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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Martinulus » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:39 am

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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:20 pm

Government and partners to invest billions into Crownlands
Government and private-public business corporations make large investments into Crownlands economic potential.
Foreign Minister Sindre Granberg with a Hulstrian businessman representing the Crownland's heavy industry sector.

Earlier this morning Staatsminister of the United Crownlands, Clemens Heumayr, Foreign Minister Hupold, Graf Michels and Finance Minister Severin Goddestreu arrived in Skalm for high-level diplomatic and economic talks with their Kazulian counterparts, namely Statsminister Harald Christiansen, Foreign Minister Sindre Granberg and Finance Minister Lisa Nyborg. According to government media releases the discussions held between the Hulstrian delegation and the Kazulian government ranged from issues such as the situation between Kazulia and Dankuk whereby Hulstria has offered to assist in negotiating the situation alongside Hawu Mumenhes to the proposed revival of the Dovani Economic Forum on the part of the Hulstrian delegation. As Kazulia's economy remains among the strongest in the eastern hemisphere, Statsminister Harald Christiansen stated that the move made by the Hulstrian delegation were "though driven" and "based on the factual belief that the economic potential of the crownlands could be unlocked through Kazulian assistance."

As a business delegation accompanied the Hulstrian delegation, in a move to increase diplomatic and trade relations between the Kingdom of Kazulia and the United Crownlands, the government has announced that through the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund (CISF), the government will be investing heavily into the crownlands order to unlock its full potential and to allow for various economic discussions to be championed by the Hulstrian government in the future. Various kazulian corporations, both private and public have also shown great interest into investing into the Hulstrian economy with one business pushing for the opening of a branch in the nation. Corporations such as Gasstrien, Warton Danver, Sorthamnmetall, Verdalros Alternex, and Asvald Gruppen have expressed great pleasure in the government's move towards investing into Hulstria's economy. With Kazulia recently bouncing back into the practice of heavy industry companies such as Warton Danver, Sorthamnmetall and Alternex Verdalros have expressed eagerness of investing into Hulstrian heavy industry practices.

According to Chairman of Gasstrien, Norbert Arielsson stated that the company intends on assisting the Hulstrian government in the area of renewable energy. Arielsson stated that the Hulstrian government should make positive steps towards a cleaner Hulstria, through renewable energy resources. It was stated that (with government permission), several wind farms and two (2) hydroelectric stations could be constructed as a means of introducing an alternative form of energy into the Hulstrian power generation dossier. Apart from this, Alternex Verdalros (the second largest mining company in Kazulia) announced that it intends on expanding its Dovanian market portfolio through Hulstria. Chairman and CEO of Alternex (the second largest oil and natural gas company in Kazulia and the parent company of Alternex Verdalros), Aleksi Pietarinen stated that the possibility of the company being able to expand its Dovanian market portfolio through Hulstria, will not only be beneficial to the company but to the government and the citizenry of Hulstria as well.

State-owned Defence Manufacturing company, Asvald Gruppen has announced its intention on selling weapons systems to the Hulstrian military once a formal trade agreement is established between the two nations. According to the company's chairman Luukas Asikainen, the company is willing to commence research and development operations jointly with the Hulstrian government on the procurement of weapons systems which will suit the defencive needs of Hulstria. He announced that the company had invested a total of 5 Billion KKR into universities across Hulstria, who have a strong emphasis on engineering and technological research. He stated: "We must pave the way for the development and growth of our future leaders and decision-makers. In Kazulia this company has invested more than 5 Billion KKR into engineering education programmes throughout various educational institutions, and with this company expanding operations in Hulstria, I think that an investment into such a crucial education programme is necessary."

