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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:12 pm

Eroncourt, Jôviant. 4409
Lourennais Frigate Sinks in Anantonese, Kalistan Boats Responsible

The Lourennais Naval Component sent 3 ships to the Anantonese Ocean near Kalistan to secure all trade that passes by and as a show of protest to the Kalistan Government. The Lourennais Frigate the LNS Rose Orée sailed close to Ananto where they were met by boats from Kalistan. Unfortunately, the LNS Rose Orée took significant damage and sunk into the Anantonese.

Quickly after, the LNS Valois destroyed all of the boats that surrounded the sinking Rose Orée. According to reports from the Valois, crews were dispatched to search for survivors. Only 6 of the 44 crew members were saved. Following the disaster, Commander Grenadine from the LNS Valois communicated with Eroncourt as announced that a state of war is all but inevitable. Commander Grenadine suggested that the Naval Expansion project be finished much quicker and that any ship completed from the project be released into the Anantonese Ocean as soon as possible.

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Re: Economic

Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:01 am

Valois, Carolleux.4409

Technologie Astéria opens new stores and administration center in Valois. Hundreds of jobs created

Astéria Store Complex (below)

After more than 17 months of work and planning, Technologie Astéria has successfully opened three new stores in Valois. One of which will also serve as an administrative office. Technologie Astéria's board of executives announced that three new stores will be opened in Valois as a result of the company's successful expansion. Technologie Astéria's Director of Carolleux stores, Bernarde Baptiste, attended the opening of all three stores in Valois. The first store to open was at 1101 Rue Falouse (Falouse Street) , the admin center. The store on Rue Falouse is divided into three different buildings. One building focuses on mobile devices such as smart phones, smart tablets, and other communication devices. The secind building focuses on computers, computer software, internet connections, and security software. The last building is the administration building, which is a three floor building. The first, being a navigation system store and the other 2 being administration offices.

Two other smaller scale stores were also opened. However, these stores were situated deep in the heart of downtown Valois. Population in Valois has increased slightly since the last census of 4350. With the opening of new Astéria stores within Downtown Valois, Technologie Astéria released a statement saying:
Job growth in the concentrated areas where our stores have opened will increase as much as 7%. We expect that our new store and admin complex in Rue Falouse can bring in hundreds of people into the area as well as hundreds of jobs.

The new Astéria Store complex is now open for the citizens of Valois and Lourenne. Officially, Valois City Officials reported at over 3,300 people attended the grand opening of all three stores. Economic students at the University de Lourenne à Valois calculated that jobs in the technology sector in Valois are sharply rising at a 13.98% rate within males and females aged at 22-32. If any technology companies such as Manon-Maison or Technology Astéria continue to open and expand their businesses in Valois, general income and the Valoyene economy will greatly improve.

Technologie Astéria logo (below)

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:11 am

News Article from News Provider: Lourennais National Defense
Treville, Outannais.4409

Entreprise Des Défenseurs announce completion of 6 new frigates as a part of the Naval Expansion Project

New Delaune Class Frigate (Below)

Since the ministry of defence announced the Navy Expansion Project early in 4407. Thousands of workers began work on building new frigates, destroyers, and patrol boats for the Lourennais Navy. Work began in 4407 in Valois and at Orléans Naval Station Base in western Outannais. With a lack of maritime weapons and ships, the Lourennais Navy was in dire need of development and Modernization. The Naval Expansion project was divided into three sub-projects. The first sub-project being the creation of 6 new frigates. Recently, the small Kalistani Navy managed to sink one of the 3 frigates that the Lourennais Navy already possessed, making it crucial for the navy to create more frigates. The new frigates are now classified as Delaune-Class ships.

Entreprise Des Défenseurs, Manon-Maison Communications, and Capet-Fouquet Industries worked to successfully build the frigates. Each company provided specific parts and items to complete the frigates. Manon-Maison provided all technology to the ships such as radar systems, computers, military software for weapons systems, amd communications systems. Capet-Fouquet created, modeled, and constructed the outer armor and Defenses of the frigates. Including the ships' propellors. Entreprise Des Dés Défenseurs completed most of the ships. They provided all weapons, all accommodations, the ships' interiors, and the ships' engines. Cooperation from the three companies and the quality of their equipment lowered the time that was expected dor the completion of the frigates by 2 months.

