FCR Group Buys Out Kyuma Industries
A Dranian factory sits empty after having all its assets sold off ahead of buy out
October 6, 4338
Following decades of growing financial troubles for Kyuma Industries the once-dominant conglomerate has been bought out by the FangCaiRyeo Group. The company, best known in Indrala for its joint ownership of Fangrong Motors, has been on a downward slide for the past few decades and the outlook has significantly worsened within the last two years. Kyuma Industries' major plans to directly expand into Indrala were stopped dead by international sanctions and the executive board's connections with members of the House of Ryeo have created an unfriendly environment at their continental headquarters in Seongtaek.
Incorporated in Tukarali, Kyuma Industries has managed to bypass parts of the Indralan sanctions on Dankuk, mostly in regards to its ability to hold joint ownership over Fangrong Motors. However, much of the company's operations are nonetheless based in Dankuk and it left Kyuma Industries with limited options in continuing plans for Indralan expansion. Now faced with significant financial struggles, aggravated even further by the war with Kazulia, far less options exist for the company. A huge decline in the company's value has been observed since Monday following the announcement of firing of the company's regional president and closure of the vast majority of their Dranian factories. Among those closed factories are the two largest, owned by subsidiaries Fusion Foods and Prospero.
Monday's news was followed by a sudden press conference in Sangon on Wednesday that announced that negotiations were finalized for the sale of Kyuma Industries to FCR Group. It is believed that private discussions have occurred over the past year between Kyuma and FCR regarding this buy out. As FCR Group prepares to finalize it takeover of the company, it is inevitable that the remainder of Dranian operations will be shut down and sold off. After these final processes Kyuma Industries will be absorbed into FCR Group and reorganized alongside its subsidiaries within the corporate structure of FangCaiRyeo.
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