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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:09 pm

Governor-General Ewald Raises Concerns Over Hanzen
Hulstrian Governor-General Says Indrala's Foreign Policy "Not Sensible"

Kien, Hulstria- With the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria just coming off the death of Emperor Alexander I and the introduction of the new Monarch under Emperor Godric II, the government of Hulstria is facing a new challenge; no not getting adjusted to a new sovereign but to deal with the recent unprovoked invasion of the independent nation of Hanzen, located at the tip of south-western Dovani by military forces from the communist regime in the State of Indrala and calls by former leaders to act on this issue. The invasion, more than likely fueled by the anti-Hulstrian, anti-imperialist rhetoric coming out of the government of Indrala, has drawn many in not just Greater Hulstria but around Terra to raise not only eyebrows but grave concerns. The supposed anti-imperialist "Zen-Socialist" movement has been going on almost a year now verbally attacking various foreign nations and even expelled at one point Hulstrian and Kafuristan diplomats residing in that island country, going as far as permanently closing and possibly destroying the embassies of those respective nations; with communist Indrala getting almost no attention from the outside world up until this point, this invasion many say is just an attempt for the communists there to save face and to show that they mean business, even if their invasion basically contradicts all their Foreign Ministry’s calls for isolationism and anti-imperialism on the world stage. While the communists in Indrala did attempt to legitimize their invasion by “taking it away from imperialist Talmori forces” and "Hanzen was under de-facto control by Indrala for awhile", they failed to realize that Hanzen was no longer jointly ruled by Talmoria and Indrala nor was it under "de-facto" control of Indrala, with it becoming an independent nation a decade or two ago thus again the so called anti-imperialists did a very imperialist thing by seizing Hanzen leading to more questions than answers on the exact structure of this country's foreign policy.

Governor-General of Greater Hulstria Friedrich Ewald II in a special press conference yesterday afternoon in Kien spoke about the recent events in Hanzen and touched on the foreign policy of the Indralan regime. He first noted a moment of silence for the deceased Alexander and presumed to go on with the rest of his conference; Ewald, who called the Hanzen invasion “completely disgusting”, said that Hulstria at this point is going through their current options and the domestic government of the Imperial Crownlands is meeting to discuss this to work out an official stance towards all this. The Governor-General said that Indrala is “walking very thin ice” with their aggressive foreign policy and instead of them “building a glorious socialist paradise where the fountain of youth is found in every tree”, they are “isolating and creating very negative images” of themselves on the world stage. “Hanzen is an independent nation with their own government and own people, Indrala is putting unnecessary military force upon them,” said Friedrich Ewald. “Indrala already have a sizeable colonial stake in southern Dovani, this aggressive expansion was unprovoked and stupid; Indrala is digging a very big hole for them by going out both verbally and militarily attacking nations, I don’t know if they will get themselves out of that hole and build some common sense”.

Ewald continued on by saying “Hulstria is very concerned as am I; we are concerned about the state of which those people are being subject to, we’re concerned about our allies who are in their and their interests in the region as their safety as well as ours”. Indrala, said Ewald, should have never went into this venture and suggested by leaving Hanzen for it to become independent once again, the island nation “may still have a chance to not be looked at as the pariah of Terra”. The domestic government as mentioned is going to meet on this matter and Hulstria as a whole to possibly come up with a single, united stance; the Monarch, in particular the Emperor Godric II, has not released a statement on this nor has any other royal member of the Rothingren-Traugotts
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:03 pm



February , 2815: New Englia Takes Action Against Indrala

In a rare bipartisan effort by Congress, the New Englian National Assembly and Senate passed the Indralan Protection Act of 2813 which bans any trade between Indrala and New Englia, bans travel between the nations and puts the government of Indrala on the List of Rouge Nations. The bill was promptly signed by Governor-General Bob Camden as he prepares to address the nation about rumors of a possible war with Indrala in the nation's first State of the Republic.

-New Englia Times-Dispatch


May, 2815: Maximilians concerned over the state in Indralan politics

Recent calls by the opposition in Indrala to the government of Kafuristan have initiated a series of skeptical and secretive in nature meetings within Maximilian rankings. It has been widely claimed that the situation in Indrala is being evaluated by the Maximilian Industries, so as to determine a course of action.

It would be more than safe to assume that the threatening socialist regime rising in Indrala is far beyond the Maximilian Industries' range of support, as it widely contradicts the state here in Kafuristan, nevertheless, it would be quite vague and idiotic to assume a predetermined course of plan based solely on that presumption. Time will surely tell, as Kafuri media anxiously wait for a government announcement or even personal statements by members of the order.


