
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby ImamMajatra » Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:45 am

The thinking man's newspaper, the patriot's news paper, the military's paper. The Shield Society presents the Indralan society with a well written and well researched paper based in the identity and traditions of our nation.
A New Era for Indrala?
The new Military Party evokes new sympathy for tradition and loyalty within Indrala
December 3rd, 4408
Xu Chunquan answering questions at a Shield Society Q/A

BEIZHOU, Jiaozhi: Recently a upstart party has gained traction among the younger citizens of Indrala under the leadership of Xu Chunquan. Xu and his national-comrades have established a alliance of patriots and ex-military veterans into what is now known as the 'Military Party' or colloquially known as the 'Beiyi's'. The Military Party is actually a restructured form of the previously established 'Warlord Party' that was run by General Beifuyn Ji in 4332, over 60 years ago. While the Warlord Party would only be remembered by a few old souls, the restructured Military Party would show no remembrance to the disloyal ways of Beifuyn. Xu addressed this during a exclusive Shield Party Q-and-A in Beizhou.

"Now, while we have taken from the same morals and ideals as our predecessors, we do not hold allegiance or show any favor to those who once supported the Warlord Party," Xu said, "A party I remind you showed support for Danguk and it's Empress instead of our own divine Emperor. I do not wish to repeat myself again, so I will make it clear. The Military Party holds loyalty to Indrala and Indrala alone."

Xu then promised his supporters that he would not make "... the same mistakes as the Right seems to do..." and that the Military Party is "... the common man's party, a party of believers, a party of patriots."

Now, we can only speculate how the Military Party will succeed in the coming 4412 elections, but if they continue to have such vigor and support from the youth of Indrala, there might be a upset in the status-quo of our Grand Assembly. Now, not too many concrete promises have been made from Xu, but his track record in the Imperial Army and in local legislature has been positive, fellow veteran and member of the Military Party, Li Wei, said this to reporters:

"Chunquan is more than just a politician, he is a war hero and a devoted, I repeat, devoted supporter of the Emperor and the Imperial Family and he has made that devotion quite clear during his years of service, I do not doubt that Chunquan will continue to support the Emperor and his family just as much as he already has."

At a risk of sounding premature, the Shield Party wishes to show its support for the Military Party and humbly requests that readers of this paper and patriots across Indrala unite under the banner of the Military Party and it's Beiyi's for a better tomorrow.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:48 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin is a staunchly monarchist and nationalist weekly newspaper, published nationwide. Its primary readership is typically conservatives and older individuals.
Despite 'Conscientious Objector Act,' Prince Jianhao responds to the call of his country!
20 June 4408, 72nd year of the Tianshun Era OOC: POSTDATED

Prince Jianhao, with short hair and wearing an Armed Forces sweatshirt, navigates a crowd at the Tian'an International Airport (left). Prince Jianlong on horseback during the Imperial World Tour in 4395 (right).

Despite the Social Democratic legislation restoring Indrala's traditional military or civil service conscription policy, Prince Jianhao has chosen to forego the religious exemption and comply with his draft notice. Indralan national service policy require all Indralan males to enlist in the Armed Forces or in the civil service for two years before or when they are 30 years old. Indralans are entered into the draft system after the completion of their compulsory education.

Prince Jianhao had not been drafted until his 28th birthday earlier this year and has elected to enter the Armed Forces, rather than opt for the civil service which his elder brother, Prince Jianlong, has completed. Such dutiful Princes'!

Members of the Imperial Bloodline often opt for the civil service due to the haircut requirement of the Armed Forces. Prince Jianlong, noted for his most admirable filiality, announced his decision to enter the civil service by citing a Jienist teaching from the classics:
The body, hair and skin, all have been received from the parents, and so one doesn’t dare damage them—that is the beginning of filial piety.

Prince Jianhao, understanding this Jienist reservation espoused by his elder brother, has spent the last few months asking for the permission and forgiveness of his parents and grandparents. The Imperial Household Agency revealed that the Prince offered his father, the Crown Prince, a sword for which to cut his hair with. The Prince then waited a number of weeks until the Crown Prince cut off his knot. Though much shorter hair will be required in the Armed Forces, this symbolic move was deeply important to the Prince, who would have selected the civil service without the blessing of his parents.

The Prince formally enlisted at the Tian'an International Airport, from which he will be transported by military helicopter to an undisclosed base. This unusual enlisting process is obviously to protect the privacy and security of the Prince and of his colleagues, wherever he shall be deployed.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby XAT » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:19 pm

人民報 The People's Post
The NDP-News Source
Guozhou, Han - A special editorial by the founder and leader of our party, Tan Zhuoxuan:

The sycophants of the Sun Clan attempt to deceive the nation into believing that the "Honorable Crown Prince" is indeed a Nationalist for his country - an ordinary citizen, much like those who read this editorial.