The new frigates will be checked and approved by the ministry of defence and they will be immediately put into action. The Ministry of Defence will be observing and testing all specifications on the new frigates at Orléans Naval Station Base. Once they have been approved for combat action they will be immediately released into the Anantonese Ocean for surveillance and security measures as a result of the quickly escalating conflict with Kalistan. The new Delaune-Class Frigates are now officially labeled and included in the official Lourennais armed forces equipment list.

Logos from the three Companies (below):


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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:48 pm

News Article from News Provider: Lourennais National Defense
Treville, Outannais.4410

Navy Expansion Project begins Destroyers project. 5 patrol boats also planned

(New Delaune-Class Frigates (Below)

Since the announcement of the completion of the first part of the Navy Expansion Project, the companies: Entreprise Des Défenseurs, Manon-Maison Communications, and Capet-Fouquet Industries immediately worked on the second part of the navy project. The second Part of the Navy Expansion project called for the immediate construction of 10 patrol ships and 4 destroyers.The Lourennais Navy currently lacks modern patrol boats to provide efficient surveillance to Lourenne's borders. Right after the three companies completed the frigates, they began to work on the 10 new Renault-Class patrol boats (OOC: La Railleuse Class https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P400-class_patrol_vessel . Work on the new Renault-Class Patrol Ship began early in February of 4409 and will continue until 4413, their completion year. The ministry of defense concluded that once all of the new patrol ships are completed, they will be deployed to the western Lourennais borders in the Anantonese Ocean. Once the ships are completed, The Lourennais navy will have approximately 15 patrol ships in service. 10 of which are in construction and planning and 5 that are currently patrolling the country.

Construction on the 4 destroyers has not yet begun. New destroyers are still in the drafting and planning stage. It is still unknown when the planning for the new destroyers will be completed This, however, will not effect the locations of where the destroyers ill be built. Once the new destroyers have passed through the planning stage at Point Militaire Un, Construction will immediately begin in Valois and at Orleans Naval Station Base. The new destroyers are expected to take much more time to build compared to the new frigates (OOC: RL LaFayette Class https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Fayette-class_frigate) and the patrol ships. By the end of 4419, the Lourennais navy's numbers will significantly improve from where they are now.

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:14 am

News Article from News Provider: Lourennais National Defense
Eroncourt, Jôviant.4411

Lourenne sends more ships to Anantonese Ocean. Ministry of Defense blast Kalistan Officials

Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques (above)

Recently, the Kazulian government denounced the Kalistani armed forces for sinking a Kazulian cargo ship and a Lourennais frigate. Quickly after, the Kalistani government responded back by calling Kazulia hypocrites and "imperialistic". The Ministry of Defense held a press conference at the government complex in Eroncourt. At the complex, Lourennais press was allowed to ask questions to Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques and the rest of the high Lourennais military officials, including representatives to the Northern Council. Here is an outline of what the Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques explained:
As we have said before, Our ships will continue to sail international waters in accordance to the Law of the Sea. Our new frigates, the rest of our Valois-Class corvettes, and all of our OPV's will be deployed to the Anantonese. Our priority is to keep safe the waters of the Anantonese and the trade that flows within it, even if it means war against another country.Kalistan has been recklessly furious about other nations's compromising its security. We can prove to Terra that Lourenne, or any other neighboring nation, has done nothing to threaten or provoke Kalistan. What the Kalistani government must do now is control their foul-mouthed dictator Orenthal Williams and look to their country's own stability instead of provoking more powerful nations.

The press at the government complex also asked the Ministry of Defense what the Ministry believes on the weapon sales from Vanuku to Kalistan. Here is Marcel Jacque's response:
There's no surprise here from Kalistan. They slowly want to become a puppet state under Vanuku's protection. Vanuku is only trying to assert dominance in the northern hemisphere, something that they obviously don't have and will never have. Kalistan will not gain anything by having these weapons. They will only look to seek war and conflict with their mediocre weapons from Vanuku. Kalistan will NOT have dominance over the Anantonese Ocean. Lourenne's strategic position gives Lourenne an advantage in the Anantonese Ocean. As much as Kalistan pleads and cries, they will never have influence in the Anantonese. I am afraid that it is too late for them. Regional influence in the Anantonese now belongs to Lourenne, and will remain for Lourenne.

