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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:51 am

Khilafat Landslide
And The Name of The Caliph is...
December 4340

The newly formed Khilafat Movement has found overwhelming electoral success, winning 204 out of 205 seats in the Federal Assembly. The stunning victory has created all sorts of theories about how an unknown party suddenly won without any apparent success in rousing voters or receiving donations. For the average Kafuri, these are signs of foreign interference and many believe that the Khilafat Movement may be under the pressure of a foreign power, perhaps one involved in the south Majatran conflict. The movement itself has denied any such pressure or influence and says that it is focusing on assembling a tribal Shura to elect the new Caliph.

The Ahmad Mosque

Yet the rumours persist. One Nekkah tribesman claims to have seen the ghost of Deltarian war hero Zog Thaller meeting his local tribal Sheikh. This was dismissed as "qat-fueled nonsense" by Khilafat leaders until someone found a photo of Thaller's son, Marlon Zogsrmko Thaller. The younger Thaller was born posthumous to Zog's Jeztri princess bride. The photo showed him to be a dead ringer for his famous father while another conspiracy theory minded genealogist tracked down the genealogy of Thaller's grandmother - the wife of the notorious Thallerist adventurer Malgus III. She was found to be from a Siphinian tribe whose leaders claim descent from the Prophet Ahmad. A large conference of sheikhs also raised speculation with some reporting the presence of a number of foreign looking attendees.

All this has been dismissed by the Movement and the leaders have decried such speculation as dangerous but also pointed out that the post was open to any Ahmadi male who was a Seyyed (descendant of the Prophet Ahmad) They will assemble at the great Ahmad (Prophet)'s Mosque in the coming year and there, according to tradition, they will elect the Caliph.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Bow6020 » Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:21 pm

A new political party has been founded in Kafuristan: The Hosian Party of Kafuristan. The party's founder, Aaliyah Faye, has pledged to bring Hosian values to Kafuristan, a nation that has been challenged by years of unstable government and anarchy. In an interview the the party's newspaper, the Kafuristan Daily, Faye has made it clear that she has big plans and big reforms in mind for Kafuristan. But who is she? Here's a short biography to tell the people who she is. Aaliyah Faye was born to Luthorian investors Michael and Alima Faye. The two had founded the investment firm Wisdom Inc., which made them billionaires, and enabled them to give their only child a world class education. The two had hoped for their daughter to go into investment as they had, but instead, she chose to go into politics, and moved back to her maternal ancestral home in Kafuristan after her father passed away when she was 24, leaving his 70 billion Lodamunese dollar fortune and 150 billion dollar investment and holding firm to her. In the 2 years since she has moved, she has helped grow Hosianism, her personal religion, within Kafuristan, and has now made a movement out of it. She is now campaigning around the nation to gain trust amongst Ahmadists, and has made pushes for support with tribal leaders, whose support is critical to win elections. The HPK has clearly been a hit, and many expect them to win the elections coming up soon.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:42 pm

Ba’athist storm to victory, positive outlook on Kafuri’s future
June 4410

Ba’athist paramilitary forces from the Republican Guard moved into eastern Kafuristan today to secure oil fields occupied by striking and rioting Ahmadi extremist. Commander of the Republican Guard General Mubashshir Nassif stated that the operation was successful and that there were limited casualties, mostly related to the initial assault on several oil fields. The move is widely seen as the regime as cementing their hold on the Kafuri economy.

A series of laws have been passed by the newly crowned People’s Assembly which further look to stabilize Kafuristan. A series of successive failing governments have lead to various political, social, economic and religious conflicts in various regions around Kafuristan. President al-Baten has stated that the rule of law will return to Kafuristan. Officials met earlier this week with religious leaders to attempt to quell the religious violence.

The new President has also stated that a series of actions will happen over the course of the year to stop the various terrorist, militias and paramilitaries seeking to undermine Kafuristan. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also announced a major diplomatic reshuffle as several career diplomats were arrested for corruption and abuse of office; sending major shockwaves through the diplomatic stance of the Kafuri Republic.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:07 am

Ba'ath Party confirms powers; forms National and Regional Command under one roof
December, 4412

al-Kasraj - At the gathering of the Ba'ath Regional Congress, meant to discuss a wide variety of issues as well as elect the Central Committee of the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party have announced that the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party - Kafuristan Region would become the sole Ba'ath party due to lack of centralization and ability to make decisions on a national level. Regional Secretary and President of Kafuristan Sulaimaan al-Baten spoke at length regarding the poor status of Majatran majority nations and that Ahmadism was underneath a growing threat of death if not organized properly. President al-Baten is expected to begin a large international world tour of neighboring Majatran nations and to work with others to re-build Kafuristan. The 2nd Regional Congress saw many new members of the Central Committee elected, including ones currently holding office. The Military Bureau was formally established, the announcement that the Haider Harun al-Kasraj Central Party School was to be established and placed underneath the command of the Central Committee was formalized and the Party Coordinating Bureau was formed; meant to curb abuses and corruption within the party before it even has a chance to start. al-Baten was also elected National Secretary, the overall leader of the "National Command" which exists on paper as no other Ba'ath party is currently formed; effectively making him the sole ruler of Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:24 am