Let me be brief and state the obvious - the Crown Prince is no Nationalist. His military expedition is nothing more than an attempt by the bloated and failing monarchy to show that it is in touch with the people. It does not take a genius to figure out that the Crown Prince will not have the Military training that every Indralan should be required to have, but rather, an easy path in which he is depicted as some sort of national hero for the most minor of deeds.

This behavior is why the NDP will always remind all readers at the end of its postings, on the true priority of the nation:
Forward, Unto the Republic!

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby PolarisEcho » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:59 am


DONGZHOU, Min: Democratic Justice Party (DJP) will work with any political party should their political stand aligns, said Han Wei Yi.

Speaking at a public forum in Dongzhou, Min, the Secretary-General of DJP mentioned that the party had fought hard for the Indralans the past 13 years, and has since been voted in by the people as one of the two biggest parties in the Grand Assembly four years ago.

With only less than a year to the upcoming election, Han emphasized that the cyan-themed party has no intention to form a one-man show cabinet.

"A cabinet will only be good for the people if there are several parties doing checks and balances for the party in power. Currently there are nine (parties), it (the Grand Assembly) will only get more exciting," the 40 year old quipped.

When asked about the 'rivalry' between National Front and DJP, Han refuted the claim.

"They (National Front) may have different views and ideologies, but it's definitely for the good of Indrala from their perspective. There will be times where we will disagree with one another; there were also times where we had the same alignment in Assembly debates... if we are in the same boat, why would we drown each other? That will not be good for the country if we oppose for the sake of opposing.

"The party will continue to pursue and maintain democracy and justice for the people, but they (the Indralans) have to believe in us. We have shown and produced results for the country, that's why we are voted in to form the majority of the Assembly."

On whether the party will be more vocal in the Grand Assembly, Han said: "Only empty vessels will make the most noise."
Last edited by PolarisEcho on Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby XAT » Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:49 am

人民報 The People's Post
The NDP-News Source
Guozhou, Han - A special editorial by the founder and leader of our party, Tan Zhuoxuan, on the Indralan Security Act (NDP-009), which he personally drafted, and on the upcoming elections:

Today, we can see the split of loyalty within the nation - those who would allow Indrala to defend herself, and those who would see it hamstring itself against the foreigner. The monarchist parties say that the nation and the monarchy are one and the same - they rush to the defense of the monarch, hold opulent ceremonies on its behalf, glorify him in the press - and then proceed to call us, and our allies, as those who impede on the rights of the ordinary Indralan.

Today, 4 parties show their true colors - today, they impede on the right of self-defense of the Indralan people.

As part of my travels around the nation, I visited many of the military production hubs of our nation - visiting many of them for the first time since the Tour of the Nation I had in my childhood, some decade and a half prior. I did not believe that I would find the Pride of Indrala, Soul of the Indralan People - the military industry that was the envy of the world. But neither did I believe that I would find such industry in a state that can only be called "decrepit":
A symbol of the degenerate Monarchist coalition

When I approached the Indralan people - those who, through blood, sweat, and tears, have toiled to help us secure our nation by creating weapons of war - and told them the news - that the monarchist government would choose cowardice, and not use those weapons, there was palpable disappointment. But though they had toiled night and day for years, only to lose to a bureaucrat they had never met, none in the crowd broke.

For, as they explained, they were Indralans - with Indralan blood, but more importantly, an Indralan heart. These unsung heroes of our nation had, despite the toil of the prior day, come back the next, unfaillingly. For they, those ordinary Indralan people, who wear no royal robe, who bear none of the medals of nobility, see in their work more than a mere paycheck! They see the faces of their elders, who once protected them - they see the faces of their sons and daughters, who shall one day protect them - they see the nation - their soil, their home - and so, day after day, they continued. Let it never be said that Indrala lacks patriots!

The unsung and forgotten heroes of our nation - though the Pride of Indrala may no longer be the envy of the world, the Soul of the Indralan People still thrives, much as before

To see this, and then to return to Tian'an and the mockery that is the monarchy - those four parties care not for any Indralan citizen without the robes of nobility. They waste their resources so that the Crown Prince can go ahead and play pretend soldier, while real patriots are left to fend for themselves. Make no mistake - the vote of these 4 parties was a vote in favor of preserving that sacred monarchy the government touts, but not Indrala - and certainly not the regular Indralan.

