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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon May 28, 2018 10:05 am

Republican Party Reforms
New leadership brings new ideas

Adeodatus Nymphidius has joined Rebecca Clodia Pastor as joint leader of the Republican Party

February 4400 - In a move that had been expected for years, the two co-founders and co-chairmen of the Republican Party, Decimus Nasennius Valens and Postumus Oppidius Hortensius, who have led the party since its establishment in 4367, have both jointly resigned their leadership, passing the torch to the next generation of Republican leaders. The General Congress of the Party opted to elect a new round of dual leadership under two co-chairpersons, and this month the joint leadership of the Party has been granted to Adeodatus Nymphidius and Rebecca Clodia Pastor, two longstanding Republican legislators and perhaps the driving engine of the Party's economic policies. With this change in leadership comes an ideological shift for the party. The Repubican platform was amended to remove the demand that voting rights be restricted to only those that undergo voluntary military or civilian service, instead emphasizing the Party's commitment to national service as a system to promote civic engagement and Republican duties. The Party has also openly embraced the degrowth movement, by including a requirement that the Republic undergo a calculated and equitable scaling back of its economic activity by promoting economic localism, restricting advertising, and promoting small companies to the detriment of large established firms. Co-chairman Rebecca Clodia Pastor, representing the Green wing of the Party, has been the most keen supporter of the degrowth movement within the Republican Party, while Adeodatus Nymphidius, the representative of the Party's Hosian Democratic branch, endorsed the new platform as consistent with the Republican commitment to Distributism.

The new leadership comes at a time when the Republican Party finds itself in an uncertain position. With the disintegration of the National Legion following the assassination of Consul Varro the Party has found itself deprived of its most reliable coalition partner, while the ongoing cabinet negotiations for a Rexist-Liberal coalition would effectively turn the Republican Party into the sole opposition force, placing the small party under a cordon sanitaire. The joint leaders were quick to condemn the coalition proposal, and in reaction they have reached out to newly formed ultra-Aurorian party led by Father Ambrose with a proposal for closer Senatorial cooperation. The new leaders also reacted to the large protests against the death penalty and the Supreme Court ruling temporarily invalidating the law, by praising the protests as an example of active civic engagement, and arguing that the death penalty law, by forcing a public debate on the issue, is a net gain for civic virtue. With the Party's further embrace of religious interests, however, it is likely that the Republicans may shift further to the right on social issues, and if Father Ambrose's party manages to gain seats in the next Senatorial election the two factions are likely to cooperate closely in the next Senatorial session.

Decimus Nasennius Valens, seen here inaugurating a Museum in 4385 during his tenure as Minister of Education and Culture, had led the Republican Party for 33 years
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby PopePius » Mon May 28, 2018 4:07 pm

Fr. Ambrose Claims a Fleeting Victory

Following a heated exchange in the Senate on the "Renovatio iure processuali peracti" bill, Fr. Ambrose challenged Senator Augustus Scipio Longidium of the Rexist Party for his party's inability to form a functioning coalition after the most recent elections. Calling for the Rexist Party to call for new elections Fr. Ambrose said:

So I challenge you here and now! Prove that your party is truly the party that the people want by calling for another election. If you succeed in your goal of once again becoming the largest party then we will soften our time and recognize you as a functioning party. If not you will truly see what me and my party can do.

The Rexist Party initially took the challenge, calling for new elections and seeking to vindicate themselves at the polls but they were ultimately prevented by their potential coalition party, In Marea - Civis Sinistram and Caesar Atia Vinicia Gryllus. The Caesar publically reprimanded Senator Longidium and the Rexist Party by saying:

What is this, the most voted party falling into the provocations of a party with not a single seat in our Senate. Democratic terms, unless incapacity to form a viable government or other anomalies, shall be respected. To force our nation to go for a snap elections because Factio Aurorianus has provoked Rexist Party is a low sample of political knowledge. Factio Aurorianus will have to wait longer, because these elections will not be held according to its whims.

It is interesting to see how a party with no Seats in the Senate and only received 23,000 votes in the last election can provoke the largest party in Selucia to act, as the Caesar says "According to its whims." And it almost worked.

When asked for comment, Fr. Ambrose said:

There are real dangers in not having a functioning government. No new legislation has been passed and the rights to life and the dignity of labor are suffering for it. In addition the Duties that Selucia owes to the International Security Council are being shirked, the world and its citizens need a stable Selucia and we are not getting it from this current pseudo-coalition of the Rexist Party and IMCS. They will try to keep us out of power for as long as they can because they fear our policies, but really they are denying the will of the people and hurting the rest of the world. I ask everyone, even the non-faithful, to pray and reflect on the current state of our government.