Statsminister Christiansen and Staatsminister Heumayr launched talks on the revival of the Dovanian Economic Forum and also begun negotiations on the launch of a Kazulian-economic project, the revival of the Eight Economies (EE) alliance. Statsminister Christiansen stated that the Dovanian Economic Forum promoted economic dialogue and cooperation within an extremely divided region. He stated that through its revival the region as a whole can work together closer cooperation and collectivism. On the premise of Eight Economies, Christiansen has invited Heumayr to work with him on the reformation/revival of the organisation, citing that Hulstria's economy showed great potential and that is what the Eight Economies alliance needs, developed and developing economies coming together on the basis of collectivism and mutual benefit.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:40 am

Kazulia warns Kalistan over blocking trade routes
Kazulia has warned the Kalistani Government against "closing" portions of the Anantonese Sea.
HKMS-Lill Vig frigate and the HKMS-Kasper Munk minesweeper during anti-submarine warfare exercises in the White Ocean

Earlier this morning on the background of the nation's claims of the strait of Anato as sovereign territory, Kalistan announced that the strait had been closed to the international community and that non-aligned shipping through the aforementioned strait "constitues a strict violation of Kalistani Sovereignty, and represents an immediate Casus Belli for Kalistan". Reacting to the claims made by the Kalistani government, a spokesperson from the 2nd Fleet which is responsible for patrolling the bodies of waters between Seleya and Dovani as well as responding to instance with regional implications, stated that the 2nd Fleet was prepared to re-open the strait under international law saying: "The free flow of goods and services through the Strait is vital to regional and international trade. Individual nations or entities who threaten the disrupt freedom of navigation through international waters clearly have little to no interest in upholding international law; disruptions against shipping of any kind in international waters will not be tolerated." The strait allows for commercial and military shipping to reduce time spent navigating around Anato's eastern flank by being able to cut through the straits and transit into the central seleya and south-western Dovani, with large amounts of commercial shipping passing through the straits annually. Kazulia, through the 2nd Fleet has conducted several patrols of the strait in the past as a means of keeping the strait open and curbing the influence of pirates operating within the Anantonese Ocean.

Kalistan's closure of the Strait comes amid the nation's belief that its "historic" influence as the "Guarantor of the Anantonse Ocean" is waning as various nations specifically Lourenne is moving to expand their respective naval forces. Kalistan argues that Lourenne's procurement of combatant vessels from Kazulia was a threat to the nation's sovereignty, however Lourenne has expressed little to no intention of threatening the sovereignty of Kalistan and reiterated that it was well within its right to operate combatant and commercial shipping through the Straits similar to rights reserved by other nations in the international community, including Kalistan itself. Kalistan has gone so far as to warn the commercial shipping through the recently "closed" strait would have to obtain a writ of passage in-order to traverse the waters under their supervision, with warnings stating the non-compliance could result in commercial ships being fired upon. Kalistan went further to say that "Refusing to acknowledge our territorial waters will be viewed as an act of War against the United Republic of Kalistan." Chief of Defence Admiral David Vestergaard stated that the 2nd Fleet had been dispatched to the Anantonese Ocean and upon confirmation from Skalm will willingly escort commercial vessels through the supposed closed strait. Vestergaard stressed the importance on the rule of international law, citing that although Kalistan withdrew from the Law of the Sea treaty, it has no legal right to close to strait to commercial shipping or military transit through the strait itself.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:54 am

Maritime patrol aircraft sent to Majatran Sea and Anantonese Ocean
Kazulia sends maritime patrol aircraft to monitor combatant ship movement in Majatran Sea and Anantonese Ocean
A Z-6 "Kraken" maritime patrol aircraft during a training exercise in the Mad Dog Ocean.

Kazulian Naval High Command has dispatched additional intelligence assets to the Majatran Sea and the Anantonese Ocean as tensions in the respective areas of gradual reaching their climax, in an attempt to reinforce the efforts of Northern Council satellites positioned over the regions. Under the banner of expanding the surveillance network established in Majatra and establishing a surveillance bubble in the Anantonese Ocean, the Kazulian Navy has dispatched Z-6 "Kraken" (P-8 Poseidon) maritime patrol aircraft to the respective regions. A spokesperson from the Department of Defence stated that the assets were being deployed to the regions as the GAMS-1 & 2 satellites positioned over Majatra and Eastern Seleya respectively were unable to track the movement of warships, mainly due to the fact that the satellites were made to track and designate aircraft, which the spokesperson stated was actively tracking Vanukean and Deltarian aircraft operating within Jelbania's airspace. With Kazulia expanding its surveillance assets in the respective regions, it is expected the movements of naval, air and land assets fielded by the respective players in the respective regions would be underneath almost complete surveillance.