This act of disarmament is nothing but disrespect to the Indralan people. To kill a beast is one matter - to chop off its claws, and wait for it to starve is another. On the other hand, we thank our friends in the National Front, the Republican League, and the Communist Party for their support. Let it never be said that, in this hour, they stood by the ordinary Indralan - patriots one and all! We must also thank the Military Party, which, breaking the custom of the Monarchists, stood by the common Indralan in this hour as well. Though, seeing the results, and the unified Monarchist attack on the Indralan, I would question their decision to back the decadent monarchy - a monarchy which seeks only to weaken the military and economic might of our great nation.

We must honor not the pretend soldier, but the actual heroes and patriots of the nation. And so, dare I say it - is it not time for the patriot and the national hero to take the helm of the nation that they have sacrificed so much for? Fellow Indralan patriots, in the face of such incompetence, I say we must march:
"Forward, Unto the Republic!"

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Wu Han » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:20 pm

The Nationalist Bulletin is a staunchly monarchist and nationalist weekly newspaper, published nationwide. Its primary readership is typically conservatives and older individuals.
Prince Jianlong saves farmers from exploitation!
18 September 4409, 73nd year of the Tianshun Era OOC: POSTDATED


Special report by correspondant Xi Gao, who was invited to participate in the Prince's travelling party.

While participating in a horseback hunting expedition in central Min Province, the Prince stubbled upon a group of farmers wailing and praying on the side of a country road. The farmers could not hold back their tears in front of the Prince, as they described the hardships faced by their community. This sincere and heart-wrenching scene compelled the Prince to travel with the farmers back to their home village.

Upon arrival in the village, known as Yi'an, the Prince was greeted by emotional folks, bowing and weeping before him. The Prince handed out rice to the eager farmers, all of whom professed to being extremely hungry.

The villagers explained to the Prince how they had been exploited for the last few years by a group of landlords from Meihua, Han Province. The landlords utilized the paramilitary policy instituted by the Communist-Republican coalition to form an extrajudicial force which intimidated and threatened the farmers into paying higher-than-agreed upon crop share.

One of the village elders, an 84-year-old woman by the name of Wang Zhiruo approached the Prince and showed him a number of bruises on her arms and back which she received at the hands of this paramilitary. Seeing this outraged the young Prince who demanded to know who the landlords are. After receiving information from the villages, the Prince removed his hairpin and a bracelet which he handed to the senior. He encouraged the elderly woman to sell them in order to secure food for her fellow villagers, before speaking to the broader community.

"We, the Indralan people, are of one family; one noble bloodline, lead by the Son of Heaven," the infuriated Prince shouted, "and yet these landlords have the audacity to assault one of our grandmothers? These animals are devoid of filial understanding, of morality and of humanity. They are scum. This cannot stand!"

The Prince instructed half his men to stay behind in the village to ensure their protection as he travelled to Meihua. Upon arrival in the city two days later, the Prince summoned each of the three landlords to a traditional garden in the centre of the city. After they arrived, the Prince unleashed his outrage toward them for their predatory and abusive ways, his voice so loud that the trees shook though no wind blew.

"It is the labourers and farmers who sustain all of society," the Prince said, "it is you, the parasitic plutocrat, who is the lowest among the Four Occupations taught by Jienfushi! Have you no shame in your position when you exploit and abuse those whom we all rely upon?!"

By the end of the audience, the landlords wept from a prostrating position begging the Prince for his forgiveness. The landlords submitted to the Prince, promising to leave Yi'an and ensure that the farmers were appropriately reimbursed for the hardship inflicted upon them by handing over their land holdings to the villagers.

The Prince did not return to Yi'an, but if he had, he would have seen that the land-reform in Yi'an has led to a rebirth of the village, with farmers holding their heads high as they toil in the fields. There has also been a small shrine constructed by the locals dedicated to the Prince. At the centre, the bracelet he gave to the community. According to the villagers, selling it was never an option.

"We will never forget what our beloved Prince Jianlong has personally done for us," said elder Wang Zhiruo, "ten thousand years isn't long enough for our Prince; may he live for ten million years!"

Viscount Yi Liancheng engaged to YingPop singer and actress Xueli
11 October 4409, 73nd year of the Tianshun Era OOC: POSTDATED


The Yi Clan Secretary has confirmed that Viscount and Brigadier General Yi Liancheng and YingPop singer and actress Xueli (birth name: Xie Xueli) have complete all traditional Indralan pre-marriage customs in advance of a wedding arranged for the end of the month.