August, 2815: New Englian Defense Secretary Calls For War

New Englian Defense Secretary Peter Maxwell meet with the Governor-General & Prime Minister to talk about a possible war with Indrala. The Governor-General has said he will recommend it to the Congress for approval. However, the Prime Minister has stated that if there is a war she will resign her position in protest. That has led some prominent politicians such as former Governor-General Sarah Palemin to question her loyalty to this nation and to the people of Dovani. A recent poll found that 42% of New Englians support a war with Indrala.

-New Englia Times-Dispatch
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:14 am

Kigami, July 2816 - After almost four eyars living in exile, former President Diosdado Hortál has returned to Indrala to run campaign for the presidential elections of August 2816...


"I believe the people of Indrala will decide wisely and I hope they are willing to save freedom and democracy on our beautiful island. Four years ago, people voted en masse for the maoistic, terrorist regime of the Gekokujo, but I hope they will see what a terrible mistake they made. When we return in power, we shall give people their freedom back. We shall bring stability in the region once again, after the Gekokujo provoked many neigbouring nations with the Hanzen-crisis. Vote Nationalista, Vote Hortál! And you will vote for Progress, Peace and Prosperity!!"
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:03 pm

Hortál Arrested Under Charges of Corruption and Embezzlement
Indralan police have finally been able to arrest former President Hortál after he spent four years abroad out of reach, "his return has made it much easier to bring him to account, as Rildanor refused to hand him over" says Fuwi Sensei of the Department for the Maintenance of Independence and Self Sufficiency.

Former President Hortál has been arrested and is expected to face trail for the gross corruption in his administration and his embezzlement of millions of Indralan Shapir to fictional corporations in Hulstaria. "From day one the evidence was overwhelming" says Fuwi Sensei "but his flight from the country made it impossible to pass judgement upon the Criminal Hortál, now, his arrogance has proven to be his weakness. Clearly expecting a welcome, we easily arrested Hortál when he turned up in Kigami. Remember, Kigami has always been a Gekokujō stronghold since our early days."

Hortál has been granted bail under close police supervision, the trail is expected to take place after August, in order to give Hortál time to take part in the election. "We must show the world that Enlightened Peoples Democracy works" says Fuwi Sensei.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:05 pm


Kigami - August 2816

Diosdado Hortál, winner of the 2816 elections, holding a victory speech in the capital Kigami

Hortál, candidate for the populist-liberal Nationalista party, won the presidential elections with over 60% of the votes in the second round, thereby defeating imcubent president Itoskti Sama. His party won 43% of the votes for parliament, while Gekokujo's number of seats decreased to 34%.
For now, the extremistic regime of the zen-socialsit has come to an end, and returning Hortál back in power. The last years, during the Gekokujo-regime, there were huge international tensions between Indrala and the rest of the world, especially with Hulstria and New Englia. THis led almost to an escalation when the regime occupied the region of Hanzen, which led almost to a war declaration from New Englia.

Although the Gekokujo beholds some strongholds in the north and southern provinces, the Nationalistas had won back the majority of the island

In his inaugurational speech, Hortál said:
"Dear Indralans! I'm glad to be back. I'm glad that you have given me the opportunity to finish my job: to make this beautiful island a whealthy and above all healthy nation! We shall continue to build our 'New Society', with more money for schools, clinics, hospitals and infrastructure. Also, I shall immediately order to withdraw all Indralan troops from Hanzen. This act of imperialism and war criminality was outrageous and we are not the kind of nation that will provoke and disturb peace and democracy in the world."

Hortál was already president from 2808-2812. After losing the elections in 2812, he refused to recognize the victory of the maoistic Gekokujo party. After a large uprising he was forced to flee the country and went in exile in Rildanor. During his first presidency, he modernized the economy, set up a high standard healthcare and education program and established some strong relations with other countries. But Hortáls's administration was also marred by rampant corruption and political mismanagement by his political friends.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Calum S » Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:37 pm

Kanjor praises Hortál's re-election as "evidence of democracy"

Kanjorien Foreign Minister, Frances Ellion (PRT), sent her congratulations to President Hortál

Frances Ellion (PRT), Foreign Minister of le République Populaire Démocratique de Kanjor , issued her personal congratulations to President Diosdado Hortál in his re-election as President of Indrala. She went on to praise the election as "evidence of democracy strong at work in Indrala" and stated that Kanjor welcomes the proof that Hortál's assertions that Indrala had been transformed into a dictatorship were "entirely false".

