World Congress Anti Slavery Office

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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby MCHiggins » Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:12 am

Torsten Winkler, President of Dundorf

Dear representatives. I address you today, the newly elected President of Dundorf. The actions of the previous government, led by the Dundorfische Nationalistische Allianz and the Konservative Partei, are unconscionable and words cannot express my regret. My government has already begun taking steps to remedy the oppressive measures introduced by the former government, including the abolition of slavery and segregation, and restoring fundamental freedoms and human rights. This will be an ongoing process but one that the new government is wholly committed to. I would welcome the assistance of this office, the WCASO, in investigating any remaining vestiges of the slave trade following the expected passage of my bill to ban the practice in March 4257.
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Auditorii » Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:56 am

"The Dorvish Republic wishes to lead the investigation in Dundorf regarding the actions taken by the government in its legalization of slavery. Due to the closeness of Dorvik and the availability of resources for the Dorvish Republic, we believe that we can effectively lead and provide a report on slavery. I think it goes without saying that we wholly condemn the legalization of slavery and all that is associated with it."

Joachim Karl von Asnacht
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Axxell » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:22 am

Meriatum Hekaiunu, deputy High Commissioner of the WCASO:

Given the Resolution 25 of the Security Council of the World Congress, which recognize to the WCASO full power to censure any company, person, nation, organisation, body or group which participate, authorise, allow or facilitate the Slavery and the trafficking of humans,

The WCASO condamns and censure firmly the reintroduction in Saridan of the Slavery and the Slave Trade and condamns also any nation which cooperates with the Republic of Saridan and maintains relations with it.

The WCASO furthermore want propose to the Security Council a Resolution to take immediate measures against the Republic of Saridan:

WCASO Resolution proposal for the Security Council to condamn the Republic of Saridan and their responsabilities for the reintroduction of the Slavery


RECALLING its previous Resolutions, in particular Resolution 3 and Resolution 8,

RE-AFFIRMING that the Security Council of the World Congress recognises that slavery and the slave trade are inherently evil crimes which are to be utterly condemned,

RECOGNISING that the Security Council of the World Congress officially condemns all form of slavery and the slave trade as crimes against humanity,

Does hereby condemn the Republic of Saridan.

Does hereby demand that the Government of the Republic of Saridan immediately put an end to the Slavery and the Slave Trade, release all people within their jurisdiction from illegal bondage, demands that enslaved persons or their heirs be compensated and demands that the government of said nation immediately implement statutory overhauls to eradicate the culture of slavery and all its attendant crimes and customs from their society.

In pursuance of this Resolution, the Security Council does authorize the World Congress Anti Slavery Office to act organize a mission under the authority of the High Commissioner of the WCASO which will act as Security Council Evaluation mission to the Republic of Saridan. The Evaluation mission will oversee the implementation of the Resolution and report back to the Security Council on a regular basis.

If, within 2 years, the Republic of Saridan has moved to enact this Resolution in full, the Evaluation mission may propose a complete lifting of all sanctions and a repeal of the condemnation applied. If the Government of the Republic of Saridan fails to act, the Security Council shall review further options.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Carter Aaron Scott » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:39 am

Psy Scott:
I would like to announce that the Hyperion Corporation has purchased the entirety of the Saridan Slave trade, and are freeing all the slaves purchased in exchange for reimbursement by the government of Malivia.
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Cirith » Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:06 am

Heir Calls for World Assembly and Security Council Action on Slavery

The Heir to the Youk Marquessate in Yodukan, Samuel Weston, has launched a scathing attack on the Republic of Saridan and Vanuku for their complicity, sanctioning and participation in the slave trade.

The modern world accepts that slavery is a great evil and there are many international documents that denounce it and make it illegal. The current prime example is the Global Emancipation Treaty and its 12 signatories, including Vorona which once supported and traded in slaves.


He issued a call for the World Congress Anti Slavery Office, established by Resolution 25, to lead the charge against Saridan and Vanuku. The Royalists of Luthori have promised legislation and swift action if the 2 nations do not move to outlaw the trade and ownership of slaves within the year.

He said, 'When Luthori sat on the Security Council, we worked with the Repubblica Istaliana; Baltusia and Federal Republic of Hutori to pass Resolution 22 against Vorona, and after immense political pressure, they outlawed slavery. We worked with the Repubblica Istaliana to oppose slavery at every turn, including in the Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu, which also outlawed slavery because of this. The Council needs to be a force for good once more, it needs to combat slavery across Terra.'

Source: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7409

Treaty - ... reatyid=59
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Axxell » Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:09 am

Novomir Kuznetsov, High Commissioner of the WCASO

It is with pleasure that we note the move made by Vanuku to outlaw the slavery. We were confident of this decision by part of the new Government and for this reason we spent some time to work diplomatically with Vanuku.
However, it seems that with Saridan we don't have the same chances to achieve a result diplomatically. We will contact the Saridanese Government, but for the moment we connut but proceed with a new WCASO resolution proposal, which, unfurtunately, will be based on the last resolution proposed by the WCASO decades ago which still involved Saridan.