Yi Liancheng was considered by mainstream tabloid media as the leading bachelor in Indrala for the last few months. The wealthy young noble has served in the Armed Forces since he was 20. In 4405, Yi was elected Brigadier General by his fellow soldiers following changes to the officer appointment system under the Communist-Republican coalition. Yi is also known as Prince Jianlong's closest friend, travelling with the Prince on the Imperial World Tour of 4395 and instructing many in the Imperial Palace in the way of swordsmanship. Yi's steadfast support and service in the Armed Forces has won him many supporters among Indrala's militarist and nationalist factions.

Xueli became a celebrity at age 16 following the release of her debut album "Flowers." The album brought her mainstream success and national stardom almost overnight. Since then, Xueli has released four studio albums and nine extended plays, scoring three number-one albums and eighteen number-one singles on the WBC Music Charts. Aside from her music career, Xueli has also ventured into hosting radio and television shows, as well as acting. One of the top celebrities in Indrala, Xueli was invited to perform at Princess Fengmian's residence in 4408, wherein she was introduced to Yi. The two reportedly spent the rest of the evening together and grew closer over the next few months.

While the nation watches Yi Liancheng and Xueli wed, many have begun to speculate when the Emperor's grandchildren will get married, considering their age.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby XAT » Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:14 am

人民報 The People's Post
The NDP-News Source - Special Section: The voices of Indrala
The People's Post, Min Headquarters - Interview transcript of a first-time voter in 4412. A construction engineer by trade. [Questions removed for brevity]

Note: If requested to, the People's Times protects its writer's identities as a matter of principle.

Isn't it funny - truly, isn't it funny, that the monarchist papers make grandiose statements about what they do for the people - having the crown prince parade around the country, forcing people to bow - and then, blame the Communist-Nationalist, pro-Republic coalition for the people's misfortune.

Then comes election day! And what is the result of the party that pushes for the continuation of the monarchy? What is the result for the party of our esteemed Prince?

Less than 5% of the vote. The Nationalist-Communist Coalition the Nationalist Bulletin decries:
National Front: 17.66% - 2nd largest
Nationalist Democratic Party: 9.84% - 3rd largest
Republican League: 6.43% - 5th largest

And they?
Lotus Party: 4.78% - placing them in solid 7th place!

In the article, "Prince [...] saves farmers from exploitation", the monarchist writes:
Wu Han wrote:The Prince did not return to Yi'an

And dare I say it, of course he hasn't! If he went back there, and if the Nationalist Bulletin actually printed every story worthy of news, we would be reading an article of a Prince tucking tail and running! Perhaps the Prince should learn decency! I don't go around asking people to bow before me - if I did, I probably wouldn't be very well liked either!

Of course, this is our greatest asset, us republicans! They call us so many different things - but we aren't stupid - we get the superiority complex that the monarchists must feel - but when I talk to my fellow coworkers, to my friends, to the ordinary citizen, and I talk politics - and so naturally, I ask them - who would you support? We even did a mock election just a few weeks before the 4412 elections, at the construction site - we're located at a transport hub, so we asked passersby if they would help Indralan democracy. Naturally of course, they did - and actually, I still have the results right here:
DJP: 342
NF: 147
NDP: 146
CP: 140
RL: 140
Hell, even the Social Democrats got 55! The Lotus Party? They got a grand total of 5 votes! Five!

You want to know why the monarchy is falling? It's because they act so high and mighty - imagine that - commanding others to bow! And they claim to speak to the little people - the Construction worker - the student - and wonder why they are doing so poorly?

Listen, and full disclosure here - I didn't vote for the NDP in the mock nor the real election. I voted for the League - but all of the top 5 parties up there? They're all doing the people's work - that's why they win elections! Even those who voted for the Lotus Party in the past - listen, never been a political guy myself, but 30 years in the industry, and all I've heard are Lotus voters coming to the Republican side. Never the other way around - and given how they act, well, I might not know who I'm voting for next election, but I damn well know who I'm not voting for. The Locust - I mean Lotus - Party!

We would like to thank this gentleman for giving such a candid viewpoint. The People's Post's new initiative, of interviewing regular Indralans, not just party officials, on matters political has also just been confirmed to be a permanent addition. We would like to thank our readers, who volunteer to pay for a free, ad-free political paper, so that such issues can reach the ears of every Indralan, with only the biases of the writer.

The "Voices of Indrala" series may contain opinions that the People's Post does not support nor condone.

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby PolarisEcho » Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:39 pm


MUDANWAN, Min: Democratic Justice Party (DJP) has announced in its post-election press conference that the party has won 98 seats in the Grand Assembly, 18 seats less than the previous election in 4407. Secretary-General Han Wei Yi also took the opportunity to thank Min residents for choosing DJP as the party majority to lead the province for the next five years after garnering 60 seats out of the 133 available. The cyan-themed party has won more than double of the runner-up party, National Front, which took 24 seats in the Eastern province.

