist ideals but not feudalist traditions. The great ethnicities of Indrala must work together to ensure the great continuation of our independence, spiritually, economically and militarily. Spiritual independence is created when we follow the true teachings of Jienzi, to be virtuous and respectful, and to care for others. Economic independence is created when we build the state of People’s Livelihoods, and prevent the intervention of foreign nations. Military independence is the necessity of maintaining a strong armed forces against any threat that may arrive upon our shores.
PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, is achieved by creating a stable and hierarchical state among people. Only can an orderly state protect people’s rights to live in freedom with Indralan identity. Thus, we applaud the Fourth Republic’s great leader Tony Pua who lengthened term limits, legalized torture, and struck down disorderly protest, of which brought strong and stable leadership to the nation. On the other hand, a hierarchical state must be created to Jienzi’s beliefs. Only when each man know their part, can the people truly enjoy their own positions and privileges.
PEOPLE’S LIVELIHOODS, is the building of a resourceful and equal nation. Through the years, Indralans have not fully utilized our great island filled with the bounty of nature. One crucial step to improve people’s livelihoods would be for us to become resourceful and utilize the gifts of nature. Furthermore, an equal state must be established with the elimination of the clans. Jienzi has taught us that any man who has protected his innate goodness is noble, while the clans and Caizu are families who have gathered wealth for hundreds of years, to have never given them to the good and noble, but only passed them onwards to their sons and daughters. Thus, an equal state must be realized through the elimination of clans and Caizu.
REPUBLICANISM is the link of the Three People’s Principles.
To create a PEOPLE’S NATION, we must first break down the revisionist authority of Jienism that has blocked the people from the truth of Jienzi. The Imperial House has held moral authority yet has not served its purpose to revive his ideals to our land, liberalizing civil rights and allowing people to go out of their positions.
To protect PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, we must first break down the symbolism of the end of the Fifth Republic. The Republic has been the torchlight for an orderly rule of our nation, while we have seen nothing more than political chaos in Indrala under the imperial house. The House may have been a traditional institution, but it is nothing but a carrier of Jienist thought, and as it fails to do so today, it shall fall.
To improve PEOPLE’S LIVELIHOODS, we must first break down the economic domination of large Caizus and clans. The Imperial House is one of the greatest and richest clan in our nation, and it has not followed the meritocratic ways Jienzi taught us. This is not the preservation of Indralan ideals, but a play.
THE HEAVENLY MANDATE, as deemed by the establishment today, is simply incoherent with the teachings of Jienzi. The Great Teacher has taught all his life to be meritocratic, to be in positions each according to their own ability. Yet the Heavenly Mandate rejects this point by establishing a family line, implying that they are greater already to any man, without the great transformation of education and learning. Thus, we shall only be loyal to the ruler if he is the able among us all, elected to the office of authority by the masses who recognize his great virtue.
REPUBLICANISM, as means of achieving the Jienist ideal may seem counter-intuitive at first, but it is truly the first step to re-establish hierarchy, meritocracy, filial piety and so many more great teachings. A revolution, shall be the only step taken in our position and responsibility as sons and daughters of the great generations that have preceded us on this land.
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