Ellion however issued a warning that Kanjor would wish to see evidence that Hortál's corrupt activities had ceased, and that he would be taking a tough line against corruption in his administration.

"Corruption in one government has a corrosive effect," Madame Ellion stressed. "We must collectively work together, as an international community, to condemn corrupt administrations and public officials in an effort to ensure a network of ethical, interdependent associations across national boundaries."
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:16 pm



Kigami, 16 February 2818 - Today, after years of construction, the Mimi Hortál Culutural Center of Indrala in the capital Kigami was finally completed.

The huge complex will be used to promote and preserve Indralan arts and culture, and to become a mecca of culture and the arts in Dovani and Southern Selaya. The opening is planned for next month, and will start a three-month long inaugural festival opened by the musical The Golden Butterfly, a famous Indralan musical about the history of the island. The Center's formal inauguration will be attended by a number of international personalities, including the Hulstrian Emperor and Empress, who were invited for a state visit to Indrala in the same week, and the President of Kanjor. The Hortáls use the ceremony also to restore the "damaged" relations with other Dovani and Selayan countries.

The construction of the enormous complex started in 2810, but after Hortál was defeated as president in 2812 the construction was stopped for almost four years. The project is very controversial. Some say it is part of the personality cult of the Hortáls, because they named it after the First Lady. Others are complaining that the new Center did little to alleviate poverty and is beyond the reach of ordinary Indralans. The costs of the construction of the Cultural Center are not very clear. Some say it costs around 250 million INS, other say allmost 2 billion INS!
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:52 pm

Kigami - July 2819

President Hortál called for a snap elections in July 2819, because there are too many empty seats in the National Assembly, after the maoist Gekokujo's disbanded and formed an guerilla group in the mountains. 257 of the 750 seats in the Assembly were unoccupied.

The elections were held in September 2819, but although Hortál was aiming for a re-election (he did very well in the polls), he lost his presidency to Sin-Chu Lee of the LAN Party. It was an election between three men who were all president before: Incumbent president Hortál ran for re-election, Sin-Chu Lee from the LAN Party (who was president from 2800-2804) and Yukio Kimura from the Liberal Democrat Party (who was president from 2804-2808).

President-elect Sin-Chu Lee arrived at the LAN Party Headquarters, shortly after his election victory

The elections were one of the closest in Indralan history. Hortál was defeated with only 1% difference. In the second round of the presidential elections, Lee received 50,47% of the votes, while Hortál received 49,26%. They also had a 1% difference in the first round, when they both defeated LDP-candidate (and also a former president) Yukio Kimura, who got only 4% of the votes.


Although losing the presidential elections, the Nationalista Party remained the largest party in the National Assembly, even winning 37 more seats and going to 264 seats in parliament. But the biggest winner of the parliamentary elections was the LAN Party, who won 186 seats extra, making it 352 seats total in the Assembly. This ment the end of the parliamentary majority from the Nationalistas. The Liberal Democrats got only 34 seats.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:51 pm



Kigami, April 2821 - Diosdado Hortál, former President of Indrala, had decided to step down as leader of the Nationalista Party. The new leader, 47-year old former lawyer Nora Karuso, was been elected with 52% of the votes. Other contestors were former Foreign Minister Rawalpinda Katanga and the slightly unknown MP Tsufuko Kamira.

Nora Karuso hopes to restore the popularity of the Nationalista Party, which was slightly decreased during the Hortál years. His presidency was scandalized by corruption and embezzlement, although hard facts were never proven. Karuso, a hardworking lawyer and real 'woman of the people', has gained much popularity with her speeches to reduce crime and to eliminate corruption in politics.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:55 pm


Yesterday, legislators of the National Assembly of Indrala, have voted against the constitutional amandement to change the length of a legislative and executive term from 36 to 72 months. This was a longterm dream of former president Hortál, who tried to pass the bill several times during his reign, but never got a two-third majority. Yesterday, the National Assembly voted against, after the Nationalista Party doesn't get support from the LAN Party.

During a press conference, NP-leader Nora Karuso announced she will run for president in the 2823 elections. If Karuso is elected president next year, she would become the first female president in over hundred years, after Ona Menzies (who ruled from 2701-2705).
Last edited by Duke on Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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