Han said: "The results clearly showed what the residents of Min want: a party which will stand by the people while upholding democracy and justice."

The spiritual leader of DJP also took the time to congratulate National Front on becoming the party majority in the Grand Assembly after taking 151 out of 668 seats. He said 'the Indralans have chosen what they deemed as the best party to lead the country' and that he expected 'the National Front... to continue to serve the people to their best of abilities'.

As DJP has been relegated to being the second biggest party in Indrala, Chief Counselor Han has also made known that he will resign his post, and will resume his position as the Secretary-General of the esteemed party.

"The results are clear and transparent, so I will have to (step down as Chief Counselor)," Han said.

On the topic of whether DJP is a party of 'anti-monarchy', Han reiterated that the party has been constant in its values and commitments, and that DJP will remain neutral in such fiercely-debated issue.

When asked about whether DJP will reject the State of Indrala becoming a republic nation, he said: "Whether is it me, or someone else in the future (who takes over as Secretary-General), the party will always make priority on the people's welfare and livelihood. We will do whatever is best for the Indralans, for the nation, and in the interests of the party."

Han also invited three prominent members of the party, who were widely hinted to be serving in the cabinet soon, onto the stage. They are Ms Tsai Hui En, Mr Wu Guan Xiang, and Ms Lee Li Hui.

On the potential candidate to takeover as the next Secretary-General, Han laughed: "I have been serving for close to 15 years, and will continue to do so until the day I stopped breathing."

Han mentioned that the party has already identified a young-blooded member as a potential candidate for the future spiritual leader of DJP.

"When the party feels he is ready, and I'm ready (to step down as Secretary-General), he will (take over), but as of now we will not disclose his identity," Han said.

And on the young man's personality, Han quoted: "Brave, courageous and most important of all, the heart to serve the people."
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Zongxian » Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:19 am

The Zhijia Star is a regional weekly newspaper in Jiaozhi. Subsidiary of the FangCaiRyeo Group.

Lü Clan Begins Renovations of the Green Palace
17 May 4412

An unmaintained section of the outer wall

Located in the east coast city of Jugang in the Jiaozhi Province, the Green Palace is finally receiving long-awaited repairs and renovations from its incoming residents, the Lü Clan. Granted to the Clan's leader by the Emperor, the palace had long held a low profile, somewhat forgotten amid all the attention afforded to Indrala's more prominent cities, like Tian'an and Kaizhou. But now the Lü Clan is breathing new life into the Green Palace and, by extension, the family seeks to energize Jugang's identity by elevating the city's status in the eyes of the public, media, and tourists.

Duke Lü Jaewoo has shared his vision for a palatial restoration that both mirrors historic reality and adds in new grand expansions to make the Green Palace a premier cultural site for Jugang. In moving from Kaizhou to Jugang, Lü also hopes for his family to become more involved with Haejo Imperial College, the city's crown chartered university named for the founder of the modern Kyo royal family. While the Lü's primary residence will be in Jugang upon the completion of renovations, the Clan will maintain its estate in Kaizhou as well.

Jinshan Weekly: New Releases
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby XAT » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:57 am

人民報 The People's Post
The NDP-News Source
The People's Post, National Headquarters - Statement by Party Leader Tan Zhuoxuan on the NDP Result in the 4412 Election.

A Historic Day!

Fellow Indralans,
We would like to begin by congratulating the NF for getting first place in the elections yet again. Truly, this shows the power of the ordinary Indralan, and the dying power of the monarchy! When election night came around, and the results announced, there were whoops and cheers in the NDP headquarters, as after only 5 years of active advocating, we have stormed into the assembly with 97 seats, the 3rd largest party of the nation. We thank the Anle province for their support of the NDP, of 65 seats.

While the end of the monarchy may not come today, the threshold we must reach comes ever closer to the Republican movement. This is another step in the right direction, for the people of Indrala, and not the royal family of Indrala.

In case there are any monarchist reprisals, we have National Republican Guard units active all across the nation, with a presence in every major city. If there is any monarchist aggression, we will respond in kind to protect the people of our great nation.

PolarisEcho wrote:And on the young man's personality, Han quoted: "Brave, courageous and most important of all, the heart to serve the people."

Of the DJP leader-to-be, the NDP only hopes that he will follow the course that the DJP is currently headed towards. A heart to serve the people would be welcome in government! Bravery would be welcome in government!

The hearts of the people all pump in one direction:
Forward, Unto the Republic!

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