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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby PopePius » Mon May 28, 2018 11:19 pm

Factio Aurorianus Leads Protest of New Caretaker Government

Speaking to a crowd outside of his Seminary Home, Father Gnaeus Fulcinius Ambrose spoke to a cheering crowd of supporters, urging them to protest the newest Caretaker government.

It is immoral for a party with a history of absenteeism and in-fighting to take the reigns of this nation. Once granted their conservatorship they should have immediately called for snap elections. They are governing against the express will of the people. I urge you, my fellow countrymen, to pray for reform in Selucia!

Crowds of people began to peacefully march on the Capitol, demanding that the government call for a new election.


Fr. Ambrose outside his Seminary home.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue May 29, 2018 2:57 pm

Consul Zelotes Siskos and Caesar Atia Vinicia Gryllus after resigning from her position

The leadership that was called to be as the most stable and progressive of In Marea-Civis Sinistram jumped yesterday after the decision taken by the Consul of Selucia, Zelotes Siskos, to create the so-called "Cabinet of the Consul", to tackle with the unprecedented recent political crisis that has plagued the nation in recent years.

After the loss of the parliamentary majority of the IMCS-FI-PFO government and two consecutive failed attempts by the Rexist Party to try to form a government with IMCS, FI and PFO due to the abstention of the latter in both votings, the dissolution of the PFO carried the political situation to its limits, leaving a government with a palpable parliamentary minority and with some of its ministers orphaned of political party. In this context, the extra-parliamentary and ultra-religious party Factio Aurorianus, which had been asking for an advance of the elections for months, managed to provoke the Rexist Party in order to carry out that summons, an attitude that was quickly reproached by Caesar Gryllus and that finally never came to fruition.

With the climate in the Senate and outside of it quickly twitching, Factio Republicana decided to take the initiative and consult with the different parties and with the Consul of the nation the possibility of creating a technical government until the holding of new elections, which would fall into the hands of Factio Imperialis.

This was transmitted to Consul Ziskos who, after assessing the situation, gave his approval and offered the Senate the so-called Government of the Consul, formed by Factio Imperialis, until the holding of new elections. Caesar Gryllus accepted and resigned from her position, receiving this new government 604 votes in favor and 100 abstentions (senators of In Marea-Civis Sinistram who did not agree with the decision). This put an end to one of the most convulsive political moments in the recent history of Selucia.

However, not all members of the party that has just left the government agree with this decision, which has unleashed a political storm within In Marea-Civis Sinistram.

Speaking to journalists, the Praetor de Oriensos Passilus Volantus argued that this was no more than a "coup d'état" prompted by those who have not seen another possible way of separating the progressive party from the government. In the same way, the Praetor of Insularia Artemisia Oltra declared "feeling disappointed" with the attitude of Consul Ziskos when creating the government of Factio Imperialis, because it understands that "in the current political context, it is still not a viable government, and it is going to be subject to the conservative policies of the Rexist Party and Factio Republicana. "

Atia Vinicia Gryllus already announced when she resigned her position as Cesar, that she was also resigning from the general secretariat of the party to make way for "new blood to redirect the party", and this has been interpreted by various members of the party as an act of shame after a decision that they consider that "she has been pressured to take" and that "does not allow her to continue in office with the dignity that she would want".

The leader of the party, which came after the resignation of Argos Loukas as the regenerating hope of the party, and which represented the most left wing of the party, has been forced to form a government always in alliance with the conservatives, and although during their terms the party has been regaining strength in the Senate, has not been able to apply all the measures that she wanted.

Faced with the flood of internal criticism received by Zelotes Siskos for his decision to give the government to Factio Imperialis, and break the general consensus of the party between Secretary (Caesar candidate, represented by Atia Vinicia Gryllus) and Leader (candidate for Consul, represented by Ziskos) that had been taking place since the beginning of the party, the leader has announced that he will not be a candidate for Consul in the next elections, something that has not served to appease the criticism of some sectors.

It does not matter that he will not present himself to the following, he has betrayed the party
said a senior IMCS official
"he was elected as representative of the left wing, and what he has achieved is that a democratically elected Caesar has had to resign from her position and give the government to the right, the damage is done, no matter what he does next. "

Therefore, everything points to the party will have to move quickly to fill the vacancies of both positions of power, after the resignation of its Secretary, who leaves with all the honors, and the resignation of its leader, fallen into disgrace .
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby PopePius » Thu May 31, 2018 2:59 am

Fr. Ambrose Summoned to meet with the Arch-Patriarch
April 4401

Things have called since the political crisis of 4400 which was started almost a year ago today. Despite this, the extra-parliamentary Factio Aurorianus continues with its presence in the Senate, forming somewhat of a parliamentary alliance with the Factio Republicana, a party that shares its respect for human life, the working class, and traditional ethics. They have gone as far to jointly sponsor a comprehensive labor reform bill "Iura Labor" that would greatly expand the rights of trade unions in Selucia.