Given the Resolution 25 of the Security Council of the World Congress, which recognize to the WCASO full power to censure any company, person, nation, organisation, body or group which participate, authorise, allow or facilitate the Slavery and the trafficking of humans,

The WCASO condamns and censure firmly Saridan for the legal status recognized to the Slavery and the Slave Trade and condamns also any nation which cooperates with the Republic of Saridan and maintains relations with it.

The WCASO furthermore want propose to the Security Council a Resolution to take immediate measures against the Republic of Saridan:

2° WCASO Resolution proposal for the Security Council to condamn the Republic of Saridan and their responsabilities for the reintroduction of the Slavery


RECALLING its previous Resolutions, in particular Resolution 3 and Resolution 8,

RE-AFFIRMING that the Security Council of the World Congress recognises that slavery and the slave trade are inherently evil crimes which are to be utterly condemned,

RECOGNISING that the Security Council of the World Congress officially condemns all form of slavery and the slave trade as crimes against humanity,

Does hereby condemn the Republic of Saridan.

Does hereby demand that the Government of the Republic of Saridan immediately put an end to the Slavery and the Slave Trade, release all people within their jurisdiction from illegal bondage, demands that enslaved persons or their heirs be compensated and demands that the government of said nation immediately implement statutory overhauls to eradicate the culture of slavery and all its attendant crimes and customs from their society.

In pursuance of this Resolution, the Security Council does authorize the World Congress Anti Slavery Office to act organize a mission under the authority of the High Commissioner of the WCASO which will act as Security Council Evaluation mission to the Republic of Saridan. The Evaluation mission will oversee the implementation of the Resolution and report back to the Security Council on a regular basis.

If, within 2 years, the Republic of Saridan has moved to enact this Resolution in full, the Evaluation mission may propose a complete lifting of all sanctions and a repeal of the condemnation applied. If the Government of the Republic of Saridan fails to act within these 2 years or show opposition to any decision and proposal by part of the WCASO or the World Congress, the Security Council shall review further options.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby The Tea Party » Fri May 04, 2018 11:23 am

Members of the World Congress,

I believe that you and the High Commissioner are quite mistaken. You see, you have confused the Ikpi and Iftgoeroon for humans when they are in fact classified as a unique animal that is not quite classified as native fauna and shall be treated as such by the Saridanese Government. Now, in recent years, former Administrations granted them equal rights to humans which resulted in a disastrous situation for the country as they abused their rights to the highest extent which left many Sadidanis living in fear and without jobs. These creatures have taken advantage of the traditional owners of Terra for far too long and these parasites will be put back into their place.

Mr. High Commissioner, before I leave the chamber; I extend an invitation to visit Saridan and to see the paradise it has become since we have cleaned it up and filtered out the scum but what’s better is that in 800, 700 or even 600 years, these people will have been advanced enough to be classified as flora and fauna and will even be able to have small amounts of freedom. So don’t worry about how we are running Saridan and let us; the elected Government, do what is best for our country.

Curtis Spencer
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Axxell » Fri May 04, 2018 12:42 pm

Novomir Kuznetsov, High Commissioner of the WCASO

No more the President of Saridan neither any other representative from Saridan will be allowed to enter the WCASO and to spread again such ammount of ignorance, hate and racism!
We call the World Congress for even more strict measures to be adopted against Saridan. The horrible speech of its Preaident clearly showed that the Apartheid regime will never apply the conditions underlined into the Resolution proposed by this Office.

Indeed, the WCASO will immediatly take measure in support of the Saridanese slaves:

- We will ask to any nation of Terra, especially the Seleyan ones, to accept as political refugees any saridanese slave who will be able to run away from his captivity.
- We will ask to any nation of Terra to launch a warrants to any Saridanese citizens proved to be a slaver.
- We will ask to any nation of Terra to free immediatly any saridanese slave which should be found outside Saridan following his master.
- We will ask to the international community, finally, to not recognize anymore the Government of Saridan and to suspend for Saridan all the international laws relating to the right of a nation and about the relationship between nations,first of all ending to recognize the Sovereignty of Saridan.
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby Cirith » Wed May 23, 2018 6:37 pm

Marquis Samuel Weston
Governor General of Luthori


I call on the World Congress Anti Slavery Office to investigate the situation in Ewiges Thalleristisches Reich von Narikaton given their recent legalisation of slavery and the trade there-of.
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Re: World Congress Anti Slavery Office

Postby CCP » Wed May 23, 2018 9:12 pm

Ayana mSayty, Hawu Mumehes Ambassador to the World Congress

Can I ask the Luthori Governor General Mr. Weston if he could provide Delegates with a link to the Narik legislation as we have been unable to locate it through our search.
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