Oil portfolio added to Ministry of Trade and Industry, becoming Ministry of Trade, Industry and Oil
May, 4411

al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi - President Sulaimaan al-Baten was joined by Prime Minister Abdul Wahaab el-Shams and newly minted Minister of Trade, Industry and Oil Mukhtaar el-Mohamad who was formally announced when all former oil operation agencies were centralized underneath the Ministry of Trade and Industry. President al-Baten spoke very highly of Minister el-Mohamad who served an engineering specializing in drilling and upstream engineering. The ceremony was heavily guarded by elements of the Kafuri Republican Guard, the paramilitary body that is a de facto branch of the armed forces. The police and military presence was felt as foreign journalist were subjected to security checkpoints and screening; only certain domestic media outlets were allowed to attend. The President praised the security officials, namely Major General Rafiqa bin Shahd Ahmad who is the commanding officer of the capital district's Republican Guard and overall the leading security official for the capital. Over the past several months the Kafuri Armed Forces have undergone a massive renovation underneath Minister of Defense General Faaid al-Baig, who also serves as the Chief of the General Staff & General-Director of the Operations Directorate granting him supreme authority within the military. The armed forces, while ruled by the Government of Kafuristan is ruled primarily by the Military Bureau of the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party; where President al-Baten is the Secretary-General (both for the region and national command).

President al-Baten also announced several projects that had begun 2 years prior at the behest of the Military Bureau and the Kafuri General Staff's Military Technical Directorate which includes an updated version of the Trigunian T-72 main battle tank; the updated locally produced variant is known as the Lion of the Heart as well as domestically produced local variants of a wide variety of Trigunian equipment. It is likely that this plans are left over from the early days of the Majatran Organization for Industrialization. President al-Baten also announced that a series of overhauls would be targeted at re-building the defensive capabilities of Kafuristan; namely the ground and air and air defense forces. Security officials, notably the General Intelligence Directorate (foreign intelligence) and the Political Security Directorate (domestic intelligence) have been granted nigh unlimited power by decree's of the President and the Presidential Council. Military, security and police officials have been attached throughout the region and the Ministry of Defense is considered to be running at 75% after decades of neglect and mismanagement; while many political experts in the Northern world have said that Kafuristan would fall to corruption the Ba'athist "Party Discipline and Virtues Bureau" alongside the Presidential Councilor Ghaalib Shareef who is in charge of anti-corruption matters has carried out a series of raids leading to arrests and convictions of party members, industrialist, business and religious leaders who have sought to profit "...off the Majatran people in Kafuristan".

Economically the 3 and half years since the Ba'athist have taken power has shown the Kafuri economy grown ten-fold. The Minister of Finance, Economics and Commerce has worked with the People's Assembly to create the Strategic Reserve Fund of the Central Bank of Kafuristan which will act as a "rainy day" fund so to speak. A joint announcement earlier last year saw the creation of the Kafuri Investment and Monetary Authority which will act as the sovereign wealth fund of Kafuristan, it will also be responsible for coordinating foreign trade with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Oil and ensuring that the Kafuri Import-Export Bank is managed properly. Foreign investment in Kafuristan, despite being managed, is relatively open and new markets are expected to continue open as large swathes of country fall underneath the control of the government nearly 4 years later.

Minor stories
-- Ba'athist affiliated militia's continue to operate under Ministry of the Interior's new "Militia Decree";
-- Suspected extremist Ahmadi's go missing;
-- al-Kasraj Stock Exchange set to open "soon" says Ministry of Finance, Economics and Commerce report;
-- Ministry of Defense HQ to undergo massive renovation alongside current Ministry of the Interior renovation
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:05 am

Political Security Directorate arrests opposition leaders
November, 4414

Kafuristan - Political Security Directorate officers have arrested a number of Kafuri opposition leaders today and charged them with treason and "conspiring against the People of Kafuristan". These arrests come in the wake of allegations and rumors that several opposition leaders met with foreign financers to undermine Ba'athist rule in Kafuristan. President al-Baten spoke at a press conference shortly after the raids took place in the middle of the night, the President announced on state television that the leaders of several major political opposition parties and organizations had been arrested. Protests broke out temporarily but were dispersed by Interior Ministry Central Security Directorate forces and Republican Guard forces, several protesters were arrested and subsequently released according to a report from Major General Rafiqa bin Shahd Ahmad who is the commanding officer of all al-Kasraj security forces. Interior Minister Naseer al-Mansoor noted that Central Security Directorate forces were on standby in advance of the raids to "prevent damage to property or people".