However, leaks within the Factio Aurorianus and insiders close to the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church have confirmed that Fr. Ambrose has been summoned to a face-to-face meeting with the Arch-Patriarch in private. There are varying accounts on what the two intend to discuss during their meeting, but it is clear that the Factio Aurorianus is getting not just the attention of Selucians but also the attention of the Church Hierarchy.

When asked for a response Fr. Ambrose refused to comment.


Fr. Ambrose (right) and his aides hurry away from questioning reporters
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:40 pm

New acid test for Selucia
The results of the 4402 elections spares uncertainty over future governability

The new General Secretary of In Marea-Civis Sinistram, Seia Nerva, speaks in the Senate

Last elections in Selucia have been a joy for In Marea-Civis Sinistram, that after the internal crisis opened in its leadership by the acts of the institutional crisis of 4400, it has left reinforced when becoming the first political party of the Senate, ahead of Factio Aurorianus, that enters with force to become the second political party, and with the fall of Rexist Party, only getting a third position.

In the same way, the regional leaders Artemisia Oltra and Passilus Volantus remain as Praetors of their respective regions (Insularia and Oriensos), and Alanus Scaro recovers the province of Cor Patriae.

However, this legislature, still governed by the Cabinet of the Consul established at 4400, can be very short, since the result of the elections leads the parties to seek various formulas to reach a majority of 376 seats.

The first movements have already begun to be made, initiated by Factio Aurorianus proposing a government of their own, Factio Republicana and Factio Imperialis, while the Rexist Party has advocated trying an executive of their own, In Marea-Civis Sinistram and Facto Imperialis .

However, the silence of the common party between the two proposals, Factio Imperialis, has led Factio Aurorianus to approach In Marea-Civis Sinistram in the last few hours to suggest them to enter the government with Factio Republicana and themselves.

In any case, the terms of the new governments have not pleased Seia Nerva, new General Secretary of the party replacing Atia Vinicia Gryllus and member of the most left wing of the party, which has accused both parties of "political opportunism" "

"It is inconceivable that both parties, second and third parties in the elections, in their proposals for government intend to unseat In Marea-Civis Sinistram from the position of head of government, without giving any explanation for it. Normal within a coalition government is that the most voted party, and therefore the one that represents the most citizens, leads the government, and even more when it disagrees with many of the measures of its partners. "

The general secretary, who has been very critical of the management of the 4400 crisis, has said that she does not like the idea of ​​governing with either Factio Aurorianus or the Rexist Party, and that if she has to send her own party to the opposition to stay true to its principles and ideas, will do so without hesitation.

"For us, as much as they fight among themselves, Factio Aurorianus and the Rexist Party are in the same area of ​​the ideological spectrum, the only thing that differentiates them is the religious fanaticism shown by some and not by others. Both of them would bring the same consequences for our party, and if we can not negotiate an agreement that gives possibilities to In Marea-Civis Sinistram to apply at least some of its social policies, my pulse will not shake when it comes to rejecting both and in that case, if the situation continues, I do not think it will last long before we are forced to ask for early elections in the face of the impossibility of forming a government. "

In addition, he has spoken of how uncomfortable it is to agree with either of them.

"As we are seeing in the laws that are being debated right now in the Senate on abortion, the Rexist Party and Factio Aurorianus agree to remove the State grant to low-income women who want to have an abortion, and that's a line we already had to give in when we did not have enough majority to prevent restrictions on abortion, but we are not going to be silent on this, and the support of both groups to this measure makes our future support very difficult to a coalition government with them, because we would be associated, obviously, with agreeing with those measures. For us, in the current political situation, the best government would be one supported by Factio Republicana and Factio Imperialis, but we do not see it too much. feasible."

On the accusations that the Rexist Party has made about them accusing them of a "lack of State commitment" for allowing a government of Factio Aurorianus , Seia Nerva has responded very angry in the Chamber.