Defence Minister Gudhlek Lundberg stated that moves being made by the respective players in the respective regions increased the chances of a military miscalculations. Lundberg cited the situation developing in Jelbania as being too close to a military miscalculations for comfort. Last year, the Lister NBG-596 satellite had been credited with provided satellite imagery of Vanukean and Deltarian positions across Jelbania whereby the information had been provided to the World Congress Security Council. According to Naval High Command in Skalm, the Z-6 Krakens being deployed to Majatra are expected to drop sonobuoys along Jelbania, Deltaria, Zardugal and Vanuku's economic exclusion zones (EEZ) and the z-6 Krakens being deployed to the Anantonese Sea are expected to drop sonobuoys in the southern and northern approaches of the Anantonese Ocean as a means of tracking combatant vessels traversing the straits towards the Anantonese Ocean. According to a former Z-6 Kraken pilot, the aircraft are usually armed with depth charges, torpedoes and anti-ship missiles.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Jun 15, 2018 7:40 pm

OOC: Kazulia withdraws all equipment and assets in majatra. Please ignore our involvement in the RP in Jelbania.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:20 pm

Kazulia begins building third and fourth aircraft carrier
Announcement of additional carrier construction comes amid tensions in Anantonese Sea.
Hutorian HF-18s fly over the HKMS-Queen Annette during Arctic Lion '45.

The Department of Defence announced that it has started construction of its third and forth aircraft carriers, signalling the nation's aforementioned intentions of expanding its maritime capabilities in accordance with Northern Council standards. The announcement by the Department of Defence comes amid tensions in Anantonese Sea following Kalistan's blockade of the straits between Anato and mainland Kalistan as the nation claims the strait as sovereign territory. According to analysts the expansion and modernisation of the Kazulian Armed Forces comes as the nation aims to field an extremely modern and combat capable force by which it can use to protect its interests and the interests of others. Officials within the Department of Defence stated that the new carriers will be conventionally powered and will not nuclear powered as some speculations have suggested prior to now. The officials stated that the decision for the aircraft carriers to be conventionally powered, similar to the HKMS-Queen Annette and HKMS-Skalm, comes as the Kazulian Navy through observations from their Hutorian counterparts highlighted that nuclear reactions cannot be quickly re-started in cold weather conditions. According to an engineers at Skalm University, a careful sequence of procedures is required to start a nuclear reactor and the steam plant to prevent heat from damaging the vessels systems. The benefit of the diesel electric engines used in the Queen-Annette-class aircraft carrier is that the engines can be started and shut down quickly. It had been highlighted that in-order for a vessel to be cleared for service within the Kazulian Navy, it must undergo extreme cold weather trials aimed at putting the vessel's systems under stress.

Similar to the HKMS-Queen Annette and Skalm, the two new carriers will field a fleet of Z-35 Stealth multi-role fighter and will be launched through STOVL configurations, however research is being made into CATOBAR capabilities. Analysts say the new carrier underscores Kazulia's efforts to field navy that can safeguard its growing overseas interests through combat effectiveness and technological superiority. Under the Northern Council, the Kazulian Navy is set to expand naval patrols throughout the Northern Hemisphere in an open seas campaign as the alliance moves perform a wide range of tasks, from participating in exercises to crisis response and real world operational missions. Some have been quick the criticise the use of conventional power as an analyst from the Reinnar Defence Institute stated that the ships' reliance on conventional propulsion means they will have shorter ranges, however an official from the Department of Defence stated nuclear powered carriers still needed to resupply on food and jet fuel, thus although it has an unlimited range through its nuclear reactors it will have to resupply on food and jet fuel thus the carriers in service and in development will not gain from having nuclear reactors when as the carrier is being resupplied on food and jet fuel, its engines can be refuelled simultaneously. Construction and sea trials for the aircraft carriers are expected to be completed by 4415. With the vessels to be commissioned in 4416 under the $20 billion dollar programme.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:17 pm

