Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:46 am

Rnúf Ashur, Vanukean Foreign Affairs Minister:

Well with that outburst out of the way, our delegation would like to start the ball rolling on the topic of the Jelbania Crisis, more particularly the legitimacy of the Katonid Khanate.

Our assertion is that unlike other sub states that have formed in the former Jelbanian territory, the Khanate has no legitimate foundation for being recognised. Its very formation is based on an invasion force consisting of Deltarian paramilitary who brutally occupied tracts of land in the south of the country in 4389 and have stayed there since. These are foreigners with no ties to Jelbania who simply used overwhelming force to exert authority. The situation was exacerbated when the Deltarian government, who for several years condemned this invasion force, suddenly changed tack and recognised the sovereignty of the Khanate in the early 45th century.

All other factions, particularly the Northern Khaganate and Free Republic, have an inherent claim to be the successor state or rump states of Jelbania due to their historical, cultural and political links to former nation of Jelbania, the royal family and past legislative administrations - they have developed organically in Jelbania and are part of its DNA. Importantly, none of these sub-states recognise the Khanate and see it as an invading force occupying their nation.

That is why we are keen to see the dissolution of the Katonid Khanate, because a lasting, peaceful resolution cannot be reached until this is attained. We hope other delegates at this summit agree.
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby cm9777 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:34 am

Alexej Kocur, The Deltarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Deltarian Delegation

If the Vanukan delegate here is really serious about legitimacy then perhaps we should talk about some other states. The recognized legal Jelbanian state is the free republic and so I fail to see how the Northern Khaganate can lay claim to that title as well. Deltaria does not recognise the Katonids to have rule over all of Jelbania in actuality but just the regions they control now. What Katona says and does is not what we in Deltaria are in charge of. Now if Vanuku is so concerned with brutal regimes, it remains to be seen why they did nothing when the Jeztri clan rigged elections, forced city folk into rural areas and oppressed its people. Many members of this Royal Family, the Jeztris have been given the name "destroyer of cities". Now they might've been the legitimate regime however that does not make them righteous. Would Vanuku object to an end to the oppressive racist regime in Saridan because it would take over a legitimate government? Does Vanuku regret destroying the "legitimate" Nimitz regime dispite its artocities? I doubt it although Vanuku does have a record of supporting oppressive regimes such as when they helped a slaving Saridan state and were indeed friends with the Nimitz regime before flip-flopping. We do however agree that the Katonid Khanate, as well as all the Jelbanian states of millennia, have a spotty human rights record. We agree that the current territorial status of Jelbania is unsustainable. We agree that Jelbanian unification will be necessary in some form and state that all three of the current states will have to give way to achieve this. Deltaria has acted to secure its border by aligning with the Katonid Khanate just as Vanuku has with the Northern Khaganate. We have done so in the interests of peace as shown by our conference with Zardugal to end their involvement. A Jelbania under any of the three states currently around would be unfavorable for Deltaria and indeed for all of Majatra. Every side will have to give ground, not just us.

Once we are done with all this, we can move on to economic and infrastructure projects which will improve the prosperity of all citizens in the alliance and beyond and start this century off with a bang. Not the bang of the war drums but a bang of economic boom and freedom for all. As I have said, every current Jelbanian state will need to face dissolution for peace to be in any way achievable.
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:43 pm

Rnúf Ashur, Vanukean Foreign Affairs Minister:

It is interesting that the Deltarian Foreign minister refers to the Free Republic of Jelbania as the internationally-recognised successor state in Jelbania because, even as we speak, the Premier Designate of the FRJ, Temrkai Kez'i, is looking to forge closer ties with the Northern Khaganate and there is a concerted movement to form a union between the FRJ and the Khaganate - a precursor to reuniting Jelbania under one Katonid-free banner.

This endorsement and potential union will further legitimise the position of the Northern Khaganate and further expose the Katonid Khanate as an illegitimate pariah entity standing in the way of peace, particularly given the new evidence of the war crimes committed by the Khanate and their shocking attempts to set up forced labour camps.

The Deltarians themselves have obviously played their last card on this matter - resorting instead to ad hominem attacks on Vanuku and a hypothetical raking over the distant past in an attempt to deflect from the current situation. Their only argument left is that the Katonid Khanate acts as a buffer state in case a unified Jelbania should attempt to invade Deltaria in the future. Instead, ironically, it is the illegal Khanate that is the aggressor in this matter - and it is their expansionist actions that have drawn in other nations, such as ourselves, to protect the indigenous people of the Steppe from their hostility.

In light of new events, and given that the Katonid forces are now in full retreat to the 3km red line we ask the Deltarian government to revaluate their position and withdraw support for the nefarious Khanate, a move that will, in an instant allow peace talks to evolve.