"what baffles us most is the attack you have just made on our party. A party that, when the Rexist Party still did not exist even as an idea, was already trying to stop the far right. That has fought against not one, but two attempts to establish dictatorships in Selucia. So we do not allow our allegiance to be questioned either with the nation or with its citizens, honorable Senator. "
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Polites » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:07 pm

Republicans Call for Monarchy
Republican officials launch monarchy memorandum

Republican Minister of Internal Affairs Hiroto Yukimura is one of the promoters of the monarchist memorandum

October 4403 - It seems that the legislative and executive instability caused by the political crisis three years ago has yet to end. After last year's election led to another intense and unpredictable round of negotiations, the Senate finally and reluctantly approved a coalition formed of In Marea, the Aurorian Party, and the Republican Party, and, in spite of the strong distrust among the governing parties, it appeared to enjoy a measure of popular and legislative support, allowing Selucians to breathe a sigh of relief that the latest round of instability was brought to an end. But calm has not yet prevailed. The Imperial Party, the sole governing party after the 4400 crisis and enjoying the trust of all Senatorial factions, is ongoing a period of internal turmoil and factionalism, preventing the party's Senate group from forming a united stance on policy issues and threatening the ability of the Senate to pass legislation. What is worse, the internal crisis of the Imperial Party may impact the very stability of the Senate, as the collapse of the smallest party in the legislative appears to have opened 82 seats for election.

Reacting to the seemingly never-ending cycle of instability and threats of early elections, a number of Republican leaders leaked an internal memorandum this month, which appears to be calling on the Republican Party to embrace monarchism and strive to establish a constitutional monarchy in Selucia. Arguing that "a well ordered Republic needs constitutional safeguards against electoral instability and unpredictability" and that "the source of our recent crises is the lack of a truly neutral arbiter when there are disputes on government formation, lacking democratic legitimacy and involvement in daily politics, and thus standing above politics", the memo praises the resolution of the 4400 crisis while claiming that there is no guarantee that such a situation will not occur again in the future. And with the disintegration of the Imperial Party, the memorandum's claims appear to be vindicated. Blaming the failure of the Senate to speedily form a stable coalition two electoral cycles in a row on the fact that all parties involved are ultimately answerable to their voters and thus need to consider the electoral impact of their actions, the memorandum calls for the establishment of a largely ceremonial constitutional hereditary monarchy to preside over the Republic and to intervene as an impartial arbiter in disputes on government formation.

Although the Republican co-leaders, Adeodatus Nymphidius and Rebecca Clodia Pastor, have both refused to comment on the leaked internal memo, it is quite likely that Republican leadership is less than pleased with its release to the public. The memorandum appears to originate from the Imperial Republican faction of the party and bears the signature of several of its most prominent members, most notably Hiroto Yukimura, former Praetor of Marestella and current Minister of Internal Affairs, and as such it may be an attempt of the traditionalist and monarchist faction to regain some of the influence it lost when its former leader Postumus Oppidius Hortensius was replaced for the chairmanship of the party in February 4400 and the party moved to abandon its previous call for limited franchise. So the leak of the internal memo appears to have two distinct but closely related goals: signalling to the party's leadership that the Imperial Republican faction has not yet been reduced to irrelevance, and aiming to attract legislators and, in the long run, voters of the similarly monarchist Imperial Party to endorse and even join the Republican Party, strengthening the faction's position within the party and helping regain some of its lost influence. The memorandum may have originated as a good-faith attempt to reform the party in uncertain times, but its leak was certainly not an innocent accident. It is highly unlikely that the Republican Party as a whole will end up adopting some of the memorandum's positions. But in the meantime the hand of its conservative faction has been strengthened, and the Imperial Republicans have now regained much of the visibility they lost in 4400.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:01 pm

Military exercises in the Majatran Sea
The Majatran Sea Guard has announced these exercises in the context of preparation for an eventual attack

The Selucian aircraft carrier Supernova, one of the two the nation possesses

The Minister of Defense of Selucia, Panthea Sacca, has confirmed that during these weeks will be carried out military training at the highest level in the Majatran Sea by the Majatran Sea Guard, to check the effectiveness and reaction capacity of the guard.

The alliance, made up of Selucia, Badara and Cildania, in association with the nations of Istalia and Barmenia, is in charge of controlling the entry and exit traffic in the interior sea of the continent, to avoid any possible hostile attack from outside towards any of the nations of Majatra.

The Guard, led by the defense ministers of the member countries, has announced these exercises in the framework of being prepared for an eventual attack, without there being an imminent risk of it happening.

During the exercises, of which the ministers have declared to be "very satisfied" with how they are being carried out and the results that are being obtained, the maritime forces of the countries involved have contributed with their best forces, in order to verify the reaction maximum that could be carried out.