Republican Guard forces throughout the country were also placed on high alert, Republican Guard Security Directorate units allegedly arrested several officers and enlisted personnel for belonging to "clandestine political parties" that sought to undermine Ba'athist rule. Reports are unconfirmed and the Republican Guard has traditionally not commented on matters related to the Republican Guard itself or the armed forces.

Minor stories
-- al-Kasraj Stock Exchange continues into temporary operational stages;
-- Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Interior renovation near completion;
-- Domestic arms industry sees boom in purchases from state and militia forces;
-- Continued raids against Israist extremist within Kafuristan
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:52 am

Technical achievements ahead of elections
June, 4415

President al-Baten visited a newly restored armored vehicle factory today which would be producing a domestic Trigunian variant of the T-72. The armored factory began operations nearly 6 months ago and the first series of 25 tanks and armored vehicles will be produced every month until the factory is fully operational. Kafuristan’s Ministry of Defense has announced a series of plans aimed at expanding the domestic arms industry.

The Majatran Organization for Industrialization (MOI) is responsible for numerous factories and was once owned by Dorvik, Jakania and Kafuristan however only Kafuristan remains. It operates several factories. The State Armaments and Production Committee has also been formally announced to coordinate state activities in armaments and military technical production. Rumors have surfaced that the Kafuri government is actively exploring launching a reconnaissance satellite, being one of the first and only Majatran majority nations to do so. The MOI has numerous technical schematics and blueprints for a wide variety of countries military equipment, mostly purchased when Dorvik was attempting to build a long term ally in Kafuristan and Jakania.

Rumors regarding the satellite are expected to come to light within the coming months, the satellite having either a dual purpose or be followed by a civilian satellite.

The President also met with militia leaders ahead of the coming elections, notably present were members of the Free Majatran Legion, a primarily Dundorfian organization managed by the Security Service of the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association. It is likely that the President will unify command of all various militia’s underneath “Kafuri National Defense Forces” and place himself at the head of the joint militia command while they continue to operate as functionally independent. It was announced that the Ministry of the Interior would have a “National Guard” however it appears that it will be scrapped in favor of this national defense force.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby EDominus » Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:40 am

Members of the Ba'ath Party are Arrested for Treason

Former President al-Baten, and over a hundred other members of the former Ba'ath Party have been arrested under President el-Saladin's "Democratic Preservation" campaign. Malek Aslam, Minister of Internal Affairs, has sent federal inquisitors to throughout the country to interrogate these members for corruption, extortion, and most notably treason.

"To uphold our democratic institutions, we must purge the things that seek harm it! Let us never forget that no man is above the law. And the power in our democracy does not come from a President or Governor, but ultimately from the judgment of citizens themselves!" Malek Aslam statements during a press briefing on the recent event.

Last Tuesday, members of the People's Council voted in favor of the arrests, but more has yet to be seen.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby EDominus » Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:01 am

May 25th, 4439

Kafuristan Pursues Economic Isolation After Black Thursday Market Crash

After the Istalian stock market crash, el-Saladin and the Republicans began its push to economically isolate the country. Tariffs have been raised against neighboring Badara, Kalopia, and Istalia. As well as taxation on businesses who export "valuable goods" such as petroleum, textiles, steel, and cement.

Most recently the People's Council had passed the Kafuristan Economic Stabilization Act (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=576838), which saw Kafuristan's withdrawal from the International Majatran Trade Agreement (IMTA), the Agreement on the Trans-Majatran Corridors Network, and the Union of Majatran Nations.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Hinn » Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:40 pm

"Enlightenment" Time for Kafuristan
January 4450

Kafuri tech billionaire tycoon Yusuf al-Muan has led his new Enlightenment Party to a landslide electoral victory. Al-Muan, 36 fought the election on an unusual platform of introducing an "enlightened despotic" monarchy which he argues, would lead to the development of rule of law, respect for property and human rights faster than an "unwieldy" liberal democracy would. Al-Muan is said to be worth some 10 billion KAF and is the founder of a number of highly popular Majatran social media sites such as KafMeet, a popular dating app and several online news outlets too.

Yusuf al-Muan

As of now, the Shura is debating his elevation to the position of Sultan. Al-Muan has offered few details of his program but has to pledged to liberalise the economy and society within the context of a gradually democratising political system. Kafuris have little to lose since they have been through several despotic regimes in the past few decades alone and one which at least promises to protect some basic rights is likely to be an improvement.
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