We also ask them to seriously consider the consequences of their actions as Deltarian troops are now on the front line and will be drawn in if there are further engagements.
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby Axxell » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:23 pm

Antonio Marini, special represenative of the Presidency of the Istalian Republic

the situation is becoming even more unstable in Jelbania and now we fear "incidents" between the Venukean and Deltarian troops. It is also regrettable to see the members of the same international organization and alliance having such behavior and persuing such policies.
Indipendently by who is the legitime successor of the united Jelbania, it is now imperative that an immediate stop of any operations is put in place. It is also imperative that the situation will be handle by the World Congress. To avoid further clashes into the Security Council Istalian delegations is working into a compromise solution which general points will be:

- stop of any operation and also stop to any form of support, financial as well as logistic as the resultion is approved.
- establishement of a no fly zone as the resolution is approved.
- as the resolution will be approved all the foreign forces will begin to prepare themself to retire from Jelbania.
- as a WC force will arrive in Jelbania the foreign forces will start immediatly the retirement from Jelbania leaving ground to the WC forces.
- as the WC will take control of the situation, the only authorized to partecipate to the negotiations will be the three political entities which today control Jelbania (FRJ, Northern Khaganate, Katonid Khanate).
- any action against the WC force or aimed to impeach the peace process will unleash a condamnation of the responsables and an exclusion from the peace negotiations.
- If the foreign forces will attept any action against the WC will unleash a condamnation from the WC and an exclusion from the organization with all the conseguences of the case.

And the President wants to inform you that Istalia will cut immediatly any relations with those parties which would put in danger the safety of the WC force and which would try to impeach the peace negotiations.

The Istalian delegation will propose such a resolution as soon as possible.

We invite all the parties to not consider Jelbania as a nations ready to be influenced by this or that nation, to not consider Jelbania as a place from which can come just troubles, while, instead, we invite all of us to consider Jelbania the most weak brother of this continent which need of assistance, especially its population.
We are aware of the concerns of Deltaria which many times suffered the instability of Jelbania, we are aware of the fear of Zardugal and Vanuku in living close to a no-man's-land from where can come dangers for thier nations. But it is time to put an end to this increasing tension in the area to find a solution which, first of all, will be beneficial for the jelbanian people first of all.

About the trans-majatran railways proposed by Deltaria, Istalia propose to work on the already existent treaty on the Trans-Majatran Corridors ... atyid=3636 and to improve the system already put in place years and years ago, finalizing what it is not clear to facilitate the creation of railways connection between the Majatran cities and nations.

About the proposal of Vanuku for further steps on the matters of common foreign and security policy, well... collegues, the first chose to understand is that we are all into the same team and that since we will continue to work indipendently regarding our garden, we will never be able to establish commong foreign and security policy.

About the common currency, the treaty of the Majatran Alliance ( ... atyid=3760 )says that the MACU is a "common unit of account to which tie the national currencies puts under the control of an Allied Common Monetary Authority to regulate exchanges rates and minimize fluctuations among them and to integrate and coordinate a common monetary system and policy. Furthermore, after developements, the MACU will can be used also in international financial transactions". It is clear that this needs of improvements, and not only of an Allied Common Monetary Authority, but, maybe, also a veritable common financial institution indipendent from the several governments.

Finally, the President wants express all his disappointment in hear the words of the new consul of Selucia and how the intent of Istalia have been misinterpreted. Indeed, the President wants express how is deprecable to see a Government thinks that its nation is the only reality on this world and that there are no relations with the rest of the world. Indeed, the economy of Selucia will suffer greatly from its exclusion from the Majatran integration with conseguences for their citizens.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby The Basileus » Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:02 pm

Rivkah Michaeli, Madame President of the Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu:

No matter the justification, neither storming out of rooms nor heckling after delegations are going to solve anything of the problems that this summit was convened to discuss. Although the actions and words of the current Selucian government are unfortunate, if not downright offensive, we mustn't ignore the points they brought up. They're completely right that the proxy wars revolving around the conflicts aren't going to help de-escalate the situation or bring peace to Majatra. They're wrong about many things, like, for example, the motivations behind this summit. However, there is a little truth hidden behind their brash statements and conspiracy theories.

My nation is not quite as involved in the current conflicts as others attending this summit, but I believe that this gives us a bit of insight as an onlooker. The confrontational direction that these talks are headed in isn't going to help anyone. The fact that intervention by the world congress has even been warranted should be a massive wake-up call. We all share the same continent and the same alliance. We are neighbors, not enemies. Borderline-childish squabbling about which faction in an unresolved, ongoing civil-war is the "REAL Jelbania" is so incredibly counter-productive. Allies, I understand your frustrations, but please heed this call for sanity.

The ongoing conflicts are very complicated, but we must all be steadfast in our resolve to end them through dialogue, and not bloodshed. This summit is a great opportunity to make tangible progress. I'd encourage the countries most affected by the conflicts to use this as an opportunity to engage in dialogue with each other, in this environment of friends and allies.