Apart from the Supernova aircraft carrier, Selucia has participated with two of its ballistic submarines and two of its attack submarines, along with its destroyers and frigates.

Other countries have not revealed which fleet have been decided to take part in these exercises, but the Minister of Defense of Istalia has also confirmed that their nation has taken part in them with their new frigates, nuclear submarines and some improved units of the Imperator class.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Wed Jun 06, 2018 9:24 pm

IMCS Federations call for strong hand in the Senate
All the federations of the party ask the central branch to dissolve the government after the demand of Factio Republicana on Alanus Scaro

From left to right: Passilus Volantus, Praetor of Oriensos; Alanus Scaro, Praetor of Cor Patriae and Orator of In Marea-Civis Sinistram in the Selucian Senate; Artemisia Oltra, Praetor of Insularia

Following the request by the parliamentary group of Factio Republicana in the Senate to the Princeps Senatus Parus Adrada to punish the words of the senator, orator and Praetor of Cor Patriae Alanus Scaro for saying "no religion, free state" in response to a proposal of the Thaller Party to make religion obligatory in Selucia, when interpreting the garnet group that his words contravened the law in Marestella against blasphemies, when arguing an offense to religious feelings, the Praetors of Insularia and Orienos, belonging to IMCS, along with the other two regional leaders and Mr. Scaro himself, have asked the national leadership to dissolve the government and call for fresh elections, on the understanding that the party "can no longer sustain, at any price, such reactionaries camouflaged under the republican banner, who take advantage of the minimum to attack their government partners to try their downfall ", in the words of the Insularian Praetor, Artemisia Oltra.

Regional leaders, who have always been much more critical with the parties that make up the government (Factio Aurorianus and Factio Republicana) than the national leadership under Atia Vinicia Gryllus and Seia Nerva, have asked the party to stop flirting with the rancid and conservative nationalisms and again become the reference force of left voters, who say "feel abandoned" by the party at the national level.

"It is time to impose our ideas again, and if it is to be in the opposition, so be it, but with a clear conscience"
has ruled Mrs. Oltra, architect of the party winning almost 1/3 of its total senators nationwide in Insularia.

From the national leadership, some have already expressed their nervousness for the possible arrival of any of the three most mediatic regional leaders to the central leadership of the party.

"With Atia Vinicia Gryllus before and with Seia Nerva at the moment, the party has managed to approach another electorate, has managed to focus a little more and show itself as a real alternative to the reactionary and conservative populism of Factio Republicana and Factio Aurorianus. If any of them replaces Mrs. Nerva, the results can be catastrophic."

"I agree that the attitude of our government partners against the words of our orator has been disproportionate and malicious, but we can not allow ourselves to do without the government right now. We must take advantage of the number of senators we have to promote the social and progressive measures necessary to return our nation to the forefront, and we can not do that if we lose senators in future elections.
Secretary General Seia Nerva has said to put an end to the matter, but without commenting on the real options of a riot within the party that could bring to power any of the three most unruly party leaders in years.
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Re: Ephemeris Seluciana (Selucian Daily)

Postby Aethan » Sun Jun 10, 2018 3:48 pm

Selucia to assist to the Majatran Alliance summit in Istalia
Government has confirmed the presence of the island nation, despite Selexit.

Consul of Selucia, Atria Avenarius

Despite initial rumors about the probable absence of Selucia in the summit of the Majatran Alliance, representatives from both the Government and the Head of State have confirmed that the island nation will finally make an appearance at the meetings that will take place, although for almost 30 years it has not belonged to the Alliance after the Selexit victory.

"Despite being outside the organization, Selucia is totally committed to human rights and ways to improve and advance society towards a better future, and therefore we must continue to maintain this link with the Majatran Alliance"
said in statements to the press the Consul of the country, Atria Avenarius.

Mrs. Avenarius, who will not travel alone because she will be accompanied by Minister of Defense Panthea Sacca and Selucia's ambassador in Istalia as representatives of the Government, has announced that she also intends to meet with President Simone Calenda, in which will become the first meeting between leaders of both countries in more than 30 years.

Selucia and Istalia, which have maintained strong ties between them throughout recent history, especially under the governments of In Marea-Civis Sinistram and the Alleanza Radicale, have seen their relations with one another of the continent's most democratic nations cool down , partly because of the wave of populist and conservative movements that have hit Selucia in the last century.

"The duty of every advanced nation must be to help its sisters which, for some reason, have not been able to achieve the same goals, and therefore, nations where their citizens do not fully enjoy the rights and freedoms that are necessary in today's society and world "
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