Kazulia strikes Kalistani warships over destroying cargo vessel in strait
Kazulian Navy destroys Kalistani warships after commercial cargo vessel destroyed by Kalistani Navy squadrons.
Commodore Julian Williamsen speaking before to media on the incidents within the Strait of Anato

The Royal Kazulian Navy clashes with forces of the Kalistani Navy across the Strait of Anato, sinking two Kalistani destroyers and several gunboats. According to Commodore Julian Williamsen the attack began when the Kalistani Navy attacked a commercial cargo ship traversing through the strait under escort from the Kazulian Navy. Retaliatory action was taken by the Kazulian Navy after it destroyed two Kalistani destroyers and several smaller gunboats. The warships sought to cripple Kalistan's capability to close to strait of Anato after the aforementioned retaliatory action sought to cripple the nation's navy. Commordore Williamsen stated that the actions of the Kazulian Navy to the unlawful attack on nonbelligerent shipping was restrained and that the Kalistani Navy continues to breach international law as it pertains to its self-proclaimed possession of the Strait of Anato as sovereign territory. In a similar instance the Kalistani Navy had engaged and destroyed a Lourennais frigate after it had traversed through the straits. Since the initial declaration by the Kalistani Navy, Kazulia and Lourenne have remained determined to keep the straits open to commercial shipping and the movement of combatant vessels under the Law of the Sea agreement.

Defence Department officials stating that several Kalistani sailors were captured after the wreckages of the KRS-52 Kracken and the KRS-57 Balrog. According to Commodore Williamsen they had been taken up by the HKMS-Åge Esse Support Ship and the HKMS-Robin Wagle frigate/destroyer after the HKMS-Åge Esse destroyed the KRS-57 Balrog and the KRS-52 Kracken. Marine-Spesialkommando units descended on the stranded crew arresting all and having them transferred to Asvanger Prison in Dreton. It has been stated that the prisoners will be released after negotiations between the Kalistani Government and the Kazulian Government have been made. According to a guard within the prison, prisoners of war are separated from other prisoners and are given particular attention especially as it pertains to their health and well-being whilst being held in the prison. Although Kazulia is renowned for its reformist prison system which stresses the importance of rehabilitation and reintegration, Asvanger Prison is no representation of this reformist system as the prison refuses to compromise on the sentiment of punishment in exchange for "rehabilitation."
Commodore Julian Williamsen, Principle Media Relations Officers for the Department of Defence wrote:In recent months, we have seen Kaliburg's decision to claim the Strait of Anato as sovereign territory of the United Republic of Kalistan. Under this attempt to undermine international law as established by the Law of the Sea agreement, the nation has insisted that the strait is available to the allies of the nation, and non-aligned parties who intend on traversing the strait must obtained a writ of transit. Through intimidation and the use of its navy, the nation enforces the sentiment that the strait is not International waters but is Kalistan's sovereign territory. Let it be known, that the straits will remain open to commercial and military shipping, regardless of the illegal claims of the Kalistani government. The Kazulian Navy is here to stay as it will ensure that the straits remain open and commercial/military shipping through the strait will go without harassment from the Kalistani Government. Its repeated attempt to reassert its self-proclaimed dominance in the Anantonese Sea.The Anantonese Ocean is not a hegemonic play ground (as previously mentioned by the Kalistani government where it stated that the title of "Guarantor of the Anantonese Ocean" was reserved to the Kalistani Navy. The Anantonese Ocean, in all of its capacity aside from the economic exclusion zones as established by the Law of the Sea agreement, is an open body of water whereby every and any nation has the right to operate within, similar to the rights reserved by the Kalistani government in its ability to operate within the Anantonese Ocean.