Multiple Lourennais ships are now in the Anantonese Ocean ready for conflict or war if provoked by any of Kalistan's ships. The Lourennais Navy vows to keep all international trade protected during the time of conflict.

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby M13 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:57 am

Covert Ops by Lodamese Navy in Anantonese Ocean
Minister of Defence denies any involvement
June 22, 4011

A small newspaper in Lodamun has headlined that a large Lodamese taskforce has been spotted off the coast of Ananto.
Kregon Watch published the headline yesterday. This morning it was picked up by nearly all the national newspapers. In the article the newspaper claims that the Lodamese 2nd Fleet, which is based in Norstavan, left port about two weeks ago. A reliable source even got them some photographs of ships, sailing under Lodamese ensign, passing the isle of Ananto. Ever since Lodamun has chosen to support neighbouring nation Kalistan, there has risen a lot of criticism. EVen though the Lodamese Government hasn't taken any official stance on the Kalistani claim, some nations are considering them to help and support Kalistan. The newspaper says that the current Government is willing to support Kalistan in its claim and would even be prepared for war.
According to inside information, the First Fleet based in Andalay, would also be preparing to set sail.

Minister Roose denies allegiations that his Navy is preparing for war.
Ahmad Roose adressed the press in a written communiqué.
In these times of instability, I can assure the nation, its citizens and any critic outside our borders, that the Lodamese Navy is not taking part in the conflict that might exist between Lourenne and Kalistan.
I will try to outline the situation. I hope all will understand that I cannot give specific details on place our unit for operational reasons, but nevertheless: It is true that a taskforce left port two weeks ago. They set sail in order to conduct a naval exercise that was planned two years ago. One should understand that we have invested a lot of money to modernize and preserve our fleet, and a large combined exercise was necessary to trial our vessels.
There is no reason for sorrow: the last thing I heared all is going well and the Admiral is very pleased with the results of our ships. In the next week some of these ships will execute live-firing exercises. Afterwards a large scale wargame is planned.
We do not wish to get involved in any issue that doesn't concern us, neither do we wish to provocate any nation.

Critics believe Lodamun is preparing for war. Professor Drankorgel, specialist in warfare, assures the public that Lodamun is not ready for war.
While the Minister of Defence has done a great job, in my opinion, to modernize the Navy, his forces lack exercise and training. I am confident that the Minister is speaking the truth about the current situation. He wishes to get the Navy fully operational by the end of this year, after which he will concentrate on his airforce and the Army. The Army needs a large investment, being neglected for a couple of years. While the ships currently at sea are actually fitted with all weaponry and hot warheads, going to war now would be a stupid move.
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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Fri Jun 22, 2018 2:23 am

Thiers-Noel, Louives.4412

Capet-Fouquet to aid Hutori in Keymonite Modernization, Investments arise

Turtle Bay Port (below)

Recently, Keymon has expressed that it has been wanting to expand and modernize its naval ports, trade, and military. Hutori has already begun work on multiple ports in Keymon such as the one in Turtle Bay. Lourennais officials have communicated with Hutori on possible cooperation in the reconstruction and modernization of Keymonite ports. Specifically, Lourennais company Capet-Fouquet Industries released a statement that they are completely willing to invest in many of Keymon's naval trading posts and help in the construction of their ships (both military and commercial). Capet-Fouquet Industries will help Hutorian workers complete all modernization efforts in the port of Turtle Bay.Also, the company will be supplying Keymon 5 heavy commercial trade ships to kick start Keymon's trade successfully.

It is unknown whether Capet-Fouquet Industries will be working along with any other Lourennais company in the process of Keymon's modernization. However, Entreprise Des Défenseurs has stated that they would like to be involved in the modernization process of Keymon's armed forces by supplying better weapons, vehicles, and technology. The Ministry of Defense released a statement saying if
Lourennais companies invest and aid Keymon with their military modernization, the Ministry of Defense and Eroncourt will plan and set dates for joint military training between the armed forces of Lourenne and Keymon. However,we would first have to agree with Hutori and Keymon if such exercises are acceptable as Keymon is a commonwealth of the Luthorian Empire, but we do believe that Luthori, Hutori, and Keymon will see these exercises with their ally Lourenne acceptable.

Workers from Capet-Fouquet Industries will travel to Keymon in July of 4412 and will remain there until all ports in Keymon are deemed successfull and stable for regular use. Entreprise Des Défenseurs will not travel to Keymon until the Keymonite government, agrees and accepts military training with Lourennais forces in Lourenne and Keymon.