Although this isn't going quite as well as I had hoped, I would like to once again thank the Istalian government for hosting the summit, and for their commitment to peaceful dialogue.
The Basileus
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby cm9777 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:53 am

Alexej Kocur, The Deltarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Deltarian Delegation

We would be happy to have our troops depart from the Katonid Khanate and have them replaced with World Congress troops. We will not do so until Vanuku does however as I have a feeling that the moment we leave, Vanuku will launch a lightning offensive to take over the Katonid Khanate. We would support an Istalian proposal as is stands so long as our railway is secure and that the result of negotiations doesn’t result in a hostile warmongering nation on our border. Once proper negotiations are concluded, we would be happy to expand our railway project into the rest of Jelbania.
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby Axxell » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:12 am

Antonio Marini, special represenative of the Presidency of the Istalian Republic

Minister Kocur,
your concerns are clear and clearly are the same that has Vanuku: if I retire my forces, what will retain the other forces to benefit from that? The proposal presented by me, in fact, is a way to face this concerns from both your country.
This solution differs from the Kazulian proposal into the Security Council just for the fact that involved foreign forces are authorized to remain until the arrival of the WC force and progressively retire as the WC force take control of the territory.

Of course, such measure rely on honor and confidence! Vanuku, already some time ago, expressed its support for this proposal and we hope also Deltaria will accept. This is a compromise solution which, however, we don't deny this, could increase the danger for all the forces involved, first of all of the WC force and, as said, in order to work, this plan should rely on honor and confidence.
Any nation which will profit of the transitional time launching any kind of operation, as underlined, will severely respond of its actions! Istalia is also ready to take such a risk, proposing that its forces, within the WC force of course, will be the first, or at least will be the larger first contigent to come in Jelbania open the route to the rest of the international forces. Then, to avoid any suspect (someone could think that this is a way just to replace the Deltarian and Vanukean forces with the ours, we will retire part of our forces so that the WC force will be formed by the largest number of combined foreing forces so that no nation will have a preponderant role (indeed, Istalia proposes that most part of the forces which will remain in Jelbania will come from middle or regional powers while the High Command will be led by the Security Council's members).

Said that, hoping that this proposal will have the support of the involved forces, we invite both Vanuku and Deltaria to start a serious dialogue on their role inside the Majatran Alliance.
This organization since its foundation proved to be a key tool to graant peace, stability and growth for our continent. Majatra, a part the brief Deltarian-Jelbanian conflict of the previous century, experienced since the foundation of the organization one of the longest lasting period of peace and stability when for centuries it was plagued by wars, civil wars, refugees emergencies, foreign domination, etc...
But all of us must committ ourself in working with fairness and respect with all the members of the alliance, trying to leaving behind the contrasts which opposed many nations for decades if not centuries. Of course, this is not a simple task! We know very well this: the process which lead Istalia and Vanuku to establish cordial and then friendly relations lasted for decades, but both of us were really committed to persue this path and we achieved this! We invite all the involved parties to committ themself in working to solve secular disputes. But first of all we have to stop to glowered at our neighbors, we have to lend a hand to our neighbors, we have to try to work together, to show our committment.
And the best way to do this is exactly to work together! For this reason I propose that Vanuku and Deltaria will join the force to work together in Jelbania on the proposed Trans-Majatran railways and to develop the rail infrastructure in Jelbania. And I propose to establish such cooperation among all the bordering nations to develop a continental Trans-Majatran Railways and other trans-bordering project.

Istalia already proposed a large program of investments and now we think that the best way to persue these objectives and to increase also the cooperation and confidence among the nations of the Alliance is to establish many trans-bordering investments and projects so to strength the realtions between the bordering nations and so, with the future development, increase the ties between them so that contrasts and conflicts could be avoided due to the looses that this could cause for the involved parties.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby cm9777 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:47 am

Alexej Kocur, The Deltarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Deltarian Delegation

So we sit here talking of peace agreements which by the way we support. In the meantime Vanuku is planning to move their troops right to the border of the acceptable zone. We’ll be staring at each other in the face! I highly doubt Vanuku is interested in peace.
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby Govenor12 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:53 am

The Solentian government wholeheartedly supports its Istalian friends on this conference. It would serve everyone well if we concentrate on what we agree rather than on what we disagree. My government welcomes the train initative, however Solentia still concentrates on updating its motorway system to ensure a faster flow of traffic especialy into Istalia.
We therefore see the expansion of rail capacities only as a medium term option and are concerned about the lack of attention towards the problem of smuggling and human traffiking in Majatra. Every day the border police in Solentia catches smugglers and illegal immigrants and with increasing rail traffic this is expected to rise. The extensive border checks also take a lot of time and costing Majatran businesses billions each year.
So this is also an important topic which we have to adress.

Nicholas White, deputy under secretary in the Solentian ministry for foreign affairs
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Re: Romula's Majatran Alliance Summit

Postby cm9777 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:18 am

Alexej Kocur, The Deltarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Deltarian Delegation

We also demand an investigation into anti-Deltarian Atrocities within the Jelbanian Free Republic following the assassination of their premier. The perpetrators need to be found and punished!
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