The Department of Defence has slammed Vanuku's arming of Kalistan's Armed Forces amid the nation's attempt to close the Strait of Anato, which shipping from Majatran nations traverses through. The Vanukean Government according to Kalistani state media has supplied the nation with submarines, frigates, destroyers, multi-role fighters and other associated equipment. Commodore Williamsen stated that Department of Defence condemns Vanuku's arming of the Kalistani Navy as it increasing the nation's ability to restrict the movement of commercial vessels through the Strait of Anato. Commodore Williamsen said: "The Vanukean government arms the Kalistani Navy as its commercial shipping through the ocean will not be harassed by the Kalistani Navy as they will be viewed as an "ally" of the nation.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Reximus » Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:01 am

January 4412
Konstitusjonpartiet Formed; Seeks to Shake Up Kazulian Politics
Organizer Kjell Koppang Elected First National Chairman

Kjell Koppang prior to inaugural address at first Konstitusjonpartiet National Convention

SKALM - With the recent formation of the Konstitusjonpartiet (the "Ks") in the immediate aftermath of the May 4411 elections which saw the emergence of a two-party system in Kazulia for the first time in decades, it is undeniable that Kazulian politics have been shaken up. A self-described "soft-republican" party that is dedicated to constitutionalism and devolution of powers alongside a more libertarian agenda of deregulation, the Ks have entered the national attention, and in many quarters generated substantial excitement.

With its roots in a republican student movement, known as the Republikanske Studentalliansen, the Ks have since registered as an official party with the Kazulian government. As the Ks reached more and more people, the need for a formal organizational structure became apparent. True to the devolution-centered agenda that the Konstitusjonpartiet supports, party-founder Kjell Koppang structured the national organization around provincial parties located in each of the provinces (Agatha, Flindar, Dreton, Hent, and Kelvon). Then, in January, the greatest showing of support yet came: thousands of Konstitusjonpartiet grassroots members and activists descended upon the national capital of Skalm for the first Konstitusjonpartiet National Convention.

The event had a number of panels and speeches on core principles, along with the election of the National Chairman by duly-qualified grassroots members. Under the provisional charter system established by the Executive Council, each province is entitled to 1/5 of the total vote share in the election of the National Chairman, with the candidate receiving the plurality of votes from a single province getting its vote.

Koppang faced off against fellow Executive Council member Stig Vik for the initial position of National Chairman. Ultimately, Koppang defeated Vik by a vote of 4 provincial votes to 1.

In his inaugural address as the duly-elected National Chairman, Koppang (who led the legislative proposals and creation of the initial manifesto of 4411) delivered the following remarks to the National Congress:
My fellow Constitutionalists, it is a great honor to have received your support and confidence to lead this party going forward. I pledge myself to our core beliefs - to devolution, to the constitution, and to the Republic! As we gather here for this event, the first ever National Convention of our new party, we must remember that we not only carry our own hopes and dreams with us, but also the hopes and dreams of the future generations. We cannot continue to live in a country plagued by titles of nobility, plagued by the excesses of monarchy and imperialism. Together, we shall form this nation in an image worthy of the Kazulian people!
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:08 am

Government concerned of looming civil war in Indrala
Federal Government concerned of growing instability within Indrala; mulls intervention
The Indralan Embassy in the Skalm suburb.

The Federal Government has expressed great concern in the situation developing Indrala whereby pro-republican forces and imperial-loyalists are moving closer to a state of conflict during a transitional phase which had left the nation vulnerable. Officials from the Kazulian Embassy in Tian'an warned that the once stable nation was on the verge of slipping into an extremely violent period. Speaking to the Nyheter, Kazulian Ambassador to Indrala, Torgeir Lorenzen said signs pointing towards mass troop movements throughout the nation at the hands of rising paramilitary factions were already apparent, such as increasingly polarised political identities and views on the outlook of Indrala. Ambassador Lorenzen stated that he had planned a meeting with members of the Indralan government to reassure to the nation's existing government apparatus that Kazulian citizens within Indrala will be safe and that the Kingdom of Kazulia will stand by Indrala in its time of uncertainty. Although the Department of Foreign Affairs has not imposes a travel advisory similar to that of the Imperial Crownlands, Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristian Husby stated that the government was currently discussing details on the implications of a travel advisory.