Capet-Fouquet Industries logo (Below)

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:04 am

News Article from News Provider: Lourennais National Defense
Orléans Naval Station Base, Outannais.4412

Renault-Class Patrol Boats complete, Destroyers nearing completion

Renault-Class Patrol Boat in Kankawaran Bay (below)

After 6 years of work in Valois and at Orléans Naval Station Base, The ministry of defense announced that all 12 patrol ships that were in construction have been completed. All patrol ships are now docked at Orléans Naval Station Base and are classified as Renault-Class ships. Entreprise Des Défenseurs announced that the ships are under final tests at the Naval base in Western Outannais. The ships are being tested on maneuverability and the weapons that are currently installed on each ship. It is expected that all the medium sized weapons on the ship are perfectly stable to operate.

Also, Manon-Maison Communications has begun to test their systems on the ships as well. Manon-Maison Communications is testing all installed radar systems on the ships and all radio communications systems that the ships use. Manon-Maison Communications installed their brand new computer software systems for the 15 computers on each ship. They will all be tested for speed, reliability, and product longevity. Capet-Fouquet Industries have successfully created the ships armor and protection. All ships have a thick layer of armor and firepower resistant defenses at their bases and near the hulls. Capet-Fouquet Industries also provided engines, propellors, and the outer base for every ship.

The Ministry of Defense will add the 12 Renault Class ships to the official Lourennais Armed Forces list. Once the ships have been tested at Orléans Naval Station Base, they will be divided into a new fleet and will be redirected to different locations. It is said that some ships will be sent to the Anantonese Ocean for surveillance purposes as a result of the current conflict with Kalistan. All ships will be deemed ready for service once they have been tested in Outannais.

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:07 pm

Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites Kalistan, Lodamum, Kazulia to Valoisfor peace talks

After a Lourennais Frigate sunk a Lodamese ship in the Anantonese, the Lourennais navy in the area were told to hold fire and not to engage any other ships. Lourennais troops helped the survivors of the sinking Lodamese ship. The Lodamese government has called for a ceasefire as well as for a peace convention to finally resolve the conflict. The ministry of Foreign affairs have begun to set up a peace conference in Valois. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited Kalistan, Lodamum, and Kazulia to the peace conference. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not released the full details of the meeting. Valois was picked for the peace conference because of its easy accessibility and the city is far from Eroncourt, where government officials could make the conference uneasy. The Peace conference will be held at the Andiron Tower Conference Halls in the lower levels of the famous hotel. Security for the conference will be very restrictive in the area once all officials arrive. Rue Rivolier and Rue Travésé will be closed for all citizens of the city. It is unknown how long the conference will last, however Lourennais officials are determined to reach a fair and peaceful agreement with all nations.

Andiron Hotel and Conference Center in Valois (below)

Also, the ministry of defense has called for the immediate return of all Lourennais ships from the waters near Lodamum and Kalistan. The Ministry of Defense has ordered all ships to remain 20 miles off the coast of Lourenne or closer. All ships, including patrol boats, frigates, and corvettes will return to Lourenne and its waters immediately. Certain ships will return to Le Port D'Artaine in Valois for Naval security for the peace conference that has been planned. Commander of the Lourennais Navy and representative to the Northern Council Defense Council, Louis Verignon will be the only military official attending the conference apart from the Minister of Defense.
Also attending the meeting will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans and Madame Président Orléans.

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Re: Lourenne Quotidien

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:50 pm

Amoudry, Joviant.4414

The Lourennian Tennis Association announces Major Tennis Tournament in Lourenne

The Lourennais Tennis Association announced a major tournament today that will take place all over Lourenne. The Association made the announcement at the new Tennis facilities in Amoudry. The Tournament will take place in 15 cities, they are:
    -Lac des Lumières-9


    - Thiers-Noel-10

    -Bord du Monde-15

    -Treville -1
    -Ferte Dessigne-3

Here is the official map that applies to the list above:

All Tennis Facilities have been modernized and have been upgraded in a few years back. Technologie Asteria has helped with the technology upgrades at every facility. Thousands of spectators and supporters will mainly be located in Amoudry, Valois, Larosiere, and Eroncourt. Players from around Terra can now sign up for the event.

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