Ambassador Lorenzen stated that special attention had to be paid to the paramilitary organisations rising out of the situation. With the various militias establishing their control in the respective regions, the Indralan government's control of the situation is waning as its response to the situation is neither rapid nor measured. Minister Husby stated that the Indralan Ambassador to Kazulia had been summoned for consultation on the developing situation as the government in Skalm is not pleased with the sentiment of an unstable Indrala. "A nation which had been historically extremely stable, even more stable than Kazulia at times should never have to the deal with this level of instability. The warring factions and their drive towards taking advantage of the nation's vulnerability in its transitional phase is concerning and could be detrimental to security within the region." Concerns had been raise as it pertained to business interests, the crownlands and Kazulia share the sentiment that instability in Indrala will not serve in the interests of the economic potential which it has developed over the past decades. Indrala remains a major economic power in the international community, with an economy stronger than that of Kazulia, Indrala's economic stability remains in important factor towards stability within the wider region.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Reximus » Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:06 pm

October 4412
Konstitusjonpartiet Opposes Monarchic Constitution
Koppang: Monarchy Incompatible with Rule of Law

Koppang Decries Efforts to Force Illegitimate Monarchy Down Kauzlia's Throat

SKALM - The young Konstitsjonpartiet is already engaging in the fight for its values of republicanism, devolution, and equality before the law. The issue at question is the proposed Reformed Constitution of the Kingdom of Kazulia, which was introduced by the Nasjonal Arbeiderkongress and was just brought to a vote before the Stortinget. "We are simply outnumbered in the Stortinget," National Chairman of the Konstitusjonpartiet Kjell Koppang told Konstitusjonen. "It looks very likely that, barring a miracle change of opinion by De Liberale Konservative, this constitution that enshrines monarchy will be foisted onto the Kazulian people."

That hasn't stopped Koppang from arguing at length about the downsides of the proposed constitution. "First off, the fact that the two-party duopoly is trying to enforce this right as we emerge as a national power player, is ironic at best, conspiratorial at worst," Koppang said in his interview, echoing the introduction to his Stortinget floor speech on the topic. An except from the floor speech can be found here:

Of course, the most objectionable element of this mock constitution is the monarchy. We are a proud people, yes, but that makes us capable of self-government. We Kazulians should rule our nation as the ultimate sovereigns, not a king or queen who has inherited their throne. There is a minor concession in the form of an elected monarchy, but upon closer inspection, it is clear that the monarch is in fact a member of the royal house! This is not an election, it's a farcical display of cowardice. Let's allow for the head of state to be elected, and then we can see if the monarch can maintain his or her popularity for decades. Because we all already know the answer: a hereditary monarch is undemocratic and would be heartily rejected by the Kazulian people.
Herr Huspresident and members of the Stortinget, thank you for indulging me, for listening to what must be said. This is in defense of democracy, this is in defense of self-government, of equality before the law, and most importantly in defense of Kazulia! I hope that the inherent contradictions of this document have been exposed for what they are, and that we can move forward with a republican system of government.

Koppang also called out the lack of mainstream media attention to the constitution ratification debate. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create real, effective government that is simply going squandered and wasted on attempts to protect the monarchy - a vile institution that is grossly unpopular. We need a real national debate, perhaps even a referendum on this issue. But we're not getting that, instead we're getting it shoved down the people's throat before the Konstitusjonpartiet has a real chance to stand for a general election."

The debate, which was called short, didn't even see the NAK or DLK respond to the arguments put forward by the Ks' leader. This calls into question the legitimacy of the entire process, which was intended originally as a mark-up but instead saw a flawed document go to a vote before the Stortinget. In fact, the document has two sections labelled "Article VI", which just indicates how rushed and botched the roll-out of this constitution really was.

When asked about what to do to counter the monarchic constitution - a document that places the king/queen above the rule of law - Koppang suggested joining the Ks and voting for Konstitusjoners come election day. "Until then, we can only hope that DLK is willing to vote no on this constitution. But don't hold your breath," Koppang advised.
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